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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21241264 No.21241264 [Reply] [Original]

Do I sell my stack of vechain or sit on it? What do good sirs

>> No.21241415

The best is yet to come. VET is finally awakening from its long bear market, with new partners and use cases popping up every week. I can see this getting up to 5 or 6 cents during the bull market, which will mean some nice profits. In the meantime, you can keep generating VTHO and adding swapping it for VET to increase your stack.

>> No.21241438

also on the fence. 2c sound good for the level of dev they have. but the value of the partnerships gained alone is billions idk dude. fucking mind fuck coin

>> No.21241445
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try 5-6 USD

>> No.21241459

Just hold it man.

>> No.21241477
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also 500k holder

>> No.21241521

That's hard to imagine without a huge increase in daily txs. Right now they're producing waaaay more VTHO than burned, to the point where there is a massive stockpile.

For VET to get to $5 or $6, daily VTHO usage would need to be astronomically higher.

>> No.21241541
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dont think about the why grasshopper

>> No.21241593

>contemplating selling china's coin
>doesnt know about one belt one road initiative
just sell it op, you dont deserve to make it

>> No.21241902


>> No.21241985

>>doesnt know about one belt one road initiative
After he sells he'll live out the one tree one rope initiative.

>> No.21242034

.50 easy, get in now to the future Amazon of traceability. Don’t feel bad if you miss it

>> No.21242054

its a long term hold. Don't expect a pump soon.

>> No.21242213

They seem to have a lot of partnerships but is it actually being used? Thats just something im skeptical about.

>> No.21242280
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>is it actually being used?
I was gonna link you a website that has all that information and more but it also contains my hidden gem i'm accumulating so...

>> No.21242364

so once vet starts tracking pharmaceuticals, i think we will see a good bump. Then again, i can but 100k VET and forget about it.

>> No.21242433

How do you feel about "the rumors are true" meme, that one always kept me away.

>> No.21242475

buy the rumor,sell the news

>> No.21242577

You're right about that, unless im missing something, their bmw partnership was fake according to "bmw usa" on twitter. If thats true, could other partnerships be fake or even exaggerated? Not trying to fud, just trying to get other peoples opinions.

>> No.21242611

The rumor is true

>> No.21242764

>vechain holds enough of their own token to supply enterprises with vthor
>vthor is worthless anyway
>101 unknown authority nodes
>foundation has said they onboard enterprises at no cost
>the partners are investing in the company not the shitcoin
>x node debacle
>the rumor is true
yeah this is a great token OP

>> No.21242790

Back in 2017 they exaggerated every bit of news they could to moonshot the price, like most projects. Since then the price has been suppressed to allow smart money to accumulate. Partnerships are downplayed if anything to allow more accumulation, but we've broken out of that range now. This is an easy and comfy hold, top 10 guaranteed

>> No.21242813

The partnership was never fake. And someone from BMW spoke at the VeChain summit last year. Look for more info on the VeChain/BMW project in the next year.

>> No.21242930

Could you provide some examples of partnerships being downplayed? Honestly it seems the opposite, you cant deny that they hype the crap out of everything.

Looking more into it, it seems they are apart of a startup program, which isn't really a "partnership". For example, link is apart of the AWS startup program yet no one says they are partnered with amazon. Let me know if im wrong. If thats true however, it would be exampe of them overhyping things that really arent that big of a deal.

>> No.21243658
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Just my impression of their marketing, which went from hyped up keynotes in 2017 with cryptic tweets, to almost total silence. They toned down marketing themselves to the public from 2018. It's like they're less concerned with community engagement and more about onloading partners to their blockchain - about delivering an actual product and usecase

I've no doubt this shit has massive insider trading, like a lot of coins, and that trading paints the portrait of an only just now awakening giant

>> No.21243986

Last bullrun it $9/ven. It means 0.09cent vet. Gains will come for you if you hold

>> No.21244285

I have 3m VET and an Xnode. will i make it?

>> No.21244499

Best is yet to come? We'll hit over $1.00 at the very least minting many as new millionaires in the up coming 1 to 2 year run up. Ask yourselves, is one two or even 3 years too much time to wait to make a million in VET? If yes, you deserve to die poor and mostly likely will.

>> No.21244559


>> No.21244634

And seriously if you think this coin is topping out at .05 your a fckn noob at crypto. FFS what are you, 12 or just an out of touch 90 year old boomer...?

>> No.21244659

I like the sounds of that. It'd me a cool 9 million.

>> No.21244723

VC jim bryer is helping do this but when this pops its going to big.

>> No.21245173

I'll link the website, because this shill is too frightened you'll stumble upon the truth


VET's only purpose is to produce VTHO, which serves as gas for the network. Shills claim partnerships and use is an ATH, but they will never reference the data. Less than 20m VTHO is being burned per week, and that is the same exact amount that was being burned 2 years ago when I sold this shit in 2018. They've literally made zero progress. VTHO burn = revenue of the network distributed among holders. So a network valued at 1.2b is generating 20k USD in revenue per week. Laughable.

>> No.21245270

Coca-Cola kid here, Glad to see there's still a delusional chunk of investors. suckers.

>> No.21245795


It does seem to be higher on average than it was in 2018 although the growth over the last year is minimal. I noticed the vtho in circulation is increasing despite seeing no increase in burn rate, why is that?