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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21232759 No.21232759 [Reply] [Original]

Most people think Eth is going to scale - it isn't till end of 2021 at the earliest. Uniswap is already building out on other projects that support the EVM.
> Muh Cardano, muh EOS, muh Tezos eth killers are a meme
Listen fuckwad, Tezos never tried to scale, EOS didn't brand as Eth EVM & it costs smart contracts a fortune to run on. You need to be paying attention right now

>> No.21232810

ADA was build partly just for that, thats why charles stepped out of ETH

>> No.21232841

So who will be the winner of the mighty Giant eth is due for a fall?

>> No.21232871

> Q4
We'll see - have my doubts ...

>> No.21232893


>> No.21232930

The winner will be NEAR but everything that has an eth EVM, can scale and DEX/Uniswaps are building on will fly.

>> No.21232967

soon enough it will be too expensive to move shit from my fucking metamask, getting nervous about eth crashing this whole market at this point.

>> No.21232972

> Lightning for BTC
> STARKs for Tezos
Good luck with that

>> No.21233058

Ren, Elrond, SyS

>> No.21233066

So what you're saying is load up on ETH now because it will explode in 2021 once scaling issues are resolved

>> No.21233104

ETC is the obvious winner here. 99% of current eth dapps could copy paste onto ETC right now and be set for next 10 years.

>> No.21233139


>> No.21233144

>Eth 2.0 doesn't support smart contracts
wtf does this even mean? isn't that the entire pupose of eth?

>> No.21233187

I'll research everything people are shilling. Not my bets but Alorand is at the top of my not invested but interested in.
The fact that it held it's btc price so much better than most thru the bear & the team looks significantly head and shoulders above *most* of the competition makes me curious.

>> No.21233206

ETC is a worthless chain

>> No.21233215
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Cardano wins

>> No.21233228

You will have 2 chains. Eth 1 & eth 2 - if you want to stake you move to Eth 2 and can't come back to 1.
Smart contracts will be limited to Eth 1 until sharding is implemented on 2.0

>> No.21233254

What happens with chainlink

>> No.21233255

oh my god, what a fucking piece of shit

>> No.21233286

We will have two prices Eth 1.0 & Eth 2.0 on coinmarketcap. Will be hilarious.

>> No.21233293
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sounds fucking retarded

>> No.21233317

To be quite frank there are too many bright people working on ETH that it won't fail. I'm older than most of you. Late forties and been a part of crypto since 2014. There are elements that can be discerned by older individuals that if applied to future events one can "see" how certain projects will unfold. And the future for ETH has never looked brighter. There are many who feel they missed the boat so they fud ETH. But the out come will be the same as EOS and Tron and Nano and the other supposed "ETH killers." Greed makes poor choices. Just ask the holders of the above ETH killers... There is only one choice now due to the momentum surrounding It. Good luck guys.

>> No.21233342

Algorand is the fastest blockchain I’ve ever used with the most simple staking system. The iOS app is extremely slick and the team behind Algorand is awesome.

>> No.21233346

Unironically bullish for LINK.

>> No.21233367

It's supposedly blockchain agnostic, but can they really migrate that easily?Any stinkies here care to elaborate?

>> No.21233391

Isnt ren an erc20 token? Wouldnt all erc20 tokens that arent blockchain agnostic crash with eth? I'm a brainlet, so sorry if this is a retarded question.

>> No.21233396

Stop believing the lies of bitcoin maximalists.

>> No.21233421

We are still waiting for Bitcoin scaling on L2 after 8 years. The maxis are still saying it will get smart contracts & cream eth.
We'll see ...

>> No.21233450


Where we’re going, we don’t need ETH.

>> No.21233523

It's all true. Everything..

>> No.21233574


>> No.21233750

Even if this were to happen ETH has way too much of a lead on other projects. The amount of quality dev's on the ETH project is its biggest asset so that even if btc were to dev a project, by the time it were to come out it would be irrelevant in the greater scheme of the crypto space. There's a velocity that is propelling ETH that will be nearly impossible to stop.

>> No.21233989

So what are you saying? What L1 solution is the future, don’t tell me it’s Polkadot.

>> No.21234089

Pajeet tiered fud.

>> No.21234097

I'm both trying not to shill & force other people to.

>> No.21234129


The only coin that scales bsv, vitalik was gonna do his project on bitcoin via color coins but bye cant scale and block stream cucked him

>> No.21234144

I used to think that, but wouldn’t lower fees mean the price appreciation will be lower as well? Since now people are willing to pay whatever it takes to settle a transaction.

>> No.21234188

>Even if this were to happen myspace has way too much of a lead on other projects.

>> No.21234223

Lol it's Chainlink
Arbitrum is gonna eat Eth's lunch

>> No.21234318

What's the point of eth without smartcontracts?

>> No.21234358

Kek this is bait r-right?

>> No.21234398

I'm older than most of you here, and I can say that eth was always just a settlement layer for Chainlink

>> No.21234418

Only if the number of uses remains constant m, but if it works better and gains more adoption, it means more apps using ETH, which means more normies buying ETH which makes the price go up

>> No.21234428

The fees are getting insane I paid like 50 bucks or something this week

>> No.21234464

>Most people think Eth is going to scale - it isn't till end of 2021 at the earliest.
wrong, L2 on ETH is alive
L1 is never going to scale alone unless you start using a single database in some amazon datacenter instead of a blockchain
betting on L1 is retarded

>> No.21234583

Rollup based uniswap implementations are in the making and cannot come soon enough

>> No.21234651

Kek. If you are so old then you were around to see:

Google overtake Yahoo


Facebook overtake MySpace which overtook Friendster

>> No.21234707

Also this. Which is exactly why Vitalik hates Chainlink. He is one of the few people who knows what’s coming.

>> No.21234834

Bullshit, that doesn't make sense. There's literally no point of eth without smart contracts and no point in staking either

also this whole "omg who's going to flip eth???" debate is fud. It's not fucking happening.

>> No.21234874

Eth 2.0 will come out at the peak of the next bullrun around Christmas 2021

>> No.21234881

too bad the total supply is outrageous and inflation will prevent it from ever pumping

>> No.21234967
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High IQ anon I see.

Syscoin has made a bridge indeed. Binance already is using it for it´s ERC20 stablecoin BUSD.
Just buy some syscoin and wait. It´s going to be a 100x before end of year.

>> No.21235087
File: 31 KB, 689x445, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile on Bitcoin everything scales including smart contracts... And TX costs less than fractions of fractions of a cent.

>> No.21235133

I pay like $50 a day

>> No.21235169

How cute.

>> No.21235258

You're comparing apples and oranges. The development community wasn't focused on Myspace or Friendster. They're different than crypto in which talent gets rewarded. All myspace and friendster had were consoomers not innovators. You can argue Facebook has a shit ton of developers now, but Myspace wasnt a giant operation at the scale of Ethereum.

>> No.21235300

>In June 2009, Myspace employed approximately 1,600 employees.
>Revenue $100 million

>> No.21235408

Uniswap fees go to $15

>> No.21235411

They cannot release all those new features at the same time. So the Eth 2 release is rolling out in phases.

>> No.21235528

Bitcoin has the money meme and doesn't give a shit - the entire market would arguably lose it's value if bitcoin died which is why it won't. Eth has the "digital oil" for "smart contracts on a secure computer" meme
Google "Will eth 2.0 support smart contracts"
I'm not holding my breath since we've been talking about lightning for 5 years (and eth sharding for about that long too) but if bitcoin would just get it done we could move on with the bull market

>> No.21235618


>> No.21235849

Think about if you just waited to swap investments at the over taking point in both google and Facebook. You would still be rich. It’s best just to stick with the leaders.

>> No.21235970

Download blue wallet or phoenix wallet and use the lightning network you stupid faggot. Stop listening to other people and DYOR. Lightening works fucking great right now, and its easy as fuck for anybody.

>> No.21236167

Just do me a favor and don't shill it after you buy. I've been accumulating it for awhile since 20 cents now and I want a bigger bag still...i think it's going to surpass a dollar this year and keep going. Will definitely see a drawback after, but I'll have my initial investment out of it at that point while the rest rides with the train.

>> No.21236565
File: 89 KB, 1242x1041, 9E3BA644-6832-48F9-8E51-5608EBDC09FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun being dumped on!

>> No.21236956


it'll overtake everything.

>> No.21236965

I've been eyeing ALGO for a long time now, but my biggest concern with this project is the tokenomics: 3.3 billion total supply. That's a shitload.

>> No.21237065

Your reasoning is based on personal emotion. Absolutely nothing of substance and fact to back up your claim. As the other anon said, what you said could be applied to ICQ, Yahoo, Myspace.

>> No.21237273

If I decide it's one of the contenders I welcome the dump - the pump is still a 2-12 months away when btc breaks 20K.
When eth fees consistently go to $20 with no scaling in sight - it won't matter what price you purchased the legit contenders at.

>> No.21237280

Reminder that Hive exists and does everything ETH should do, for free