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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21221419 No.21221419 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21221476

I've been on biz for years, hold a decent stack of XRP, and didn't talk about it because there was nothing to talk about.

It's time, anon.

>> No.21221480
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>> No.21221527


>> No.21221543

Time for what, faggot? XRP is already #3 with a marketcap of $13 BILLION.
Do tell us what the fuck you expect to happen?
XRP going to flip ETH and BTC?
You niggers are the most annoying fucks on here lately.

>> No.21221547

everyone else, even retards can see all the breadcrumbs. How did you even navigate to this website?

>> No.21221561

Retards, it isn't even over 30 cents yet
Neck yourself
Poorfags. Look at XRP's chart.

>> No.21221621

This. Fuck kikes but I'm not betting against them in the financial sector lmaoooo
You retards don't realize a huge majority of that mcap is locked up in various funds and assets. It's not simply sitting around waiting to be exchanged

>> No.21221644

You're not using that term correctly.
XRP isn't a hidden project under any kind of NDA.
$11 billion marketcap

>> No.21221651

>Look at XRP's chart
Try looking at World Events dipshit lmaoooo the absolute state of your shit tier fud attempts

>> No.21221676

Someone hired the bsv shills to shit the board. Give it a couple of weeks.

>> No.21221691

Fuck you retards. Get the fuck off my board. You don't belong here, go back to eddit/your XRP forums

>> No.21221693

breadcrumbs doesn't refer to a coin being new or hidden dipshit... holy fuck not even redditors are this retarded where the fuck did you crawl in from?

>> No.21221710

Who's paying you to talk nonsense like this?

>> No.21221742

Ah yes, the nonsense of accounting for World Events when investing...
Ngmi trannies, top kek though

>> No.21221785

"breadcrumbs" refers to clues/hints about significant partnerships or developments that haven't been made widely known to the public yet.
So what "breadcrumbs" do you think XRP has?
There aren't any and you're a faggot shill.

>> No.21221797
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XRP had always been and will always be on /biz/. When that retarded conspiracy theory comes true I will post pictures of my bowel movements every single day for 365 consecutive days along with a reminder that you had the chance to get rich, but bought LINK instead.

>> No.21221827
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misery loves company

>> No.21221869

because we're creeping really close to the fall aka the dates that the Mellon threads stated.
Plus there's a lot going on in government that aligns with what was shilled. It's interestingly enough possibly coming true. Those with a small stack may make it with little risk. That's why.

>> No.21221947

Good job living under a rock because it's public news that the NYDFS just okay'd US banks to hold XRP, BoA confirmed is now using Ripple Mainet, and Judy Shelton, Trump's Fed pick has been putting crypto before Congress, Pushing for Ripple by name
And that's all public. So you must be truly retarded.
The real breadcrumbs? US, Canada, Brazil will all make huge announcements and be using XRP en masse sometime in Q4, by EOY is guaranteed

>> No.21221966

lol delusional

>> No.21222040

Doesn't cost me a whole lot to be prepped for THE HAPPENING. If it never comes I've lost very little, but if it does... I hope you like pictures of poop.

>> No.21222084

Those announcements are mostly about crypto in general faggot. Now you're just being dishonest. Waste of time talking to lying shills.

>> No.21222262

xrp ruined my life.

>> No.21222264

Oh yeah, BoA using Ripple Mainnet is definitely about every crypto equally, and the breadcrumbs about Q4 aren't XRP exclusive at all, and XRP isn't the only one used by name before Congress
Lmao stay poor tranny niggerrrrr hahahaha

>> No.21222388

We get paid per post. You fuck off whiteboi.

>> No.21222547

this happened last year, and the year before; meme dates

>> No.21222733

awww someone seems a lil upset that they don't know whats going on. Get back into your mommas basement neckbeard. I heard she left a six pack of monster energy's down there for you, for being a good lil faggot.

>> No.21222775

xrp holders are so retarded it's funny

>> No.21222868

I can tell that you're going to be seething harder than the average /biz/let when XRP's switch gets flipped. Better start stacking COPE

>> No.21223523

Wouldn't a high market cap help it flip Ether? You're seething too hard and aren't making sense.

>> No.21223639

Kill yourself, right now.
A higher market cap means it has less room to grow relative to the overall crypto market cap.
What I'm saying is that XRP isn't going to moon unless BTC and ETH already mooned.
The 2017 chart proves this.

>> No.21223748
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>> No.21223750
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This neck beard is clueless and seething. I bet you made so many typos while replying because your shaking more than a PTSD veteran after hearing a loud bang! tee hee hee

>> No.21223753
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I’ve held 1000 for a few years now just in case it moons at a high rate when btc keeps halving and drags the market up.

>But yeah I haven’t seen this many xrp radicals since the last bull market, making me think this is a shilling push

>> No.21223787

Yes, but you shit on XRP for having a high market cap, then stated immediately after that it would be ridiculous to flip the next two on CMC.
You're so angry and wasting time here. Why even seethe in an XRP thread if it's such a trash waste of time?

>> No.21223829
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anonycunt = Kappo :D


>> No.21223855

is that jordan peterson

>> No.21223875

>all the money
Now go play with your link

>> No.21223880

no its jimmy savile

>> No.21223884

>totally organic, chief
bsv is a trash scamcoin, but xrp is just shit.
utter fucking stale, ded merde.
STOP shilling corpses and fuck off you cunts
you stinking the place up

>> No.21223912
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>tfw I hold all 3 :))

>> No.21223942

I at least want to see FUD that's not baseless seething.

>> No.21223949

Replace Chinpokimon with XRP ooooOOOooooOOO


>> No.21223953

Reddits revenge

>> No.21223960

alex d vlogs just bought a paid VPN and it's attacking biz in an attempt to make XRP have 1% of LINK's magic

>> No.21223975
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So buy physical silver and gold then if that’s what worries you.

I’m sure fidget spinner coins will useful in the apocalypse.

>> No.21223991

simple fact is this: the best predictor of future performance is PAST performance. This tells me XRP is gonna be worth $.30 forever.

So yeah I hold some XRP. Got about 1750 of em for $500. If it pops, great, If it doesn't, whatever, I'm trading other shit meanwhile.

>> No.21224769

This is my board now. Suck my dick shill

>> No.21224795


>> No.21224865

paid by the founders and Jed to keep the price up while they dump.

>> No.21224972


>> No.21224973

You un ironically believe the opposite of the saying "past performance is not always indicative of future results".
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.21225114

They have always been here. You just didn't notice them

>> No.21225131

I have told this many times.
Xrp is a way for banks to get eth and btc way cheaper, token only needed for leeching normie money to assets with actual value.

>> No.21225140

#Scam #Shitcoin #BagholderArmyGrows


>> No.21225159

XRP founders have a lot of scam money to throw at third world pumpers, i mean look how much of their scamcoin they dump every quarter to fund """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""development'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.21225244

high iq post

>> No.21225308
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>high iq post

>> No.21225338
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Dubs confirm

>> No.21225382

if the apocalypse happens no one will want your fucking retard soft metals that aren't useful for anything survival related either.
You probably don't even physically hold your own shit kek

>> No.21225513
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Can someone please redpill me on the mellon threads? I saw one post on /pol/ called "the conclusion to the mellon thread" or something but not the ones before so I don't really understand it.

>> No.21225572
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Why are you so triggered over what other people do with their bags retard? If seeing a thread breaks you down this emotionally, no wonder you live in a basement and hide from the real world. Your not gonna make it anon. You'll rope yourself for sure. Also, it's not your board it's everyones board you dumb piece of shit. You don't have to talk about stocks or crypto, you just need to stay relevant to the board's topic. So if I came on here asking how to fix my credit score, or help me budget food it's all fine. You act like an autistic 12-year-old.