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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21205059 No.21205059 [Reply] [Original]

Huge uptick in XRP/Ripple threads coinciding with normies returning to this board and with increased volume on /biz/.

Cripples: Your coin will never return to ATH.
The Ripple technology is used by banks, yes, but banks do not use the XRP token. Your bags are worthless. You are the dumbest retards in all of Crypto, about as dumb as Nano/Iota redditors. You are dumb money.

Fuck you.

>> No.21205088

i rode ripple from .21 cad to .42 cad better than sitting on btc

>> No.21205106

Based, imagine being a linkie who didn't sell, you are imagining being op.

>> No.21205115
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>> No.21205124
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>> No.21205195


>> No.21205231

I made $40k today off of link gains. XRP isn't even over 30 cents.

>> No.21205234

based. cripple holders are smoothbrains

>> No.21205254

it was massed shilled by what seems to be bots or a discord group or something. there were like 100 threads per day for at least a week or two, it was not the normal state of biz. idk what the means price wise or whether to buy or not.

>> No.21205266

>stupid normie redditor meme pic

the ripple community, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.21205269

Three days

>> No.21205290

what does the token actually do

>> No.21205298

Screencapped, you will look like an idiot on August 13th.

>> No.21205364

I'm a human and I make XRP spam threads because I'm also a 33 Freemason

>> No.21205372
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You've had countless, countless LARPs. You are like lambs to the slaughter. You have to hold onto these hopes that XRP will moon to 2k to prevent roping. You should've just bought link.

>> No.21205393


>> No.21205433

It makes you schizophrenic

>> No.21205453

thanks for shitting the board up bruh, post proof of masonry

>> No.21205500

I’ve been in quite a few xrp threads where xrpies seem very chill and rational. Very convincing. Enough that I bought 11k.
It was only recently that I regret the decision.
The majority of xrp holders base their whole strategy on ‘insider’ posts, literal satanic schizo numerology and of course the go to ‘$2000 eoy’ based on the whole US economy switching back to the gold standard and Trump tokenizing xrp. All before Dec 31 of this year. It’s fucking insanity.
Hopium I’ve learned, is a dangerous drug. One whose main symptom is delusion. And I will not be infected.

>> No.21205540

Props to you anon. Look into link, snx, aave, and other defi projects.

>> No.21205610

thats right goys sell your xrp's and drop if even further i gotta boost my stack

>> No.21205642

Never owned any XRP, people with critical thinking skills can see why the token is not needed.

>> No.21205792

tokens can be divisible to 6 commas, its way cheaper to charge a tiny fraction of an xrp per transaction than whatever the cost of sending money is right now,people banks business will adapt to that unironically less volatility

>> No.21205832

ok but why? does xrp collateralize the transaction somehow?

>> No.21205875

I put it into Cosmos for now. It’s on a nice steady climb this week. I’ll look into your suggestions. Also thinking about Ferrum and ocean protocol.
Not going into link at this price. It also has no use and I missed the boat on the moon. Sergey is a fucking idiot scammer.
Philosophy degree holding fuck larping as a crypto developer.
I’ll keep xrp in mind until eoy.
Hell, I’ll even switch back on the 13 just to get a little boost from meme magic.
But you can fill your bags all you want. Snuggle up to Jeb, he’s selling 500k a day..for the next 6-7 years. On top of Ripple buying back hundreds of thousands. This coin is going nowhere. Especially considering the banks will just copy/paste the code if they see fit.

>> No.21205912

Dam those assholes were spamming when XRP was 20 cents. How dare they try to get us to buy low.

>> No.21205916

Even if it was needed, it’ll just be copied and used as the big players see fit.

>> No.21205936

because its integrated everywhere through ripple, it will be ubiquitous, are you gonna use a jpmorgan crypto drafted up last minute by pajeets and chinks?

its literally what they've been doing for the last few years while the token stays level at .30 , as soon as everything is in place for mass adoption (soon) the switch will be flipped

xrp is not a quick pump and dump and not for the weak wristed

>> No.21205937

Your sense of technology is about 5 years old. The reason link was made in the first place by SWIFT was so they could replace Ripple's technology. Even if Ripple succeeds, they would never have the banks all buy XRP. lol. But whatever, keep checking your XRP price dejectedly in the morning and thinking "no, I can't sell! There's an international conspiracy keeping the price down!"
Ferrum and Ocean sound like shitcoins anon, but you do you. Sergey is certainly not a scammer; look at the quality of people that surround him (Ari Juels, Tom Gonser, Klaus Schwab) and ask yourself if they would follow a fool. Don't blame you for not buying any link at these prices though.
Oh wow, a 50% price pump! Incredible! Link just did a 700% gain in ~4 months.

>> No.21205972

Nano is greatness achieved. Nano is oversold and scarce, xrp there are trillions

>> No.21205988

Seriously, you have to go back

>> No.21206029

When is the cutoff?
At what point to people realize this token is not what they say it is?
When will the switch be flipped?
Jan 1st 2021?

>> No.21206047
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a time traveler named Q endorsed it though: pic related

>> No.21206058

based post, and true. Normies are drawn to Ripple by promises of "bank" adoption. Fucking idiot plebs. Ripple needs to fucking die already so these idiots normies stop getting scammed into buying it.

>> No.21206098

Aug 13...

>> No.21206152

Show me when link gets actual real adaption into a financial system. Actual use.
At least Xrp has that..
Time will tell, I guess.

Most other coins are in some capacity, shitcoins.
If I had a choice to be in any if I was here in Feb, it would be Tellor.
It’s kicking the fuck out of link. And no one talks about it.
My gut it telling me to invest in coins that aren’t shilled on biz. Cosmos is one of those. And it’s doing great.

>> No.21206184


>he doesnt know..


>> No.21206186

Ok..like I said. Going to switch back just before to get a couple cent gain.
Then going to laugh in all your schizo faces when it crashes back to .28

>> No.21206273

OK, here is Sergey speaking for a Korean fintech conference today. They just partnered with them (The largest banks in Korean; Hana bank, Shinhan bank, and others) to allow them to sell their Korean currency data.

I think you're a little ignorant on link anon. Some of us have been studying this for years, and it's made quite a few millionaires. Good luck with your shitcoins.

>> No.21206279

You will be priced out when the Bogs flip the switch on the 13th.

>> No.21206423

Link shot up 113% in a month.

If you missed the moon don’t worry, XRP will shortly do the same and for now only costs a fraction.

$2000 EOY is a pipe dream.

But $5-10 ATH by the end of the month? Then stabilize around $25 EOY. I’m going all in. If it shoots further awesome but for now I’m fine with a 100x

Literally what’s the worst that happens if you dropped $25 into XRP? You lose $25 or gain $2500 within the year. It’s a no brainer buy regardless of shills and hate.

>> No.21206447
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Ive learned partnerships don’t mean jack shit until they are actually adapted and implemented.
A lot of banks just do it for the publicity of looking progressive.
If I was here in 2017, I would have bought in at .20. I wasn’t.
I’ve been in crypto for 2 months.
I’m happy for the anons who have made it because of link.
That doesn’t change the fact it currently does not do anything.
I have also accepted that I am likely too late to ‘make it’ off any shitcoin like link.
Doesn’t mean I still won’t try.
My goal is to subsidize my flying addiction with crypto. That’s it.

>> No.21206453

DYOR bud but skip to 2:55 for more info


>> No.21206543

hey youre flyboy i saw you post in another thread

fly on to the moon anon

>> No.21206557

>a time traveler named Q endorsed it.

Just bought 11k. I can't say no to a time traveler

>> No.21206561

>I’ve been in crypto for 2 months.
>That doesn’t change the fact it currently does not do anything.
You're extremely new. Again, some of us have been studying link for years. It certainly does do something, right now it provides oracle data for all of DeFi. You can view heartbeats for some of those feeds here (this is not exhaustive): https://feeds.chain.link/

For example, here is the price of gold brought onto theblockchain. https://feeds.chain.link/xau-usd

You have a lot to learn, and it's quite arrogant to think you know more about this after 2 months in crypto than /biz/.

>> No.21206596

I remember when people said the same shit about LINK. I don't claim to know the future but I don't think xrp is the worst investment.

>> No.21206627
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The only thing I really seethe over is watching Tellor.
No one here talks about it, shills it, FUDs it or talks about their gains.
Which means either no one has it or it’s such a fuck up that no one even wants to address it.
I mean look at it..makes link look like a joke and as far as I can tell it offers a very similar service?

>> No.21206647

Look into SingularityNET. It's $0.05 and will be $10 by 2023 (AI moves slowly), but it's basically guaranteed if you're willing to wait.

Any gains I get from other coins in this run, I'm putting into AGI.

>> No.21206682

this shit has been known to scam pump every few years, it just so happens its about that time again.. it will pump and will leave u priced out. everyone needs a 10k suicide bag otherwise you're literally mentally retarted. gl faggots

>> No.21206698

Banks archaic and slow, crypto exists to replace them. They understand this and are scrambling to remain relevant. At best ripple is band aid on legacy systems until block chain is fully adopted. Fuck banks and fuck ripple.

>> No.21206699

Maybe so.
Just trying to find my way.

>> No.21206733

Will check them out. Thanks
What other coins do you have?

>> No.21206749

Yes, and you will get burned for it. But that's just how life is for newfags. Learn from OG linkies who are sitting on millions made during a crypto bear market and you might just make it, but with your attitude currently you will not.

>> No.21206808

Also, where can I buy singularityNET?

>> No.21206887

Anon, fuck off.
You picked link, and won. Don’t pretend you’re some crypto arbiter because of it.

>> No.21207045

No, I picked link, aave, snx, pnk, yfi, and made over 1000% gains on all of them. But continue to mouth off, newfag, on a subject you know practically nothing about.
There's a screenshot of an anon's post, made a while back; it talks about how in the future, people will call us linkmarines lucky, after all the work we did. Maybe an anon here can post it. It really is a delicious ironic sandwich.

>> No.21207053


>> No.21207099

Ah yes, the guy people praise for predicting that Israel will continue it's expansion into Palestine.

>> No.21207147
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gotcha fren

>> No.21207170
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>> No.21207172

Good for you.
I mean it.
Meaning; you saw those coins shilled on /biz/ researched them and bought in.
Please, tell me more about this back breaking work.
I ‘worked’ 650 hours in the sun in the past 3 months for $25/hr and another 150 hours on top of that making roughly $520/hr.
Tired of it. So now I’m learning about crypto. So I can ‘work’ more like you and make more doing it, too.

>> No.21207201

check at 12:15
> we need our competitors to succeed, we need the ecosystem to succeed.

link pumping it's actually the best sign ever

>> No.21207236

>Meaning; you saw those coins shilled on /biz/ researched them and bought in.
We'll find out how hard you think this is after a few more months in crypto. Surely it must be as easy as just buying the coins that biz shills, right...

>> No.21207334

really happy this faggot is going to get fleeced by the pajeet shilling that will invade this board during the next year. imagine being this stupid.

>> No.21207371

It's on binance. DYOR, but I trust Ben Goertzel. He's one of the world's leading AI scientists.

>> No.21207387

Fucking based and red pilled.

>> No.21207480
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Be safe up there, fren.

>> No.21207499

Actually kekd
I’ve spent dozens of hours in my off time reading and ‘analyzing’ trying to understand trends, trying to understand defi, oracles and blockchain and a whole. The learning curve has been steep. This is going from knowing nothing about crypto two months ago. All while working 12Hr+ days doing physical labour and studying for my commercial pilot licence. All I can get a job flying that is super high risk to my life and very demanding yet high return, on top of managing the business I have now.
Yes. The process of making money with crypto is easy. Making the right decisions, is not. That does not make it ‘hard work’.
It’s a joke. An indicator of the clown world we live in.
A neet can sit on his fat ass all day and make millions on his phone. I can get in a plane and risk my life everyday and just get by (not airlines).
I might as well join them. At least in part. Would be stupid not to.

>> No.21207564
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>> No.21207567

Post your fucking "gains" low IQ incel

>> No.21207593
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Can you imagine being so fragile minded you get mad over other people bags and what they do with them? You are literally no different than a nigger. Might as well be a thread about how triggered you are seeing the words based and checked.

>> No.21207671

Like the other anon says, you'll probably end up getting fleeced by pajeets. If you don't have the sense to understand Chainlink, after so many people spoonfeeding, it's doubtful you have any aptitude for this at all.
Do you think I keep my coins on a CEX to track this? lol. Look at the charts of all the coins I listed, link, pnk, lend, snx, yfi.
Ok fag

>> No.21207848

I have looked into it extensively.
There are many potential uses and benefits regarding the use of link.
I also looked briefly into the coins you have mentioned, wrote them down and will research them all more in depth in the coming days and make some new choices and dump some more $.
I know what I am capable of.
Not many people have my level of ‘aptitude’ in life as a whole. Objectively speaking.
If I can’t figure out crypto and profit, I also might as well rope myself. It’s been two months. Many people here have been at this for years.

>> No.21208095

Probably because you're fat manlet.

>> No.21208131

i cant believe i almost had 7k of that shit

>> No.21208306

correction, a rich fat manlet.

>> No.21208409

Fuck you pussy I literally did the same amount of hours for 10 bucks an hour in the sun this summer
I’m hella ripped now but I’m poor, except for all the chainlink I bought

>> No.21208434

Dude you sound mentally retarded, like legit a Down syndrome person. Tf?

>> No.21208624

Link smoothbrains too so stupid they fall for pump and dumps, and foam at the mouth at fake partnerships while shitting on real products.

>> No.21208752
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Sure you did, faggot.

>> No.21208916

Sure did bitch and i could kick your ass easily after hauling chains and building shit all day every day this summer

>> No.21209065

That dude is a schizo who tried to hack some random doctor's office and then sent them DM's begging them not to tell his parents about it. There's currently an ongoing federal criminal proceeding against him lmao. This is the kind of person who holds cripple.

>> No.21209122


>> No.21209156

o0hh no00 i wouldnt wanna be associated with THhat guess ill just sell my xrps!!


>> No.21209177

honestly the one single thing that makes me bullish for xrp is the incomparable amount of hate and fud threads it gets

>> No.21209181
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ripple more like ripped asshole kek