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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21186521 No.21186521 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one with severe XRP caused depression?

Holding XRP after almost 4 years while every alt under the sun is recovering has made it feel like actual torture. Watching LINK go 100x made it far worse - realistically speaking; that should have been us; if Ripple lived up to the things they said in the past.

We've been lied to.
There are no dozens banks using XRP
There are no partnerships
Ripple paid MoneyGram to use their software
Ripple keeps dumping XRP
And on top of that, Jed, R3, Clevercoin etc. all do the same.

Do we need to wait a decade? 20 years? 50? XRP looks dead. If it doesn't recover soon I hope the founders burn in Hell.

>> No.21186594

I bought a stack at .20 couple weeks ago and I already think it sucks

>> No.21186873

hodling xrp is like having a parasitic tick attached to you
it turns you into chris larsen's and jed's personal ATM
your wallet is their cash machine
you don't realise until you're out of cash and nothing to show for it

>> No.21186901

The only one with a positive sentiment towards XRP are the Mellon schizo's. Who more than likely suffer severe mental issues.

>> No.21186953

Yeah I was in and out very quickly. The fact that the owners can dumb one million coins a day is retarded. I meant it's "stable" and might be a good way to store value, but definitely not a good investment.

>> No.21186967

wow, very interesting. now the shills want us to SELL the xrp we just helped them pump

>> No.21186998

XRP, more like keks arse pee.

>> No.21187018


See you in Liechtenstein

>> No.21187106

take your meds

>> No.21187153

What did you buy in at?

>> No.21187166

just sold 100k thanks

>> No.21187184


we're gonna make it :)

>> No.21187351
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>> No.21187382

90 cents

>> No.21187422

ha same here. even people who have made money on it think its shit.

>> No.21187435

Give it back

>> No.21187550

I sold a ton of XRP at 20 cents in 2017 because it was so fucking boring compared to the rest of crypto and then it mooned to $3.

>> No.21187556

Ill give it two more months. After that I will move onto other investments.

>> No.21187592
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Cheer up anon, it's about happen...

>> No.21187649

dude, you are getting scammed,
>banks create token from thin air
>banks shill token to plebs
>banks sell token for btc/eth

>> No.21187684

Keylogger or just fake news?

>> No.21187711

We have been telling you this entire time that its a worthless shitcoin and you didnt listen

>> No.21187727

No it's legit, the news has been floating around for the past few weeks.

>> No.21187738
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Thanks for the keks seriously, new phone so don't have the donald_draper_laughing.png, but you r*edditors make me kek hard.
Read into NPC studies, there is a high chance you are one, we shilled link to you at r/cc in 2017 and you didn't listen because it's out of your programming... Just know that as an NPC you will live a happier life than me, but you won't make money in crypto, 3 years faggot, bought xrp at 90 cents? wtf does xrp even do? didn't sell at 3$ ? at 2$ ? at 1$? didn't swallow your pride and sell at 20 cents to buy link when it was at 20 cents?
I envy being this retarded, I'm sure you're also pro diversity, pro kikes, pro niggers, pro faggots, pro trannies, and probably pro jannies too.
you could buy xsn now, but since you didn't recognize link 3 years before it mooned I doubt you will recognize this one.

>> No.21187807

even in profit i feel like a bagholder with this coin

>> No.21188044


Theres little to nothing that can pump XRP but we'll see

>> No.21188945

XRP is always the last to moon. If you don't want to hold anymore give it to me.

>> No.21189211

XRP wont ever moon again by the looks of it

>> No.21189388

Bullish AF

>> No.21189696

You are not alone OP. I chose XRP over LINK three years ago because I figured these /biz/-fags couldn't possibly be right about anything. I've invested thousands in XRP and it'll never go anywhere, meanwhile LINK mooned while I wasn't even watching. I'm so fucking depressed.

>> No.21189812


>> No.21189830

Hey if you have any XRP and dont want it give it to me

>> No.21189906

isn't it time to sell when it hits mainstream?

>> No.21190129

with jews you lose
you were warned

>> No.21190144

No, we need normie money coming in... sell in Dec/Jan.

>> No.21190145

I don't know what you two tards are talking about, if people would just do exactly what /biz says then they would all be rich, just do what /biz says

>> No.21190210

Xsn qrd please anon

>> No.21190245 [DELETED] 
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Snekbros....are there any of you left....or is it just me....

>> No.21190254

by the time XRP pumps it will be too late to hop on, 0,3 is a bargain

>> No.21190367

Why is XRP gonna fly besides being advertised to boomers?


From a quick search https://stakenet.io/XSN_Comparison_chart.pdf seems like XSN anon talked about beats XRP technically

>> No.21190436

XRP is going to fly because of the ODL. It can settle payments in less than 5 seconds and takes a fraction of a penny to send money around the world.

>> No.21190492

that's why you diversify into some other assets as well bro. not sure why people go all in on just one crypto

>> No.21190593

im balls deep in zerp but can btc send fast now, at almost no fee...
the only thing going for zerp is the hope that they fleeced the rights peoples pockets.

which they def could have

>> No.21190784

I understand the frustration. And especially when the rest of the market appears to be going up. It is very disheartening. But rest assured that Ripple is really capable and I have no doubt that the will reach their goals of becoming the industry standard. It is, however, a new space(crypto) and there are many people that would cause a barrier to entry since many people have previously invested in swift and other old systems. This is the new system/standard and along with new idea it will take some time but when it flys there will be no stopping it. Patience and nonleveraged position are the only way to not get burned in the process. Previously it was those who bought crypto at its inception when it had little or no value at the time and forgot about it, only to have it resurface many years later reaped the rewards since the just bought and forgot about it.

>> No.21190849

based on what?

all I have is my gut feeling. which has done wonders for me IRL

I've also learned patience but have been balls deep for almost 2 years now

>> No.21190975
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Anon, if you held this long, read the following threads:

pic related.

Wait until dec 31st

if nothing happens
sell ur bags

>> No.21191076

Just because you have no doubt that Ripple will succeed doesn't mean XRP will increase in value. I'm not selling now because it's my moonshot, but I feel like a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.21191188

Hahaha FOUR MORE YEARS OF PATIENCE you fucking ripple cucks

Must be actual sadomasochism - do you love the abuse

>> No.21191253

Oh qo you finally woke up to that jew scam.
With jews you only lose

>> No.21191339

im low on spirit. and thats a lot of reading. can you tl;dr me so I can spam that in xrp threads to cheer myself and others up

legit thought about cashing out a ton of xrp to redo my kitchen today

>> No.21191410


>> No.21191611

if you do not care enough to read, then i suggest you sell your xrp, buy a new kitchen or whatever the fuck you are doing.

i honestly dont give two fucks if you make it or not, i offer information your financial well being is not my responsibility, it's like you're 12 years old wanting shit spoonfed to you

>> No.21191628

Can you believe it. XRP at 2000$. As if some true insider will share that and risk his life on /biz/

You must be just as schizo as that OP to believe thats true.

>> No.21191681

you fell for a scam that fucked possibly millions of people bro just let it go the money is lost

>> No.21191724

his other predictions are coming true

he predicted a crash in April as well, he thought it was the stock market, but it was oil that went negative 30+ dollars, never happened before in the history of the world

but sure, 2k is impossible, sell at 5 bucks

>> No.21192076

Doesn't BTC take at least 3 days to settle a payment?

>> No.21192143

hey shit head. those links make it almost impossible to spot op, and ive already read all the mellon larps multiple times

stop being a passive aggressive whiny bitch
and your 3rd grade tier reverse psychology doesn't work on adults

even if i redo my kitchen ill still have over 75k zerps so fuck it

also fuck you

>> No.21192261

>says he's low on spirit, admits he didn't read the mellon threads
>when i call him out for being a lazy piece of shit, he claims he's read the threads multiple times

yeah I hit a nerve alright.

you are pajeet IQ tier dude, at least lie better

now go fix your kitchen as your woman has commanded you, we both know who wears the pants, you cuck

>> No.21192556

They’re getting scare
They can feel it coming

>> No.21193108 [DELETED] 

it was my idea
and my link stack is bigger than yours
just wanted to see if you actually knew anything. but you don't.

also ill rip your face off and wipe my ass with it if you show up to the yacht party

>> No.21193173

the kitchen was my idea.
and my xrp stack is bigger than yours
just wanted to see if you actually knew anything. but you don't. every xrp holder has seen the mellon threads or the anime screen shot of everything together.

also ill rip your face off and wipe my ass with it if you show up to the yacht party.

>> No.21193198

i held xrp from march 2017 to a few months ago. sold it around what i bought it for, with some loss. got beyond the sorrow, moved it to other shitcoins with the promise never to marry a bag, doing much better now anon.

>> No.21193270

Just put $1k into ripple, worth it IMO unless your a total wage cuck. With 1k down at this price just sit on it, it could make you rich one day.

>> No.21193313

>realistically speaking; that should have been us
No because you're a bunch of fucking dimwits

>> No.21193433
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>That should've been us

Anon stop thinking like that its pathetic focus on what to do next

T. Small linker

>> No.21194183

Hey dawg. I know how you feel. I didn't have faith in Chainlink, and kept expecting it to experience it's peak before crashing at least 5 times now. I'm very, very heavily invested in XRP, and know for sure that if I used that same money to buy LINK I'd probably be a millionaire by now. However, I have a little bit of hopium for you. I believe that the last giant surge in XRP was due to whales taking their BTC profits in 2017 and pumping XRP to the moon. I think that the same could happen once LINK finally dumps.

Believe me, once this damn coin hits 1 or 2 dollars I will be ready to eject at a moment's notice. I don't think the coin is dead, there's plenty of weird shit going on behind the scenes that could make the price jump any day. You know in your heart that this thing is still unpredictable, and that makes you hold on to it.

>> No.21194367

if you want ta get old and watch your money mold stay with XRP. smart money is moving to RSR

>> No.21194447
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bitch, i''ll get rich at the flip of a switch

>> No.21194545

jesus.... cut your losses on that dinosaur coin, buy some defi/polkadot stuff and gamble on uniswap scams with the rest, you would be surprised how fast you can build a stack. good luck

>> No.21194595

stop talking

>> No.21194638
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Lmao buy high sell low.

>> No.21194737
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>now the shills want us to SELL the xrp we just helped them pump
I thought pump meant the value actually goes up

>> No.21194841

oh god...... RIP

>> No.21194857

I'm all in on xrp but I hope that the mellon threads are larp, at least the religious aspects. I don't want to live in a luciferian hellworld.

>> No.21195449

It was so obvious link autists were right. I didn’t understand anything they were saying I had just made 50k in the bull run and had no clue how to even set up my 2fa to cash out. I’m basically hopeless when it comes to anything tech related but it was so obvious link was a gem with the constant fervor around it. It was so fucking obvious

>> No.21195478

is that image from 1998?

>> No.21195479

I know what it feels like watching everyone else seem to be making tons of money whilst your portfolio goes nowhere

You need to get sBTC (not the stable coin) Www.sbtc.fi

>SBTC is similar to Ampl
>Pegged to 0.001 btc
>Current price 0.0016 btc and climbing
>Anything over 0.001btc = positive rebase aka free tokens

This project is just over 24 hours live and presalers don’t get their tokens until around 24 hours after official launch in 5 days time

Currently sBTC is in accumulation phase until the first rebase happens

>Lots of big buys going through
>wallets holding sBTC have grown from ~400 a few hours ago to close to 600 now

Either buy or don’t buy, I don’t really care. I’m just tying to help shine a light on an under the radar project That is just starting to pump

>> No.21195525

>waiting for years
>meanwhile every single Crypto out there casually goes almost 100% since the March crash