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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21184411 No.21184411 [Reply] [Original]

>just bought my first 200 Link at $15 a coin after coinbase fees

Will even people like me make it?

>> No.21184426


you're a fucking moron.

>> No.21184441


>> No.21184463

dumb normie

>> No.21184491


How does 200 nubile concubines in your private moon castle with fountains of mountain dew code red sound?

>> No.21184502

See you at $7

>> No.21184511

how does $200,000,000 sound?

>> No.21184513

Its a really good start anon. If you make it to 1k links, you will be set tho. All in

>> No.21184524

you did great anon, don't worry.

>> No.21184555

you are still very, very early.

>> No.21184581

smol pee pee energy
get at least 1k or gtfo

>> No.21184598

how does $16,200,000 sound?

>> No.21184604

How does 900.000k sounds?

>> No.21184607

how does two hundred dollars sound?

>> No.21184614

honestly we were all the same as u at one point, we just figured it out a bit earlier. 200 link is respectable

>> No.21184633

>>21184426<---- This
>>21184463<---- and this, but if it's less than 10% of your holdings then also this

>> No.21184645

Yes. You will thank yourself at $200 per token as other anons say the same thing then.

>> No.21184658

youll unironically have 200 grand EOY

>> No.21184687

Oh christ anon lol. This is gonna retrace hard friend

>> No.21184693

Fuck me I got out around A month ago because I wasn’t a believer. If I had held it I would have doubled my money. I’m buying a few hundred now and just forgetting about it for a few years

>> No.21184702

Why would you even make a thread about this? Everyone is going to (rightfully) call you a retarded faggot, and your stack doesn't even matter because you're going to sell as soon as it pumps or dumps 10%. I'm sick of these fucking threads. I'm sick of this board.

>> No.21184721

Thank you

>> No.21184736

As a 550 linklet my dream of "making it" after 33% tax would entail link reading about $800.
Then I'd have enough for a decent deposit on a house, and that's all I want. Do I have any chance?

>> No.21184804

You'd make more working at Subway.

>> No.21184856

>Paying taxes on crypto
You'll never EVER make it.

>> No.21184904
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good job anon and welcome to the party, now hold

>> No.21184940

Ultimate newfag here, how do you not pay taxes on crypto?

>> No.21184944

Have fun holding bags for 3 years.

>> No.21185043


So we're supposed to hold Link for another 3 years?

>> No.21185072

The rest of us have been holding for three years. Now it's your turn, faggot.

>> No.21185091

What does this even mean. I'd make more working in Subway..than what?

>> No.21185129

Ehh... I feel like a pessimistic oldfag now. We had the exact same situation in 2017. Green Wojaks everywhere, people buying the top, and how did that ended? It's gonna be the same thing here, most of the LINK supply belongs to less than 10% of the wallets. They WILL dump it, by the parabolic'ness of the graph, it would seem it will happen rather sooner than later.

And we will have the Pink Fields 2.0

>> No.21185183

I'm the 550 stacklet, gonna try not to, but best to account for it imo

>> No.21185200

What do you think they'll dump it to?

>> No.21185217

Oh of course. It's a capital gains tax correct? How do you go about paying it?

>> No.21185230

it's not going to be some colossal crash, just a dip to maybe $9 or $8 at most

>> No.21185240
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We're all going to make it

>> No.21185245
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god i hope so. held link for 2 years and tried to swing my stack at $7 after getting high. im in agony right now, im so fucking dumb. this past month has been a living nightmare.

>> No.21185252

How's two cents sound?

>> No.21185255

>We had the exact same situation in 2017.
It lasted for almost a year. It has only been a couple of months for this. We still have a long way to go.

>> No.21185268


>> No.21185309
File: 101 KB, 415x348, 1595388866357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold and silver, we're going to have a massive physical shortages in 2021. Unofficial Precious Metal Standard will be born, Fiat will be around, but savings and investments will be better in Metals and Miner Stocks.
Gold and silver are the real money, everything else is a debt.

>> No.21185323

People like you who wish for disaster so they can benefit are a blight on society. Progress cannot be made if things have to continually be torn down to accommodate every idiot who didn't win. This is the attitude of a communist.

>> No.21185356

It will go below $7 this year, don't worry about it too much. Buy some gold and silver tomorrow, we're in for a massive metal bullrun for the next 5 years.

>> No.21185358

disaster? not really. im hoping for one dip so i can buy back in, we're going to 1000 eventually.

>> No.21185383

>sell it kid

>> No.21185440

You missed the dip. It happened earlier this year. The covid dip brought it to a price you could have entered in at. You've had plenty of chances. You'd probably miss the next one too.

>> No.21185460

Well we're never selling so I imagine we'll be holding for many years to come.

>> No.21185466

i had an enormous stack that i held since 50 cents, i swung at the start of last month.

>> No.21185489

No you stupid faggot.

>> No.21185516

I'm Irish so its just the same tax we pay from any job

>> No.21185581

Swingies get the rope.

>> No.21185602

You will watch it go to triple and quadruple digits waiting for a dip like people did with ETH. You think there will be a dip at the foothill of a crypto bull run with LINK'S partnerships and value prop? Get real.

>> No.21185618

how does 200 medium sized mcdonalds coffees sound?

>> No.21185638

you are still a part of the first 0.1%

>> No.21185679

haha, funny that i've been saying the same thing. i really dont know what came over me. i saw a really good opportunity and even that fucked up.
yeah i know, it just stings so much buying back in. i stare at charts all day hovering over buy. i've been to chainlink events for fucks sake, this debacle is making me suicidal, how could i do this to myself. seems like i was destined to be poor and unhappy.

>> No.21185738

I only got in a couple weeks ago and already making more money than I do at my wagie job lmao

>> No.21185788
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I've seen this line in one of my economic textbooks. It was used as an example of what dumb money says.

>> No.21185827

Does anyone have the screenshots of the guy that waited and waited to buy ETH as it shot of to the moon? That's exactly what's happening to this low IQ retard right here.

>> No.21185837
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Better late than never! Could be buying them at 100 a token if you ain’t careful

>> No.21185846

Dumb money buys and holds?

>> No.21185914

Just do it. do it right now

>> No.21185999

How does 50$ sound?

>> No.21186085


That sounds reasonable and nice, honestly

>> No.21186324


>> No.21186544

posts like this make me feel better for buying at 3.20 and not earlier. thanks anon

>> No.21186590

My sides.

>> No.21186738
File: 42 KB, 646x595, C474D6E8-5BDD-4242-94E9-6BBFC57F228D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought another 150 link for $2k

do i do another $5k now or pray for a dip??

i earned all thrse for $8/hr im scared

>> No.21186787

hold off for now anon. I was going to buy the same amount but I'm waiting.

>> No.21186795

you will make it, buying link below three digits is always a good investment

>> No.21186807

fuck no keep your 150 for now

>> No.21186808


>> No.21186817

at least you got a good baby stack. 200..
that's ok fren. don't listen to the haters.
you are "retarded/slow" though.
but at least you HAVE 200.
you are just slow/retarded.
that is all fren.
you are waaaaaaaay down the pipeline of information..

i can't believe what kind of reality you must think we are in..

>> No.21186837

2 months from now link will be 10k if im wrong ill tongue my own ass

>> No.21186852

How does 1,215,000 USD sound?

>> No.21187034


You'll make it buddy

>> No.21187097

hahahahahahahahaha you fell for the LINK trap. its a bad coin why did you not read what it was about and found out that it's very badly programmed and that it can easily be broken with the 51% break?

>> No.21187114


>> No.21187173

Everything under 100 is a bargain.
You will make a good ROI

>> No.21187380
File: 432 KB, 822x692, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just spent 250 hours of your life on 150 Link.

>> No.21187535

dollar cost average in (get some btc or eth if you don't have those first though)

and never fuckin sell pussy

>> No.21187623

it's just a schedule D form, you download it, fill it out, and do whatever the paper says (while your are doing your other normal taxes)

>> No.21187645

>They WILL dump it,
REALY?! Holy crap I might actually be able to buy a little more for 2022 if that happens.

>> No.21187783

>few days ago link is only 8$
"okay i'm finally gonna buy some linkies after i got back from my grandparents
>mfw link is 14$

>> No.21187800
File: 169 KB, 402x420, 1592093124319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tfw you are the unemployed guy who sold during the covid dip
Only have 800 linkies instead of a few k

>> No.21188456

>get some btc or eth if you don't have those first though
why? btc and eth seem to be crabbing. I got fomo'd into link at ~7 bucks. Looking to buy more because it seems to be going parabolic.

>> No.21188694

1000$ link is not a meme, so try to accumulate 1000 link for a start, this will become 1 million $ when link moons and you'll make it, read through warosu (in the the biz archive in case you're a newfag) and read the early 2017 2018 threads about serious discussion about link, and try to find the chart of projected price when the network is being used etc...
1000$ per link in a bullrun when staking is out and the circulating supply is low as fuck due to staking will seem like fud to you.
Not shilling you a billions of dollars in volume shitcoin, just talking logically, been here since 2017 so participated in every single fud discussion or research or larp or autism thread so my faith in link is 110%.

>> No.21188759

you're the textbook definition of dumbfuckery

>> No.21188848

Also be logical, I held link since 2017 so 3 years so there is a strong chance I'll make it 3 years before you do, but you need to hold it, I had the link marines here to support me when my hands got almost weak, you won't have that since /biz/ will be filled with pajeets and newfags shilling scams, so just hold for a few years and accumulate more.
Also I maxxed my CC in 2017 to buy link, and haven't even paid that yet even if I could case out 1% of my folio and repay it, so take matters into your own hands, the founder of redhat did the same thing, maxxed his cc's to 50k$ to build the startup

>> No.21188867

If you were to hold a job at subway for the entire duration of time it took for link to reach $800 you would have made more money from your job than from your small stack of stinkies

>> No.21189056

How does $6 a coin sound?

>> No.21189159



>> No.21189244

You’re the Greater Fool.

>> No.21189253

fake fucking larp

>> No.21189274

So you are saying a person can make more than $390k per year working at a Subway?

>> No.21189401
File: 703 KB, 1612x806, Screenshot_2020-08-09_16-05-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We had the exact same situation in 2017.


>> No.21189539


>> No.21189862

I wish I could do that