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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 12 KB, 853x161, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21159010 No.21159010 [Reply] [Original]

It's gotten a huge pump in the last month.

It's not too late to fomo in. It may dip a bit as the idiots take profits, but this is a guaranteed moonshot. Don't say we didn't warn you biz

>> No.21159210


>> No.21159235

where to buy fren?? been looking but can't find on uniswap

>> No.21159296

on the stakenet dex

>> No.21159316

Xsn is not a token it is its own coin therefore not an erc20 token.

You can buy xsn at beaxy or livecoin

>> No.21159579

you must be retarded

>> No.21160412

genuinely the best option
livecoin for best spread/volume and no kyc

>> No.21160808

explain how this isn't a pump and dump meme coin

>> No.21160924

nobody's going to spoon feed you, fuck off

>> No.21161074

OK, so it's a pajeet pump and dump. Thanks rajeet!

>> No.21161094

You’re thinking of Kleros

>> No.21161125

I'm open minded, I just want someone to explain how it isn't another brrr

>> No.21161168

people have been explaining it here for months, the same copy pasta is posted every day. Just search for it in the archives

>> No.21161189

8 masternodes checking in

>> No.21161199

It powers the XSN DEX which is the only DEX with working Lightning Network and Raiden integration (coming soon). It's a solution to slow transactin times, high trading fees, and KYC all in one

>> No.21161502

Ok I'm in. What's make it stack?

>> No.21161571
File: 483 KB, 1172x1056, hands off the bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.01 BEAN

>> No.21161586

What's the average makeit stack

>> No.21161614


gets you enough for a master node which will get you the option for a share of the dex profits once it's stable enough to outsource to the network

phase 1 and 2 is technically limited release in terms of decentralization, phase 3 uses master nodes to carry the bulk of order matching and trade settlement

>> No.21161685
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>> No.21161719

Jesus that's 18k usd

>> No.21161844



MN is 7k USD right now

it was 1k only two months ago

>> No.21162047
File: 220 KB, 895x1209, Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm getting.

>> No.21162057

5k sats by monday? at this rate, it seems like it.

you know they are going to wait till the en of the month to release. And the longer it takes the more time for people to fomo, and everyone is going to keep holding on to their MNs so the price is going to FLY. get in while you can

>> No.21162091

dont use the usdt pair. buy btc and then use that to purchase

>> No.21162101

damn swap that USDT into BTC
XSN/BTC market has much better liquidity

>> No.21162138

Jesus. Is this coinall? You should use Livecoin with the BTC pair

>> No.21162162

DO NOT do that

>> No.21162176

FUUUCK I used eth to buy in and it's expensive as fuck. Btc is literally half the price. Motherfucker.

>> No.21162223

Rookie mistake senpai. your average buy in price was over twice what it actually costs. You'll break even at $1.2

>> No.21162252


>> No.21162261
File: 130 KB, 730x1112, Eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it. At least I wasn't in for a ton, I guess. I hope it pumps lol.

>> No.21162271

shit happens, hopefully you have enough to bounce back.
i sent 10k worth of YFI to the wrong address the other day.... Boy did that suck.

>> No.21162327

Once the Ico resistance breaks its Blue skies above.

It will go parabolic and the price will discover the EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE.

Cap this post. In ten years a MN will cost at least 10m in terms of quality of life that 10m USD provide today.

>> No.21162428

yeah you have your MN

>> No.21162646

There was no ICO noob

>> No.21163052

Ive heard people can’t even make use of their masternode because there’s basically no information on how to set it up and the devs in discord/telegram don’t offer any help. Pretty shitty when you’re at like 7 grand deep in their Ponzi scheme. And imagine thinking a master node will make you any richer than staking ethereum 2.0

>> No.21163147

Look what I found you fudding nigger
Took me less than minute! Guess who you heard from was yourself because you’re obviously trying to lead blind faggots astray to buy in.

>> No.21163273

Well it’s just hard to justify putting so much money into a shitexchange project that could easily fail whereas ETH is definitely going to take off and provide healthy returns with staking. Am I wrong?

>> No.21163330

Thanks frens for shilling this a few months back. I am up 300% already plus a locked in masternode. This shit is truly decentralized.

>> No.21163365

Exactly. As this and on says, it is already already priced too high and up 300% so there is no point buying any more if you want to make real gains

>> No.21163377

Risk vs reward ... do you even understand basic shit

>> No.21163409

I don't think so, this will be $3 easily by EOY. Plus once they incorporate fee sharing to MN holders I will probably just live off those and LINK staking gains.

>> No.21163509

Maybe, but only during the bull run. Afterwards it could easy sink back down to the all-time low. With a project like this you need to hold it and you are going to lose massive massive amounts when this bull market ends. Not worth it, how could it be?

>> No.21163518
File: 44 KB, 640x628, 49A9B8C0-7FCB-458E-8E9E-AA8780A9A931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s look at some numbers tard
Market cap:
Stakenet ~ 46 Million dollhairs
Ethereum ~ 44.6 BILLION dollhairs


Which one has more potential for growth??

pic related

>> No.21163521

ETH rewards will be like 3%..... doesn't seem all that worth it to me compared to 15% + with XSN

>> No.21163549
File: 473 KB, 1343x1062, EF1D04FC-1F85-4B5D-989B-78CAB4F6A9F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how could it be?

>> No.21163552

I've had a stack since the posw days. If this project finally comes to fruition I'll be loaded. I'm not getting my hopes up though, I've been waiting for fucking YEARS

>> No.21163585

Eth staking rewards will be 7% to 10% probably.

Remember what happened after the 2017 bull run. All these shit coins got annihilated along with everyone holding them. Don’t let your greediness be the end of you. 30% return won’t mean shit when the coin is worth shit. Do you think history doesn’t repeat itself? Okay

>> No.21163642

What part of the bear market starting in spring and taking this shitcoin down to $0.0003 along with it don’t you understand? The problem is none of you were here in 2017, and if you were then you don’t have a good memory

>> No.21163673
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 9A2517ED-C906-4C7F-9E7E-CA7C36F4EF22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again fag

>> No.21163718

Convincing response... night night poorfags

>> No.21163736

2017 peetered out because there was still no usecase and applications for blockchain (okay, very few). Defi is changing that, some of the projects that rise to the top this time around are going to stay there for a very long time.
if XSN can position itself correctly it can be the go-to DEX for as long as crypto exists.....

You don't think that crypto will forever be in this bubble-pop-bubble-pop cycle forever do you?

>> No.21163819
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 0AE8C3DB-2D28-4C0A-BA71-AD51AA0412C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t forget to put a sharpie in ur pooper failjeet

>> No.21163981

probably the most reasonable shit I’ve read all over biz, gtfo

>> No.21164059

Coinbase and binance seemed to do OK. They might have even profited. I don't see why xsn would be any different.

>> No.21164096

Come back for more eh it’s real easy to tell niggerlips

>> No.21164098

How does this happen? I bought xsn with eth because I didnt know at first. Luckily I paid the same price as btc when doing the math later

>> No.21164119

Order book spread

>> No.21164164

Nah still smart to buy until $1 then stop and watch your money skyrocket

>> No.21164220
File: 15 KB, 249x243, hailhydra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has already gone up, and as we know, when things go up they can never continue to go up and will always go down to 0

stay poor. any bitch who doesnt buy XSN sub $1 WILL be committing suicide in 2021.

>> No.21164405

I can't believe there are still anons who don't realise the only thing in life that you need to be focused on right now is getting as much XSN sub $1 as possible

>> No.21164464

2MNs right now. If this dumps I will be more financially ruined than that time with Ampleforth

>> No.21164511

Lol summerfriend ampl is textbook pnd

>> No.21164584


congratulations, you fell for the most sophisticated scam i've ever seen

>> No.21164748

My main thought process was to ride out some rebases and cash out for XSN, yet here I am 3 weeks later FOMOing at 4k sats

>> No.21164802


>> No.21164826

unlikely, you run the risk of missing the next run up which will be upon DEX release.

you could always buy in now and have some money aside incase it does dip.

>> No.21164889
File: 568 KB, 2048x1304, 1588013091002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to be rich

>> No.21165039

Yep $1 is coming up way to fast not to

>> No.21165198


>> No.21165928

Xsn will slap that pussy

>> No.21167260

Thanks, I sold all my crypto and put it all in my 401k because of this comment.

Thanks for the sound business advice!


>> No.21167347

Based, see you at the retirement party in 50 years

>> No.21167474

The biggest problem you’ll have with this is getting people to trust the lightning network. People have faith in on chain transactions because, even if it takes a while, it’s still a confirmation. Your money can be lost. Lightning channels can fail, and when they do. You lose everything. It’s gone. Do they have any insurance or anything for funds lost through channel failures?

That’ll be the biggest barrier for adoption of this imo. Would be interesting to see what the biggest lightning channel will be on release. What’s the largest single trade done on the dex so far?

>> No.21167574

this is a good fud i'll use this

>> No.21167594

this guy is totally correct this is a scam just move along, folks