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File: 3 KB, 448x112, ETHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2110581 No.2110581 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2111509

What if there is no sky?

>> No.2111521

yeah there is no limit and no sky for Ethereum cause it's infinitely inflationary lmao, no hard cap

d r o p p e d

>> No.2111526

Seriously. This shit is risky as fuck buying right now.

>> No.2111559

another problem is its less secure than BTC

it was hacked before and may be hacked again in future

>> No.2111601


It already dropped lmao.

No moon.

>> No.2111603

Can someone explain why this coin is so popular?

Why is it better than bitcoin?

>> No.2111604

>yeah there is no limit and no sky for Ethereum cause it's infinitely inflationary lmao, no hard cap

This...what kind of a retard buys something with unlimited supply? Kek

>> No.2111608

>up 22 dollars since yesterday

>> No.2111615

It wasn't hacked, you fucking retard.
Someone wrote a malicious contract and the technology did exactly what the humans designed it to do.

The questions of integrity are based on the fact that it's supposed to be decentralized, yet a fork happened at the decision of a very small number of people.

>> No.2111624

>It was hacked.
No. The DAOproject was hacked.

This is like saying the Internet got hacked because facebook is down.

>> No.2112730


>> No.2112776

Their website can ya dingus, go do your reading.

In short its purpose is not to be a coin, just a currency to be used in their plataform to rent out computational power and shit.

>> No.2112861
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Because unlike all the shitcoins which are obvious pyramid schemes this one actually has some value behind it. And is genuinely interesting for the tech alone.

If I were to sum it up with a few words, I'd say that it is a decentralised competitor to amazon AWS, and particularly in super tiny services.

Golem is pretty much the perfect example of the potential. And it is particularly relevant when it comes to the Internet of Things meme.

Imagine for example that your bullshit IoT door needs for some reason to access a customer database in order to open. In today's world this may be done by querying a specific database. If the server that database is down, then trolololo it doesn't let you in.

Instead in our glorious tomorrow all that could be written make use of dem blockchains and dat "fog computing" (upcoming term!) yadda yadda. Technically this has more to do with the concept of a blockchain rather than Eth, but Eth is the one that has specifically gonne balls deep in supporting this sort of functionalities, under a strong, relatively centralised figure/leadership, (Vitalik) whilst bitcoin argues about big government vs liberty or whatever.

>> No.2112889

>Instead in our glorious tomorrow all that could be written make use of dem blockchains and dat "fog computing" (upcoming term!) yadda yadda.

Please rephrase in a way so that a 8-year-old could understand. Thanks.

>> No.2112910
File: 83 KB, 453x1020, 13782289_1244388888989828_3368208932833426364_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you remember ETH being shilled when it was $20
>didn't buy any because the icon reminded you of no man's buy

>> No.2112955

Well now it's being shilled at $117, do you have the balls to buy in or are you going to cry in a few months when it hits $200

>> No.2113001

I ended up buying in at $80 actually so I'm just whining about nothing really

>> No.2113038

time to sell

rebuying at the dip

when idiots get delusional is usually the peak

>> No.2113183

With "dem blockchains" I mean that the database as well as the "computation" involved in checking it would be in the blockchain.

With "fog computing" I mean that the entire thing is decentralised making use of other people's CPU time. So in a way it acts as cloud computing, but its spread out.

Admittedly 90% of the stuff I type basically come from this shill post, but I see the potential. https://blog.sonm.io/why-fog-computing-beats-cloud-and-grid-e5a1f5ff7dea

It actually reminds a bit of that old SETIhome and foldathome stuff, but whilst that was dependant on the goodness of your heart, in this case the miner (who, if I am not mistaken are the ones that provide the computational capacity of the network) do get paid. In Eth.

Essentially its basically people paying other people for computational power.

>> No.2113198

the whole point of making ether is for it to be destroyed

btc can't be destroyed so a fixed limit makes sense

>> No.2113305

300 by eoy boiz

>> No.2113347

*but in a more blockchainy decentralized way

>> No.2113379
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>> No.2113405

The DAO was hacked because ETH was shitty programmed.

>> No.2113468

Thank you. I wonder whether people are already using "smart contracts".

>> No.2113500
File: 482 KB, 600x338, successful bitcoin trader.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 50 mBTC
>sold at 59 mBTC
>rebought at 57.5 mBTC
>now at 60.5 mBTC and waiting to sell before the next dip


>> No.2113545

>Quake had aimbots because it was shittily progammed

Its novel technology, what do you expect?
Every software has bugs. If you take the number of programmers (who wrote XP) in Microsoft and divide by the number of lines of code in Windows XP each person wrote 400 lines of code. And XP was great, but still had bugs.

Any software more complex than hello world will have bugs. The question is - how fast are they addressed by the dev team?

>> No.2113559

>Its novel technology, what do you expect?
Bitcon didn't have security holes. Truth is they're shitty programmers.

>> No.2113594

It looks like BTC maximalists are out again with their bullshit.
Why aren't you helping your community to fork you dying Bitcoin instead of spreading baseless FUD on mongolian toes painting forums?

>> No.2113634

Saying "ETH got hacked because DAO" is like saying "BTC was hacked because MtGox"
You're retarded. Only the Slock.it team is to be blamed for the DAO code

>> No.2113711

No, you're retarded because you don't understand how ETH works. The DAO hack proved that ETH has not taken all measures to guarantee that people don't write smart contracts that are unsafe. Why do you think paradigms exist, you clueless nigger? ETH is like PHP.

>> No.2113736

why is eth going up

>> No.2113752

why not?

>> No.2113767
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Because of these dubs

>> No.2113771

Bitcoin isn't a turing complete programming language.

When you're working with a limited set where the possibilities are exhaustive, chances of properly securing it goes up. Never 100%, but still a bit higher.

>> No.2113806

wow what a shitty thread not a single stealable meme

sad really

>> No.2113813

Nobody is trying to please you here. Get lost.

>> No.2113814
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>off by one

>> No.2113823

Bitcoin won't go down, but I don't see why ETH will go for the moon. Why use ETH when there's bitcoin? And the USD will go up eventually when the bullshit Trump hysteria dies down and because of the Fed raising rates.

>> No.2113829
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Your posts only show how much of an ignorant you are. Ethereum programing language for smartcontracts is Solidity and has never been compromised.
The DAO "hack" was an exploit in a poorly coded contract, rushed by a greedy overfunded private organization... 100% their fault. And what is this nonsense about "ETH taking measures to guarantee people don't write unsafe smartcontracts"
Who is "ETH"? This is a decentralized crypto token, retard, nobody is supposed to watch for your ass. Or do you expect the Ethereum Foundation or EEA to audit all the smartcontracts? kek
You're clearly a nocoiner.
3/10 bait, made me reply

>> No.2113845

I used to be a virgin neet manlet. After I bought ethereum I lost my virginity grew to 6'2.

What's your excuse for not buying ethereum yet?

>> No.2113867
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>> No.2113929

>This is a decentralized crypto token
lmfao is that why they iniciated a hard fork without proper consensus? HAHAHAHAHAHA .. yea.. ETC came into life for no reason

>Ethereum programing language for smartcontracts is Solidity and has never been compromised.
I can already tell you don't know shit about programming/scripting. ETH PROVIDES a framework to create smart contracts. A framework should always be designed in a way, that doesn't allow unsafe programs, that's the whole fucking point of frameworks. Ease of use is just a secondary factor.

I'm not a nocoiner, I'm not even a no-ETH'er lmfao. Doesn't change the fact that Vitalik and his crew fucked up.We could have been @ 300$ already if they hadn't fucked this up.

>> No.2114075
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Capped to use the next time some dumbass Buttcoiner gets their panties in a wad.

The big government v liberty thing is a very important aspect of the blockchain but Bitcoin is not where it's going to happen. The lack of a central direction has caused the fractions in the community that are hampering the coin (great ad for how stupid libertarianism is but that's for another day). A dev can step up and build on Bitcoin's experiences to create a blockchain that has the needed rules for a completely decentralized currency. There's no way the Buttcoin Kool-Aid community can ever accomplish this.

>> No.2114109
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1412261801229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only managed to get 50 eth
>missed my chance to become a millionaire again


>> No.2114140
File: 104 KB, 1200x765, C1AZO8yUQAAKpw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pushing $120 now

surely this is the top right?

at least in the short term?

I recommend selling here tbqhwyf

>> No.2114172

Guys help me. I sold all my ETH because I'm stupid and I thought it was going to dip. Is a dip coming up anytime soon or should I just cut my losses and buy back in now?

>> No.2114238

how can you be sure

can anyone explain why eth is going up

>> No.2114326
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>> No.2114346
File: 131 KB, 1440x810, 1492973323042-IMG_5696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardfork without proper consensus
What the fuck am I reading? The hardfork and how the community managed it was perfectly democratic and decentralized and had the overwhelming support of miners, devs, and users. The existence of the ETC chain was only allowed by the greed of Poloniex in the next few days. The chain has no support, no devs, no roadmap, no DApps, no community...
Stop trying to force old memes please and stfu.

>> No.2114705

nah man this is literally the next big thing. The DAO hack was the best buying opportunity of our lifetime.

>> No.2114822
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>ETH/USD price on bitfinex and poloniex has dropped below coinbase price



>> No.2114881

>Sell Ethereum at $120
Top kek

>> No.2114903
File: 412 KB, 704x1180, 59324596_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but seriously,

polo and bitfinex have had a $3-4 premium for the longest time, including last nights super bull run

it is worrying that coinbase price has caught up

>> No.2114912

You're retarded.

Google "USDT tether coinmarketcap" and click the first link. Do this every day. It changes literally every single day. It's at 99% now.

Please fix your understanding of this shit before you lose all your money.

>> No.2114921

Would it worry you if I told you Ethereum had higher demand?

>> No.2114923

ETH will most likely go back down to $110 for the time being. ETH is a long term hold though. No room for weak hands.

>> No.2114931
File: 69 KB, 704x1200, C-bb4-FVoAAij3y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.2114941

bitcoin is hackable it's like a dying grandpa
d r o p p e d

>> No.2115885
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 1495204103279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When should I sell

>> No.2115999

In five years.

>> No.2116052

Now, it's dipping tomorrow!

>> No.2116099


AFAIK the only wallets with actual coins it's managed to break into were non-randomly generated wallets (kind of like novelty license plates).

>> No.2116106

In 5-10 years when it's millions.

>> No.2116112

>It's somehow the programming languages fault if there is a bug in your code.

>> No.2116119

wow its going through the roof right now, when will it hit $200?

>> No.2116133

>tfw I made $1000 today in ETH

Feels pretty neutral. That is an amazing return but at the end of the day what am I gonna do with $1K? Even if ETH were to get to BTC's price I'd still only have $200,000 and what am I supposed to do with that?

I don't want money I just want a gf :(

>> No.2116167

You just now realize with neetchange you won't reach lambo land? No shit anon. You need serious capital to make real money. Honestly you should just be doing it for the lulz at this point.

>> No.2116203

>Reach 200k
>Now you have that much to invest with
I dont see the problem here

>> No.2116213

>I don't want money I just want a gf :(
fuck that shit. If you have enough money you can fuck top-tier whores for the rest of your life. money>everything else

>> No.2116231

Fuck whores and use a surrogate to have your children. A hell of a lot better than letting some bitch take half your shit and constantly lie to your kids about how the divorce was totally your fault despite her being a cheating slut.

>> No.2116233

Where the fuck is all this new money coming from??

>> No.2116234

Prostitution is illegal in the US

>> No.2116235
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>track my networth monthly
>have a location to input my coin value
>update the BTH and ETH price from month before
>i suddenly have downpayment for a house

what do biz? homeownership was my lifelong dream

>> No.2116242

>its illegal
So is piracy and going over the speed limit.

>> No.2116248

This has to be a bubble right? Up 30 in a day? I'm trying to buy more but I'm thinking it'll have to dip.

>> No.2116258

Climb from $50 to $100 happened pretty damn fast.
Probably people listening to talks at ConsenSys

>> No.2116262

Yes it hits bubbles once every so often. Judging from past behavior, this coin will maybe reach $140 tops and then drop back down about 10-20 bucks and sit there for awhile.

>> No.2116272



just sold 10% of my portfolio. will buy back in when it dips. hope it does.

>> No.2116281

i want to belive

>> No.2116316
File: 29 KB, 499x500, 1493338215889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16$ to 50$ within days
j-just a bubble, it'll crash hard down to 25$ again

>50$ to 97$
t-t-this growth is not s-sustrainable, it'll crash hard this time, it'll be down to 70$ again soon

this growth is nothing so far, m8, eth survived a 300% growth when it jumped from 16 to 57 and was still stable afterwards

this has barely even left 50% yet

Ethereum is not just another shitcoin thats being pumped and dumped

>> No.2116322

Judging from past behavior, ETH doesn't drop. ETH never drops, it only goes up and sideways

if you aren't buying now, you're destined to stay poor forever

>> No.2116339

Well it dropped when it reached 20, 50, and 100, but it always goes back up.

>> No.2116382

it drops 10-15% everytime it reaches its ATH, and stays around there a few weeks, sometimes a month before it increases another 80-120%

i wonder what the next ATH will be, im sure it'll hit 150$ soon

>> No.2116426

Wait till the housing market collapses and buy two!

>> No.2116594
File: 6 KB, 225x225, babbybrinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought in yesterday and already see a $400 ROI
>tfw I might buy more

>> No.2116619

Just cash out everything and don't pay taxes.

>> No.2116627

What the fuck is going on with ETH right now? Why is it climbing?

>> No.2116667
File: 212 KB, 504x640, 588ed2f24ca99bc40406a4018905df79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave Browser and Basic Attention Tokens are about to revolutionize the fucked up ad industry


>> No.2116694 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1369x1460, Screenshot_20170328-005214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this cartoon cum bunny?

>> No.2116755

speculation & marketing

>> No.2116764

>Why is it better than bitcoin?
Bitcoin is just a currency.
Ethereum is a program that can run anything you want. It also has the benefit of using its own currency to pay for things.

>> No.2116793
File: 31 KB, 428x376, 1466381024742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Y'all finna regret
p l a i n & s i m p l e

>tfw u in 3 moonz

>> No.2116860

I'm in the same boat. I bought 50 ETH back when they were at $10 each, so I've made a nice little bit of profit, but less than my monthly paycheck from my job so not really anything to write home about. If only I had put in a mere $10k into ETH I'd at least have more than a year's worth of earnings, which would give me some nice financial security for a while.

I'd be okay with "just" $200k. My dream is to have enough cash to pay off my car and buy a house outright, and then just live a comfortable minimalist lifestyle. Without rent/car payment I could easily subsist on less than $1000 a month. That dream could have become a reality this week if only I had taken a bigger risk and bet more on ETH. Too bad, so sad.

>> No.2116871

Microsoft and a bunch of other tech giants said they're getting on board with Ethereum

>> No.2116887

Bought 1 ethereum at $122, still have $9.16 funds left in Gemini account. How do I buy .075 worth of ethereum with the rest?

>> No.2116908
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>> No.2116963

>and then just live a comfortable minimalist lifestyle
That's a good idea anon, I hadn't really considered that as an option much until just now.

>> No.2116983
File: 196 KB, 980x552, African Metalheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take a loan from a rich family member.

Promise 5% return in 2 years.

Did this last night, don't regret it

>> No.2116994
File: 527 KB, 720x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH hasn't been fully developed either

>> No.2116996

Would you recommend putting any on credit card? I just paid off a credit card in full today after getting paid.

>> No.2117019

you don't believe

>> No.2117029

Your question indicates that you have a poorfag mentality and will lose money trading.

The answer is therefore no. Study charts more.

>> No.2117034

don't listen to him >>2116052

>> No.2117061

this. It will dip when the whales allow it to

>> No.2117135

> tfw ironically shilled Eth at $1
> doubled down at $4 with shitposting
> get envious at $20
> consider buying at $40
> suddenly $50 and wait for it to drop
> eventually start buying at $70

I've been going very low level into this. Only had 4 Eth. Can buy a lot more but risk is so high, but then again it is in a bull market so.

>> No.2117174

lol there is no risk this weekend on eth.

hold and sell on the night of the 22nd or the 23rd, depending on how the market reacts.

>> No.2117650
File: 4 KB, 165x115, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i still dont own any ETH
>ETH $100
>i'll just wait for dip, its surely coming
>ETH $115
>go to buy some
>ETH $115
>i-i'll just wait for the dip, its surely coming
>wake up
>ETH $130

>> No.2117683

Been overdue to climb, do you really think it should be valued less than bitcoin when its faster, doesn't have a ton of pending transactions, and alphabay takes it now?

>> No.2118586
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He saw a daytrade dip and thought that meant game over

They'll buy at 300, cuck out at 350 when a minor dip scares them, spend it on a good night, and then cry when we high up in the clouds in six months.

We'll keep buying up the dips, holding what we have, never selling, and watching BAT ICO turn this shit lit.

Inform your tech-oriented family members today

invest 10-25% of your savings.

>> No.2118606

Bitcoin is old grandpa tech. And is going to die.

>> No.2118607
File: 73 KB, 800x621, in case you didnt get it yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was literally 12 hours ago and now it's 12 bucks more

>> No.2118626



The "muh 21 million" argument, bitcoiners last hope

"D...digital gold!"

>> No.2118628

whens the next dip? should i just buy now?

>> No.2118629


>falling for the home ownership jew

>> No.2118652
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probably around the 31st

>> No.2118670
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Nobody can predict when the next dip is. Could be any time now. Doesn't matter. The dip isn't permanent here.

If you don't get it already the reason we are invested is actual researched market incentives which are emerging around an ETH infrastructure.

It has less to do with speculation and more to do with the failures of the ad industry, and upcoming solution to it.


Make sure you hold whether you buy now or at next dip. Hold for at least 1 or 2 years.

People kept saying BTC would drop, but it didn't.

>> No.2118674

Hey that was me, bought in at 108 and thought I was buying high.

>> No.2118836

what wallet do you guys use for eth?

>> No.2119573
File: 2.24 MB, 452x796, 1483914342005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clueless pleb here.

I was a total nocoiner until I bought into ETH through Coinbase about a month or two ago. Now that it's actually worth a somewhat substantial amount of money I want to move in into a wallet I actually have control over.

Can anyone recommend a good wallet for a pleb like me?

>> No.2119575

>implying eth isnt going to dip to 115$


>> No.2119580

k im gonna need a goddamn sauce before I say shit

>> No.2119597

Should I get in now with 1000 euro? How and where? Kraken is still verifying my account... I heard this one will moon on the 23nd due to lots of events? Or better get something else?

>> No.2119632

second, anyone got some wisdom to share?

>> No.2119714


>> No.2119751
File: 1.90 MB, 450x800, 1494053159750.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard about it but I even know where to start, can you explain it like I was retarded?

>> No.2119779


Golem is a potential shout it's got a big update coming on 31st I believe

>> No.2119837

Download jaxx from play or app store on your phone. It leads you through the steps desu m8. Look for an online guide and practice sending small amounts.

>> No.2119859
File: 2.13 MB, 450x800, 1494056830185.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks senpai.

>> No.2119864

myetherwallet also works
keep posting webms

>> No.2119876

I love you guise, almost as much as muh gainz