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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.21099470

>SLV call cheapies

>> No.21099473
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CLSK saved my life

>> No.21099483
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>cloudflare up 7%
>first solar up 17%
wait WHAT

>> No.21099501
File: 755 KB, 866x764, cozy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for green afternoon

>> No.21099506

anyone able to post some thots for me to masturbate to?
also sell intel

>> No.21099516
File: 13 KB, 249x243, 1594992845257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NET paying off after all
Friendly reminder to have some conviction and stick to your guns.

>> No.21099520

degiro fag over here, shill me a €uro stock to hold for over the weekend, i got about 900€

>> No.21099521

NET folks did you sell already or does this have more room to go up?

>> No.21099530

i am 90 day banned from robinhood and e-trade is fucking trash. What broker should I use for options?

>> No.21099533

Advice needed on stocks to buy for the coming weeks/months
I am clueless

>> No.21099534

how low should i wait to buy?

>> No.21099541

I hope none of you bought RKT at open.

>> No.21099552

I'm still in. It can rock back and forth but it'll go past 50 by end of august.

>> No.21099560

I doubled my aapl shares today. Set a price limit of $449 and it triggered. Should I have gone lower?

>> No.21099561

No stimulus today? Congress is pathetic.

>> No.21099562


>> No.21099568

this, buy intcel puts. also bro try to lighten up on the porn consumption. bad for ur brain

>> No.21099571
File: 141 KB, 800x682, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we going to shut everything down again?

>> No.21099574


>> No.21099587

TDA is what I use for most of my trading. Can also get ToS too

>> No.21099602

I ended up really liking what I learned about NET during this whole saga, so I'm going to hold for a while.>>21099521

>> No.21099608

>PFE good news all around, positive data on anticancer candidate, vaccine, IP, and now gonna produce remdesivir with Gilead
>up 0.08%


>> No.21099610


>> No.21099617

I sold my 200 shares and 9 of my calls, keeping one.

Can't believe we made it NETfags.

>> No.21099635

Webull, just takes forever for your shekels to settle

>> No.21099648
File: 535 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200807-074835_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is my green line going vertical

>> No.21099659
File: 427 KB, 767x564, EFC1D1AB-198C-4784-8645-7E6F054B60D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAPL tryna not give me gains today. U GON GIV ME GAINS BRO

>> No.21099665

bros I think I'm done with trading small cap momentum stocks.

>> No.21099674

GNUS if it goes down, blame duh shortz

>> No.21099677

Do I hold CLSK over the weekend?

>> No.21099683

my black friend borrowed that game and returned it all scratched up in some nba game case

that shit would be worth some decent money today

>> No.21099691


>> No.21099693

What? How?

>> No.21099694

i have to
no more day trades
ill let you know how it goes

>> No.21099706

don't know, just did 3 trades on it, now reading the report, looks just that the numbers aren't as bad as expected, short of float only 15%, tape strong as hell, gonna take a dump and get in again

>> No.21099708


>> No.21099709

he bought stocks that spelled out NIGGER

>> No.21099711
File: 199 KB, 2400x3200, its all green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ktov bros wtf

>> No.21099721

Today is buy the dip day aapl anon.

>> No.21099725

>my black friend


>> No.21099726

Why wouldn't you hold it for a few more weeks?

>> No.21099751

WKHS moon mission lifting off
get in, boys
this is in anticipation of earnings and guidance on monday
even if you don't believe, you can ride it for a day and sell on monday

>> No.21099757

Fuck, all my cash is tied up right now, and that's retarded, business's are all fucked still, who the hell is using groupon

>> No.21099767
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DAS RITE. Keep it up or I threat again.

>> No.21099768
File: 98 KB, 800x800, 0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This market is proof that people only care about normie faggot retail shit.

Trump announces TikTok ban with 45 days to go and Facebook + Snapchat start fucking mooning literal percentages, while nerd shit like Pfizer good news and Intel bad news are doing fucking jack nigger shit to the stock. And gold and silver are shitting the bed because the stimulus isn't announced yet.

Thanks, I'll only stick to fucking LITERAL zoomer Robinhood "what are options?" normie tickers now like Apple, Facebook, Snapchat, Uber, Doordash, Lululemon, Peloton, and some other faggot gay nigger shit.

Pic related: Typical zoomer faggot

>> No.21099784
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We're going to make it NET frens.

>> No.21099793

the AAPL is always ripe for the pickins

>> No.21099801
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>> No.21099808
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AND SP500 IS GREEN! Ready for ATH today?

>> No.21099813


>> No.21099823

Nasdaq green lol stocks literally only go up

>> No.21099829


>> No.21099834

>And gold and silver are shitting the bed because the stimulus isn't announced yet.

I'm angry about that. We know it will come. There is no way there won't be a massiv stimulus and yet the dollar is strengthen. Clown market.

>> No.21099838

What exactly did you learn?

>> No.21099839

Why BLNK why

>> No.21099847

my little horsie <3

>> No.21099862

Intel hasn't hit mainstream yet. Apparently the leaker plans to release more. I have puts so I'm hoping it tanks to the bottom of the sea.

>> No.21099866
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>> No.21099867

>QQQ up

>AAPL, MSFT, AMD, INTC all down

>> No.21099887
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 4065B6BAFFE14DB8AA4EA3F8859CC971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the ktov dip, trust me guys

>> No.21099891
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It's going to get announced after-hours when all the options that are expiring today get fucked over. That's just how the world works I guess. It's all fucking rigged.

>> No.21099895

Take advantage of the clown market. Buy the gold and silver dip. Come November you'll be glad you did

>> No.21099898
File: 247 KB, 1042x1216, Screenshot_20200807-105809_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did

>> No.21099899

>FB, SNAP mooning
algos buying
p r i c e d in

>> No.21099902
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God I hate joggers

>> No.21099933


>> No.21099936


I'm with you anon. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.21099937

Basically that they've got solid, consistent client growth and are crushing just about every financial indicator you can look at. It's a really solid company.

>> No.21099939

How the fuck is live nation up almost 1% after missing earnings by so much

>> No.21099951

>priced in
i made 4 dollars on pfe, pfft yeah right kid

>> No.21099953

cool it, this is strictly chadgenerate stonk thread

>> No.21099958
File: 6 KB, 419x249, 1464678668657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone looking at VAPO? massive volume, looks like a dip. anyone know anything?

>> No.21099995
File: 148 KB, 843x517, AngryMissileNoises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ELY went down despite good earnings
>now I'm stuck bagholding some boomer fucking golf stock

>> No.21099996
File: 208 KB, 828x1792, BFE80B83-5970-47F3-9201-8344FEAA4A1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold clean spark at $9.30 picked back up at $9. Bought workhorse dip at bottom. Just picked up 4 shares of apple.

>> No.21099997
File: 49 KB, 533x344, bainposting06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a lot of the symbols being name dropped are folks who booked a flight on NO SURVIVORS airlines, and are now hoping someone here will throw them a parachute.

>> No.21100004


>> No.21100007

Reddit keeps saying to buy uranium. Is this a meme?

>> No.21100011

I'm not even happy that my $SNAP calls are gaining traction, I'm just seething that GLD and SLV are dumping on the day of expiry after what, more than a week of closing green?

>> No.21100017

AAPL bull trap or dip? I keep pussing out right before I pull the trigger

>> No.21100033

Nuclear is slow moving as fuck

>> No.21100056

Who is going to play golf when all the boomers die from China Flu?

>> No.21100064

Yes, the regulations around nuclear are so autistically tight that even if you invented a perfectly safe pocket sized reactor tomorrow you wouldn't be able to mass market it for 20 years

>> No.21100073
File: 39 KB, 550x545, 1554056061372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do stocks move if everything is priced in?

>> No.21100086
File: 438 KB, 1392x788, 8CAF83E8-2AFC-4E93-B1FF-6FFE7457FF3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21100106
File: 66 KB, 1024x679, Ec9KGTsWoAIrHJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FSLR and NET are exploding upwards with no survivors, watch out above

You underestimate the dedication of the boomer

>> No.21100121

I have to believe it’s going to be a hearty bull until the split, I’ll probably exit sometime that week. I’m neck deep in AAPLs until then

>> No.21100123

volume is picking up on WKHS
resistance is weak and uncommitted
we will moon on the next nasdaq upswing

>> No.21100151

Quick rundown on $HBP?
>Quick rundown on $HBP?
Quick rundown on $HBP?
>Quick rundown on $HBP?
Quick rundown on $HBP?
>Quick rundown on $HBP?
Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
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>Quick rundown on $HBP?
Quick rundown on $HBP?
>Quick rundown on $HBP?
Quick rundown on $HBP?
>Quick rundown on $HBP?
Quick rundown on $HBP?
>Quick rundown on $HBP?

>> No.21100155

I love the HORSE, it's the best ticker this board ever found

>> No.21100159

Now is absolutely not the time for nuclear. Check back in ten years.

>> No.21100160


Because we're in a bubble created by zero interest rates and a Fed that no longer gives a shit about inflation and has basically done everything they can possibly do without turning us into Japan and outright buying stock.

>> No.21100163

So insiders can make money. You are allowed to gamble on the sideline.

>> No.21100171

>pocket sized reactor
Fuck solar, I want to be rich enough to power my future home with this.

>> No.21100178

but that's priced in

>> No.21100184

How high will RKT go today? I'm thinking hold til Monday. Day traders clearly active doing the pump and dump.

>> No.21100188

Very predictable. Think I'll buy a small stake in Sqqq and sit on it for today. See you fags next week.

>> No.21100193
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>> No.21100201

kill yourself

>> No.21100213


>> No.21100216

>fuck solar
CSIQ: +9% today
FSLR: +17% today

>> No.21100224
File: 1.69 MB, 2705x1499, 2394578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21100226

Hey /g/ fags on here, why the fuck isn't intel going down? Any news on when the next leaks is coming?

>> No.21100232

Im so pumped rn on it, same with CLSK

>> No.21100252

Intel has already dropped pretty far idk what some leaky bois are supposed to do. Was anything particularly damning in the leak?

>> No.21100254

Market doesn't care about that shit.

>> No.21100257
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I am financially content.

>> No.21100258

CSIQ is one to keep an eye on, multiyear breakout lookin close

>> No.21100259

I'd make one of those annoying
>-------YOU ARE HERE-------
charts for OSTK but it'd be too long

>> No.21100264
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Made me look.

>> No.21100279
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>> No.21100281

Okay fine. When Biden wins what should I start investing in? Guns? Green Energy? Cannabis?

>> No.21100284

>Cuts off $ gain because portfolio is worth $500
Many such cases

>> No.21100286

Did a "major" financial news shit report on it yet?

>> No.21100288

I don't like how much of their business is in chinky chinky communist chinaland, that's why I own FSLR instead

"""Canadian""" solar is a chink lie

>> No.21100294

I have puts, I just wanna make it /biz/ bro

>> No.21100296

Basically confirmed the backdoors that everyone already knew about, passwords on zip files were "Intel123"

The whole company is a security vulnerability

>> No.21100304
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God damned Mitch, just give the joggers their gibs so that my gambling addiction pays off!

>> No.21100311
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new to stocks anon from yesterday here
friend suggested to just put everything on silver and let it sit, wasn't able to deposit on the app until this morning, woke up at 7am to see silver plunging almost 5%, put whole deposit limit amount into it and so far so good, we gonna make it

>> No.21100320

I didn't mean the stock anon, I just want a personal reactor for my house.

>> No.21100323
File: 65 KB, 960x529, futurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I keep underlining a wikipedia article someone will eventually take me seriously

>> No.21100326

I need it down more

>> No.21100341
File: 3 KB, 355x36, 1583459355793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my weekly deposits are more than that :^)

>> No.21100351


>> No.21100363

No, but it's only a matter of time

>> No.21100379


>> No.21100388

Intel Tanking waiting room

>> No.21100390


give me reasons and ill throw 5k at it

>> No.21100401

How much is WKHS gonna pump

>> No.21100414
File: 216 KB, 344x315, 1349304771181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time I get into CLSK it dumps
>When it pumps enough I get out at break even because idk what these faggots are doing I just know it's a good biz meme that provides green numbers on the RobinHood Online MMO Gacha game I play
>Pumps further
>FOMO back in
This is a scam, this isn't fair, someone is targetting and cheating me specifically

>> No.21100422

monday we hit 20 then dump

>> No.21100426

When to sell RKT biz? I only follow your advice

>> No.21100427

>time is relative
>relativity is racist
>physics is racist
>God is racist

I am ok w/ this

>> No.21100430

I don't even think super normie tech channels like LinusTechTips have reported on it yet.

>> No.21100433
File: 645 KB, 2214x2860, c1000-nyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be surprised if WKHS is steady green every single day next week. Best case there's a USPS announcement and we run up to over $30.

>> No.21100435

jew pharma, its gonna moon

>> No.21100441

bro how are you losing money on CLSK just hold for more than a day and you're in the green

>> No.21100444

We all know that feeling. It's the jews.

>> No.21100456
File: 123 KB, 768x768, ofx3snq3ct151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy high
>sell low

>> No.21100459

its a jew scam .. buy $SCI or get on the horse

>> No.21100496

what the fuck is going on with SOXL? Why is it so dead? Is this really a safe park it and forget it fund? It hasn't recovered since the lockdown, which I guess means there's room for growth but my paper hands are getting a little weak here guys...the logic behind it is sound, why the fuck would we ever not need semiconductors?

>> No.21100508
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>> No.21100515

I sold today because I still don't understand their business

>> No.21100516

God I fucking hope so, I picked up cheapie $25 calls last week

>> No.21100519
File: 58 KB, 976x850, C72173A6-BF77-4F65-8AE1-5889B817ED2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple will never go above 455 again

>> No.21100522

What does this mean, intel bros

>> No.21100526

they wont announce it until end of quarter

>> No.21100531

Since you fuckers won't shut up about workhorse, is it too late to bandwagon?

>> No.21100534
File: 265 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200807-102124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still not all in on CLSK

>> No.21100536

>if time had a race, it would be white
>one race, the human race


>> No.21100540
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This is based
This is onions

>> No.21100545

No... It wasn't supposed to end like this!

>> No.21100551

look at the 3M chart
it is due for a drop and then it'll resume the climb
ride WKHS today and monday, then take out gains and put them into SOXL

>> No.21100559

TTD and APPS are making me rich

>> No.21100566

>It will crab at 450 until the split.

>> No.21100571

>anyone who insults me is onions
not that guy but cringe

>> No.21100575
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who else is /comfy/ waiting for intel to dump

>> No.21100578

idk, i'm a trader not an investor, but, yep, saw that they have some quite diversity among their execs

>> No.21100579

>400% up is flat and is not a recovery
what the fuck is even going on in this thread? SLV tard pretending SLV pumped when it's down 3%, INTC tard pretending it's going up when it's way down, now some tardo pretending SOXL is flat since march when it's reaching for the sky.
Did I enter crazyland?

>> No.21100582

the next time the nasdaq swings up, WKHS will swing up harder
could resume the climb at any moment

>> No.21100585
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Bad rattus, I'm harvesting gains, go away

>> No.21100586

Its that normie app that manages your mortgage. It's normie shit like Quicken and Geico it just takes money from retards with money.

>> No.21100588

yeah I was going to open a position but i'll just stick with TQQQ and silver

>> No.21100597

you're a fucking idiot if you cant understand mortgages and loans.

>> No.21100602

ama gonna getz banned, annonnn?
just cuz I hatez joggerz?

>> No.21100605

Only whites are human anon.

>> No.21100618

Just bought 25shares of BABA
If dubs it makes me 20% EOM

>> No.21100626

>a third world country rich americans go to surf all day

Lmk when it's a real country my dude

>> No.21100638
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You're both still wrong

>> No.21100660

I don't understand why they're dressing up a mortgage lender as a fintech startup. I'm getting WeWork vibes. You can't just LARP as a tech company in industries without tech margins.

>> No.21100666

Any good weekend holds?

>> No.21100667

Buy puts, the password on locked .zip files was Intel123

>> No.21100669

Also AZZ.

>> No.21100702

SPCE dropping like a sack of shit, time to buy?

>> No.21100716



>> No.21100718
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>> No.21100719

You forgot BIGC

>> No.21100729

Nope they’re so far off doing literally anything, won’t be profitable in this decade.

>> No.21100732

why do all of these penny trading retards give alerts and stuff on twitter and such after something has already ran after a news announcement? are they just momo chasing retards?

>> No.21100747

They announced dilution anon.

>> No.21100749

Tda does have a 2.50 fee per option order, however with thinkorswim I stay there. Worth it - just order options in bulk to save on the commissions as long as that stays in line with your trading plan

>> No.21100752

No, they are going to literally zero.

>> No.21100753

Lol is wkhs gonna dump

>> No.21100754

Anyone else thinking about buying IBEX ipo stock today? I have enough loose cash to get like 55 shares @ $19. Might do it, fuck iit.

>> No.21100757

>Scalp OSTK calls for $100 and buy more SLV
>It keeps fucking mooning way past my strike

at least I made $100 dollars I guess........

>> No.21100758

Everyday the wheels come off more and more of the remdesivir hoax. Once people realize theyre being lied to about hcq the shitstorm will be mighty. Invest around it and you will lose your ass.

>> No.21100772


I missed the dip to to 10 in march, Branson reckons his first flight will be 2021 so potentially see things kick off then, I'm tempted to wait a few more weeks but fomo

>> No.21100783

why the fuck would workhorse dump

>> No.21100787

workhorse looks like it already did its gains and is a pump and dump that already pumped

>> No.21100793

are you retarded?

>> No.21100800

Is this the same round of dilution as the last one, or are they already diluting AGAIN? I know SPCE is a scam but Branson usually at least pretends it isn't.

>> No.21100802
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Okay I'm done with today. Taking my -3% and sitting on the sidelines. Fucking GLD man..

>> No.21100807

Already did, Anon. (Only around $500 but still) I also heard that there are backdoors that can be harmful to datacenters so we could see an even larger dip than we did in 2018 with Spectere/Meltdown ($7 drop then)

>> No.21100809

This is a good point

>> No.21100813

If a friend doesnt take care of your shit hes selfish and inconsiderate i.e. no real friend.

>> No.21100815

why is tqqq shitting the bed??? time to harvest gains for the weekend or hodl? evens i sell, odds i hodl

>> No.21100818

you're retarded

>> No.21100825

Just went all in on $OPGN. See you faggots on the other side.

>> No.21100831
File: 12 KB, 235x290, 5ABA9DF1-04C9-48B5-BCAE-9A5DAEF205FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I bought BABA today. How could you tell?

>> No.21100832

>could have gone all in brainlessly on something stupid like zoom, wayfair, overstock with my entire networth and be a millionaire by now in just a few months
>instead i'm only +15% year to date spending every day trying to trade or find the next meme stock
think i'm gonna kys and end it guys

>> No.21100844

it would have been obvious if you had drawn any trendlines on GLD or /gc

>> No.21100854

Not sure, its 23 600 000 shares at 19.50.

>> No.21100863

you can larp as an EV manufacturer without a manufacturing facility

>> No.21100868

Exactly how I feel. I give up trying to be creative. I'm just going to buy LEAPs on something fucking stupidly obvious like Apple and just go into a coma.

>> No.21100873

Cool me too, what do you expect? How long do you hold?

>> No.21100877

i feel your pain. I KNEW silver was going to moon. I could have put it all into ultra silver in march and made 10x. why am i so impatient.

>> No.21100883

>investing in China
You are scum. But soon you will be poor and broke scum.

>> No.21100885
File: 721 KB, 1060x1200, hommere clown frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy XERS, thank me later

>> No.21100899

That's been a known unknown for years now, but the fact that its confirmed now means theyre fucked

I need massive gains so I can build a new computer now, fucking kikes

>> No.21100913

I’ve been a BABA chad since 2018

>> No.21100915

Eat a dick, I wrote a put spread and a bearish call spread but the put spread got blown out by 1% which I did not expect at all. I was using moving average and your astronomy lines too.

>> No.21100921

> without a manufacturing facility
try even without an actual product aka NKLA

>> No.21100931

dude wtf
are you a jogger?

>> No.21100941
File: 115 KB, 850x635, drink_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who aren't green today

>> No.21100955

Praying for Intel's downfall with you, brother. Nice dubs, btw.

>> No.21100965

Shill me on SHLL

>> No.21100984

I bought 2000 dollars of intel at $50 dollars.

Am I fucked?

>> No.21100994

Im not, you missed out. It will never be anywhere near 30 again

>> No.21100996


>> No.21100998

If you actually did, yes.

>> No.21101016

Sell that right now you huge dumbass

>> No.21101029


>> No.21101037

dayum FSLY still dumping, jesus, wonder if the anons that were thinking about buying FSLY and 93 cashed out or are in seethe land now

>> No.21101038

You mean you bought $20 of Intel.

>> No.21101039

why would you do that though

>> No.21101040


No seriously. you guys were saying that it was the perfect time to buy, they'd never be that low again, their profits are up year over year with unbeatable profit margins

>> No.21101049
File: 191 KB, 1228x1150, 1595701231607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell that shit right now before CNBC starts reporting the Intel leak to mainstream

>> No.21101051

I’m barely green

>> No.21101052

>needing products, facilities, employees, or an actual business to have a booming stock

its 2020 anon

>> No.21101059

NM it will go up forever and ever lemme just thrown 10k at it and see what happens

>> No.21101061

Buy puts

>> No.21101065

I would honestly just sell it back now and save yourself the pain

>> No.21101066

no, it will be dead money, a nice little pot of crab

>> No.21101072

what Intel leak?

>> No.21101085


>> No.21101091

Should I get rid of this AAPL 450 call? Still have two weeks on it might just turn it into a spread

>> No.21101099

you'll wish you had by EOD

>> No.21101101
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Can’t do options on WKHS in the UK

>> No.21101109
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>> No.21101112

You MIGHT be green in like 2 years. But now? Hahahaha. Bro, sell it off and buy puts.

>> No.21101117

Alright meow AAPL. It’s time for you to pump. Lunch is almost over. Get back to buying you wall street drones.

>> No.21101121



>> No.21101125
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trust me

>> No.21101138
File: 200 KB, 1280x853, thisisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are legun, we never forget

>> No.21101150
File: 232 KB, 595x655, 151924245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 4k cash sitting around depreciating and i'm a lazy faggot. Give me a good stonk to go all in on that will 8x within the next 10 years.

>> No.21101162

>unzipped to the breasts
>slight tilt to her right
>outfit still hanging in her pants
what did she mean by this?

>> No.21101170

you were using the "astronomy" lines indicating GLD trading at the upper end of an extremely wide channel but you wrote puts anyway?

>> No.21101178

Where is NET going? I'm down 4% please tell me I'll recover

>> No.21101181

What is congress doing?
They announced they will continue talks today at 12:00 noon. Someone else said they will vote until Aug, 21.

Does that mean that it is likely they will agree on a new stimulus today, work out the details in the coming week then vote on it on the Aug, 21st?

>> No.21101182


>> No.21101184

yo what kind of puts are we buying on INTEL?!
Dates and strike price?

>> No.21101194


I fucking hate you pieces of shit. I'm sure in 2 weeks you'll reply with "ONLY RETARDS WERE SAYING TO BUY WORKHORSE, SELL IT NOW AT A LOSS!"

>> No.21101205

that u will never get laid

>> No.21101225

hmmmm do they really have much more room for growth? Even the japs use amazon.

>> No.21101231
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buy high sell low

>> No.21101232
File: 36 KB, 828x770, 141B8D4B-1EF0-45D8-8C42-A5BADC56FA49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anybody else fomo into RKT at open or just my dumbass

>> No.21101235

yeah but Intel is trash and workhorse isnt? So i dont think that will happen man :/

>> No.21101237

join us on twitch and ignore smg

>> No.21101243

Oh my god, he actually bought Intel and isn't LARPing. Seriously dude, just take that money and buy puts and you'll make money.

>> No.21101244
File: 54 KB, 768x749, 65EBBE3B-6D7E-45C7-94F1-D63340DAE7CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OSTK UP 18%, hold or???

>> No.21101245

lmao only retards buy things that are going to go down

>> No.21101246

Holy fuck is that placard real? I think I remember seeing that one.

>> No.21101247

I was the anon that was ensuring everyone NET was a safe buy. Someone asked me about FSLY and I told them I actually don't know much about them and they didn't seem as stable, but I'd do research because they were on sale.

After doing research, I decided not to buy and instead increase my position in NET.

>> No.21101248

nah Workhorse is long hold nigga

>> No.21101251

>Paul Joseph Watson
Are you going to keep falling for clickbait for the rest of your life anon?

>> No.21101256

How can you be down on NET? Did you literally buy today at ATH?

The good news is that $50 EOY is plausible and it could spike to $50 at any time. The bad news is that you bought the top, at least for now.

>> No.21101257
File: 395 KB, 488x588, KIKI1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that u will never get laid

>> No.21101258

When all the stocks are going down, where does all the money go?

>> No.21101276

Idk I bought today for 7k

>> No.21101286
File: 65 KB, 600x451, 1234931504682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China hacked Taiwanese Semi industry.

>> No.21101289

when it hits 65

>> No.21101297

I did and sold thirty minutes later when it immediately shit the bed. Bought NET instead but now I'm down and hoping for a leg up

>> No.21101300

Just made $15 on my first ever trade. Thanks RKT.

>> No.21101309

Pro tip; most of the people here are shilling their pump and dumps. If they say its going to go up 30% its going to go up 10% which exactly when you bought hoping to make an easy 20%.

>> No.21101316

I'm trying to help you, you stupid fucking faggot, just because a company is big and been around for a long time doesn't mean they're an good.

They've had security vulnerabilities for years now, gimping their CPUs, the leak confirmed the back doors they install at the firmware level everyone knew was there anyways, and their product line is literally years behind AMD at this point while they focus on hiring niggers and women

Hold if you want to lose money, not everyone here knows what they're talking about

>> No.21101329

This is your last chance before [next week]

>> No.21101337

>Reads news
>Tosses head to the sky in fury

The old boomer did it again. Didnt he just put a fuckhuge investment on Sirius?

>> No.21101343

I'm scared bro should I do it

>> No.21101344

I bought after it was coming down from the peak right after open. I just don't fucking understand why people are selling enough for it to continue down when they beat earnings

>> No.21101348

I mean on the one hand it absolutely is clickbait for people who just want to be angry at minorities saying silly things

On the other hand, if you want to laugh at minorities saying silly things, there is absolutely a dearth of fat black "womyns stxdies" teachers who will spew whatever gets them a headline or some retweets.

>> No.21101359

I got 10k to chuck on something for the weekend give me you best

>> No.21101369
File: 79 KB, 764x550, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21101371


Fine, I bought 1500 dollars of workhorse and i want my fucking money back when you idiots change your mind.

>> No.21101380



>> No.21101381

Depends. It has the potential, and you KNOW China's cold war will ramp up more in the coming decade. China will try to corner the online marketplace and Baba is in the best position to do so. You're somewhat betting against the US but I don't think that's a particularly bad stance. It works good as a hedge against China fucking US. Its issue would obviously be shipping, dunno how they could possibly beat Amazon Prime, but that's for Winnie Xi Pooh to figure out.

>> No.21101383

idk but it made me want to rewatch the whole series

>> No.21101387

Post seems suspiciously reddit

>> No.21101388

NEE-chan has treated me so well. I love NEE-chan!

>> No.21101390

Profit taking. I considered selling a third of my stack at $48 but decided to long hold. It's a good company, but its shot up vertically and profit taking is normal.

If you love buying stocks that already mooned, may I reccomend FSLR?

>> No.21101391

intel puts

>> No.21101395

BABA dip, yay or nay?

>> No.21101396
File: 172 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200807-114835_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.21101402

WKHS has earnings and guidance coming monday along with possible USPS announcement

>> No.21101408

Don't feel bad, my 8/7 59c I picked up before earnings is up 1050% and I sold around 190%

>> No.21101410

Ride the WKHS wave.

>> No.21101411

Chinese make batteries my dudes.

>> No.21101412

Alright what the fuck is going on with TQQQ?

>> No.21101422

>TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A group of Chinese hackers has succeeded in “pillaging” Taiwan’s semiconductor sector, stealing chip designs and source code, according to a report published by Wired Magazine Thursday (Aug. 7).

While Taiwanese cybersecurity company CyCraft already published information about the hacking campaign in April, it only know established a link between the group and the Chinese authorities.

The CyCraft researchers described the operation as a “state-based attack” aimed at manipulating “Taiwan’s standing and power” and targeting the country’s entire semiconductor sector.

Seven unnamed chip companies, several of them headquartered at the Hsinchu Industrial Park, were targeted over the past two years by a group labeled “Chimera.” CyCraft found new evidence loosely linking them to a better-known China-sponsored hacking outfit known as “Winnti,” Wired reported.

>> No.21101424

Bought workhorse at the literal top. Classic

>> No.21101429

Everyone talking about Baba but what about Tencent?

>> No.21101431

i was wondering the same thing.

also someone bake a new thread please

>> No.21101434

It’s the only thing in this stupid market that makes sense and is guaranteed to gain. Just don’t buy weekly calls. Buy one or two months out. More if you can.

>> No.21101435

>Hey guys we're just like you, we're going to tax the billionaires
>"Where will the money go"
>"Don't worry about it" (My pocket :] )

>> No.21101437

WKHS batteries are made across the street from the lordstown plant

>> No.21101440

How do you morons still not get how earnings work? BEATING OR MISSING ESTIMATES DOES NOT MATTER.
Guidance matters. Price action before the earnings matters(more than anything, if a stock runs 50% in a month then the earnings are barely a beat, it's priced in and the stock will drop.)

>> No.21101442

Shill me bruh

>> No.21101445

I would be fine with this if it meant the left stopped whining for a bit about "muh super dooper rich" and let them go about their private space programs in peace

But the left will never be satisfied so fuck that

>> No.21101446

I was looking at FSLR but now I'm scared to buy another top. Also looking at FIVG but everything I want to buy is shit today

>> No.21101448

this was so earnest i thought you were being sarcastic lol. GL tho anon. We all experience losses, sometimes you just gotta take a step back and reevaluate your strat.

>> No.21101449

$8+ by today end

>> No.21101452
File: 69 KB, 161x277, 1595207542073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The death of Intel is happening.
$40 EOW next week.

>> No.21101461
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>wake up
>everything is red
Is this a good dip to buy SLV or should I wait on this selloff to finish

>> No.21101467

hold it, retard
people are going to get in today in anticipation of monday
look at last friday

>> No.21101470

I may actually buy that shit if it gets that low

>> No.21101477

banana republic pilled

>> No.21101482

I think everyone should have some sort of global warming play and my chosen play is FSLR and CARR. I absolutely reccomend CARR.

>> No.21101491
File: 119 KB, 941x799, 1560705294286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you buy SLV when you could buy AGQ? were yall simply unaware of it? silver is GUARANTEED to go to 50 MINIMUM in the long run. leveraged ETFs are, in fact, a buy and hold if the underlying is bullish enough (which silver definitely is).

>> No.21101497

Yes dummy

>> No.21101502

It hasn’t dropped below 44$ in 4 years keep dreaming. DCA if you have half a brain.

>> No.21101509


>> No.21101510

FTCH puts

>> No.21101540

it's not finished.

>> No.21101541
File: 308 KB, 698x570, 79879844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pelosi and (((schumer)) going live in 5 minutes


>> No.21101545

I didn't know about it, I'll start sticking money in both though now

>> No.21101562

It almost did last time there was a big security concern (2018), this is even worse for them.

>> No.21101565

>silver is GUARANTEED to go to 50 MINIMUM

why? I have silvercalls myself, but that sounds just dumb.

>> No.21101571

Entirely with no exposure to China?

>> No.21101605

Did you buy it?

>> No.21101637
File: 18 KB, 509x411, 1411046925318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PBI still creeping upwards, not blatantly PnD
>$5 million contract with an UNNAMED government agency
>They build mailing + shipping systems (machines that quickly stamp + address large amounts of mail)
>COVID means mail-in votes will be way more numerous than before
>Next earnings report is NOVEMBER 3RD
They must be involved with the election, I'm really tempted to get 1/15/2021 calls

>> No.21101642

Intel is notoriously fucking awful, sell immediately. Take the loss as a hard earned lesson.

>> No.21101649

de-listing chinese companies is not the same as banning chinese products and you're out of your mind if you think china would restrict selling to us in retalation

>> No.21101662

tfw you trashed your intc $48 puts for .16 on Wednesday

>> No.21101690

It's down 1 fucking %

Bro sell that shit now they just had a huge data leak and they were already walking on egg shells.

I almost bought Intel but this board actually fucking saved me by showing me that they seriously diverted $300 mill from RnD to workplace diversity. Maybe float your ideas here first? Just sell dude fuck.

>> No.21101720

It would just set a precedent. It will quickly go from a 'one time' thing and turn into
>well we did it before, we should do it again!

>> No.21101778
File: 156 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20200807-110243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIX time?

>> No.21101787

Fuck bros i overslept but i'm still in the green

>> No.21101790




>> No.21101806

>global warming
Every decade the world is literally going to end in 10 years for the last 40 years.

>> No.21101817
File: 347 KB, 1264x1139, 1596669800792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, why are you doing this to yourself?

>> No.21101827


>> No.21101857
File: 810 KB, 918x1440, 20f4097dfea1e5d8fce2855364982950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good cheapies to buy today?

Also I'm still making money on NVTA, bought at $23, regret taking profits earlier but should I still be holding this bag? 16 years and, even with covid, still cant find a profit.

>> No.21101869

i hate that bitch's face so much, dude

>> No.21101920

First I hear about the leak... what do they say?

>> No.21101928


>> No.21101939

thats what you get for playing small cap momentum trades.

you gotta be quick in and out with the hotkeys

>> No.21101976


>> No.21102019

Is fastly a buy rn?

>> No.21102089

once tik tok gets acquired they are going to MOON

>> No.21102204

CNNY is pretty nice

>> No.21102220

i hate this woman so much

>> No.21102235

>in these 12 weeks, 12 million new infections and 70 thousand have died

what do i short?

>> No.21102257

You sure? It's a buy then?

>> No.21102286

Lmao all this free money.

>> No.21102373

I'm all in the red. Financial rooooin imminent

>> No.21102390

Supposedly it operates more autonomously than traditional lenders, allowing agents to process more of them. It being on a clean mobile app will help it target the autism generations. They also want to expand beyond mortgages as well. I don't know any technicals, but could theoretically be strong in the long term.

>> No.21102443

Will OPGN go back up?

>> No.21102450
File: 1.16 MB, 810x4163, Screenshot_20200807-122509_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen you fucking retarded nigger. You are worthless. Instead of digging in and looking for the truth you decide that anything against your perceived notions are muh fake news. I wouldn't put anything past these deconstructionist niggers. Go die in a pit.
"Cooper goes on to note that white people are taught that time is linear (it’s not? To coin a cliché, isn’t the science settled?), but for African-Americans time “doesn’t exactly work that way” because they live with “the residue of past historical trauma,” not to mention a present “filled with racial animus” and a “precarious future.”
>we wuz thaumatized bruh, Das why I'm late nigga, get off muh diik