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File: 11 KB, 225x225, zxcasdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21084976 No.21084976 [Reply] [Original]

Point & laugh at all the Slaves Why believe in this shit

>> No.21085003

Fucking idiots

>> No.21085069

While this is probably true that a number of rich people don’t sleep much, how many total losers out there also don’t sleep?
Most of these “wealthy habits” are just due to survivor bias and McDonald's is full of people with the exact same habits

>> No.21085143

its part of marketing. they just have to find the most common things people do, then claim rich people dont do that.
>do you sleep 8 hours a day? rich people dont
>do you go out to eat instead of working through lunch? rich people work 24/7
>do you brush your teeth? rich people dont

>> No.21085190

powerful people only need to make a few high important decisions in a day, they need as close to perfect mental acuity to do that, spending 18 hours a day poring over data is what your minions do for you

>> No.21085208


This is 100% true I literally almost worked myself to death. I’m a stay at home dad now for most of the week, and my health has never been better.

It’s crazy how people work themselves to sickness and like convince themselves that they’re somehow better or stronger for it.

I thank God he made a path for me to get out of that lifestyle.

>> No.21085220
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First time i failed in my journey to "make it" i almost killed myself out of the shame & fear of not Making it & being grinder this shit is like a cult

I didnt want anyone to see it was all a lie so death was preferable to shame

>> No.21085253

This, lmao, odds are that you won't even be half as productive as you would with adequate sleep
It's the perfect meme to keep wagies in an endless grind cycle

>> No.21085268

>do you fap to girls(male)
>rich people do

>> No.21085362
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I was greying at 30, all kinds of medical problems popping up left and right (that I wasn’t getting taken care of - no time) I was working like a slave but somehow my body looked like shit.

I work a couple short days a week now for cash. My nails were growing in shiny and grey is gone out of my hair too.

You will work yourself to death anons, seriously be careful. I wonder how much damage I did to my body doing that for so long, but I feel good these days at least.

>> No.21085455

The biggest grift right now to cash on is selling these wanna be entrepreneurs "courses", self help books and coaching. Like Dan Lok and Tony Robbins.

>> No.21085527

Rich people and not glorified wagies (e.g. the CEO who wasted 30 years of his youth and life to get a senior position at a company and who works 80 hours a week and never sees his kids, his wife cheats on him or has already divorced him and will be probably die in his 60's) don't work. They have inherited their wealth. They have large networks of friends and family who get them contracts and tenders (and they return the favor). They have fat index funds that pay them out millions of dollars.

>> No.21085630

It's a simulacrum of masculinity in a world where masculinity is near-criminalized.

>> No.21085642
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NO YOU ARE A LOSER WHO LIES if FI work hard enough & watch & read enough David goggines & jocko books i too can become a real hard MAN

>> No.21085653

Rich people do get more sleep as, as a result of being rich, have more time.

>> No.21085679
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, Can-You-Go-Through-This-EVERYDAY-MOTIVATIONAL-SPEECH-THE-GRIND-MOTIVATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

Stop being bitches & grind to become rich you all are losers who just want things easy MAN CHILDREN who dont want to grow up & suffer

>> No.21085725
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Its none story when i out on a Date im alwyas looking for that opportunity No Hour in the day should be idle You only rest to recover & grind again Sleep when you are dead

>> No.21085731 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 684x576, 44DA47EC-16F0-4C1F-8FDC-79786F4041CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us have to work ourselves to death because we hate our parents

>> No.21085776
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go into work a show your boss he can rely on you & you ALONE be there for him Sacrifice to build the Company you join Let it Them become your Family Let the work Building Become your House & eventually Your Temple

>> No.21085799
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>Do you have LINK? rich people don't

>> No.21085803
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pain is weakness leaving your body

>> No.21085831
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Rise & Grind & Rise Again Dont waste one Min of your life

>> No.21085853

Arbeit macht frei

>> No.21085881

Investors will always moonwalk over brainlet hustlefags who hustle needlessly because they can’t comprehend risk

>> No.21085892
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When it hurts Push harder WORK yourself out of that Hurt

>> No.21085945
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Your Future Billionaire self is calling its now up to you to get on the path

>> No.21085987

Ignore Weak minded Haters Who think one can work to hard Thats their Weakness watching your Greatness & feeling inferior

>> No.21086015
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Every second you are not grinding is a a gift from god wastes

>> No.21086049
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Ignore Weak minded Haters Who think one can work to hard Thats their Weakness watching your Greatness & feeling inferior

>> No.21086083

your future success relies on one thing & ones thing Only if you decide to win you will If you fail you chose to fail

>> No.21086102
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>> No.21086212
File: 46 KB, 1024x678, 2D4BDCE8-B783-463E-86AA-CB99DC57738F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big dick, big balls: fuck life in the ass until it’s your homo trans bitch. Learn the secrets of winning so hard And so much you’re tired of winning but all you do is win even when you try to lose.

Step 1: have a monster cock and ball. Life’s a bitch. And all she understands is being slapped in the face with a monster cock.

Step 2: how to make life lick the taint and love it. Through absolute terror. Terror of the monster cock and balls. Ass yo mouth and back to ass. That’s all life understands and that’s all life fears. Absolute cock tyranny. Learn how to be the dick-tator of your life.

Step 3: once you’ve uncovered your holy wood and magick hidden in tantric gang fucking of life, how are you going to use it? Helping poor broke ass nigga motherfuckers? Fuck no! You use these ultra dimensional powers to get more power and more power and more power and more power until you’re life is so shredded it can’t Handle anymore. But wait! Oh yeah, there’s more!

Written by. Tyrone Biggums

>> No.21086484
File: 56 KB, 1200x735, e23a23d8b1bf6aec57bc0219e6586a59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically would have taken this advice put on a audiobook about stoicism & go to work as a garbage man 2 years ago

>was a garbageman 2 years ago
>woke up 3am drank coffee watch a motivational video
>Reach to work ready to crush the day
> listening to books about Marcus Aurelius thinking i was going to become some great man if i just pushed hard enough man
>after two trips to the dump the other garbage man would light up some crack cocaine on the way back from the dump right next to me inside the truck

FUCK cant get back those 6 months of my life

>> No.21086569

Lucky. I’m stuck in the family business and I feel my body and life deteriorating. I’m turning 33 this year, the business nets about 5 mil annually and I have more money than I ever imagined but I’m grossly overweight and I want to die.

>> No.21086686

Ever since I started investing I’ve noticed some things that the rest of you probably have too. This weird slave mentality that everyone has. They think money that isn’t earned through wages is somehow bad. They shutdown when you try to talk about ways of getting out of the wagie cycle. They tell you not to buy, and then when you show profit they tell you to sell it and spend it on stupid shit. They don’t want us to make it. All wagies are agents of the matrix.

>> No.21086732

i am currently being forced back into the matrix until i can escape again how do i not lose my soul to it

>> No.21086762
File: 88 KB, 564x701, humor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hire a personal trainer and fuckin' go be the best person you can be

>> No.21086770

someone post the super sales boomer with the selfie with the head red from stress

>> No.21086771

>Steve Harvey
Who cares

>> No.21086772


The Winners circle

>> No.21086835

You just need to HUSTLE and GRIND

>> No.21086839
File: 459 KB, 1200x1600, E795EBEE-B877-4D0A-B0AC-635307D69DA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here friend had a big tittied Asian lady boss that gave 0 fucks about work life balance. Some days I shit you not I would go from my work chair to my bed depressed as fuck. I meditated my escape and now I never been happier I even make more money working less. I get to trade my shit coins and stonks buy shiny rocks all week. I’m never going back.

>> No.21086878


>> No.21086928

I was routinely working 80 hours a week when I started my own business. It was barely making money at the time too. I was working a regular job full time and my business full time. Every single day was miserable. Three only thing that stopped me from going suicidal was that hope of not having to go back to that fucking wage cage cubicle farm.

I finally got up to 100k last year and is doing even better this year. Not impressive for self employment, but I was able to quit my main job and focus on this full time. It feels way more rewarding to work 50 hours now. I never work more than that because It gives diminishing returns in overall productivity. I always try to get at least 8 hours of sleep.

>> No.21087022

almost dont want to rejoin just becasue i know how hard it is to escape

>> No.21087169

Literally no time. I work a minimum 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. I come home at 10pm, eat a ton of food, browse 4chan and check my crypto & stock portfolios, shower, and go to bed. I’m going to bed now so I can be up in 5 hours, and it’s straight to work. I keep telling myself I’ll eat less but my metabolism isn’t what it used to be and food is the only thing that makes me happy. Doesn’t matter anyway, the only people I socialize with are employees. Who the fuck am I prettying up for. Hope the rest of you make it. I can’t leave the business until my parents die so I’m screwed. It’s fine. Life is life.

>> No.21087194

Shit like this is especially funny when you consider reality
>rich people don't work
>rich people sleep as much as they want
>rich people eat whatever and whenever they want
>rich people do not contribute to the economy any more than working class people
It's all bullshit. Tax the rich.

>> No.21087433

i used to work in an aluminium factory one smoke break the guy working on the same machine as me smoked crack in the loading bay. this was on night shift

>> No.21087503

can't tax bitcoin

>> No.21088391

It hurts more when its your own family.

I dont have the heart to tell my folks that in terms of relative wealth $30,000 earned passively has more potential than $125,000 working 55hrs a week and having no time to do anything but work.

Its hard to tell them that a uni degree in most respects is just paying for the *opportunity* to land a job. Often youre just buying yourself a job.

I want to make them come to this realisation that trading time for fiat is a zero sum game. Their retirement fund will be killed by inflation, factoring interest.

Im working on ways for them so "stumble" on the idea of crypto and investments, theyll swallow the pill easier if they think its their idea.

>> No.21088520

But I will be richer than said "rich people"

>> No.21088637

There is no such thing as just “working harder” and making infinitely more money. After a point, the amount of work and training you put in can only go so far since you are just one person.
Lets say you have a doctor, he can make a lot of money thanks to his years of training/education/experience, but that money is still a set wage, he only can get what he puts in and there is a hard limit to how much he can put in by himself.

Now compare that to a business owner, maybe at first he only makes as much as he puts in, but eventually he can make other people work for him, scaling up his own value by many factors. For a more extreme example look at a trader, his actual personal workload is no different when he is making 100$ or 1,000,000$, but he can leverage and scale up his earning power effectively to infinite levels, albeit with added risk.

Working hard is fine, but “grind” is for the slaves, get a job that can scale up, and ultimately you can create scalability in most skilled professions of you desire.

Think who makes more money, the skilled word class surgeon, or the doctor who opened his own medical consulting firm?

>> No.21088822

Obviously I don't know your situation at all but if your parents are stubborn fucks and insist on grinding away, once you've made enough money walking away from it all should always be on the table, no matter how difficult it would be.
If you wait until they die you will have missed out on your entire life and no amount of money is worth that. It's just numbers.
And if your parents can't fathom why you want to leave such a grind lifestyle then let them disown you or whatever, time heals all wounds. They would understand eventually, and if they never do then at least you've made your life infinitely better.
Helping friends/family is always good, but if you want a happy life you have to be selfish.

>> No.21088916

Congratulations on being the healthiest corpse in the graveyard

>> No.21088917

Yeah some people totally swallow that kind of bullshit.
I personnaly am a lazy bastard and prefer easy ways. It's not about how much I make, it's about the better result/effort ratio.
This shit is propaganda to make you a proud slave.

>> No.21089008

This is how I imagine most stoics. Imagine being too much of a fag to tell someone you don't want to breath in second hand crack cocaine.

>> No.21089028

train someone to take some tasks from you. You're not being nearly as productive as you think. You have to let go of things at some point.

>> No.21089262

right, so your advice is for anon to abandon his family instead of dealing with them.

>> No.21089702

assuming this isn't a larp... Are you sitting most of the day and can this be changed? Can you eat fuckloads early and then fast later? Could you possible fast for a 24 hour period once a month. or even 48? Do you take cold showers/baths, if not can you? Should I stop typing or would you like more?

>> No.21089814

When the flood came, Noah couldn't save everyone.

>> No.21090080

But you have to grant them that they have a point. The fact that wage is so much less rewarded by revenue compared to capital is absolutely sickening. So much hard people working hard for nothing.

Both sides, normies and us, are in the wrong. They should stop deluding themselves and we should stop trying to be the one at the top of the food chain and instead try to break the stupid cycle.

This system can't work for ever... People can't even buy their house and raise kids...

>> No.21090110

Amerimutt retards

>> No.21090190

That’s the mask anon. You become two faced . Try to get out ASAP because a man cannot live two separate identities without tearing himself apart too. Do it for two years max and no more be obsessed with your finance and you will achieve obsessive results assumsknv of course your not an idiot

>> No.21090279

Save every red cent, totally minimize your lifestyle, don't go out for drinks, buy everything in bulk, and spend your non working time starting a side business that can eventually provide a passive or gainful income. Then you can move somewhere very cheap and invest

>> No.21090351

This is a chicken and egg thing. You're most likely overeating as a result of stress with friction between what you want from life and where you are now. Sometimes you have to call ot it quits and find a new mountain to climb even if it means N economic hit. Start visualizing futures for yourself, where would you most want to be in 10 years. A good exercise is to imagine you woke up tomorrow with a met worth of $500 million. What woulf you do with your time? Or alternatively, imagine that you would be successful at whatever you persued. What would you choose?

>> No.21090362

How do rich people handle this problem

IMPORTANT!: >>21089901

>> No.21090391

yeah I agree people who solely chase wealth are pathetic

>> No.21090548

Not him but I'd like more info on what you're talking about.