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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2097885 No.2097885 [Reply] [Original]

Has this board become your new home on 4chan? This is definitely the most affluent board by far.

>> No.2097932

It has actually. I haven't been on /r9k/ in weeks

>> No.2097988

this has become the 3rd worst board. my automatic filters are up to 100 threads now, and there's still another 30 or 40 that it is missing. there needs to be a separate sandbox for shilling shitcoins.

>> No.2098038

Yes. I owe /biz a HUGE thank you for turning my life around by teaching me crypto. Already made a lot of money and just started out. I spend my nights dreaming about having a Lambo now.

>> No.2098052

gonna agree here
im not a regular and this has got to be one of the worst imageboards on the whole of the internet
wall to wall viagra spambots would be more bearable

>> No.2098056


Going to be making more and spending less in a few months, so I started browsing here for investing/savings stuff. Instead I found I can increase my money exponentially by dumping money into shitcoins.

>> No.2098063

I wish I had discovered it months ago, it kicks ass.

>> No.2098065

we are in the middle of big alt bubble and lot of naive anons think it will last forever

>> No.2098092

Yes this has become my home board. The shilling of coins has gotten worst over the past few months. I don't know where these people are coming from. I have a few extra bucks lying around so I bought some coins, but I don't need constant shilling.

>> No.2098096
File: 37 KB, 465x308, image002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When we were young b was our home but some One, a jew ,has taken our throne. Settling down in poll land we roam, safe in our houses relieved and at home. Till one day a faggot a jew and spook came running a muck along with the gook. Now we are older no longer we care despite all the dikes who give a glare. Now we have our chance to show what we bare ,so here we retire to control from our chairs.

Praise kek

>> No.2098366

Amok. Dyke. Bear.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2098581

It will last long enough to make a lot of us pretty well off desu senpai

>> No.2098671


Currently at 88 threads hidden

/biz/ used to be my home page on clover, but now I've just removed it completely.

I just check it now on my desktop once or twice a day and usually immediately leave.

This board is essentially /vp/, /mlp/, /soc/ tier

>> No.2098683

It's almost like whether somebody likes this board depends on whether they like crypto.

>> No.2098696

Fuck you nigger im on a phone

>> No.2098761

Amok I'll give you, I guess.
Dyke and bear don't correct to dike and bear.

>> No.2098768

I like crypto. I don't like this board anymore, because it's reached WoW-Auctioneer-Strategy.com levels of garbage

>> No.2098795

One of my favorite boards, but ill always back /sp/ in the Cup. I'm pulling for you guys in the babbies this weekend though. GL.

>> No.2098876

I haven't been on /pol/ in 48 hours. First time that's happened in two years

>> No.2098925
File: 1.90 MB, 480x360, 334535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to /biz/ to make like pic related

>> No.2098931


I don't mind crypto at all.

The problem is two fold.

1) Non stop spam of shill threads with nothing more than (Insert coin) TO THE MOON. This is a slow board, so the crypto spam threads push the few non crypto threads off the board very quickly

2) The non crypto part is basically non existant on this board.

Even if you removed all the crypto, this board is still absolutely terrible.

>muh dropshipping
>muh credit card fraud
>muh college major
>muh forex
>muh sell me this pen
>muh need $200 by tomorrow

Like holy shit, this board is pure pleb tier, with or without the crypto.

>> No.2098945

>*shilling* *shilling*

>> No.2100100

This post struck a nerve. I am getting financial advice from limp-wristed NEETs.

>> No.2100109
File: 64 KB, 674x960, 1358451095521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ - Cryptos and Lambos

>> No.2100119

this, get in while you can

>> No.2100131

This and /pol/.
Honorable mention /g/, /fit/ and /lit/

>> No.2100135
File: 3.62 MB, 480x270, 1494667238001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it saved me from /pol/ haven't been back there for months.

>> No.2100136

/fit/ was my go to board before, now i just visit /biz/ and got into trading cryptos

>> No.2100174

Strangely enough, yeah. It's my go to at any point in the day if I feel like having a light read of whatever.

/b/ -> /fit/ -> /biz/ + most other constructive boards, like /diy/ and /ck/.

Looking at it now, the emigration between boards might suggest something about the flux of values and goals a person will express over years. DESU woulda been nice to stumble on /biz/ first. Those juicy pioneer crypto gains, man...

>> No.2100219

If you want to play the next level crypto game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2100429

goodbye /pol/, i want my share of the shekels because there is absolutely no point in trying to convince other people that they are being fucked in the ass on a daily basis.

>> No.2100487

im inclined to agree, as newfag crypto bag holder to this board, i'd like some actual useful financial discussions every now and then rather then push it all out by FOTD threads.

>> No.2100508

But we're all getting rich so who gives a shit

>> No.2100547

started coming here when it was much much slower and not every thread was meme coin spam, been coming less and less lately shits become the biggest retard circle jerk ive ever seen.

>> No.2100603

Show feet, Anna

>> No.2100623

This cunt again.

>> No.2100640


Good thing a lot of anons already basically "made it" off of this bubble then. There are some losses but right now it's pretty hard to lose any money on crypto at the moment. I agree it won't last forever. Right now we're at the awareness phase and about to hit full mania and at that point I would abandon the ship.

>> No.2100660


the ultimate list.
Assumed, that one is able to filter out the garbag threads.

Last year, /biz/ had a lot more great threads regarding finance and business in general.
I miss this.

>> No.2100953

Seems like you need to add /lit/ to this list.