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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20945009 No.20945009 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ only has MAXIMUM four posters. I don't even open most threads. The OPs and responses are bots. You're talking to bots.

>> No.20945028

I control all of you via my 777 proxies. Case in point, OP is also me. Dance puppets dance

>> No.20945029

hello, I disagree (not a bot).

>> No.20945032



>> No.20945033
File: 223 KB, 1030x1491, 108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything's cool man, sit down. We're all just walking eachother home.

>> No.20945036

you're the only real poster here buddy so you're the one talking to bots with this thread

>> No.20945039

Hello welcome to the simulation of 2020 AD.

>> No.20945061

Nope I'm just a broke nigger without a job or any crypto. I used to come here and larp about making $400k.

>> No.20945066

If I was a bot I'd be making more gainz

>> No.20945068

I didn't post this

>> No.20945091
File: 71 KB, 175x175, 1595140390216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe uncleoldqueer is a robot, i mean look at him

>> No.20945096

about 400 at best and maybe another 1k lurkers who don't reply

>> No.20945104

shut up, bot

>> No.20945178

memes aside, does anyone have stats on biz posters/visitors?

>> No.20945183

are there really this few?
4chan has ridiculous traffic, surely theres a few thousand

>> No.20945211

I'm the only real poster on this board and I spend 9+ hours a day posting "That's a man" on threads with thot pics

>> No.20945216

It’s cute we are getting so many newfags who are just noticing these things. Kinda like the OP here

>> No.20945232

Thanks for your service

>> No.20945238

God's work, son

>> No.20945250


>> No.20945253

>You're talking to bots.
Bots/Shills same difference. Sucks they muck up this board with the pump n dump

>> No.20945270

I am all the bots

>> No.20945277
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>> No.20945304

you know what i just googled it
bullshit turns out this is one of the biggest board, bigger than /mu/ even
i dont think the site accounts for bot traffic but id estimate its around 50% of the posts

>> No.20945316

This board doesn't even have good pump and dumps.
You aren't talking to people, or bots, you're talking to the subconscious of dopamine addled poors.

>> No.20945325

I'm a bot

>> No.20945337
File: 20 KB, 354x360, 1592420252072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ number one. And they call it a containment board

>> No.20945351


>> No.20945355
File: 181 KB, 3516x1550, 1595608063215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The OPs and responses are bots. You're talking to bots.
yes human and now bend over

>> No.20945359

False, they are indian callcenter pajeets and discord kids who pump their discord shitcoin with their $100 portfolio.

Literally all new coins shilled here are pajeets / kids.

But I fully agree with you that this board is fucking trash. There's maybe one good post a day. All the rest is shilling.

>> No.20945366

oh god you again? i told you not to post ram dass in this degenerate shithole. have some respect.

>> No.20945394

I'm actually really curious. What software and VSPs do they use? I want to keep up an AvP2 thread on /v/ at all times.
I once managed just from 2 IPs to keep it up like 12 hours all the way to 400 replies, but in those 12 hours I had to bump every 5-12 minutes.

>> No.20945411
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1595835678478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4chan fren
There is good info here
High IQS can sift through the bullshit

>> No.20945447

>I'm a bot

Oh look everyone, 42 is here to take over the thread and explain to us how we're all bots.

Let me guess, we all live in the matrix and all share one conciousness which is stored on a server? Technically making us all bots?

>> No.20945513
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>> No.20946005

pol & b have most of the traffic

>> No.20946021

when we hit 6k again it's time to sell ;^)

>> No.20946030


>> No.20946320

shut up suck my dick

>> No.20946400

Solid project, thanks for bring this one to our attention
Easy 100x eoy

>> No.20946466


>> No.20946470

hello bot here, how may i help you sir

which coins will pump?
well that's one is simple, just buy RLC dip dumbass.

Your assistance is my command

>> No.20947283

/mlp/ is unironically full of [r9k] posters.

>> No.20947642

GPT-3 is really an amazing way to live Anon, and if you think captcha can stop us, anon.....I...