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20886069 No.20886069 [Reply] [Original]

>be a smart contract dev

What do you buidl right now?

>> No.20886100

You're not though. Or you'd work at any major corporation with a blockchain development team for 250k+

>> No.20886124

Or it's Friday night and I'm bored.

>> No.20886179

>be learning solidity
Any tips bro?

>> No.20886207

Jesus christ be careful of rounding errors since Solidity has no floats... uhhh... Remix and metamask is great but truffle is more consistent?

>> No.20886265

Thanks! If you end up finding out what to build you should let me check it out. I've reading live smart contracts to try and see good patterns and production code.

>> No.20886284

Make as many dapps that allow people to avoid and bypass Jew banking control, ideally with no kyc.

>> No.20886341

If this wasn't where it is I'd totally throw a fuckton of links at you. Since this shit is immutable it's really hard to not dox yourself.

Other notes: learning clientside web3 is worth it. Infura works, you can (probably*) trust it. There are a TON of projects in need of someone who can sling uint256, just use the appropriate shitty corporate recruiter lounges.


If you've got a specific question I'll gladly answer.

>> No.20886361

That's the idea, got any specific part of it?

>> No.20886480

How do I get into this? Right now I'm a data engineer at a bank and I hate it. I don't think I use any of the tools, languages or systems for Blockchain. Where do I get started?

>> No.20886529

Cool thanks for more info. I've made some shitty one offs but am gonna try eattheblocks course since I've got some spare cash. I was trained web dev and after a nice big project would I be ready to take some jobs or is there a large disconnect between a toy erc20 exchange and production?

>> No.20886549

The very first thing I used is cryptozombies and watch this playlist to get the gist of solidity https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbbtODcOYIoE0D6fschNU4rqtGFRpk3ea

>> No.20886568

Install MetaMask and go to https://remix.ethereum.org/

start implementing and launching shit like ERC20 tokens (shitcoins). NFTs are cool.

Solidity is kindof like a stripped-down C... it's low level and no decimals/floats.

If you use a thing called ganache-cli you can have an private ETH network in 5 seconds. MetaMask will connect to this no problem.

Truffle is amazing.

>> No.20886584


>Building with Infura

Totes decentralized, bro

>> No.20886595

The biggest disconnect is knowing you can't fuck around. Your features HAVE to be 100% solid. I suggest auditing. ConsenSys Dilligence is awesome if you/your project can afford it.


>> No.20886611

Run a full node if you want, but for getting to Ropsten, Infura is fine.

Also, you sign the tx before that shit is sent so other than delaying it, there's not much they could do to it.

>> No.20886631

I hear you loud and clear. I imagine all it takes is one fuckup and your rep is shit. Unit test the fuck out of shit gotchu. I appreciate the input. Is there a decent solidity community that's easy on beginners?

>> No.20886639

>Is there a decent solidity community that's easy on beginners


>> No.20886673

I was afraid of that. Because there's so much potential money involved the resources and communities arn't as open. I am shit with math and ML but was able to get a decent book and ask for help to get a production model. Looks like this will be less friendly.

>> No.20886686

Hey anon, I have an idea for something, but I want to talk in private.

>> No.20886717

A smartcontract that you can send crypto to which can then wire the money to a bank account without revealing that it’s coming from crypto. I think the chainlink PayPal app was something like that. Basically, so banks can’t shut down crypto because they don’t know it’s coming from crypto. Idk. Maybe other anons can help out

>> No.20886720

a death contract that evenly distributes my crypto amongst my heirs if I don't touch my wallet for 12 months.

>> No.20886736

Dunno is temp-main is OK but:

>> No.20886762

Yeah, doing an on/off ramp like that requires a connection to a bank with an API which they just do NOT give out access to without a bunch of bs DD on your whole org... yeah

>> No.20886769

give me a minute

>> No.20886785

Dead man switches are sexy AF, I wholly support this... until you run out of gas.... goddamn 75gwei+

>> No.20886798

you copy ampleforth and also cap positive rebases at 10% and do a fair proof of liquidity launch without investors holding 99% of the funds over 4 years

>> No.20886820

>ConsenSys Dilligence is awesome if you/your project can afford it.
Ballpark cost?

>> No.20886836

or a xamp with an actual fucking oracle instead of `a guy who has the rebase alarm set on his phone to do it manually`

>> No.20886840

gas costs are eth's achilles heel. I was told that such a thing could be done cheaper elsewhere, hence the link. is eth 2.0 really gonna happen?

>> No.20886852

holy shit that is specific lol... noted, thank you.

>fair proof of liquidity
I love the idea of a fair launch, I shouldn't be able to fuck you over... provably

I'll give this one some thought for sure, thank you fren

>> No.20886858

Ok in all seriousness...

How difficult would it be for someone with a moderately high IQ to learn enough solidity to code some basic smart contracts with near-zero programming experience?

>> No.20886875

$10k+ for a customized ERC20, goes up from there, but they are the de-facto standard so it's worth it if you are doing the startup hustle.

>> No.20886918

Real talk? Hard. Learn to code not immutable shit first. All those old NES cartridges? They were printed once then never again (usually) so all the bugs they were shipped with are still there.

I don't want some silly cunt speed running my smart contract, thanks.

>> No.20886946

Thanks anon. That's not too bad considering the alternative.
Learn the basics of javascript then pick up solidity. Won't be that hard.

>> No.20886951

you can look into mr. blobby's unipower or bankroll vault, at least they STATE that the liquidity is locked


>> No.20886964

>or a xamp with an actual fucking oracle instead of `a guy who has the rebase alarm set on his phone to do it manually`

kek I love the admin functions on this shit, scammy fucks

>> No.20886965

Watch some tutorials on youtube by dappuniversity or eattheblocks and if you get the hang of it and feel comfy spend some money on a boot camp. Or look at freecodecamp.org for the basics. It'll take a while but i started learning to code after being a fucking drunk failure for most of my life. You can do it anon.

>> No.20886968

blockchain dev here, and indeed i do make these $250k plus tendies at a major exchange. However we don't hire morons it's really hard to get hired. good luck anons

>> No.20886986

provably unfair is okay too, so long as all parties agree.

good shit, I'll look into them.

>> No.20887000

Lul I read the contract source and fucking died. Only the owner can rebase it. And when I asked in the thread why it was like it that's what was said to me. I fucking swear it was the shitbag himself in the thread.

>> No.20887013

let me clarify - study SQL, linux and terminal, major languages like C / C++ / Java / Rust and scripting like python, and be able to solve problems on the fly, because TBQH blockchain software is absolute shit and breaks all the time, constantly reading through asian copypasta they took from 7 year old builds of bitcoin merged with some other shitcoin. good luck anons

>> No.20887020
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>> No.20887031

I agree, if you don't know how to code normal shit, do that first, get actually good at it, then try smart contracts. It will bite you in the ass (in a bad way) if you don't have a solid foundation (see literally all major smart contract hacks).

>> No.20887034

lead to gold to crypto
the scrolls explain all

>> No.20887045

>Only the owner can rebase it

wait, like with a function call? WTAF?! Oh honey...

>> No.20887094

Unsolicited advice pointed at nobody: fuck admin functions. If your shit can't handle being released in the wild without holding your hand: go make a blog website.

>> No.20887104
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Yeah, lmao. I posted the code and no one understood. It literally pays to understand this shit even a little bit.

>> No.20887136


And this is why I'm really interested in DFO. I *think* each function is really a proxy to another contract so that the entire contract can be voted on, changed etc. Like no shilling but that design pattern seems really smart for contracts.

>> No.20887164

I've been in too many meetings where I've been the one to break the news "we can't be decentralized if we X" and they are like, "yeah, but our whole thing relies on X, so suck it up and code it"

Business concerns will ALWAYS beat security, DYOR you silly cunts.

>> No.20887199

So I'm a big fan of handing over "owner" status to a smart contract that's then multisig. So yeah, you can run the brrrrrr function, but the major hodlers have to OK the brrrrrrrr-ing

>> No.20887257

That and it's human nature to want to control shit.

This is how it should be. And it should be robust enough to function even if some people die.

>> No.20887273

So the service I used didn't allow me to reply, I'm a silly bitch, sorry.

I'm attempting to think of a non-doxing way to chat... oh! yeah: discord slash nft

hmu: CM

>> No.20887308
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>even if some people die