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20872409 No.20872409 [Reply] [Original]

anyone of you dumb larper has any actual experience in staff management ?
How do i keep valuable employees i've formed and prevent them from leaving their job after acquire the skills in micro soldering i taught them ?

>> No.20872483

try to incentivize them to stay, within your abilities
if another company is offering them 20k more there's not much you can do outside a great company environment, benefits, etc

>> No.20872492


>> No.20872507

I manage 250 ppl at amazon
25 y/o

>> No.20872517

I inherited a family business. Staffing is an absolute nightmare. The only way to retain valuable employees is to put up with their bullshit and overpay them. The better employees will still leave you. It is a never ending cycle of disappointment. It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.20872528

I actually have experience of fucking trap

>> No.20872553

Was he cute?

>> No.20872564

I'd like to manage her skills, if you know what i mean

>> No.20872565

>Treat them well
>Free food
Unironically this. The company I used to work explicitly stated it pays below market salaries but it manages to keep people because they are a)very accomodating and chill about work patterns and b) spend a tiny amount in the scheme of things to buy really nice beans for the coffee machines and provide lunch every day.

>> No.20872577

Dead inside wageslave here, can confirm boss buying lunch is a shimmer of happiness in my soulless day.

>> No.20872589

>put lil bit of crack in coffee every morning

my turnover rate is 2%

>> No.20872729

just give them the attention they always wanted. when I was a manager in charge of 20+ mostly Hispanic adults, majority of them in their 50s, if any were giving me shit I'd invite them in for a chat. at first they'd be nervous but then I'd ask

"howd your morning go?"

and they'd start bitching about wives and kids or whatever, I'd just listen and respond appropriately. most just have shit they need to let out. one of them told me about a white guy giving them shit in the building and I fixed it and he loved me. another was having problems getting his kid to read and I told him about how kids want power and knowledge is power. one time a guy's wife was cheating on him so I dragged him to the company gym and he could only do a few benches cause he was old but it still made him feel better.

give any guy a single moment of your undivided attention and most of them will see you as their father, even if youre older than them. two older guys teared up when I left that job.

>> No.20872765

Pretty based. Good for you

>> No.20872790

When I finally make it I'm gonna go to a cosplay convention dressed like pic related

>> No.20872819

Unironically I wouldn't be leaving my current job of my boss was like that.

>> No.20872826

Beyond pay its about the culture you maintain. Do people feel like you're there to drain them of their usefulness or are you there to enrich their lives and support them.

Show them you value their time, trust them to manage it effectively and give them the freedom to accomplish their tasks in the manner they choose as long as it fits your goals as a company.

I manage a team of about 25 core staff. If everything is done and we are on/ahead of schedule, I send people home with full pay. Turnover for the last 3 years has been exactly zero and I am in an industry famous for its high turnover rate. This single policy is the reason why. I am not going to make someone stand around and kill hours just because we have a 9-5 work schedule. People feel trapped and unfulfilled. Is does not incentivize productivity, in fact its the opposite.

>> No.20872863


>> No.20872901

Thats a man

>> No.20872978
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Bouneses are an easy way. Of my enough some emploeese dont like working long hours. You could probably cut down work days and they will be paid less but happier because thwy are dumb. If you have greedy employees who like to pick up shifts let them. Also the more you need the employees the more vulnerable you are. It is best to have your best employees train the new ones so that their skills and habits transfer.

A usefull way to create the illusion of progress and career advancement is making a lead position that pays a $1 more ans basicaly does their job but also some of your shit when you are lazy.

>> No.20873003

That’s a woman

>> No.20873009

a great example of why inheritance taxes should be 100% past $1million in 2001 dollars. that's the absolute max anyone should be able to give their child, anyone who gets more ends up a zero effort asshole.

>> No.20873049


>> No.20873051

Some yes some not so much. I ate the ass of the cute ones

>> No.20873074

Based and caring boss pilled

>> No.20873087

are you cute?

>> No.20873106

If i am beta will I have a chance with cute trap? Or do I still have to be alpha?

>> No.20873111

free coffee and food go a loooong way. more so then money. free beers on fridays is good too, my bro worked for a company that did that. you got 4-6 free beers every friday and could start drinking the last hour of shift. they paid bad wages but people loved the beer so much they didnt care.

>> No.20873164

I have great advice but trap posters get nothing

>> No.20873321

But they are so cute. (^_^)

>> No.20873431
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Holy shit, a good human being. Your guys are lucky to have you. It's amazing how many people in management positions don't get this.


I'd like to add that I've had a lot of success with the old One Minute Manager technique, which is this:

>Employee: Boss, we've got problem X
>You: What can we do about it
>E: We can try Y
>Y: Will that fix it?
>E: No.
>Y: Well, we're not doing that. What else you got
>E: We can try Z!
>Y: Will that fix it?
>E: I think so!
>Y: Do it.

Shit works 99% of the time, and letting your guys come up with solutions instead of treating them like mindless drones makes for a beloved boss. If they don't have a solution, then you have to remind them "if you don't have a solution, you don't have a problem. You're just complaining." which is a good mantra for everyone actually.

>> No.20873498

disgusting degen

>> No.20873592


Wow, I had no idea people were so gay and child like. Does it ever get weird? The daddy/son larp?

>> No.20873674

how much does the job pay anon?
i might be interested.

>> No.20873740

probably not a bigger nightmare than having a boss that's never worked an actual job in his life, handed a fully formed business on a golden platter, and telling you you're overpaid

>> No.20873774

>Wow, I had no idea people were so gay and child like. Does it ever get weird? The daddy/son larp?


I mean, most people model any hierarchical social situation on that of their family, since that's the first one they ever experienced. So I suppose a boss is kind of a father figure, in a sense.

But mostly everyone's talking about being a good person to those you have power over. If you're getting daddy vibes from that, it sounds more like you've got the problem

>> No.20873801

this, the only reason I put up with my old job for as long as I did was because they would order us lunch every couple weeks or so, it was great and I genuinely put a lot of effort into that job.

Once they stopped though and the job became a grind with no end in sight no shit I'm going to look elsewhere

>> No.20873831

>treating people with respect is gay
funny that's coming from such a faggot

unfortunately had to leave that job because that grocery chain didn't give a shit about maintaining the building, put me in a very dangerous situation

>> No.20873867

Cringe and fucked in the head from the daddy cucking pilled.
>So I suppose a boss is kind of a father figure
>If you're getting daddy vibes from that, it sounds more like you've got the problem

gross, bro. now you're in some bizarre stockholm syndrome daddy love episode, fucking yikes. like, just do your job and go home, no one needs to be your daddy.

>> No.20873868

You haven't realized adults are just taller children yet? ngmi

>> No.20873904


lmao some wagie got told to mop the floor

Please seethe harder, and don't clock out early or you'll get your check docked

>> No.20873981
File: 81 KB, 598x798, ef81a160fd1c4517807b4ec03a0f3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get called gay
>respond with faggot

my dad is my boss.. my boss is my dad.. my dad is my dad.. my dad. this is good, i like this...

>> No.20874029

well i'm based in france, it's about 1200 euros after taxes

>> No.20874049


Imagine coming into a thread about staff management to involuntarily seethe about your daddy fetish

I'm sorry he didn't call you back bro

>> No.20874103
File: 22 KB, 500x607, 2k48q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said Dad bad.
>He said Dad bad.
>He said Man think.
>Dad didn't say that.

>> No.20874244

Same way you buy anything others want: pay more.

>> No.20874476
File: 62 KB, 155x202, 1595878948388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lel poor wagie can't deal with his man crush on his boss

sadly, he probably will not let you suck his dick

>> No.20874497

Yep this

>> No.20874539

You have to abuse them and degrade them to the point where they think they can do no better.

>> No.20874979

does your dad let you suck his dick?

>> No.20875003


oh shit, it's not even about your boss

seek some help man, your situation isn't natural