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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20847234 No.20847234 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the instant biden is elected the stock market will crash 50%

>> No.20847333

Good thing he won't be elected.

>> No.20847375

He will. Trump fucked up too much with the covid thing. "It will just go away like a miracle". "Mask are not necessary". "I love masks". Oh and "I wish Ghislaine well". Its over.

>> No.20847389

dems always win during recessions 100% of the time

>> No.20847476


>> No.20847542

Nothing is ever over, friend

>> No.20847556


>> No.20847641


>> No.20847731

if you haven't noticed Trump will likely declare himself God Emperor and execute all the democrats if he loses the election

>> No.20848087

I will put 100€ on Trump through bwin.com and im not even american

>> No.20848478

Who is better for crypto? Trump is on record as not being a fan, but surely Biden won't be in favor either right?

>> No.20848621

neither. only yang, both are authoritarian. if the US continues on this anti-crypto stance though (which is inevitable) then they will be left out when the new paradigm occurs

>> No.20848682

Cheeeeeeecked. vote Trump or get wrecked!

>> No.20848751

thats unconstitutional the aclu would sue him

>> No.20848763

imagine voting for a pedophile


>> No.20848813

trump is better for crypto because hes more likely to crash the dollar

>> No.20848822

trump is not a fan of UNREGULATED crypto. read between the lines or get left behind

>> No.20848830

I don't see how trump can loose this after libtards literally ran around in the streets maskless while burning down their own communities for months on end.

>> No.20848932

He's losing in every poll though, and by a wider than in 2016

>> No.20849040
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>MFW you think the people that voted for Trump in 2016 are being polled

>> No.20849098


>> No.20849208

Is he not completely demented though? As in he can't even form coherent sentences?

>> No.20849224

So if that happens it proves the market is rigged against the democrats, right?

>> No.20849228

This time Trump doesn't have the air of mystery about him that he did. Undecided voters are at like 4%.
Democrats dislike Biden, but loathe trump to an extreme degree.
Independents are leaving him.
He is also giving a few Republicans pause over his leadership.
I'll never count him out, but to think this is 2016 all over again is wild.
He lost the popular vote, it doesn't matter if his people vote for him again, he lost many of the swing voters he needed to win last time.

>> No.20849238

>believing the most normie narrative out there

>> No.20849269
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Better a demented president than an orange retarded monkey.

>> No.20849275

That's the scary thing; people who are going to vote for Biden literally believe that Trump is on the same level of mental decline. They're in denial and will not look at things objectively.

>> No.20849277

Whenever there is a female on the ticket the opposing party always wins.

>> No.20849374

I voted for him, I've never been polled. Nothing he's done has lost my vote. Everybody I know that voted for him last time feels the same. People I know that voted libertarian in protest last time are telling me they're voting Trump. The Democrats are going to get a swift dose of reality come November, moderates don't want to be locked down and wearing masks the rest of their lives. Moderates don't want to worry about riots. The only people that can't see this shitshow for the Democrat circus that it is are people that never voted for Trump and never had any intention of ever entertaining the idea of voting for him in the first place. Everybody else just wants to go back to normalcy.

>> No.20849473

Like this massive faggot, really is scary

>> No.20849533


>> No.20849586
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>> No.20849644

>he fell for the trickle-down economics meme
>he seriously believes that companies will reinvest the money saved back into the American worker instead of stock buybacks.
>he seriously thinks companies will stop hiring illegals and foreigners/shipping your jobs overseas
>he seriously thinks companies will stop trying to find loopholes to jew their way out of paying their fair share of taxes.
Helping out the middle class who will in turn help out corporate America is bullish, you dumb bastard.
>muh rising tide floats all boats
Supply-side proponents always seem to forget that businesses are in the business of making fucking money, not helping out their workers. They WON'T help you even if you give them all the tax breaks and deregulations that they ask for. That's just more money for their bottom line, smart guy.

>> No.20849650
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Stocks will fly into the sky because Biden will make sure everyone gets $600/week for the rest of their lives

>> No.20849785


True, a lot of people in 2016 bought all the drain the swap bullshit, now they know he's just a standard corporate republican, and probably racist

>> No.20849818

No the markets will soar because Democrats are even less able or willing to resist brrrr than the GOP

GOP means brrr for the rich, Dems mean brrr for literally everyone. Stock market will love that because it means more Air Jordans and iStuff, Chinese imports on eBay etc. getting sold

>> No.20849825

Y’aint wrong

>> No.20849840

yang is more authoritarian than trump you retard

>> No.20849890
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>> No.20849893

Nah its all bullshit in clown market

>> No.20849906

Green line go up.

>> No.20849927

I'm going to cash after the next stimulus bill artificially pumps the market again

>> No.20849933

Stock alway go up

>> No.20849965

And? I'll be making bank

>> No.20850016

Good thing America's ellection in bullshit.
Sorry, Alabama but a Florida Citizen counts for 4 of you valleyniggers

>> No.20850037

Body pillows dont vote, faggot.

>> No.20850093

It will be the opposite because the media will all of a sudden stop caring about the wuflue and the economy will miraculously recover.

>> No.20851052

Lol now they know he's not racist

>> No.20851124

oh wow you mean the unsustainable stock market that keeps going up while people become porrer and poorer will go down, wow

>> No.20851182

I don't think so. Dems will support all of the big woke corporations because they all own shares. They will pump their bags with our money

>> No.20851220

1 for 1

>> No.20851584

You're voting for one of two old men. What do you expect?

>> No.20851905

There is no way Biden can lose, just look at the polling. He is up at least 10 points on everything. Its going to be a landslide for the dems.

>> No.20852229

Im a boomer and even I don't know what the fuck these fake Jenga pieces are.

>> No.20852255

Biden is high taxes so...

>> No.20852283
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imagine that

>> No.20852329

Yeah but the Democrats are the ones responsible for the riots. The people I know hated the riots. I haven't seen anyone with a biden sticker and I live in LA. The people who usually vote Democrat arent voting cause sleepy joe is running a shit campaign

>> No.20852333

I know they're setting up for the next person in office to have a disastrous time, but there's a better chance that Trump gets reelected despite the polls. I can only assume they'll brrrrr more money if that happens and leave the US dollar to die slowly.

>> No.20852385

>not realizing Biden will raise taxes
He's gonna raise taxes on everything. Our divvies aren't even safe since that faggot is planning to tax corporations even more. Dumbass politicans should focus on the loopholes and ensure people pay taxes instead of raising them.

>> No.20852410

It's really mainly the democrats and a small 4-6% of braindead people left who are still blaming Trump for everything including you. I rather have Trump over Biden for the markets.

>> No.20852424

Hes handled the riots fine
All the blue cities learned their lesson about being liberal this year
There terrified of the far left and riots. He has won optics by sending in feds to help business people

>> No.20852484


He's got my vote.

>> No.20852506

It all depends on who he picks for VP. It's priced in that Biden will conveniently die somehow in the first months of his presidency. Whoever he picks has the power to deter independent voters. But it doesn't matter to me; I'm an accelerationist.

>> No.20852527

Checked, poggers.

>> No.20852534

It's going to that anyway retard.

>> No.20852545

they're not enthusiastic about Biden but they hate Trump so much it doesn't matter

>> No.20852550

this.. fuck em all. trumptards are the biggest sheep tho

>> No.20852585

the dollar is already dead.. not sure why u don't see that yet.

I unironically have no idea which one you are referring to.

>> No.20852695

I rate 4/5

>> No.20852830

the only reason the stock market is still up is because trump threw trillions at the companies so that they could buy back their own stock with public money.

That won't last forever. Trump pumped the market to irrational levels using public debt.

It is a house of cards, and the crash is coming no matter what.

>> No.20852867

You’re so devoid of original thoughT that you resort to spouting off CNN talking points as though they were your own thoughts. I don’t give a fuck if you hate Trump or not; if you can’t see that handing the office over to a senile old liberal will be devastating to the country for a myriad of reasons then I unironically hope you die slowly and publicly.

>> No.20853083
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Biden has said shit about crypto and Obama didn't do shit to regulate it.

Donny on the other hand plus his multibillion 2021 proposal to slaughter crypto markets in the us

>> No.20853106

All Biden has to do is pick a black women and you get the black voter turn out that would have changed last election

>> No.20853116

He has sort of a point though. Pajeets and exit scammers do with a majority of the liquidity

>> No.20853215

because I still use it to pay for groceries, rent, gas, and literally everything else
>world reserve currency that everyone uses for almost every transaction is "already dead"

>> No.20853336
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>I wonder who is better for crypto

>> No.20853402

Neither. Boomers want to continue the controI. I think it's going to be up to the people and businesses to decide which currency they will be accepting if the dollar does die.

>> No.20853415

kek bobo is just a brown pepe with bear features?

>> No.20853452

Democrats cause inflation. Isn't inflation actually good for stock market? If USD becomes more worthless then the price of stocks in USD goes up.

>> No.20853495
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>> No.20853653
File: 826 KB, 280x158, 983E0E07-B8C0-4BB3-BE02-570E32A7736F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Biden gets elected, guns and ammo will do a 10x

>> No.20853847

Trump alienated every college professor or staff member in the country when he said he wants to stop colleges from being nonprofit.

>> No.20853883
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tfw /pol/ thread on /biz/
neck yourself.

>> No.20853909



only Godless pedos vote democrat

>> No.20853936


College or university? Most academics is for-profit, even if they claim otherwise.

Who gives a fuck what they think anyway.

>> No.20853970


if it does that's a great opportunity to buy. market went up 150% when he was VP.

>> No.20854016

I was polled.

>> No.20854064


>> No.20854083

He hid in a cuck bunker and they burnt themselves out.

And now the economy is crashing again.

>> No.20854093

>there are retards that believe the "businesses are people meme"
Exactly, businesses are run by people, greedy people with yachts to get back to. Imagine still believing that corporate earnings shouldn't be taxed at 90%.
>But they worked so hard!!!!
yeah bro that's how wework got literally hundreds of millions of dollars to rent empty office parks by hasidic jews and jewpanese.
That's why Slack (basically just fucking email for retards) is a billion dollar company.
The game is fucking rigged and college should be free so that students don't have to work 2 jobs and live in a sardine can while rents set by trillionaire "land developers" can not replace your lightbulbs or get you proper hot water.

>> No.20854162


Ok shill

>> No.20854850

>Imagine still believing that corporate earnings shouldn't be taxed at 90%.
this was never the case, effective tax rates were much lower

>> No.20854976

yeah and back then corporations still made things. Now they're adult daycare centers that sell ads incestuously to other tech companies which shovel Chinese trash across our border at a rate so unprecedented that our poor retarded congresspeople are almost having strokes trying to understand how a series of tubes translates to trillions of dollars.

>> No.20855844

who is better for crypto?
>trump: posts and advocates anti crypto stance and wants to increase regulation
>biden: has literally said nothing about it

>> No.20855868

It’s worth it. It’s the only way we’ll be able to beat these bastards. Fuck trump for fucking the younger generation over

>> No.20855891


>> No.20855925

$30 EOY if trump wins

>> No.20856040

you mean China chang

>> No.20856041

>biden: has literally said nothing about it
Biden has dementia you fucking retarded shill. Everyone knows this, normie or not, and you idiots still trying to defend him for some reason are only making yourselves look even more demented than Biden himself.