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20785229 No.20785229 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20785345

>zero replies

Since acap is offline/done FUDing for now... what do we think the impact of the rewards calculator will be?

>> No.20785467


>> No.20785552

Double bottom here. Gonna moon until end of August now.

>> No.20785569

Anons will rush to get a suicide and make it stacks.

>> No.20785606

multiple integrations anons. multiple

>> No.20785720

Robinhood within the next year. Let’s speculate revenue streams.

>> No.20785806

look what happened (is happening to) Bancor. After the news of the upcoming release it pumped and then has been slowly bleeding up until when the release actually occurs.
People have been burned enough times by false promises that this probably isn't going to moon until we can actually use the platform.
Whats more, the "mid-late August" release date is going to cause lots of fud and weak hands when that time comes around and there still isn't a release. I doubt this will be above 40c by the time the release comes out.
Afterwards I'm super bullish. But am going to hop on other trains in the meantime

>> No.20785897

Haha... yeah.... integrations..............uh........

man im fucked with this coin.... fucking just fucked god fucking damnit i bought into a scam

>> No.20786065

Real honest question right now. Anyone else thinking of ditching this for YFI?
Could be a massive fucking decision when we look back in a few years.
Could have swapped your BZRX stack for ___ YFI. I'm seriously, seriously contemplating it right now.
I know it's buy high sell low, depending on your entries. But I'm getting an inkling here.

>> No.20786103

any juicy announcements coming up before the launch of the platform? I may get into some other coins first before I buy

>> No.20786122

any juicy announcements coming up before the launch of the platform? worried if i buy now the price will just go sideways until mid-august

>> No.20786162

You’re not getting this any cheaper you retard, spare me your pathetic essays.

>> No.20786165

this was the greatest platform and will be again
not gonna bother thinking about it harder than that or trying to time it

>> No.20786213
File: 349 KB, 846x850, B_ased_NT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope or buy BNT. they are both going to moon, its just that BNT will go first. you're basically losing money because of the opportunity cost of holding this while it crabs

>> No.20786219

> -Staking explainer
> -Fee sharing calculator
> -Security page
> -security audits (2 audit reports)
> -Asset risk assessment and asset risk framework,
> -Formal verification of protocol Assets available on launch
> -"Interesting new assets nobody is offering" [quote from Kyle],
> -Trader compensation program,
> -AMA with Chainlink

>> No.20786254

based and exactly what im doing right now.
balls deep in BNT with an extremely small (1.5) BZRX suicide stack.

after BNT moons post V2 i will swap 50% into BZRX

>> No.20786267

1.5k of course. not 1.5 BZRX, im not that much of a subhuman

>> No.20786280

thanks anon i won't wait too long to buy then

>> No.20786293

a little too ambitious i'm afraid

>> No.20786348

86k BZRX+vBZRX reporting in and ready for staking

>> No.20786495

I see what you see fren

Awesome, I will buy the dips the weak hands give me

>> No.20786536

i briefly considered trading this for ADA because I foresee ADA having a good August but I think I'll stay the course. I have a good feeling about BZRX

>> No.20786540

Man, I feel like I'm missing out on so many moonshots right now that are cheap, this better be worth holding
I'm starting to feel like a bag holder. But the last time I started feeling like my bags were heavy was RIGHT before MTA fucking exploded
Here's to hoping it's worth it anons.

>> No.20786626

you literally missed out on a 3x while holding your bzx bag

>> No.20786705

I know I did. The question is what to do now? At this very moment. I feel like i may very well regret not switching over but i dont want to sell low to buy high

>> No.20786793

You will never catch every pump, better to catch set ups and stick with. Leave this thread and never return

>> No.20786901


>> No.20786998

How can you still be this smug? You gave this same speech a week ago and BNT did not moon at all. You are a dunning kruger retard who thinks they know when coins will pump and when they won't

>> No.20787204

lol you are beyond retarded

>> No.20787222

I'm just pointing it out. According to this retard's post last week, BNT should've been mooning for the past 7 days. It has only crabbed and dumped

>> No.20787255

What's the minimum for staking?

>> No.20787268

Didn't BNT previously delay their launch? How do you know they won't again?

>> No.20787270

no minimum

>> No.20787298

Nice, thanks. Is there are chart for the rewards?

>> No.20787334

just saw the interface for BZRX fuck it im in for a punt 14k stack gonna make it?

>> No.20787422

This will be posted in the next week or less

>> No.20787445

Pretty good size stack if you ask me. Not a whale by any means but you wont neck yourself if this lifts off

>> No.20787451

Suicide stack: 10k
Make it stack: 50k
Chad stack: 100k+

>> No.20787555

guess I won't kill myself

>> No.20787606

Trips of truth. Congrats fren

>> No.20787663

who isa cap?

>> No.20787738
File: 58 KB, 600x327, 139732423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20787747

link to interface?

>> No.20787778
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>> No.20787782

haha are people still shilling this coin that only has 1 dev?

>> No.20787983

ChainLink had the 2man dev team fund and look where it ended. Try harder.

>> No.20788191

we'll see what happens next week. If BNT does launch on Friday like expected ya'll should keep an eye on how it plays out, because BZRX could follow the same pattern

>> No.20788387


It's 3 devs on the website lmao

>> No.20788419

A Slim team isn’t a problem anon

>> No.20788489

50k bag holder here. If you don't have a bag I don't feel bad for you. This was ( will be) the number one defi project before everything exploded.

>> No.20789003

alright got 500 of these. better not get cucked

>> No.20789144

500? nice you can buy new nail clippers when this moons

>> No.20789307

500 will be nice to stake, play, and make you fomo at 70c

>> No.20789326

But good job. Better than 0.