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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2078397 No.2078397 [Reply] [Original]

CryptoCurrency General - KANGZ COIN EDITION

>>Shillfags welcome

What are you buying?
What are you selling?
What are you keeping an eye out for?
Long-term or short-term holder?

>>Crypto Rundown

>>Bitcoin Rundown

>>Ethereum Rundown

>>Where to start buying?

>>Where to buy without verification?

>>Alt-Coin Exchanges

-----Links to visit-----


>> No.2078424 [DELETED] 
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Could any of you anons help a poor slav nigger out by sending a small amount of btc?
I'd love to start trading, but Coinbase does not support my shitty country.


>> No.2078451

So is a diversified portfolio a good idea, or is all the money to be made in low market cap alt/shit coins?

Right now I'm 30% BTC, 28% ETH, 20% XRP, 10% LTC, and 2% each in DASH, XEM, XMR, XLM, GNT, and WAVES. It covers the big boys, but I'm not sure if the altcoins I picked are any good, or if they're going to trend sideways because the pump is over.

>> No.2078460
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Let's talk ICOs.

Currently got my eye on Basic Attention Token. On the one hand, it is an interesting idea for advertising and less well developed tokens and tech have seen gains. On the other hand, it's success depends largely in the adoption of the Brave browser. While the browser is well received and reviewed, it will be difficulty to dethrone Chrome or Firefox. The team also seems to count on the fact that BAT will drive Brave adoption as people supposedly will want to get paid for browsing. Sounds like hopeful thinking to me.

Anyhow I will drop a few ETH in the BAT ICO.

>> No.2078461

>>Crypto Rundown

What a useless site, half of it is under construction expect for the shop selling rich dad poor dad. All generic advice.

>> No.2078469

>Anyhow I will drop a few ETH in the BAT ICO.
newfag here, heard about bat, but what does ico stand for

>> No.2078493

Initial Coin Offering.

>> No.2078502

in for 1 mil dgb moon mission

>> No.2078522

Yeah don't use the site at the moment. I'm trying to update it with more info but I'm currently finishing the semester so don't have time.

>> No.2078526

sold my BAY for DGB.

>> No.2078532

Could work. Kind of hinges on the strength of the ad system. If I'm anonymously browsing with Brave, how do advertisers show me relevant content? Or are they relying strictly on content providers to determine ads that will be shown? How simple will it be to advertise to the system? Supposing I want to advertise dragon dildos? Do I just send some images and tokens to the block chain?

>> No.2078536

It's helpful enough, if only for not having to shift through the sarcasm and shills you otherwise do in biz.

>> No.2078538

>umaru picture
You should call yourself /biz/ not biz

>> No.2078543

Thanks for making this thread OP

Please send all other crypto traders here.

>> No.2078567

This guy explains the smart contract


>> No.2078571

I used to have 400 litecoin:

>sold 100 for dollar at 28
>sold 100 for btc at 0.016
>holding the remaining 200 ltc

If LTC steadily declines I will sell in intervals, if it spikes I will sell the other 200.

How sound is this strategy?

>> No.2078578

I was promised a trip to the moon with litecoin

>> No.2078598
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>> No.2078609

Stop linking the thread retard

>> No.2078611
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DigiBytes: yay or nay?

>> No.2078616

Too bad it hasn't added dota.
League and CSGO are shitty games.

>> No.2078617
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>watching my ETC

>> No.2078630

you mean linking crypto discussion to the crypto thread? hmm i don't know who the retard is here...

>> No.2078633

but it might, yes?

>> No.2078635

wait until LTC deploys lightning network

>> No.2078646

While DotA is objectively the better competitive eSports platform, it's still wiser to go by the numbers. And the numbers dictate that LoL and CSGO are plenty fucking big.

I have nothing against LoL, personally. Even played a little. I just think it's dirty they stole the second generation of MOBA spotlight from the rightful heirs of DotA All-Stars, DotA 2, purely by rushing out their product asap to gain traction and eventually critical mass.

>> No.2078647
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>> No.2078648


>> No.2078652
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>> No.2078653

So they won't add dota?

>> No.2078655

What order are they in?

>> No.2078656


>> No.2078657


Id also like to add ARK as well.

>> No.2078659
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>> No.2078660


Tell me more about WAVES.

>> No.2078667

Not adding DOTA is stupid. DOTA is very strong, Don't get me wrong. LoL simply has a larger audience as it stands.

>> No.2078672

Top Tier

Mid Tier
EDG borderlining

Shit tier
rest of them

Those top 3 would account for something like 75% of holdings

>> No.2078679

Who /mobilego/ here?

>> No.2078682

redpill me on GNT

>> No.2078686

Who /allin/ on POSW here?

I have 75k

>> No.2078688

Waves I just had a little go, standouts for me were clowns going nuts with ridiculous tokens as well as the decentralized exchange angle, seemed like its offerings could be the type to catch on quick basically

>> No.2078694

I love GNT, it's the general concept that sold me, leasing as little or as much computing power as needed, when you really start to imagine what that could mean it's crazy

>> No.2078696

Interesting. I have 2.5btc, 27 eth and 3k golem.

>> No.2078700


I read they will have chrome and firefox extensions which can be used for BAT eventually. Which makes sense because capturing marketshare against Chrome in itself is a huge task.

>> No.2078718

Long hold (till end of year at least):

Medium term (~2 months):

Short term

>> No.2078719

How long does it take for cryptocurrency to take off?

>> No.2078720

dgb to the moon

>> No.2078725

Holding strong. Prices slightly rising again, but still low enough to accumulate.

>> No.2078728

markets cap has doubled in a matter of months

>> No.2078733
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That would be the most strategic move but they don't mention it in their interview. Do you have source?

>> No.2078737

Yeah but it's still treated as a meme.

>> No.2078740
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Which exchange to get posw? Livecoin any good?

>> No.2078746

Anon,but money IS flowing into crypto by the day. This the kind of growth I like to see - slow and creeping, like a shadow. Not explosive and sudden, that loses all it's power and dies off.

>> No.2078750

Newfag on crypto here, is bitbay legit?

>> No.2078751

when something genuinely useful to people emerges it will be taken more seriously / pickup quickly. this is why I like ETH but more so the tokens, a clever dapp could make a huge difference.

>> No.2078752


I bought burst and recently sold on the high, any idea when it will moon up again?

>> No.2078753

Can you explain how it works?
People say that the value is supposed to decrease, the more people have it. But that's not what's happening here, in fact its the opposite.

>> No.2078769

BAY is a tough one, I think the decentralized marketplace idea really has legs, whether the bitbay dev can pull it off though or not i'm less sure of.

>> No.2078771
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Holy shit. Tempted to sell to be honest.. i didnt put much in but it's an alright profit

>> No.2078774

Please reply.

Also, will DGB get big?

>> No.2078776

What people say this? More people is more demand vs the current supply, at a very basic level this = higher prices

>> No.2078780


I see, I just noticed that they only sell 4 crypto, I wanted to buy particularly one.

>> No.2078782

XBY is having a bit of a run at the moment, the special 50k block was hit and with nearly 500 nodes registered 250MM coins are effectively out of circulation. However nothing new has emerged yet. We are still waiting to see if it's real / all it's cracked up to be,

>> No.2078786

that is different, this is the BAY you see around here and on exchanges

>> No.2078792

I'm going to hate myself for this but I guess I'm going all in on POSW. I already have $100 in it bought at 12k sat, so at the very least I might be able to make that back.
I think this is the best thing out of all to by now, it's low as hell and seems to have bottomed out while stuff like XBY and Waves are at all time highs.

Well, if POSW manages to go lower after I do this then I guess there goes my rent for the next semester.

>> No.2078794

If it gets added to Bittrex like everyone thinks it will it's gonna moon hard, I'd hold on at least a little while longer.

>> No.2078799

Good, let crypto stay underground. I like being able to buy bitcoin without my credit card treating it as a cash advance because the bank doesn't know what it is

>> No.2078801

Why would you ever invest when you can't afford to? Get off /biz/ and head to the nearest casino.

>> No.2078804


The marketplace has been up and running for some time, I have no idea why people are more into SYS which seems to deliver nothing.

>> No.2078806

Someone I'm arguing with is saying that >"How would the inventors of this benefit at all? If the answer is "they won't", it's because it's a scam and they're doing shit behind the scenes to let them make money. Snapchat and Google had a clear purpose and were monetized for the developers in a clear manner from Day 1. This service expects us to believe they did it because they're nice."

How do I refute this?

>> No.2078808


Just buy WAVES, GNT, ETH, or even fucking BTC holy shit. POSW is right up there with Bitbean and Humaniq for bad crypto investments. The idea is interesting but that's all. I'll eat my words if it legitimately gets somewhere though.

>> No.2078813

>They have some coins they invented
>Coin price goes up 100x
>They're now rich

>> No.2078818

I'll probably wait, yes.. honestly did not expect one of the coins i only put a little in for fun to shoot up. I'm mostly in BTC and ETH for the long haul anyway.

I can see why people miss out on long gains by selling when they see a new ATH now, though.

Also considering buying into DGB but IDK

>> No.2078821

>how could the devs possibly profit, this service expects us to believe they did it because they're nice
>devs have coins
>put work in to improve coin so it spreads further and increases in value
>devs profit
Its not difficult to understand, your friends sound like idiots.

>> No.2078824
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Guys i have the top 4 cryptos.

I want to buy to get into smaller coins.

I will for sure get into BAT, but iffy about DGB and Humaniq. HELP

>> No.2078829

humaniq is garbage that won't go anywhere(most will be a pump and then hard dump like POSW), BAT is a very solid pick, I have a small amount of DGB(200k) but I do consider it a risky play.

>> No.2078836

Bad. LTC is a long term bet. As long as BTC has no segwit, LTC is a good holder.

>> No.2078840

It will. ALL coins eventually pump, this coin can easily get to $1+ (POSW).

>> No.2078875

I am. Do you feel like you bought stock in a shit chink company instead of crypto? I do. But its association with WAVES and ETH made me see dollar signs.

>> No.2078879

POSW has potential and will probably break out at some point in the coming months (disregard first time pump ATH buyers who were left salty). HOWEVER, I must say it is not wise to invest money you can't afford to lose. It's a gamble that might or might not pay off. Can you deal with it if it doesn't?

>> No.2078889

>paid browsing
shitcoin detected

>> No.2078891


>> No.2078892


>30% buy fees
>30% sell fees
>50% money withdraw charges

That's how they roll.

>> No.2078905

Main problem I have with BAY is his attitude toward black market trading, a decentralized marketplace is perfect for this. Anyway I took a bit of SYS as well just because I like the maretplace thing

>> No.2078919
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is there any real reason for me not to put half my savings ($8k usd) into cryptos and invest using /biz/ consensus, sans obvious shillers?
something like 80% in 4-6 long term 2-10 month holding coins, and 20% for the 1-4 /biz/ potential runners

i'm trying to get a guage on how much of a pussy i am or how reckless my thinking is

>> No.2078923

>Main problem I have with BAY is his attitude toward black market trading
Look at it from his point of view, he's the only name behind this, he's not anon, all illegal activity questions will be targeted towards him first. Would you really want to have to deal with international authorities over this shit? Particularly when you know its going to be used to sell shit like pizza, he has to at the very least say that he won't allow it and crackdown on trades that he sees to protect himself.

>> No.2078939

No pain no gain.

>> No.2078941
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Depends on your risk tolerance.
I put only 2% of my net worth into cryptos. I wouldn't go higher than 5% even if I thought it was a sure thing.

That said, if you're young and making good money, sock everything into cryptos for a month or two. But it's highly speculative and it could all go to zero so don't put so much money in that it affects your sleep.

>> No.2078942
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>there's a few coins that look promising that I'd like to invest in
>all of them have mooned within the last 5 days
>if I had looked into them a week a ago I'd be sitting pretty right now
>have to keep fighting down the panic so I don't end up buying at an ath

>> No.2078946

is XRP gonna tank?

>> No.2078955

>short term?
>long term?
Nope. People have been calling this a longterm hold from when it was 1k sats, that hasn't changed.

>> No.2078962
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damn son, is this even worth your time?
and am 24 and would be fine if half of 16k savings vanished. i'll probably end up pussying out a bit more and only going in with 4-5k

i'm coming from stocks to crypto. how much should i worry about covariance and beta, or is just shooting from the hip good enough do people think?

>> No.2078963


I just want a marketplace that sells real estate, cars and boats and shit for crypto. This will fill that market. Nuff said.

>> No.2078982

Yeah I can see that which is why I still give it a chance, at least as far as black market, see how it goes.

>> No.2078983


You can make private invite only markets, to my understanding, that the moderators will not be made aware of, but he is just not allowed to say this, ever.

>> No.2078990


>> No.2078991

It's an entirely new market. I'm not sure that beta would actually tell you anything useful. It's not unusual to see 30%+ swings in a day so stock-normies tend to get heart attacks watching cryptos. There's a lot of covariance. I keep seeing /biz/ say that when BTC goes down alts go up and vice versa but I'm not convinced that's true. I'd say watch the charts yourself and draw your own conclusions.

And unless you're purely speculating, read the whitepapers/forums of everything you want to buy. I have confidence in the things I've bought so the day to day swings mean nothing.

Do your own research (not on biz). And you're young, just pull the trigger.

>> No.2079021

>when btc goes down alts go up / reverse
there are obviously movements to and from BTC, it's a trading pair and could be considered the gold standard of crypto, so we see correlations in price. now that ETH has some legs we might see a distinct rise in price correlated with for example bad BTC news. however by just looking at the total caps you can see it isn't mandatory for BTC / alts to move in opposite directions, both markets are well up over the past few months.

>> No.2079056

Any reputable crypto guide out there in learning how to read graphs, volume, etc. to make a decent profit?

>> No.2079062
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solid list of sites, OP. the only one I take issue with is shapeshift, because why let them cuck you with those giant fees when you could just trade your coins on an exchange site?

>> No.2079067

I bought XBY at 250 and sold at 330 but now I'm sweating trying to make a decision to buy back in or take my profit and run. What do?

>> No.2079076


FYI DGB is an instamined clone of Myriad.

>> No.2079095


>> No.2079119

is the XBY whitepaper even out yet?

>> No.2079155

Use the posw website. That way you can stake and earn dividends

>> No.2079156

this is not how i go about it, i look at the projects themselves and try to determine if they have a future or not.
well, it's still the same bet as before for the most part, nothing has really changed except we know how many statics put coins out of circ. if you're willing to bet on it not being a scam i would say try and get back in at some point
no, still nothing too concrete for this project

>> No.2079173

Yeah could become a regulatory nightmare for his company if he comes out if "Yeah, this will basically be darknet markets 2.0".

>> No.2079179

Ok what resources should I read to learn more about crypto currency in general, and the process to buy and sell them? And how to what is good and what to avoid?

I have $3000 and im ready to leave the life of mediocrity.

>> No.2079202

Go through all the coins and check out the websites, read the whitepapers and any other information you can find, build and idea of what's out there. Take a look at the charts for each and see what you can put together.


this will point you in the general direction for a start on basic info, current prices, historical charts, website links etc...

Buying and selling you will need to get familiar with exchanges, poloniex will be a good start.

To get your 3k moving you will likely be moving to BTC as your first step - this can be traded on the various exchanges for whatever shitcoins you've decided to bet on. Find out the best way to buy it and keep in mind it can take up to a few days to get it sorted.

>> No.2079204

Whats the best cryptocurrency exchange site?

What do you guys use?

>> No.2079210

So buy 1 BTC for 1800? Then use that or the rest of my cash to buy other crap coins?

>> No.2079212

Poloniex and bittrex are probably the most popular

You will probably also want to familiarize with ICOs - https://www.smithandcrown.com/icos/ is a curated account of current, upcoming and past sales

>> No.2079217

You don't have to buy BTC whole, you can buy 3k worth of BTC and then distribute it as you please. If you are after something like ETH or LTC you can also buy those directly, but you won't be able to directly trade them for any given other coin

>> No.2079226

Please just don't rush - work out what you are going to do, how to do it, and what you expect to happen. Beware of the shills on here but don't ignore them completely, if you are interested in a shilled coin investigate it yourself and make your own call. Plenty of niggers on here trying to make millions from their $3 pocket money.

>> No.2079236

This is good info

Still would like a place to read and learn everything ground up. Pretend im a cave man and you have to explain philosophy to me and quantum mechanics.

Im at Poloniex and the chat is like fucking chinese to me.

>> No.2079241
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Just bought 4mil.

Can't demean the bean.

>> No.2079249

BitBay promo en espanol


>> No.2079250

For people who got in early on bitcoin where it was like a penny a coin and people bought thousands..or more

Did they really make billions?

Can you really mine coins for profit without breaking even or going negative due to cost of your rig and the electricity?

>> No.2079258

Naw. The jews behind mobilego have a track record.

>> No.2079298
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I just bought 14 ETH and 10 LTC. How fucked am I?

>> No.2079308

>You are not a retarded cave man
>Know winter will be fucking cold
>Instead of cooling off in the river munching on fish you go into grasslands
>Not a pussy, punch cow to death
>Return with cow, other cavemen laughing because cow is a meme
>Guys are only offering 1 fish in exchange for the whole cow, you call them niggers.
>Winter appraoching, getting fucking cold, use part of your cow for sweet leather jacket
>Getting bitches now, niggers are begging to trade 1 fish for just a small part of your cow
>Now you have a shit tonne of fish
>Water freezes no one can get fish, niggers dying
>Trade fish for lambo

>> No.2079336

As predicted, XRP mooning.

>> No.2079348

hold or dump?

>> No.2079373

I'd hold, it keeps testing resistance here, sooner or later its going to break through and you don't want to be left behind. Sure it might dip from here but I'd rather miss a chance to buy cheaper coins than risk having to buy back in at a higher price at this point.

>> No.2079376

poloniex chat is fucking retarded lmao, wtf are you smoking

>> No.2079382

hold fucking obviously

korea's 2 massive exchange are here now, and china is joining within the week

>> No.2079386

i called martin shkreli twice on his livestream to ask about bitcoin
he replied that he had no idea and hung up immediately after both times

>> No.2079410

So I might spend $500 on XRP ETH and GNT


>> No.2079417

Oh how do I actually turn coins I have into actual cash in my bank?

>> No.2079423


>> No.2079425
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>> No.2079438
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ICO dropping next month, basically ITunes/Spotify/YouTube on the blockchain

>> No.2079454
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This may be the best thing ive read on /biz

>> No.2079456

How is that diferente from FLO?

>> No.2079463

>must upload photo ID to coinbase

What happens when the IRS butt fucks coinbase and others and taxes everyone?

>> No.2079467
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i just asked a similar question in >>>/g/60398790
basically no for bitcoin because chinks have warehouses of asics

however, i'm not sure about altcoins or, in my case, since i don't have to pay for electricity, if that makes it worth getting into.

i'd really like to steal from my employer via their electric bill

>> No.2079487

Red pill me on FLO

>> No.2079520

which coins son?

>> No.2079531

Crypto is already taxed anon.

>> No.2079562
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alright, some napkin math says mining altcoins is feasible. https://whattomine.com/coins

is there a store where i can grab old powerhungry yet cheap hardware to mine DGB?
i feel like this kind of thing should be as cheap as dirt since the warehouses have to pay power costs, but i don't.

>> No.2079566

When should I buy ETH XRP GNT by to make big profits?

>> No.2079598

a few months ago

>> No.2079600

about a year ago

>> No.2079602 [DELETED] 
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Do you really expect freebies on /biz/?

>> No.2079612
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Fucking ETC quit stalling I want my Shekels back.

>> No.2079615

What should someone new to all this be buying then with $500 to spend?

>> No.2079631

$PLU gunna be huge, get in while fuckall plebs know about it.

>> No.2079633
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Just watched romanian tv
Theyre talking about a cryptocurrency "apocalypse" where crypto takes over fiat. Now tell me why you arent investing into crypto?

>> No.2079646

>no one talking about the gains on Sia coin
Shuttle is preparing for liftoff

>> No.2079754


None of the big names are using or planning to use XRP, they're building their own private ripple networks (e.g. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/01/japanese-banks-plan-to-adopt-blockchain-for-payments.html)), eventually people will realize this and dump the scamcoin

>> No.2079830


>> No.2079968

Im buy the dips on litecoin

>> No.2079999

The best to get is stellar (XLM) and hold long term. This is a legit coin, backed by stripe developed by a block chain genius. It's already at 25 cents and keeping

>> No.2080004

Nice get, when do you think it will hit $1?

>> No.2080010


Except it's at 4 cents and not 25

>> No.2080014

FRN super low cap "in the works" coin, also the only legit french crypto, on yobit and cryptopia

>> No.2080154

>>>Shillfags welcome
I'd like to shill a bit for /biz/coin!
Get some on waves-dex now!

>> No.2080173

someone needs to talk me out of this.
miner crap: https://www.cryptocompare.com/mining/bitmain/antminer-l3plus/
psu: https://shop.bitmain.com/productDetail.htm?pid=00020160829051826903jNmxOHYj06F5

>> No.2080321

RADS will get a new wallet soon. Blogpost about it and of the new developments will be out later on this week. Just posted by the dev on his twitter.

>> No.2080324

Ether is mooning hard last 48 hours

>> No.2080325

Forgot the link: https://twitter.com/alanizBTC/status/864017603588759552

>> No.2080341


Glad some other anon is following RADS too, suppose you have XCP too?

>> No.2080345

>tfw potcoin went exactly as i predicted
It was going to be the coin that made me rich but i did not invest real money

>> No.2080397

Calling SHIFT too, this is gonna moon hard. Good luck to who ever listens.


>> No.2080406
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Iconomi and digibytes, digital gold!!!!

>> No.2080411
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>> No.2080437

Digibyte is a shitcoin that's going nowhere.

>> No.2080447

950 SHIFTs masterrace. $1 by next April

>> No.2080481

How has nobody mentioned Blocknet yet? That shit is ready and primed for mooning, as it's the only project with a working fully decentralised exchange. Once they update the UI and go from alpha to public release this will end up being the new go to exchange.

>> No.2080501

What app is this?

>> No.2080512


Excuse my forgetfulness, i am deep in BLOCK, it's very under the radar right now, small trading volume, a break out at this level will be explosive.

Have you heard of IOC? This is a similar case to Block. Low volume, great fundamentals with big releases upcoming. Delisted from Polo.

>> No.2080517

If you are looking a place to park your btc and wait for the storm to pass, buy waves. Same supply with eth but only $1 right now

>> No.2080557

It's actually on my projects to research list, but I don't really know much about it yet. It caught my eye on Bitcointalk as the ANN page looks very professional and it seems to have decent trading volume.

>> No.2080558
File: 271 KB, 424x600, 0bd45dcbef692374183aba45846c52bb6b652bd00e677f9596a4d30966471cc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to check, mining is a meme now right?
here's my napkin math.
>May 13 2017 213,651 12.46% 6,118 GH/s
>Nov 30 2016 67,726 1.78% 1,939 GH/s
therefore LTC total hashrate increases 1.41% daily.
cost for this miner ~$1884 pv
>given $0.117/kwh, 504MH/s, 1.1863 LTC/day, assume static LTC price to simplify
today's earnings would be $28.78, decreasing by ~1.41% daily due to more hashers
>doesn't ship for another month
so it'd actually start mining at $19.07/day
after a year it'd have pulled in $1,344, by which point it's only making $0.10/day in excess of electricity cost

did i fuck up somewhere? why would anyone do this as opposed to just buying LTC that's already out there?

>> No.2080593

Why does it not work when I try to upload a photo to coinbase? Like i click 'Upload photo ID' and nothing happens?

>> No.2080601

Any other LTC bag holders in here? I bought in at 31 right before Segwit thinking it would moon over 40.

I hear a lot of comments to the effect that LTC is stagnant and will never really gain traction, is it worth holding this at all? Will lightning network and other developments change anything for this coin?

>> No.2080605

what browser are you using?

>> No.2080611

new to investing in crypto currency, what is better?

>> No.2080617

Kraken is the best, instead of the exchange deciding what the price is, its a peer to peer market, meaning that you set a sell price. If it's reasonable, someone will buy, but if you overcharge, you'll be ignored

Some people like Poloniex (it has good charts or something), but I don't trust it, they've been accused of stealing coins

Yobit is for shitcoins that aren't major exchanges

You should spread your investment over different exchnages, that way if one crashes like Mt. Gox you don't lose everything.

>> No.2080643
File: 242 KB, 1500x853, IMG_0272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slack is great too. Dev team is competent, tranparent, and passionate. Plus IBM backing and testing with Bankok Bank helps too

>> No.2080685
File: 225 KB, 540x2287, Screenshot_2017-05-15-11-43-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my portfolio too diversified?

>> No.2080696

This way you spread the risk, but remember that you don't have a lot of any single coin, if one moons you will get a nice profit but won't enter lambo land.

>> No.2080722

I will look into this coin over the next few days, thanks for the tip anon.

There isn't really such a thing as being too diverse as long as you have the time to keep track of how the development of each project is progressing.

>> No.2080730

Should I buy MELON tokens?

>> No.2080767


>> No.2080787

So, um, when will the next bitcoin panic occur so i can buy up some coins for cheap? Kinda pissed i had no money back when ETH was doing so poor.

>> No.2080800

ripple is also up 150% in 2 weeks, im waiting for it to drop to buy more but its a shill curency

>> No.2080806

Hard to say without knowing how your 2% buys are working out for you. My personal strategy at the moment is to hold like 80% in the big boys (take advantage of liquidity flowing in) and a bunch of 2% stakes in alts (maybe catch a moon mission).

If you're hitting more often than missing with all those alts more power to you.

>> No.2080815

if tis been delisted from polo why bother?

>> No.2080821

You forgot to mention, that it's strongly dependant on how well ETH is doing. Other than that, GNT is looking pretty promising.

>> No.2080823

How does that even work, is it when you actually cash out?

>> No.2080838

I don't think anyone has been audited yet in regards to just what coinbase and others provide to the IRS and what they think you owe one taxes, but rest assured if you're withdrawing anything close to a livable income you better be paying taxes on it. Or don't. I don't give a shit if you go to prison for tax evasion.

>> No.2080843

Yeah but my question is about cashing out, I've never sold my coins for money, I just send them into other coins.

I'm confused about that part really, am I fine for now as long as I don't withdraw like 11k in cash and just keep everything in coins.

>> No.2080862

You're probably ok then as coins are classified as property rather than a currency, so trading them between each other is not a taxable event like it would be every time you sold stock. You might want to keep an eye open if you're converting to fiat and back on coinbase a lot or something.

That's my understanding at least. IRS wont give a shit unless you're cashing out like 5 figures a year though, in which case, keep in mind to put aside 15-25% for uncle sam.

>> No.2080880

Do some research and figure out WHY Poloniex delisted it.

>> No.2080903

So I'm new to this whole thing and just deposited some BTC from the site I buy into Poloniex, but it's not showing in the polo history/deposits even though it's been confirmed in blockchain site. Is my btc in limbo now?

>> No.2080937

you probably misstyped the address

>> No.2080946

If you're doing it for the first time, it's wise to send a tiny test transaction first to verify everything works as it should. Sending to wrong addresses is quite common and the cause of much grief to quite a few people.

>> No.2080951
File: 4 KB, 88x88, photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just received it thanks senpai

>> No.2080968
File: 56 KB, 920x730, 1493730817537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just received your BTC. dont worry senpai im gonna invest them in PosW and 1000x them

>> No.2081047
File: 128 KB, 459x480, 1278493885048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is my btc in limbo now?
I hate that feel.
Just currently transferring some BTC, and it takes forever to even show up as confirmed on the blockchain.
>Why is it not confirming?
>did I fuck up the adress?
>is something else wrong?
>how long will it take?
>why is it not 10 minutes like last time?
>will it be 5 hours like some anons claimed?
pic related.

That right there is one of the many flaws of bitcoin. Waves is so much better when it comes to this.

>> No.2081056

Holding siacoins.
Everything is stable, new releases soon, price might go higher within 3-5 months to around 100 marketcap. Might sell at that point.

All in all, I'm happy with my holdings.

>> No.2081062

Reporting in

>> No.2081104


>> No.2081395

Etheroll DICE tokens are now available for trading on etherdelta.

Get them before they get added to yobit and bittrex...polo soon

>> No.2081501

I'm about to enter in the memecoins scheme, I'm about to buy 0,6 btc and spend 0,15 in Rippley, DGB, Humaniq and Tezos

How fucked I am?

>> No.2081505

The browser is fucking great on Android. Feels like a faster and leaner Chrome.

>> No.2081506

Drop ripple. And dont bother with humaniq. Replace it with BAT.

>> No.2081508
File: 201 KB, 700x674, IMG_0579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>> No.2081522
File: 196 KB, 1000x777, IMG_5358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A silly question perhaps, but are there any algorithms under development that take quantitative data and predict where the market/- certain coin will go? Is it even possible to develop a reliable algorithm like the ones they use to speculate on the stock market?

A friend asked me this question and I wasn't too sure myself since I've never heard of anything like it. If it was possible to do I'm sure someone would have done it by now.

>> No.2081558


I saw a thread about ripple going into moon this dawn, i really thought it was a good investment

And people keep shilling humaniq here, why is it bad?

Thanks for helping out anon

>> No.2081596

Let's get this education started


>> No.2081719

Bought my first coins yesterday : ^).

$50 in bitcoin and $20 in ETH

>> No.2081763

Its your money. I just hate the so-called ripple "community" basically they're fuckwits who hate crypto

>> No.2081806

Fully Proof of Stake, 1-2% returns per year, which keeps inflation down.

Their DIONs wallet is getting released either late May or early June, which will send it mooning.

The wallet basically normiefies transactions.. also its 10x faster than LTC

>> No.2081840
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>pic related

>> No.2081849

ripple is a horrible investment as none of their claimed """corporate partners""" are using or planning to use XRP

e.g.: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/01/japanese-banks-plan-to-adopt-blockchain-for-payments.html

>> No.2081863
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Pt. 2

>> No.2081888


Okay, thanks for the tip boys

>> No.2081893

STEEM bitches! +50% till the end of today! MEGAPUMP screencap this

>> No.2081922

Paid datamining it's already a thing, Google does it with their Rewards thing on Android
It has been a thing 5ever too, and with people adopting adblockers and privacy extensions it makes more sense

>> No.2082012
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1080, 1481512544033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is mining ever worth it at a low to medium scale?

>> No.2082027

Almost certainly not unless you have free electricity. Even then you'd probably be better off just buying

>> No.2082043


>> No.2082567

>Snapchat and Google had a clear purpose and were monetized for the developers in a clear manner from Day 1
Your friends are unironically retarded and misinformed

>> No.2082594

How much is btc gonna be in a decade?

>> No.2082642

been watching crypto for awhile and i want to start investing to see how it goes
who would like to sell me some 50 usd worth of bitcoins? ill be paying with paypal
also feel free to drop me off some into my wallet: 1CDTTKGir4Y8JKXNv5C8EH8W539Gu7ZQ9t

>> No.2082647

Who plays (gambles) dice games here?

>> No.2082678

Go to localbitcoins like a normal person

>> No.2082687

Dinduniq had a bug and people got double the coins. Who invested in this ebola coin anyways??. You deserve to get 419´d.

>> No.2082741

Is it going down after the "world hacks"?
Some people talking about taking down wikileaks, other people spoked about taking down bitcoin, it was over in the MSM in my country... it's a small country.

>> No.2082793
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking down Bitcoin

That's not how decentralised blockchain technology works

>> No.2082837

Just to mention, people were entertaining it at long distances.

>> No.2082897

Please point out a flaw in my logic:
1.Managing a portfolio takes a lot of time and effort. (Multiple wallets, keeping keys safe, readjusting percentages)
2. There is clearly a market for digital asset management
3. Iconomi is the only platform coming out made to solve this problem and is almost 2 years ahead of its competetors.
4. They have a working beta with hundreds of users already using it.
5. ICN token is massively undervalued. (Market cap is only double book value)
6. Coming soon to more popular exchanges. (Currently basically only on kraken)
7. Having a huge presentation later this month.
8. Platform will probably be released to the public in the next couple months.
9. Nobody knows about this yet.
10. ICN is deflationary as the income from the 3% management fees are used to buy and burn ICN tokens.

Therefore ICN is the perfect crypto to buy atm.

>> No.2082931

Ripple already moon'd.
It's a shit coin with no future.

>> No.2082997
File: 1004 KB, 1198x752, sia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siacoin moon mission incoming

>> No.2083038

What is it?

>> No.2083115

Steam will be adding DigiBytes next month. Tell me another coin that does that.

KYS if you aren't buying right now.

>> No.2083117


>> No.2083279

I told you guys about STEEM a few hours ago. Now I'd buy VIA on Poloniex! Check out the pic it's from Bitcoin Core slack's #uasf channel.

>> No.2083289
File: 90 KB, 1068x827, C_5h3xvWsAAGQO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

..(and also segwit is being activated on VIA, it's a smaller coin but it has more space to grow.)

>> No.2083319

So what's the next coin that is likely to go spike over the next week?

>> No.2083325


I have been using the brave browser for a while now. Try it, it is super fast and runs really well.

>> No.2083326

Open sourced decentralized cloud storage platform. Devs have been keeping it on the dl for a while, without trying to shill to everyone, at least until they have perfected it. Best part is they actually have a working prototype/beta

Their website is sia.tech. The lead developers (creators of sia) are both known and graduates from RPI. They seem to both be extremely invested in this project.

Despite all this, we are looking at .0027$ a coin and a 71 million dollar market cap. I think it is primed to explode once it is finished + marketing

>> No.2083346

Has anyone heard of bitqyck?

>> No.2083356

Why would the coin price matter? The market cap matters. The coin price is just that divided by however many coins the devs arbitrarily decided there should be.

>> No.2083370

Guys VIA got listed on another exchange just now! Lol, it's gonna pump for sure tonight!

>> No.2084350

I'm holding onto +88 million siacoins.
I'm already in space.

The team said that they had a few apps in the works from separate 3rd parties and a few announcements. New version coming out soon that will fix the bugs.
Roadmap for the next two years is very promising.

I wonder how much more Siacoin will moon.

>> No.2084392
File: 10 KB, 520x108, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what one upgrade should i buy to increase my mining power?

>> No.2084416

My dad works for steam

>> No.2084461

I have 74,000 coins but im not too excited with its insanely retarded amount of circulating supply. Doubt it will go past even .10 cents any time in the foreseeable future, if at all.

>> No.2084538

What's the best place to buy BTC for a nocoiner who wants start? Is it Coinbase like the OP guide says, or is it >>2082678?

>> No.2084550

that other guy's fucking with you

>> No.2084603

>Made a killing off ripple and ETH
>About to move into a new apartment and need some extra money to help

I want to pay using the gains I made off of ripple and ETH. If I were to withdraw by moving my gains into my coinbase wallet and then into my bank do I have to report it since I haven't held a year yet?

>> No.2084744

What the fuck is going on with lite coin? i cant believe i bought this piece of fucking shit

>> No.2084850

Can anybody post really good tutorials that helped them the most?

I started trading two weeks ago, but i haven't really made any big gains.
I feel like either i'm being too conservative or I'm doing everything wrong.


>> No.2084870

not holding it a year means you need to pay short term capital gains, which is even higher than long term

>> No.2085165

Sounds very reasonable, but can I get some sources for those claims?

Also, this
>6. Coming soon to more popular exchanges. (Currently basically only on kraken)
is kinda weird. Normally, kraken only has the large "proven" coins. Why do they have this?

And while I am here:
What's up with monero? Also seems like a really great idea, but it ain't doing much. Can you actualy buy some drugs with that stuff somewhere?

>> No.2085177

does coinbase report this shit to the IRS? inb4 evader
i'm just sure there's a way to move small gains around without worrying about taxes

>> No.2085228

they do

>> No.2085255

thanks friend, some BATs will be deposited on your wallet once they lure some idiots to put actual money on it. Keep up the good shilling.

>> No.2085307

>only listed on poloshit
yeah, no thank you.

>> No.2085313


>> No.2085320

keep lurking, try shit, lose money, learn to read the order book, don't beg, don't ask people to spoon feed you, don't put all your life savings into something you don't understand, buy the rumor-sell the news, never buy high and sell low, practice your grip, before being to excited for a new coin check around there are a shittons of scamcoins and crap that will only pump and dump. Never never be as stupid as >>2085313 that links shit without reading

nigger, all the actual volume is only on poloscam. Learn to read.

>> No.2085324

>only listed
>b-but a lot of it takes place on polo

>> No.2085334
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>> No.2085365
File: 3 KB, 107x90, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waste my mom's electricity on bitcoin faucets
>waste my life solving meaningless captchas for weeks in exchange of rewards that don't even reach a penny each
>faucets rewards varies from 100, 250, 500, or 1000 satoshis
>after weeks i just give up. not worth it. using adblocks and fuckery scripts to bypass anti adblocks just to avoid getting super aids through ads
>hope one day bitcoin explodes and my pennies become thousands
>fast forward three years and average fees are 62000 satoshis

>> No.2085368
File: 389 KB, 821x461, blog-mobilego-821x461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MobileGo anyone have an opnion on this?

>> No.2085396

Read the whitepaper. Join the slack. Go to the iconomi subreddit.

>> No.2085417

Fuck I meant >>2085165

>> No.2085521

I'm getting into muh cryptos and letting my stocks sit for a while due to being asleep the entire time markers are open.
What's the least worst place to trade? This being 4chan, I've been lurking bitcoin threads for a week or two and can't seem to find a single solid opinion on which ones will fuck you and which are legit.
Yes, I've read all the stuff in the OP.

>> No.2085532

Won't make you rich unless you hold a lot but it will give you a nice profit in 6 months to 1 year especially if they manage to grow in the Chinese mobile game market

>> No.2085621

>which ones will fuck you
Yeah, all seem kinda shady sometimes.

> and which are legit.
so far, for me, kraken seems solid for me, but I haven't yet cashed out anything. This is probably where they'll show their true colors. also, not many altcoins on there.
Waves DEX is also very promising, but low volume right now and not many coins outside of the waves system available.

>> No.2085654

Same guy. Changed networks. Anyway.
Yeah I was leaning toward Kraken, seemed to have the least worst reputation.
I was gonna get into crypto a long time ago but the shit with Gox made me gunshy.

>> No.2085743

And then you realise you can already do that on AWS or GCE and get standardized platforms rather than 10shitmachines

>> No.2086798

I heard from a friend of mine who is really in the crypto scene that I should invest in XLM because it will become huge soon.
Can anyone tell me more about the coin?

>> No.2086847


I never go lower than 80% BTC, usually I'm around 90% BTC

>> No.2086952

Ive got 500$ to drop, already have loads of xby,dgb,gnt,eth. What else should I get??

>> No.2087658

Trying to upload ID to Coinbase, asking front and back of my passport, why pages (other than the photo page which I obvious) am I being asked for

>> No.2087671

What do you folks usually pull in a day percentage wise? Bull market, yadda yadda, but getting around 3% a day seems like this ride is too fast.

>> No.2087722

Rookie here. Does coinbase charge for transfering to a place like yobit?

>> No.2087730


>3% a day

Ur not going to make it to lamboland

>> No.2087763

how can I buy some of this sweet coin

>> No.2087781

Do they really?

>> No.2087859

>mfw I am going to secure retirement just by dropping a few hundred bucks in SIA and DGB and then waiting 2 years

Life is good lads

>> No.2087868

Wait, so all you guys making money off of selling memecoins have to file that in your taxes?

>> No.2087881

Well I'm going fairly conservative as I'm just starting out, so I'm not going to dump 5k in to bitbean or some shitcoin, and I'm trying to diversify versus going all in hoping for a moon mission every day.

I mean at 3% compounding daily with 5k seed money, I'm looking at having 15k in 6 weeks, which will let me pocket my seed money and continue to work with 10k, growing it to well beyond what I can otherwise cash out by years end.

I'm just not sure how the reality of this plays out. I see the occasional portfolio with 6 figures and a shit ton of people dropping 20$ in to shit hoping it turns in to a large wad, but not much in the middle.

But then, I guess this is a Chinese crypto shilling board, so who the fuck knows.

>> No.2087910

every withdrawal and deposit to any address has a charge

>> No.2087913

It's not that bad. Just keep your "cash" in bitcoin, and don't worry about it being a taxable event until you convert it to fiat. Keep track of how many withdrawals you make, and hold enough in reserve to pay the tax man come April.

>> No.2087944

Ive got all my DGB in Yobit would my best option be to move it to Polo?

>> No.2087955

They only scam pajeets and dominik bans them from chat shortly after

>> No.2088017

Just got an account at poloniex.

How do I deposit my cash so I can buy your meme coins?

>> No.2088049
File: 185 KB, 1698x1140, 1494447057066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didnt report bitcoin earnings to the Jews on your last tax return

>> No.2088074


Wait, do I have to buy bitcoins first through coinbase and then transfer them to poloniex?

>> No.2088080


The reality is that the market moves so fast. Timing is everything. Buying low and selling high and hodling. The amount of money coming into crypto shoud give you some idea of the growth. Look at coin market cap. 50% gain in a day is common. Pick your coins carefully.

>> No.2088241


>> No.2088258

My technical analysis bullshit is telling me now is the time to stock up on litecoin

>> No.2088302

Yes, or anywhere else. Polo is an exchange. a place to trade them for other coins with other people

>> No.2088322



Coinbase wants a 4% goy charge plus tip.
I assume 4% on withdrawal as well. What a fucking joke.

Any better alternative?

>> No.2088632

Bought my first coins yesterday. Exchanged some ETH to DGB today with Shapeshift.

Can I get a quick rundown on how to keep track of this for tax purposes? What even happened here behind the scene?

>> No.2088738
File: 291 KB, 691x576, 1494784116565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heads up lads

bitcoin about to break 200k unconfirmed transactions and it's only tuesday afternoon

>> No.2088764

record the acquired date, number of shares, and cost as USD value of each coin (in a consistent manner) to be read for taxes

input in software like quicken and it will do all the work for you

>> No.2088766

what does that mean for me?

>> No.2088777

it means it's going to be VERY expensive and VERY slow to transfer bitcoins from wallet to wallet. if you send too low of a fee, the transaction may never be confirmed by a miner and remain unconfirmed for up to 2 weeks before it expires and you'd be able to resend it.

>> No.2089017
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying so hard, how do I buy DGB?

>> No.2089213



>> No.2089220
File: 55 KB, 512x512, EQc4zsP8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about that BitBay boys?

>> No.2089248

stop trying to make bitbay happen
it's not going to happen

>> No.2089251

Anyone bag holding anything right now?

Fucking LTC

>> No.2089261

U.S. Residents what exchange are you using to buy?

Why don't the coin creators have their marketplace that isn't with an exchange?

>> No.2089271


their *own

>> No.2089281

if this shit worked with any logic whatsoever this would be a good pick but it doesn't so

>> No.2089385

Price of bitcoin went up so much that I can no longer easily get loads of shit coins

>> No.2089451
File: 89 KB, 1304x246, Screen Shot 2017-05-16 at 4.26.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No real argument

Ok Grant Wensen OpenBazaar & Syscoin shill

>> No.2090067

Did I fuck up by using Shapeshift?

I did ETH to DGB. How the fuck do I determine what the BTC price of DGB was when I exchanged?

>> No.2090485

What is the current state of waves? I bought 1500 back in February and have made 5x profit. Is it time to cash out for now?

>> No.2090734

sell it for now. It's going to dip soon

then you know what you have to do.

>> No.2091238
File: 24 KB, 288x296, 1-loads-of-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready for the BTC bear market?!