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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20767597 No.20767597 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20767790
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>> No.20767818

My only question is how are the Jews gonna stop us from completely cutting them out of their gibs?

>> No.20767885

this is bigger project than anybody think

>> No.20767915

This is a top 50 coin. No one realizes it yet. It will only become clear in hindsight. We are the lucky few that can see the potential and will reap the rewards.

>> No.20767987

Will I make it with 300k?

>> No.20768027

IRS death squad that hunt down users with rating

>> No.20768048

Make it stack !

>> No.20768073

This is the next BUIDL gains, we are so lucky to be this early. You are going be rich with 300k, just do not sell too early and keep a moon bag.

>> No.20768080

this is a product i genuinely want but it doesnt work in USA

>> No.20768151

Nice, so bullish on this

>> No.20768179

I only have 50k. You are definitely gonna make it. Maybe before EOY

>> No.20768235

how long do i have?

>> No.20768285

in USA anything works..

>> No.20768293
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Not sure if I am about to get unjusted, or it's an organized shill because. Because I definitely want to buy more now.

>> No.20768598

Just check out their twitter, you can see how many new users they have gained this week. Just take out your initial when this reaches 0.14 in the next couple of day, if you want fee better.

>> No.20769007

I don't get it...
can't you get robbed easily?

>> No.20769095

Easily $10 EOY. 3$ EOM.

>> No.20769155

You could say the same thing about Uber, ubereats, Craigslist, FedEx drivers, Mormons, pizza delivery boys, landscapers, house cleaners, door to door salesmen, etc. Not everyone is a violent nigger about to pull a gun on you.

>> No.20769182

what do you mean

>> No.20769192

Sounds a bit early if 300k is supposed to be a make-it stack desu. Maybe I'll start taking profits at 50 cent...

>> No.20769208

they have to pay to stake their claim and then people can leave comments
so no not at all if you stick to long term reliable people
its amazing
ive been looking for something like this forever

>> No.20769211

50k is make it stack IMO

>> No.20769249

Please it is not. 50k DTH will be probably 50k $ EOY.

1 DTH = 1 Dollar.

>> No.20769278

I wanna make it where do i buy tokens?

>> No.20769283

We had localether before but it was clunky and not many ppl used it. Plus you paid out the ass. I just downloaded the app yesterday and set up a point of sale and it literally only took a few minutes. Send 100 DTH to the wallet and 0.1 ETH and claim your location. If I lived in a big city I would be getting my sweet location right now. Imagine getting an area of Manhatton...

>> No.20769302

Wow they went from 1 user to 15.

>> No.20769362


Contract address here:

>> No.20769405

forgive the burgers. they've been completely pozzed by the media and have no idea that safe, high trust societies exist beyond their oceans.

>> No.20769431

hahahahaha literally this

>> No.20769445

I'm a burger living in Europe with my hot Italian waifu.

>> No.20769485

I used localethereum to cash out about 15k usd in 2017. Worked great. But now its kind of gone. Im hoping this takes of, as shops also can use it.

>> No.20769506

Someone is going to get murdered or worse with this app and the price will crash to zero as it makes national news

>> No.20769507

it doesnt fucking work in usa

>> No.20769518

this is very solid project, sir, 2017 ICO, the 2 north african developers finally finished the project and it is very solid now sir
It is very listed on solid exchange Hotbit and Uniswap this shows mega reputation
White crypto youtuber Chico will make video about coin very soon, despite Dether is not allowed in USA
buy the bag now or stay poor, do the needful.

>> No.20769532

pretty sure that free publicity would make this skyrocket as people learn its easy to buy and sell crypto irl

>> No.20769563

also, this shit was made in 2017, has no telegram group (who the fuck uses discord for crypto) and is just now being pumped?

Total fucking scam

>> No.20769628

please listen, it is not scam, iya?
it looks sketchy on outside but on inside it is solid very good project!
the developers muhammad and ahmed worked very hard for 2 years to develope the most solid project of all time and this is the final result, so we will the price explode now
longterm this will go to 100 dolalr

>> No.20769647

Does it really matter i you cannot use it at the present time, its still going moon for the countries that can use it!

>> No.20769656

OH yeah, I forgot. Scratch Manhattan and change it to London. Sorry burgers.

>> No.20769744

Lmao ok retard miss out on Uber willingly. I'm gonna cap this, frame it and put it on my office to show my employees why wagies deserve what they earn.

>> No.20769768

There is no way to verify the 1460% claim. The discord is pretty inactive and there is no telegram. What kind of crypto doesn't have telegram in 2020? Did they get banned for scamming?

>> No.20769790

yes exactly, this is just like UBER
UBER Of crypto
BUY NOW!!!!!

>> No.20769913

I like that there’s no telegram..there you go I said it

>> No.20769991

Anon the price is listed as taken by the market, go on Etherscan and check transactions at the initial price and after 30 days to verify the 1460%. I bought $6k at about 0.052 and currently can swap it in my metamask for $8k worth(in usd) of Ether, which confirms the price listing. Go on Etherscan and compare price listings from 30 days before and now, and do the math.

>> No.20770061

The fuck? Weekly users not price you fuckstick

>> No.20770124

in the USA, civil forfeiture is a big thing.

does Europe have this? I assume most of Asia does because more authoritarian governments

>> No.20770207

Why dont you just download the app and test if for yourself. Its only going be a matter of time but word gets around.

>> No.20770220


> can't use it in burger land USA

What sense does it make then...
One of the largest countries, can't use it

>> No.20770238

The Telegram group is Dether Community

>> No.20770339

If you use your brain, I am sure there is way of getting around this and for all the countries that can use it legitimately, dont you think their total populations amounts more than that of the USA?

>> No.20770504

get robbed
>But uber and pizza delivery!
Uber and pizza delivery dont meet to exchange hundreds and thousands in cash.

Get jumped by feds for tax evasion
>but its decentralized
So is drug trade, they just have to pretend they're users and they easily get you.

Someone explain how these points on this highly illegal application are solved

>> No.20770509

Just like all those who got murdered off of localbitcoin?

>> No.20770560

no this is because you fucking retards were willing to pay for an idea in 2017
now its an actual product and its fucking great, try it

>> No.20770652

That's even easier you absolute retard. Keep waging tho, this project is too good for a faggot like you.

>> No.20770700

Going from 5 to 70 users is also a 1400% increase but isn't really impressive
What are the actual numbers

>> No.20770817

more importantly than buying this
biz people GO STAKE YOUR CLAIM you will be able to fleece normies forever
this app is great and usable and there are going to be so many people willing to pay +10% or more on face value to be able to use cash to buy it

>> No.20770923

fleece is also the wrong context
be a good ambassador of crypto and make some money
fleecing them would be counterproductive but you can definitely take a reasonable fee
ive been waiting for this app for so long and I love the buying territory model to prevent stale listings

>> No.20771008

Even if it were the case that the increase was from 5 to 70 user, its only the first week the app has been launched. 70 users can turn into 140, then 280, then 560 and so forth. Its only a matter of time before this explodes.

>> No.20771042

do the tokens do anything in regards to the produt?

>> No.20771046


>> No.20771152
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You guys are fucking idiots. I 4x'd, got out and put it in GHOST. Feeling comfy

>> No.20771199

yes you buy geographic territory with it so you get to be the only listing in an area