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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2076037 No.2076037 [Reply] [Original]

>invested 50k into crypto 9 months ago
>portfolio currently worth $180k
Any similar success stories?

>> No.2076039

MOAR of her plz

>> No.2076058

invested €64k, currently worth €380k. feels good man

>> No.2076059
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Invested 13k and got 44k so far. Waiting for LTC to do the same trick (100 ltc haven't been deposited yet).

>> No.2076079

20k to 120k. Still shocked.

>> No.2076080

Nah I'm an idiot that kept diversifying into shitcoins thinking they can moon the most while my top 10 coins actually went 8x in two months and shitcoins crashed leaving me with only 1/3 of the potential profit had I not diversified.

fuck me

>> No.2076091

Invested 1k usd in february, now have 10k usd. Atleast my multiplier is better than you rich fags.

>> No.2076092

bought 10,000 Eth for 10 btc(around $4,000) back in the summer of 2014 like /biz/ told me.
had to sell some off over the years, but still close to $900,000.

>> No.2076134

Invested last apri week 5k, now at 6k

missed a few moon missions..

>> No.2076136

Put $500 into ethereum when you guys were shilling it a while ago, up to $10,000 started fucking around in other coins but I'm not taking out a penny till I'm at lamb land

>> No.2076146

Aww... would it making u feel better if i did a blowjob on you? I'm a girl.

>> No.2076154
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tricked a bunch of stupid NEET goyim on 4chan into buying my shitty scamcoin by posting threads like these

>> No.2076155

>would it making u

An indian one.

>> No.2076177

moot must have also made a fortune with the passes, he was selling them for btc back when btc was around $20-$40

>> No.2076178
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>put $800 neetbux into Doge in 2014 during the grand shilling
>still down 20% today

>> No.2076198

He either made a fortune or is kicking himself for converting to fiat whenever he'd receive a payment in BTC.

>> No.2076201

Went from about 1.5k$ in november to 10k$ now, although in between I cashed out about 5k$ worth of coins into fiat, would earn a lot more if I wouldn't have done that.

>> No.2076260
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$1000 down to $400

>> No.2076263
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>invested 500k into crypto
>now 3 million

>> No.2076327

I have 1k in PayPal (that's all the money i own) how do i invest it on this crypto? Any tips? I don't mind having to wait months to see some profit

>> No.2076332

Hey newfriend. Sign up with an account on coinbase and connect your PayPal credit card

>> No.2076362

Greater gain ratio smaller capital
>Invested $150 in crypto two months ago
>$900 now

>> No.2076393

3.5k to 22k currently

>> No.2076401
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>sell house
>put into crypto
>now I have 3 houses

>> No.2076510

And yet all you faggots will never be able to cash out this """money""""

>> No.2076577

Lamb land aka the slaughterhouse.

>> No.2076592

Keep on fudding fampai

Cashed in 60k here

>> No.2076605

$100 to $30,000 in the last year.

>> No.2076658

Send me the money and will get you all set up

>> No.2076726


Nice senpai, congrats on your success

>> No.2076743

>bought 10k Eth in the summer of 2014
ETH wasn't released until late 2015 anon, you wouldn't lie on a business board would you :^)

>> No.2076749
File: 3 KB, 768x682, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invested about $8000 two years ago, now have about $700k.

Yeah, feels good man.

>> No.2076783

Could you give me some tips to cash out without being super fucked by the transfer fees?

>> No.2076801


Who is the girl?

>> No.2077130

that's great ,anon, really good, however, the ICO was held in 2014.

>> No.2077145

I've invested 1k. Currently at 200k. Beat that.

>> No.2077351

Thanks anon, even though I'm the one who made the least in this thread, I wish the rest could show some proof.

>> No.2077359


>> No.2077369

Invested $380

Sitting at $400

Feels good mayne!

>> No.2077483

>mfw found /biz/ a few weeks ago
>tfw initially believing the magic that I could invest in crypto and make money
>mfw keep browsing /biz/ reading more and more comments
>the magic is fading and this was all a scam to begin wtih
>literally anyone can download blockfolio and set arbitrary values indicating success without actually owning a cent in cryptocurrency

I see your game you fucking shills.

>> No.2077543

someone has to lose money for someone to make gains
sucks it has to be you though.
use it as a learning lesson.
crypto is easy money

>> No.2077552


>Implying I've lost a dime.

You shills won't fool me.

>> No.2077561

okay. Gratz you haven't lost anything and learn some valuable information.

Get ahold of yourself anon. stop being a faggot

>> No.2077571

Went from $3600 to sitting on $14,000. Still havent sold anything yet.

>> No.2077580

Blockfolio is a meme

>> No.2077593

what do you use to keep track of your gains anon? (goes for other anons as well, I'm not all that happy about blockfolio)

>> No.2077597

Only guy telling the truth right here

>> No.2077609
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>Any similar success stories?
Invested ~$25k in 2013

Now worth $785k.
Not sure if I should sell because lots of people already made a lot of money or if we are just at the tipping point for even greater riches.

>> No.2077755
File: 417 KB, 500x2052, leavethebottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have put in a little over $1300 since January
>Now sitting at about $1800
>all my gains are due to Bitcoin exploding over the last 6 months
>all these people tripling or better their investments

I know I'm doing alright, I have more money than I started with, but I want a god damn moon rocket too!

>> No.2077768
File: 85 KB, 479x521, 6b8b753b9a150ca3b1094b2a1db1c0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least I have these sweet digits. Thanks kek.

>> No.2078582

Which coin should i start with?

>> No.2078587

Also i don't have a credit card with USD

>> No.2078615
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Hi, I'm new here too buy I'm going to start with waves, looks promising.

>> No.2078632

See my coinbase wallet. You can't modify the mobile apps.

>> No.2078649

$700 to $3.8k

>> No.2078658
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>tfw I could have invested 5k in 2014

I'm considering investing about 100k of my 150k in btc , am I an absolute madman

>> No.2078666

With that much money you could diversify safely instead.

>> No.2078702
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When someone on 4chan speaks sanity then you listen. Thanks. I guess I should do a mix of index funds and crypto. Won't get super rich quick that way but I'll protect my original investment.

>> No.2078710


>> No.2078731
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poor btc cuck, should've bought eth while you had the chance

>> No.2078734

Started with $20 currently have 100k

>> No.2078738

1.5k to 15k in >6months

>> No.2078749

seeing these success stories heavily makes me regret remembering my bitcoin account when I had bills to pay in 2014.

In any case, where should I start now? I hear litecoins are just faster bitcoins and in that case, I dont see a reason why they wouldnt just overtake bitcoins.

>> No.2078763

How did you guys all make that much money? Trading?

>> No.2078767

>62 posts in this thread
>no proof whatsoever
And this is why /biz/ is so poor.

>> No.2078798

come on you wanna be experts, help me out

>> No.2078811

He made that much money buying and holding through an extremely bullish period.

He wouldn't be able to repeat the same thing over the course of the last few days for example.

That's the problem with the 'buy and hold' method, lack of consistency.

>> No.2078825


I invested 1k and turned it into about 6k. It's not that impressive, but it's still better than the money I got on my job. I made this over 3 months btw, I just started trading crypto.

>> No.2078833

what did u trade with lad

>> No.2078846

Been browsing /biz/ for a few weeks now, reading up all these stories. Real or fake, doesn't matter, it's all motivating. Been working my part time job overtime to make meager money to put into crypto so I can atleast have something to start from while I go to school. Fucking eastern european wages and shitty job opportunities are killing motivation and any bright future as it is. I absolutely cannot let myself be left behind from this opportunity. I think it is the best chance this and future generations will ever see to even get the opportunity to make disproportionately large amounts of money from small investments.

I hope all you will succeed. And even if you lied about your success now, I hope you will find the success and no longer have to lie. I truly hope all of us who are here now will make it.

If any anons feel like helping an europoor with whatever amount of BTC, here is my address:


I hope Kek is real and watches over us.

>> No.2078850

Man, biz sure has the best porn.

>> No.2078853
File: 54 KB, 540x720, 1493239626972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I bought ETC
>mfw Is crashing

>> No.2078856

I'll give you a dollar when I make my first investment into crypto tonight

in other news, can anyone tell me if some eurofag can fuck with my account because I sent him btc (does he know my wallet id after I send him a dollar and can he steal my shit after knowing that info)

>> No.2078860

Its a public address dummy, theyd need the private one to cash you out

>> No.2078863

I am a total noob at this and my initial investment is going to be <$300

in other news, does anyone have info on ripplecoin? i hear it'll be added to coinbase soon (how soon?) and if it does, it should hit the dollar figures

>> No.2078926

What exactly do you mean "transfer fees"
You mean the markup that every BTC/fiat trader has to employ to reduce losses? Because you'd have to be absolutely retarded to trade BTC/fiat at market price all the time. That's how you set yourself up for failure. Rates are competitive though. Look around on paxful or localbitcoins for a trusted trader. Otherwise try to find a "brokerage" in your area that trades very large volumes. Bonus if you're near a very large city. For instance, in Ottawa, Canada there's canadianbitcoins. ~7% markup and they facilitate very large transactions. They have an office and everything.

>> No.2078989

ETC is not crashing, dumbass.

>> No.2078997

>now 8%
sure thing

>> No.2079099
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>Real or fake, doesn't matter, it's all motivating.

>> No.2079174


I put it all on ETH and some alts that mooned fast and then crashed. Recently did that with BURST for example. I got lucky and knew when to hold/sell too. I am not very greedy so my gain has been consistent but not as high as it could be.

>> No.2079205

35k€ 6 months ago -> 130k today'

>> No.2079219

which investments and why?

>> No.2079639

Don't listen to satan

>> No.2079652

This. There's no way this faggot OP made 130k

>> No.2079653

Lol you are on easy mode, i'm from Venezuela, stop crying

>> No.2079673


Bought ~5k worth of bitcoin across 2013, 2015 and 2016

It's worth ~65k now

>> No.2079707

wtf did u buy and why did you buy it at an all time high?

>> No.2079762

I went from buying 2 btc for $900 total to now having about 2.85 btc worth around $5100.

I'm not an aggressive trader and hold 90% in BTC. Feels bad and good I guess. Definitely missed out on opportunities this last month.

>> No.2079852

Is it a good time to purchase BTC, ETH, or LTC right now? It seems like they've gone back up (before the dip). I told myself to buy BTC when it dipped, but I didn't want to because I was trying to figure out a way to sell bitcoin on coinbase, and the support team told me that it should be working, but since it isn't, they suggested that I go to GDAX.

"I recommend checking out GDAX, where you can avoid fees by making a sell order. The USD can then be transferred back to your Coinbase account. Let me know if you need anything."

Is GDAX a good place to sell bitcoin?

>> No.2079864

300 into 3 grand i think is pretty good for me

>> No.2079873


>> No.2080095

Sitting at 410 now :)

>> No.2080123
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Put in $2500 with majority in BTC and some in ETH and LTC last week.

Sitting at $2450 now. Wew.

>> No.2080162

sorry to read that man. In a week or so I made almost 400 bucks. There's money to be made, just read and understand that buying high and selling low isn't a fucking strategy