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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 1024x688, 1594747317966m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20754479 No.20754479 [Reply] [Original]

>25% federal income tax
>10% state income tax
>1% local income tax
>10% state sales tax
>3% property tax
>10% inflation tax
>15% capital gains tax
>gambling winnings tax
>state lottery tax
>alcohol and tobacco tax
>50% gasoline tax
Are we really just slaves at this point?

>> No.20754497

>be turkish

>pay 0% tax while enjoying the best economy and best standards living in the world

feels good man

>> No.20754506

>12% white tax

>> No.20754525

Don't forget healthcare and your HSA, and the social security Ponzi

>> No.20754538

Unironically yes, but tax isn't the main culprit, the problem is international centralized banking. This thread has potential to be very good, don't let the jeets derail.

>> No.20754551

Luxury tax
Death tax

>> No.20754560

Don't forget gift tax and yes we are basically slaves

>> No.20754563
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Yes. We need to send more money to Israel and Africa, dumb fucking goy.

>> No.20754597

And auto insurance tax. Auto registration tax. Toll road tax. Car transfer tax. Smog check tax

>> No.20754606
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>be turkish

>> No.20754622
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That’s why I’m all in on SQQQ. Fuck this kiked out cooperate America

>> No.20754630

dont forget rent money too. Bs taxes and high cost of living. Aint america just great?

>> No.20754645

Even if youre not white you will be whipped by the massa IRS. Especially if you are a single male
>incel tax

>> No.20754665

>rent money
Fuck off Bernie Bro

>> No.20754700

Hes right. Rent is over inflated thanks to the state. It might as well be a tax

>> No.20754717

Dont forget you pay tax everytime you buy or sell anything. Large cash transaction is illegal without the government taking a slice

>> No.20754777
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Fortunately the masses are waking up. Kikes are so arrogant, they think they won't meet the fate brought to them by a firing squad within the next couple decades.

>> No.20754821
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Trips of truth

>> No.20754890

Based trips

>> No.20754963

Based department is calling sir, please answer

>> No.20755009
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Ampl + Link let us finally defeat the cartel with an open banking system

>> No.20755038

Taxation is theft.

>> No.20755081

I'd rather pay the not be Turkish tax

>> No.20755162
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>made $20k in comissions last month
>look at check

wtf man. So I only get to keep 60% of what I work for? Shouldnt this mean I should only put 60% of the effort?

>> No.20755170

Checked. Looks like they're losing control of the narrative.

>> No.20755193
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Most taxes should be replaced by a capital gains tax on people in the top 10% of earners.

>> No.20755224

Fucking gay, EOY I’ll be in the top 1% of earners and you’ll have to pry these gains from my cold dead hands.
t. 175k PNK holder

>> No.20755226

less. they(((the gov and boss))) are using and abusing you. use some of that money to make them look like the blackwo pic in your post

>> No.20755234

Theoretically, if you keep all of your cryptos in a wallet and only trade on anonymous DEXs, you can probably get away with only paying some income tax when you xfer it to a centralized Exch to exchange to fiat right?

All hypothetical of course. Just a thought experiment.

>> No.20755273

Basically. Unless wherever you buy the crypto from sends a report to the IRS showing how much crypto you bought

>> No.20755299


Is being anti Semitic woke now?

>> No.20755314
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>> No.20755335

Not in the ZOG US

>> No.20755481
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>> No.20755509
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They are. That's why they're ramping up the white vs black narrative in the (((media))). Divide and conquer tactic.

>> No.20755526

The Jews used the nigger against the white race so we memed the nigger to be used against the Jew

>> No.20755535

Yes, but not for long. When the dollar collapses this corrupt system goes with it.

Rejoice anons, everything you hate about this shit corrupt world is coming to an end.

>> No.20755575

>Shouldnt this mean I should only put 60% of the effort?
Not unless you only want to take home 36% of your earnings

>> No.20755607

All that money is being invested in programs, agencies, and NGOs to actively work against you.

>> No.20755615
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>tfw your weekly $947 covid unemployment benefits just hit
another day of watching porn and browsing armslist for guns to buy with my neetbux

>> No.20755626

>from my cold dead hands.

Estate tax is another good one.

>> No.20755636
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>> No.20755643

>he doesn’t know the civil war made everyone slaves

>> No.20755714
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The Federal Reserve made everyone slaves.

>> No.20755741

I hope

>> No.20755753
File: 12 KB, 247x296, 6696D17D-DC85-4D1D-A075-4464296B76F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But.. but... capitalism is slavery...

>> No.20755758

Very based and redpilled.

>> No.20755787

Goy, don't forget the troops :^)

>> No.20755820
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Legit. Printing money doesn't create wealth. It only lays claim to existing wealth. Central bankers are thieves of the highest order.

>> No.20755827

>that quote

I want to believe

>> No.20755844
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>> No.20755853
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Correct. Nothing will change until the world is purged of central banks and the (((people))) who control them.

>> No.20755857


>> No.20755884

Oi... got a loycense for that fish mate?

>> No.20755896

>penny tax
>self-employment tax

>> No.20755906

Hate that faggot so much.

>> No.20755915

>t. shekelstein

>> No.20755938

Yep 100%

>> No.20756100

Capital gains tax shouldn't exist at all. It prevents people from rapidly moving up the socioeconomic hierarchy. Why should someone's wages get taxed, then take on all the risk in an investment, and finally get taxed again if they make any kind of substantial profit?

>> No.20756266


Something like 90% of all stocks are owned by the richest 10% of society. Capital gains tax is probably the most justified tax there is. Especially if you only apply it to the top earners and not any regular joe who invests.

Capital gains tax
Wealth tax
Estate tax

These are the three that should replace most if not all other taxes.

>> No.20756360

ALL the taxes we pay were introduced as a tax on the rich, you're a moron if you think those won't be transferred to you. Capital gains taxes you at selling your house, selling your stocks. Guess what that does to retirees?

The only taxes that should exist are corporate profit tax, and import tax of 3%. Our government ran fine on that 3% import tax for a long time before the federal reserve.

>> No.20756443


>> No.20756464


So long as the taxes go to the top and not to everyone else, I won't complain.

I will defend estate tax, that one prevents crystallized aristocracy taking root.

>> No.20756521

>Are we really just slaves at this point?


>> No.20756530
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>confusion reigns
Part of the plan

You will have to pay tax on those unemployment checks.

>> No.20756626

People like you are soulless and entirely materialistic. The idea of preventing people from giving their money to their loved ones when they die is disgusting. That's the most wholesome thing you could do with your money. Do you want them to spend it on faggot globohomo plastic shit from China instead of their family? Fuck you.

>> No.20756697

What are your thoughts on a world of unified ethno-states who have constitutional monarchy/meritocracy hybrids (legislative body based on merit, royal family in the executive position) with a Nordic model economy?

>> No.20756705

That's never how taxes have worked out, the rich have the means and ability to escape that shit.
Estate tax just means you never own your house. This takes away the ability to give your children what you earned. Crystallized aristocracy comes from the powerful using government to hold back the up and comers.

>> No.20756714

Fucking based

>> No.20756805
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It's basically an aristocracy with a philosopher king

>> No.20756815

>What are your thoughts on a world of unified ethno-states who have constitutional monarchy/meritocracy hybrids (legislative body based on merit, royal family in the executive position) with a Nordic model economy?

I like the idea a lot, I'm not familiar with a specific Nordic model economy. But government shouldn't be involved in the economy at all. If that was the case the government can do fuck all because it wouldn't make a noticeable difference.

>> No.20756851

>Nordic model economy

Bernie Sanders type stuff.

>> No.20756893

Property taxes prevent property prices from skyrocketing. If people weren't taxed on property, you would have people like Bezos and Soros buying up large swaths of land and sitting on them forever until the price of land was outrageous. It penalizes people for hoarding. If jews were taxed yearly on the diamonds they keep locked in vaults, the price of diamonds would drop significantly because they would lose money by trying to control the price like they currently do. It is the same principle.

>> No.20756966

Why cant they make an exception. Don't tax primary residence only investment homes and such.

>> No.20757003

Within the context of an ethno-state some social welfare programs would be fine, imo. It's different when our taxes are being used to keep niggers alive due to their incompetence/unwillingness to get their shit together. On top of that we can't hold them accountable as our fellow citizen without fear of being ostracized/being called racist. In an ethno-state that wouldn't be the case, and I'd be happy to help a fellow white person who experiences a temporary time of unemployment, or to help first-time parents with the cost of pregnancy/having a baby.

>> No.20757036

How exactly does paying someone to use the property they own unfair?

>> No.20757047

What would it be like if the government wasn't involved in the economy at all?

>> No.20757057

Naw, they had the best economies decades ago. Even now its far less socialist than we are.
Yea because property taxes did such a good job controlling housing prices right? Sitting on property is not a good investment. I would say more but you're obviously operating with a room temp IQ, or no research involving critical thinking.

>> No.20757103

I could agree with that.

>> No.20757185

If you think housing prices are high now, what would they be like if there were no cost to holding property indefinitely, retard. You assume that because they are high right now that they couldn't be astronomically higher. Think NYC, but nationwide.

>> No.20757206

>at this point
If by that you mean since approximately 1933, then yes.

>> No.20757250

Don't like it at all then. Want to help your fellow white man? Donate your time, give money directly or to a charity. Government is horribly inefficient and creates moral hazard.
Far more efficient use of resources. No government to create artificial monopolies. Bad behavior is punished, especially in the internet age. You get to keep all your hard earned labor. You get to decide whats a good investment and lifestyle for you. The best and most recent example is looking at the US economy after the civil war until the Federal reserve act in 1913. The greatest economic expansion in the history of the world. For the first time ever, children weren't required to work in order to be fed. The advancements in the economy rose all boats and fathers could provide for the whole family.

Adam Smith, the father of Capitalism would be a good person to start, followed with Mises.

>> No.20757336

Property tax is a tool used by the state to force people to work, thus to pay taxes. It's a scheme to enrich themselves and advance government power.

If I gave my son a farm and he only worked hard enough to feed himself, maybe sell a little here and there to get some goods. Why shouldn't that be allowed to happen? But no, you want to force him to work for you. Disgusting.

>> No.20757382

I'd rather be a nigger than a roach.

>> No.20757550

No, like the other anon said, primary residence could be excluded. I just don't want the Rothschilds and their ilk to be able to buy up half the country and sit on it until the cost of land is 10x what it is now. Property taxes and inflation forces them to use their money or lose it, which keeps the economy going

>> No.20757665

New German?

>> No.20757753

>He doesn't know

>> No.20757794

Absolutely based

>> No.20758044

Those tax rates, is anon from Illinois?

For real though SE Asia, Eastern Europe and certain countries in Latin America still have freedom especially if you have an online biz.

Hell if you're going to be a slave at least do it in Western Europe where you get something for it and the societies still have life/culture even if it's dying.>>20754479

>> No.20758064


chicago be like

>state tax
>county tax
>city tax

which is basically 9.5-10.25% depending on what you buy

>> No.20758159
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and if that doesn't finish you off.. shitcoin gambling will let them take your house

>> No.20758193

We can't all live in Germany

>> No.20758208

So you are saying that we are going to make enough money off of AMPL that we will rope from all the taxes we will owe?
I don't think you really thought that meme through.

>> No.20758269

You’re an absolute retard who regurgitates memes and doesn’t know about corporate personhood. Stay fucked, slave.

>> No.20758334

Taxation is theft.

>> No.20758391

Estate tax doesn't apply to the average person, you need to have at least 11 million. Stop defending rich kikes, they don't give a shit about you.

>> No.20758448
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>> No.20758554

Literally have lots of kids, work part time, make the government pay you to raise the next generation of Atlantean superhumans.

Mexicans, blacks, all the shitskins are already draining you, get in on the scam, white man.

>> No.20758633

The problem becomes kikes hoard all the property and the next generation is then enslaved to them. If anything it should be illegal for investment housing at all. You want it so you can sit on your ass creating nothing and holding back human progress just like the Jews do. Ofcourse if we just get rid of the Jews it's not really a problem anymore of having to make laws to control toxic parasitic creatures passing as human and you having a single investment property for retirement becomes a net benefit to society.

>> No.20759032


>> No.20759078

Disgusting heretical devil worshiping slime.

>> No.20760425

based death

>> No.20760504

Kek living in a dictatorship. Haven't they blocked 4chan for you yet?

>> No.20760578


>> No.20760653

Doesn't look too bad compared to taxes in UK.

>> No.20760893

my house is worth more than 50$ anon...

>> No.20761268

Capital gains tax is not wages

>> No.20762168

Fuck off kike