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20742478 No.20742478 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone actually made gains on low caps without getting dumped on?
All lowcaps look like scams or impotent projects, and I honestly doubt anyone here post projects with a genuine belief that they wanna help others with financial gains

>> No.20742769
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yes bro see dfohub buidl, and you must not have weak hands if you believe in a project. I have made the first time 10 times and I sold half, only gaining 500 dollars. Now it is 100 times( 1 dollar is a actual price) and I would have 5k more now.

So Basically, it is a serious project that is not useless, but I was lurking between pile of shitcoins in may 2020. Day and night neeting 8 hours straight on biz and not having a life but it was lockdown so okay. You just have to be patient, knowing some are scams, profit from them, if there is one that is serious, never sell all, sell half or 80 percent maximum, even if it is a scam.

and for the too long didnt read, just fuck you and your attention span, you are not going to make it if you have the attention span of a fish.

and no even though I am spacing I am not a plebbit fag.

>> No.20742884
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it is on uniswap.

And look at the title, even then I had fear if it was a scam. Great times, if you are not autistic you can make it, newfag

>> No.20742955
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and also there is a logo competition because it is shit, go in the telegram for further news.

And beware of coins made by bucc, this is a known biz scammer

>> No.20743153
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the reason why is because I got screwed over badly in 2017. I took a break from trading crypto and got a job in some crypto project myself. I got okayish pay for doing code monkey work but I can honestly not see this one going anywhere, and yet it comes with so much resemblance to alot of other projects out there, with overexagerated PR and partnerships that really aren't anything of what they claim to be.
I've come and gone here and seen supposed "revolutionary big time projects" come and go. On top of my head: HOT, BOMB, DERO, LTO and NKN. Surely many more but I can't recall their names

I cashed out half of it to finance some stuff in my life. I have $7,500 left and I really wonder if I should just bite the bullet and put it all in some promising project. Though I am facing a huge risk of devs exit scamming on me in the end and I'll lose plenty of bucks that I could have spent on something else.

>> No.20743178
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More than you can imagine

>> No.20743192

>I cashed out half of it to finance some stuff in my life.
The tokens I had been given from my work.

>> No.20743506

PNK, my friend

>> No.20743606
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are you sure it is not going anywhere for dfohub buidl? Because I tell you this one may be not useless after all. And even though it turns out too promising to be true, look at chainlink, it is still a json paser erc20 (i dont know the technicalities to be honest) and has 3 fucking billion market cap. Even though we know it is ponzis, we must profit and be early bro.

But I understand your point. now you have 7500 net worth but I have a question first

Are you working or still working?

>> No.20743705

still technically working. They are "running low on funds" as in they cannot dump more of their tokens to pay me and other devs out and the CEO keeps saying "we'll get capital in soon" and has been saying this for the past 1.5 years. So considering this project has existed since 2018 but hasn't moved anywhere since, I don't have much confidence left anymore.
Oh well they'll pay me $1,100 this end of month. No I'm not a third worlder, and this is a reduced rate of what I earned before

>> No.20743786

It's actually not that easy without following the right indicators. The market is "smarter" than one might think, because it rightly rejects most shit projects even when one would think they don't look all that bad.
Most here probably ride the PnD shilling waves on biz. I sometimes do it too but it seems to be a bit hit or miss.
A value investing approach sometimes works but takes a lot of patience and some luck to find the right projects. If you take Streamr DATAcoin, they collected $30m during the ICO and had been on track for 2.5 years when their market cap had dropped to $5m. It was clear at that time that, while the idea might not succeed in the long run, this project definitely had a war chest that probably still well exceeded $5m and what they had put in so far was very far from 0% productive. So it did the expected 10x after a while.

>> No.20743947
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Can you give an idea what or who is the company? if not, not a problem.

Secondly, if you have others skills than monkey coding, tell me. You might only invest 10 -20 percent of your net worth in potential 10x. Remove some cash in case of a collapse, (1-2k) and you can neeet and find a skill, or work and skill at night. What I am saying is pretty evident and nothing new, but those reminders must still be noted. What age are you?

>> No.20743955

I'm 10x on pnk right now. For low cap investments to work out, you need to have 1) good technology and 2) a good team. These are the two most important factors about any low cap. A good tech will be used if it gets exposure, and a good team will get exposure. This is, of course, not guaranteed but this is your best bet.
If you go by this logic, 90% of low caps are disqualified because a vast majority of them unfortunately goes by the "marketing first, product second" philosophy, which means they have no technology and most of the time they exit scam on the first wick up. This might also throw out some good-ish coins with horrible teams, like iExec, but it is what it is. You have to draw a line somewhere.

>> No.20743963
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You can't make gains on low caps unless you have insider knowledge (or if you're lucky as shit). If you're just lucky, eventually the odds will catch up to you, and you're gonna get dunked on. All you can do is diversify on high quality companies that actually have products on the market.
>inb4 some gambling addict shows of his 10bagger thinking he's some hotshot wolf of wallstreet when in reality he's just some degenerate gambler who got lucky.

>> No.20744172
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As for my view on where BUIDL can go, I have no idea. I am researching now, looking through the Medium and verifying some stuff.
It might be a project worth investing in after all, though.
And I do still believe there are more people like me here, so I hope you're one of them. If I was just good with finance I'd help as many as I could.
It's just that the kind of spirit you have right now is very uplifiting but it's exactly the same. But back then I didn't bother to verify or research anything and just went all in. And I'm neither planning to go all in. That's the dumbest shit I can do, and will not do again. I'll keep atleast over half, and invest less than half.

This was supposed to be my stack to finally be able to buy even just a $200,000 house without much mortgage. But now I have planned ahead in life to acquire such property through a few years of work, without having to ever rely on these tokens. So why not?

>> No.20744239

my long term plan, once I start getting more savings to invest with, that is once I finally get my IT job I am still applying for, I would put that into boomer stocks and "blue chip" cryptos. I already got a poorfag silver stack that I just bought for shits and giggles. I am actually up in that out of all things

I also bought 127 LINKs as a joke for my sister and brother in Christmas 2018. Those $40 are now worth atleast $900

>> No.20744391
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I already x5 my 0xMR investment. It's POW on Ethereum so nobody can dump on you.