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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20727291 No.20727291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Is that you, Anon? It's been a long time. Since you asked me out and I said "sorry, you're just a loser, Chad knows what my body wants", right?

>Oh, hello Anonette. I hope you're doing well.

>Of course! I am not with Chad anymore, but he gave me two beautiful kids.

>Sounds nice, congratulations. Tell your mother I said "hi". Sorry, but I have to leave, I am looking for a new private jet in order to travel between my private island in the Mediterranean Sea and Switzerland.

>Know what...? Actually... I always felt something special for you.

What would you do?

>> No.20727297

who doesnt wanna suck on that white tit

>> No.20727314

More like Tyrone and he's in prison

>> No.20727317

I would have asked who she was, then when she looked surprised and slightly hurt I didn't remember her, walk away.

>> No.20727325

>plebbit spacing
>retarded pol bait for teenagers
wtf is this shit

>> No.20727329

>implying this thot could afford where I buy my groceries

>> No.20727334

yes OPs pic is a metaphor, very deep...

>> No.20727360

I'd fuck her, tease her with my wealth so she can truly see I have it all, then drop her ass. It would be so cash money.

>> No.20727375

She would 100% try and baby anchor you, or drop a false rape charge.

>> No.20727396

Then get sued for rape and lose it all.

>> No.20727399

My 20 lawyers would have a thing or two to say about it, also I'd film the whole ordeal and send it to her friends.

>> No.20727412

I went to San Diego last week and most of the attractive women were with black men

>> No.20727419

Lose what anon? You do know not a single rich person has their assets in their own name, but in a holding company right? That's how you protect yourself from lawsuits so you don't lose it all.

oh nonononono did you not think of that anon... well today is ur lucky day. enjoy the free knowledge

>> No.20727427

If you ever make it you’re 100% one of those retards who will get rekt by some roastie destroying you with a sexual assault/rape charge.

Emotional incels that want to flex their wealth on hit the wall Stacies that rejected them 15 years ago for you. Absolute retards with no sense of thought.

>> No.20727429
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Real footage of her husband.

>> No.20727454

We'd fuck in the car anon and I would always record it. I'm not a retard like you who doesn't know shit about anything.

>> No.20727460

well idk what to do, logic says just tell her to fuck off

but penis says go for it

>> No.20727461

If she didn't consent to the video it'll be thrown out, then further used to paint you as a sexual predator. Jury will never see it, just know you're a creepy millionaire who films themselves fucking his rape victims.
Lawyers on her end are after your money and don't care who you hire. You'll end up settling out of court and she'll get a huge chunk of your worth.
Don't put your dick in a single mom's pussy. Ever.

>> No.20727477

>not making her sign a consent form while being recorded and showing her ID

>> No.20727493

>I would always record it
> I'm not a retard like you who doesn't know shit about anything.
Thanks for proving my point, retard. Thanks for playing. Jesus

>> No.20727512
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>Wow, your kid really looks like you.
>I'm sure you're so happy to be a strong and independent single mother.
>You must have to work so hard to keep a roof over their heads, but that must mean that you're a better person for it, right?
>I hope Tyro- I mean, Chad still gets to be in their lives. A child needs their father too you know.
>Anyway, it was good seeing you. Enjoy the rest of your shopping :^)

>> No.20727513

I legit feel bad for you. That’s a special kind of stupid

>> No.20727531

>chad will take care of her and the kids

>> No.20727536
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>> No.20727548

Imagine still being attracted to the vaginal Jew in 2020.

>> No.20727557


You guys are retarded beyond belief and terrified of literal whores. Kek. Of course you ask for permission, you put the dash cam on, you ask if she wants to be kinky and if you can record it for your viewing pleasure. If she says no you kick the whore out, if she says yes, whats the problem. You people are fucking pathetic and assume so much shit without asking its hilarious.

>> No.20727560

turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.20727570
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Offer her a job at my chain of brothels.

>> No.20727582

Even they pay undisclosed amounts in settled cases. Stfu

>> No.20727584

Imagine being this upset about being rejected in high school you'd risk it all for damaged goods.

>> No.20727588

vaginas smell like fucking shit

>> No.20727606

I'd do this for a bitch I didn't even know anon, ever see a gold digger video? check it out, it looks fun as fuck to use a bitch and throw her away while ur ballin

>> No.20727642
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>tfw want to snatch that niglet and dash it against the floor over and over until it pops like the disgusting jigaboo GRUB it is while that coal burning WHORE broodmother roastoid looks on helplessly
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.20727656

>I've got a fecal engineer position opening up soon in my citadel.

>> No.20727664

>while ur ballin
Go back, nigger zoomer. You’d go bankrupt in no time, if not for getting rekt by some roastie, then the Fortnite skins, Supreme hoodies, diamond chains, and luxury cars will do you in.

>> No.20727672

The kid is black anon.

>> No.20727687
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I remember a friend told me he did that to a girl who went to the same pre-school. She got annoyed and they departed shortly after saying their greetings.

>> No.20727703

The biggest names have to pay out. NDAs don’t save your ass either. Ronaldo, Conor McGregor, all the way to elites have to pay big amounts to save their asses.

>> No.20727716

Cool it with the racism bro. I have white skin first of all, second of all I have already had my fun with super cars, if I were to buy anything it would be a brand spanking new hypercar that I could resell easily for double the retail price right out of the gate.

Although according to the contracts, especially with ferrari that I have right now, I cannot resell a car until 18 months pass by.

By that time it will be worth a bit moar. In December or so I get my new car. And so far, no whore that has blown me has sued. She was grateful as fuck to even be in my presence. kek

and yes yes, this is a huge larp and none of it is true. ;)

>> No.20727717
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>lean over and whisper in her ear
>you should kill your disgusting mutt offspring then off yourself too. No man would want you now. It's over.

>> No.20727743
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>Cool it with the racism bro.
>reddit spacing

>> No.20727770

>fails to see the obvious mockery
oh boy.

>> No.20727777


>> No.20727809

>win case with 20 lawyers
>sue the cunt for false rape charges
>she is required to pay $60 million+interest collateral damage

>> No.20727833

yea boiii thats my lad u seem cool bro, lets have a fucking cognac and some cigars

>> No.20727843

What fantasy world are you zoomers living in? 20 lawyers Kek.

>> No.20727881

Alright more like 12 lawyers, my father already has 6, i'll get 6 BAM 12.

>> No.20727894

>I'm looking for a new private jet, is this the private jet isle?
Awkward silence
>Both walk away without saying anything else

>> No.20728061
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>> No.20728106
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What an absolute atrocious waste of digits.

>> No.20728120

Where do rich people buy groceries?

>> No.20728313

Based. The truth hurts enough.

>> No.20728333

I doubt they know

>> No.20728342


>> No.20728362

actually pretty not hot this bait is weak