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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20711700 No.20711700 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why we pay taxes?

>> No.20711717

there is an empire you have to protect.

>> No.20711743


So that you can have roads and stuff.

>> No.20711806

Now divide it by GDP. The real question is why do we pay so much for public heathcare and get so little.

>> No.20711852

because it's an easy way to coerce the populace into compliance. they could do away with taxes and tax bureaucracy and just directly debase the currency through printing, saving billions of dollars, but that does away with the vague threat of physical violence that taxes maintain.

>> No.20711876

I think that has more to do with us getting ripped off by healthcare giants because you know le free market and lobbying

>> No.20711905

>little flu destroys your whole country
yeah so what are we protecting with that 800 billion? none of it is going to protect against viral attacks? wow. very dumb country.

>> No.20711912

>muh roads!

>> No.20711950

the world has to pay for oil with USD because if that big dumb 800B investment. stay poor nomerican

>> No.20711970

Someone has to keep the bignose tribe safe.

>> No.20712002
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So the government can endlessly pump their stock market and have a little left over to pump crypto

>> No.20712071

Taxes are a way to maintain your government, this one in turn provides services for the "common good".

The problem lies in how efficient and honest your goverment is, and by today's standard it's just shit.

>TL;DR you should't pay taxes when your state is shit.

>> No.20712111

Defense is a miniscule portion of US spending. The largest reason we pay taxes is so that single mothers can produce more children and so that elderly people who don't provide value to society can smoke cigarettes with your money

>> No.20712196

>gives money to dumb niggers for free
>stay poor nonamerican

>> No.20712206

okay but why pay taxes if they continue to squander them
idk tossing 700 billion at the desert and pointing to inflated healthcare costs and single mothers doesnt make me feel better about tossing 700 billion to the desert

>> No.20712240

>implying i pay taxes
the tax code is written in such a way as to give people with the will to live 0% effective tax rate. stay poor

>> No.20712247

Taxes legitimately used to be necessary for the American government to function.

Now they're a way for politicians to line the pockets of the special interest groups that fund their campaigns/careers. It's a racket.

>> No.20712269

Because our welfare state is larger than our mil complex

>> No.20712296

cut the military budget in half
Insitute ubi in place of welfare
there I solved your financial woes

>> No.20712384
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>> No.20712397

Better question: why am I paying more in social security and medicare than I will ever get out of it, when that money could actually be invested for higher returns?

>> No.20712418
File: 305 KB, 1000x1000, he admit it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for the record, I don't think people realize how vital it is for the United States to keep spending more and more money on the military to maintain our ever perilous status as a world super power.

The people that whine about military spending and think we need to move all our money into education/healthcare are the same people always gleefully sniping at the US for being a dying empire. If you hate the United States so much, I do not and will never value your opinion about where we should spend money. Having the biggest weapons and being able to kill an insane amount of people whenever we want is enough of a reason to keep us powerful for the next half century at the very least. We need to cling onto that at all costs.

In conclusion, if you think we should decrease military spending, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.20712445
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Any posts made justifying the military industrial complex for any reason will be null and void.