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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.78 MB, 5760x5712, Bancor V2 preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20702354 No.20702354 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor is going to release V2 next week.

250K BNT market buy on 1inch exchange just bought the fake FUD dip.



Preview of Bancor V2 UI: https://twitter.com/Bancor/status/1287364837408989184?s=20

It's coming. Fuck the fudders. Buy now or stay poor.

>> No.20702383

oy vey

>> No.20702484

fuck yea. pump it. $10 bnt soon.

>> No.20702573
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, photo_2020-07-17_17-53-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is going to explode to fucking 5-10$ ITS COMING AHHHHHHHH FUCKKKK

>> No.20702581

40% apr?holy shit, this will do at least 10x. $15 bnt soon

>> No.20702602

What a bastard, i was watching motogp then going to get a nice buy on bnt with the dip. Stakenet hasn't dropped at all link is still way above buying anymore and berzerks didn't drop either.

>> No.20702622

Anon please delete this post BIZ is not ready for this!!!

>> No.20702642

i'm the anon that has been fudding bancor for the last month to buy cheaper. i just went all-in on this dip and seconds after i bought in team tweet about v2 and it pumps. v2 UI looks sweet. $10 EOY

>> No.20702666


>> No.20702711

Anon delete this post cmon I still need to buy more

>> No.20702770

Bancor takes Defi to the next level with this. Prepare your butts

>> No.20702901

>40.1% APR on LINK-BNT

>> No.20702925

Slick as fuck.

Liquidity tsunami coming.

Providing liquidity has never been available before in bancor.network UI.

Now it will finally be at UI parity with Uni and Balancer - but also with APR built into the interface so you can track pool profitability.

I wonder why Uni & Balancer don't have APR in their interfaces? Hmm, maybe because most LPs get destroyed by impermanent loss lol

>> No.20702968

My body is ready.

>> No.20702987

that UI is beautiful. sorry for fudding the project for months. i wanted to buy cheaper. im more bullish on bancor than anyone else. it will be the institutional liquidity protocol like sergy said.

>> No.20703004

r u really the crazy fudder? prove it.

>> No.20703203
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>> No.20703400

>r u really the crazy fudder? prove it.
meh i wasted 10 mins trying to find an archive posts but gave up

>> No.20703466

I need more bnt. 20k a good stack?

>> No.20703656

20k bnt will be $1m worth in 6 months, so i'd say yes

>> No.20703692

Thank god at least something from my portfolio is growing, i'm so tired of this shitty month.

>> No.20703703
File: 175 KB, 593x600, bancorpools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the true state of /biz/

well if you are really the FUD guy its quite incredible that all of that FUD was to buy a cheap bag of BNT. congrats on the effort you put in. hope you can now put the same amount of energy to pamp the shit out of it. although to be honest, BNT cam probably pamp on its own.

here's some of your FUD work BTW. seriously mindblowing the effort that went in to this: >>20590978


>> No.20703708
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>> No.20703777
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>> No.20703834

Thx to the guy who sold me his bnt at $1.36

>> No.20703835 [DELETED] 

yeah, that was me. i see a janny deleted my posts because i asked for free bancor. btw i believe the anon that responded to my fud was the ceo or one of the devs and i believe him when he said v2 will launched in july.

>> No.20703992

>here's some of your FUD work BTW. seriously mindblowing the effort that went in to this
yeah, that was me. i believe the anon that responded to my fud was the bancor ceo or one of the devs and i believe him when he said v2 will be launched this week

>> No.20704020

Too late.

>> No.20704080
File: 228 KB, 946x2048, 09876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hardly. no code showing how they do single sided staking. still has imp loss. no liquidity amplification. yawn.

>> No.20704161


>> No.20704307

fudder here. thanks for the quick 20%. i will go back yo the bancor killer. yfi

>> No.20704341

do u you crazy bastard. no one gives a fuck.

>> No.20704411

v2 is delayed

>> No.20704517
File: 12 KB, 541x171, v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20704664

dumped all my bancor for YFI -the bancor killer

>> No.20704690

bro, they will announce on the last day of july it is delayed

>> No.20704781

He thinks the APR in a UI mockup is accurate

>> No.20704782

lmao nigga do you not know about IDs or something?

>> No.20704811

>He thinks the APR in a UI mockup is accurate

>> No.20704849

You literally just said you are have been fudding to buy in lower and now you try to fud in the same thread, with the same ID...a true intellectual.

>> No.20704929


I tried to swing yesterday and was gonna buy at $1.38 woke up to $1.50 loool oh well lost 3% of my stack but Im back in BNT 100%.

I almost believed the fud of v2 delay but looks like we right on track. I dont expect an immediate pump but I think most/all of the sell pressure will be gone as V2 starts flexing its muscles and the liquidity black hole starts in August.

Cant fucking wait. $7 should be doable.

>> No.20704977

The fk lmao

>> No.20705168
File: 232 KB, 1280x1012, 89865B49-B3E1-4B59-AFB4-951E1E14D5F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some incredible 3d fud. i’ll give him that. funny af.

>> No.20705329

I hope this retard didn't swing the dip thinking he will be able to buy at the lower price. Eth fomo insanity is passed no new dips will happen, especially not in a week from the big update that will present the actual working product what they were promised to deliver for the last three years.

>> No.20705349

what the fuck was that

>> No.20705393

Some whale bought about 250 000 bnt.

>> No.20705681

LOL. The absolute state of these pajeets.

>> No.20705726


Proof of transaction? Insane if true. Downside is over we goin to Mars in August.

>> No.20705783

>LOL. The absolute state of these pajeets.
pajeet or elite trader who 20% his networth in less and 1 hour?

>> No.20705831


>> No.20705869


I didn't have the transaction itself but i heard some people were talking about it and the swings like that are not happening without a huge buy so that rumor is 99% true.

>> No.20705880

LARPer who pretends to be a big show on a message board and doesn't even know we can see his schizo posting habits?

>> No.20706002
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw missed the BNT dip
it's going to retest 1.20 again right guys?

>> No.20706049



>> No.20706074


It's true. Read the OP.



>> No.20706085

Dark mode activated. This is fucking beautiful

>> No.20706175

I’ve had my position for a month, accumulate more at the dips. Sitting comfy. This thing is going to forever change defi and bring in institutional money for low risk returns. People in crypto are going to wonder where this came from out of nowhere, but it’s been chugging along for a while ready to moon. They were chasing shitcoins and not paying attention to legit projects solving actual problems in crypto.

>> No.20706224


Holy shit yep I bought back in few mins after that guy wow. Super bullish sign train is leaving the station. FUDDERS blown out officially.

>> No.20706226

That thread was the most bullish thing so far. He was definitely an insider.

>> No.20706294

I always had this on my watchlist, with the recent price movement I felt like I had missed out. I bought 1k now just in case you are right.

>> No.20706350

>LARPer who pretends to be a big show on a message board and doesn't even know we can see his schizo posting habits?
mate, i showed you a masterclass in trading. i get a 20% on bnt in less than an hour, then move into yfi and it pumps 30%. i like 60% my networth in less than 2 hours.

>> No.20706410


When your net worth is $1k than swinging 60% gains dont mean shit lol.

>> No.20706574
File: 469 KB, 960x959, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20706617

>When your net worth is $1k

>> No.20706642

bnt is dumping again. kek. i sold the top.

>> No.20706721


>> No.20706848


Poorfags celebrating 20% swing on the launch of a protocol that can revolutionize defi loool i swear this board is 5% smart money 95% retards

>> No.20706911

>Poorfags celebrating 20% swing on the launch of a protocol that can revolutionize defi loool i swear this board is 5% smart money 95% retards
the price is crashing

>> No.20706946

dead cat bounce. team market bought 250k + released pic of v2 ui to try to stop the crash to 0.. it worked temporarily.. but now its crashing again

>> No.20707055

Smart money realizes this is a great play moving into the v2 launch. It's not just about swing trading when the yields from BNT will be juicy as fuck.

Single token liquidity with no impermanent loss. Immediate LPs with Ren, Enjin, Link, and more. Traders will get rekt when the Bancor Bulls leave the station on Friday.

>> No.20707096

Yeah, and the opportunity is not just token appreciation, but V2 staking will be money.

>> No.20707176


Exactly bros glad some people see the light swinging this is suicide. When token goes bezerk I will try and stake my BNT in the link pool and hopefully get some of that sweet 40% APR if that number is correct.

As more tokens get locked up price will only continue to go up lol its beautiful.

The SNX token model applied to LP's is a genius idea and with the link feeds mitigating impermanent loss considering we are in DEFI bull run seems 1 billion market cap is just a matter of time which would be a clean 10x form here. insane.

>> No.20707242

Reminder that even Boomer Cramer is aware of BNT meaning the institutional people he hangs on have Bancor V2 on their radar. Until V2, liquidity pooling was too risky and less appealing to institutional money. With V2, liquidity pooling becomes quite attractive to institutional I bestirs seeking a return in a low rate environment.


>> No.20707677

Damn, especially liked this part:

Even after 542% growth in Q2, it is still the most undervalued decentralized finance token based on transaction fees (token price over earnings per token), according to TokenTerminal.

>> No.20708114

So what's happening now bntbros why dump...
V-v2 actually delayed?

>> No.20708154
File: 12 KB, 312x217, v22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not delayed

>> No.20708210

it shot up like 30% in a few hours, this isn't a "dump" its a typical and expected correction

>> No.20708258

>the target

>> No.20708319

thats just the Cover Your Ass language that they have to use in case someone brings up a major bug bounty in the last few days and it does need to be delayed

>> No.20708608

This. Nothing is guaranteed while in the bug bounty period. But the likelihood of finding anything requiring anything more than a minor delay is pretty small.

>> No.20708748

Wouldn't the fact that we are 6 days away from August and the admins are still targeting July for the launch a good sign? I don't think they can fully commit to the July 31st date until the bug bounty bonus ends incase there is a 1% chance a bug is found on the last day.

>> No.20709196

Prepare your anus for lift off.

>> No.20709333

only got 10k :|

>> No.20709354
File: 192 KB, 409x409, 1592803491549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a few posts in these threads giving a $10 price prediction - is this number just being pulled out of your ass? What can we likely expect the price to be next month and through 2020? I got into BNT looking for $5 or so but $10 would be tremendous. Also what's your exit strategy biz? ladder out or sell all or sell nothing or wait for the tail end of the bull run?

>> No.20709456
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 32444444323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't staking his BNT for free passive income for life

>> No.20709474

I'm going to sell half my stack around $5 and then ride the rest out until the defi bubble pops in 18 months.

$10 is not unreasonable long term. desu $50 isn't outside the realm of possibility either. If the "liquidity blackhole" theory comes to fruition Bancor will be the go to exchange for instiutional LPs.

Remeber too that there is no reason why BNT holders wont be staking long term (short term they said there will be caps "too prevent too much growth early on"), but that means with little being sold on the market the price has room to fly

>> No.20709545

well look fren bnt already hit $10 before and the tokenomics and pool design were completely different. the token was redesigned to pump easily after the ethbnt airdrop in january. now the v2 pools are coming the solve all of the biggest issues with amms which will lock up a shit ton of liquidity and bnt - and then the bnt staking rewards and other yield farming schemes are coming. so if u factor all this in plus a potential coinbase listing, $10 actually might be a pretty conservative estimate for where bnt can go. it could actually potentially go way higher with all of this in play, especially is this year is the year of the golden bull run.

>> No.20709583

this was the teams exit pump before they announce the v2 delay

>> No.20710135

jfc this shit for brains fudder again.

>> No.20710272

Just bought 2500 more at 1.40$

>> No.20710325

>jfc this shit for brains fudder again.
kek. a shitforbrains that makes elite trades and is always right?

>> No.20710442

top kek at that image

>> No.20710477

that's nothing, you should've seen the effort the Lition fudster put in before buying.

>> No.20710733
File: 72 KB, 250x158, BNT Golden BULL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bnt fudster has put in considerable effort. its been quite something to behold.

>> No.20710767
File: 37 KB, 650x376, 16o82u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor 1inch and ConsenSys audits failed and team are waiting until the last day of July to announce V2 is delayed. Insiders are dumping their tokens.

Bancor is the most hacked crypto is history,

Coinbase will never list Bancor because it is a security token.

YFI killed Bancor. YFI will be the true liquidity blackhole

>> No.20710928

>20 posts by this ID

>> No.20710929

Thanks, anon. Appreciate the FUD. I'm not done filling my bags yet.

>> No.20710982

Beginning to believe this guy. BNT looking like it wants to revisit the gates of hell. Dead cat this AM and now obvious whales selling into each bid. $1.20s coming?

>> No.20711081

man the Lition fudster was going through actual wallet accounts on IDEX to find out who was selling and buying

>> No.20711101

>Beginning to believe this guy. BNT looking like it wants to revisit the gates of hell. Dead cat this AM and now obvious whales selling into each bid. $1.20s coming?
insiders hold a lot of tokens and there is 0 liquidity. that's why waited to announce v2 delay at the end of july. so they had more time to sell all their tokens without dumping the price. after they announce the v2 delay all retail investors will panic sell and price will dump 90%, then the team will buy the bottom.

>> No.20711240

Discord guys were saying something similar. Not as drastic but basically don't set any buys until sub $1.20 due to technicals. They said at least one more washout sell is coming. I am so rekt.

>> No.20711394

The Discord guys. Kek.

>> No.20711435

bullshit. but great job using multiple IDs now instead of the same one repeatedly. you're learning.

>> No.20711511

tfw same

fomo'd back at $1.5 but when it dumped again


>> No.20711522

They're trying to buy our BNT at rock bottom prices. Stay strong, Bancor Bulls.

>> No.20711548

Bruh, it's going waaaaay higher than $1.50 this week. Don't sweat it.

>> No.20711630

For those worried about not having access from the US, Nate Hindman, from Bancor just posted this:

"IPFS support and ENS domain both in the works."

That will allow anyone to access the Bancor v2 UI.

>> No.20711884

Then sell, and fomo back at in $2. You sound like an emotional and amateur trader.

>> No.20711951

gtfo normie

I am up 3x with other shitcoins this month

>> No.20712057

Congrats on your $1000 in gains

>> No.20712081

Don't spend it all on happy meals

>> No.20712187

This will pump, but it will be eaten by YFI.

>> No.20712223
File: 42 KB, 362x362, 1593470670281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know FUD is doing well when genuine investors start parroting it...

>> No.20712285

YFI is literally dumping uncontrollably right now.

>> No.20712410
File: 82 KB, 400x350, 1540256698701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>APR: 40%

>> No.20712811
File: 174 KB, 1280x945, 614ACE04-1D25-4422-B62E-B39DF773E029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquidity black hole
this. the fact that there will initially be caps says they anticipate a ton of liquidity to pour in. there’s definitely going to be a mad rush to stake.

>> No.20712875
File: 102 KB, 720x593, 776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFI is literally dumping uncontrollably right now.
bro, i bought at 2600 today. its now 3400 and pumping. i am the GOAT anon

>> No.20712911

>>APR: 40%
it was mock UI. they set it to whatever they want. they put link high just to get linkes to shill it. scam. it will be more like 5% apr

>> No.20713054
File: 156 KB, 1334x604, 14FBEA1B-2AC5-4EC3-9286-56A11DEC7256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah fudder. apr could be very high on bancor pools. there’s been insane yields even on bancor v1 pools, which have impermanent loss and multi token exposure. the yields are going to be way higher when no imp loss, single asset staking and liquidity amplification integrated with lending protocols launches on v2 pools.

>> No.20713483

Is BNT Ok? I bought in at $1.41 like the moron that i am. Lots of people saying on twitter to not buy until below 1USD. Im from Canada. And wanted Bangcor for my wallets DeFi apps on TikToc. Thanks.

>> No.20713541

if v2 release this week then $5 EOAUGUST

>> No.20713730


Pretty much. Focus on something that solves an important problem that's not in a speculative mania. Have around 47k BNT. Ideally would like to get to 50k before it kicks off, but my shitcoins are in the red today,

>> No.20714308
File: 93 KB, 1000x696, 22311F34-B749-4099-83B6-6C28F6B22930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do when V2 is delayed by one day?
If they aren’t able to launch it in July as appointed we will see a crash sub 1$


>> No.20715569

Comfy 10k bag am i gonna make it?

>> No.20715982

They literally just released the UI and stated many times its not delayed on telegram.

>> No.20716011

the dump to shake people out?

>> No.20716039

Who knows, i don't concern myself with short-term price movements. Look at the fundamentals and don't day trade.