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20672639 No.20672639 [Reply] [Original]

Curio. Good.

>> No.20672890

930k Mcap.

>> No.20672956
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First cross-blockchain DeFi platform kek

>> No.20672991

Mcap will represent tech value over a few weeks. Upside potential is massive.

>> No.20673609

What makes a good bag?
1% of supply?

>> No.20673847

Rake up everything you can. I have literally put almost every dime i have into this

>> No.20674414
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Looking forward to not being poor anymore

>> No.20674422
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hello again CUR spammer

it's not late to choose the right side
the profit side

>> No.20674428

You know tokenizing an asset doesn’t make that asset worth more right? Tokenizing a honda civic doesn’t make it worth 2 million dollars. You are aware of this, no?

>> No.20674561

How low-IQ are you?. They tokenize luxurious assets from markets that have proven to show great returns over the past years, like special super cars and watches.
So that people who would like to invest in these assets, but don't have the money or will to buy a full Ferrari F12tdf for example, can still participate in the market by buying shares. It's revolutionary

>> No.20674586

And the Ferrari has already been sold. CUR is a sure thing.

>> No.20674859

When Huobi?

>> No.20674911

That doesn’t make the Ferrari worth more. This coin fundamental value is tied to the car, the car isn’t going 10-100x anytime soon.

>> No.20674939

liquidity coming on uniswap, this coin will blow your mind in 1 month

>> No.20674964

False, Ferrari have own security token, which will be listed on Merj Exchange soon

>> No.20674974

Blatant shillery. Calculate the value of the car divided by total supply of coins. If you are paying more than a 10% premium it is a fucking stupid “investment” (gamble) this will not go 100x.

>> No.20674993

It isn’t false, these coins don’t give you ownership of anything else. Just the car. Whose going to buy more assets for this coin? The investors, meaning they will have to sell more tokens or the car + whatever they raised is it. This is a dumb investment, rare cars, art, etc in a recession? This isn’t going 100x

>> No.20675122

man what are you even talking?

there are countless persons who buy special cars and watches to make profit or hold value with these assets.
before only the superrich could participate in this market of luxus assets, with curio anyone can participate.

it's NOT crypto moonboys who buy ferrari tokens, who expect x100, it's serious investors who go for the tokenized assets

>> No.20675307

The coins value is tied to staking rewards, which only relies on the cars being sold at all. If they sell for a profit then good for you, only means more profit.

>> No.20675364

CURV holders get 5% of every token issued for every prestige vehicle and in the future watch/wine/whatever. There are about 240,000 CURV tokens. Total. Change CUR for CURV before the yield curve goes parabolic.

>> No.20675395

is this shit still below 50 cents lmao

>> No.20675419

i prefer staking CUR via polkadot. CUR is king, curv is a different coin.

>> No.20675457

I’ve seen multiple threads saying this is the next 100x. It isn’t, its being sold as something its not. If you understand that this is tied to that asset value, go for it I see nothing wrong with it. But to say this will moon 10-100x is straight up misinfo.

AKA tied to the value of the asset, in this case being the car. If this coin trades above the price of the car, it is a bad investment. Obviously there will be a little premium on the token, so you can excuse 10% or so.

>> No.20675495

nah they make seperate tokens for the cars

>> No.20675608

Can someone please explain what CUR does?
Every car has its own token so you won't get a "share" of the car so why should I hold CUR?

>> No.20675619

Then the token has absolutely no backing and is worth nothing.

>> No.20675644

It's all well designed. A multi-collateral cross blockchain investment platform. Rare collectable items as collateral. After the upgrade to Polkadot you can stake Cur token in more ways. Not even mention the rewards in stable coins for holding Curv. They start with 200 ultra supercars. Man this will be a liquidity boom if this project takes of.

>> No.20675661

yeah Curryo LEL

>> No.20675838

If you hold CURV and vote on the next offering you get a share of 5% of the car tokens.

>> No.20675982
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absolute brainlet

>> No.20675992

Yes it is tied to the value of the asset. Let me give you an example so you understand how massively undervalued this is. A $1000 investment in CUR converted to CURV with the current exchange rate gives you about 1% voting power. 5% of the car tokens are given as rewards for voting, and for a car that is valued at $1 mill that means you get $500 worth of car tokens. That is an insane amount of dividends, and if people convert more of their CUR to CURV your voting power is diminished but also means your CURV is worth more CUR due to the bonding curve.

Just think of what will happen when the platform grows and they have more frequent votings and list more and more assets.

>> No.20676002

Too much hassle. Swapping for CURV is none other than swinging between two coins. I don't wanna swing, I wanna hold my CUR stack. Also gas fees suck

>> No.20676072

Staking CUR:
1.by ETH 1.0 holding Curv, Aragon bonding curve, %wise rewards in stable coins for Curv holders
2.by staking cur on ETH 2.0 beacon chain (future)
3.by staking cur on multiple parachains, stellar, etc, relay chain on Kusama.
Rewards in stable coins pegged to actual real world assets, with each a value us$1.00. Sound great to me.

>> No.20676102

decent exchange when???

>> No.20676195

you know that the price will be way higher once its traded on a big exchange right?
these prices are absolute discount right now, because exchanges are so small

>> No.20676279
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This guy gets it. I've $200 million of assets thrown about, so 200x500 = $100,000 in fucking dividends. From a $1000 investment:


>Two companies, CurioInvest and MERJ, recently partnered with plans to offer 500 vintage cars, worth over $200 million, through a security token offering.

CUR staking has not been explained by the team, nor have the rewards. As soon as the swap from CUR to CURV becomes easy you lose the first mover advantage.

>> No.20676334

first mover advantage was the "pre-sale" period when cur:curv ratio was 1:1. now at 1.30 you are just buying whale's bags who can dump anytime they want and crash the bonding ratio to sub-levels

>> No.20676359
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>> No.20676373

You should also be aware that more CURV is issued when CUR is swapped, but it goes up in value simultaneously. As more offerings are tokenized your voting power and reward should in theory decrease, but the value of CURV will increase simultaneously, which might balance things out. Either way it's a shit ton of money for following a few basic steps to change CUR to CURV.

>> No.20676415

Mhmm yes sirs Curryo token good sirs, ganesh make his village proud with this token sirs

>> No.20676470
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If 5% of all assets are handed out to CURV holders and a stupid whale dumps you receive proportionally more lambo ferrari etc. Who gives a shit if the ratio decreases for a short period? The dividend is the goal.
Also if CUR is designed to be a $1 stablecoin, I would want CURV which can actually increase in value.

>> No.20676541

Yep win win.
Btw I will hold my Curv till death anyway lol

>> No.20676577

CUR has limited supply, curv infinite. CUR can go $1000, while curv can never go higher than what the swap-back ratio would give relative to CUR-supply. curv holders can max. swap back for 2mil CUR max supply, and most of CUR supply is already locked by hodlers.
so curv price is capped, and it can aswell go down to sub1:1 ratio.. it has been 0.95:1 before.
i dont wanna risk my golden CUR stack by swinging curv ratio, especially if CUR can be staked for rewards aswell very soon.

>> No.20676706

Considering what the dividends are like right now you are more than likely to increase your CUR stack by holding CURV.

>> No.20676773

risk is risk. you are talking like curv is a riskfree way to make money, lmao.
im not going to risk my proper cur stack for some dividends... i will take them when CUR staking is possible,

>> No.20676813

Curv ratio will reach a maximum swap ratio somewhere. True. Both Cur and Curv will give you rewards. I hold both.

>> No.20676881

There has not been a voting yet, and the conversion isnt streamlined yet. Only 52 adresses hold CURV. Suit yourself but i guarantee you the rate will increase.

>> No.20676959

I will maybe buy curv at 0.75:1 ratio. but for now I am not buying 1:1 pre-sale buyers bags

>> No.20677010

I dont understand the point of CUR other than to create an entry token to swap for internally held CURV.

>> No.20677072

And the Curio Stablecoin being talked about is a fundamentally different coin than CUR, no? So we are talking about what, 4 coins? CUR, CURV, CuriStable Coin and Car tokens?

>> No.20677217

Only on scam exchanges

>> No.20677461

52 addresses and you think the number of holders is going to drop? Good luck with that.

CUR currently does fuck all but power a video game. There is talk of staking, but it can be swapped for CURV which gives you divvies.

>> No.20677946

without CUR curv can't even exist. CUR is the king, dont let your greed blur your vision. the right voting is not interesting for 98% of buyers

>> No.20677985

the right to vote*

>> No.20678123
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CURV divvies are interesting to 100$ of buyers. Even if CUR doesn't increase in value at all, CURV holders will still make bank. Anyway we are all on the same team fren so lets see how things play out over the coming months.

>> No.20678173

This has been floating between 27 to 47 for ages. What’s the reason for the pump?

>> No.20678468

Expansion of tokenomics, give it a read:

>> No.20678526

My Honda Civic is sickkkkkk

>> No.20678533

Rich boys will tokenize their cars in 2030

>> No.20678759

First cross-blockchain DeFi platform with focus on tokenized real world collectible assets. Build with devs from Chainlink, web3 foundation. Tech update was shared yesterday in TG. Price movement reflects this. Official announcement and media coverage are prepared by team.

>> No.20679008

The tech is literally vitalik tier revolutionary. All CUR holders sit on literal gold

>> No.20679085

I own only cur, guess I should get some curv I guess