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20651151 No.20651151 [Reply] [Original]


Canada northwest passage > Panama canal

Canada possibly set to become the world's most important trading route?

>> No.20651217

No were fucking not. we are building the fag empire of the world.

>> No.20651508

sweet. once its making money we can sell it to the Chinese so we can afford to import more 3rd worlders for the purposes of tax harvesting.

>> No.20651790

>implying we won't cuck out to the US instead

>> No.20652462

they are all sick and dying
if they arent shutting down state capitals with protests

>> No.20652548

the only thing we're building is more condos to sell to gook investors

>> No.20652574

Literally who cares. At most it just saves a bit of shipping fuel which is inexpensive to begin with.

>> No.20652612
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Fuck selling it to the Chinese, they’ll swindle it out of us using cheap trinkets and bribery. Full circle

>> No.20652626

>liberals sell out Canada's future to a foreign communist nation with an extensive record of human rights abuses with 1 neat trick!

Why do liberals want to destroy Canada?

>> No.20652673
File: 1.75 MB, 500x280, 9E4B9650-0599-430F-882A-352A53798DB6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They like money and hate wh*tes

>> No.20652749

we are already a trading empire. We're in NAFTA 2.0 with the biggest economy in the world, CETA with the second biggest economy in the world and TPP-11 with relevant pacific countries.
We're also a superpower in quite literally every natural resources you can think of, including water which is going to become the most important one in the coming decades.
We only to prevent faggots like Trudeau from making decisions and we'll have a prosperous future. New Zealand has banned foreigners from buying homes and we could do the same thing. Populism is growing and politicians won't be able to ignore it.

>> No.20652771

>They like spending other people's money and hate wh*tes

fixed it for you

>> No.20652838

>New Zealand has banned foreigners from buying homes

Eh, these things have the side effect that you also end up excluding white immigrants too, because to differentiate between different peoples in the law would be "racist". Which is bearish for your country if whites can't get in either.

>> No.20652973

(And non-whites will always find a way to use their ethnic networks to flood into and take over your country anyway, so in the end the only people you end up harming are the 95% of the world's whites that don't already live in Canada.)

>> No.20653023

Who cares. Canadian middle class families are priced out of buying homes because of Chink communist dirty money. This is fucking disgusting.

Also, we can make exception to allowing Americans, British, Australians. China is the problem.

>> No.20653062

Trudeau and his puppet successor will fuck it up

>> No.20653119

>you now need 137k CAD to be considered middle class in Toronto
>Making less than 50k CAD is considered poverty

any politician who made money selling out Canadians and ruined their ability to establish multi-generational wealth should be taken out to the woodshed and dealt with.

How this isn't considered Treason baffles my mind.

>> No.20653130

Honestly cringe. Imagine being in one of the world's biggest and most sparsely populated countries and thinking you are priced out of real estate because of Vancouver and Toronto are too expensive while 99% of your country is empty.

>> No.20653177

If you are a Canadian citizen but you can't survive outside of the GTA you are a faggot.

>> No.20653256
File: 373 KB, 1200x800, quebec-city-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montreal here
I'm thinking of moving to Quebec City
I feel Montreal is slowly getting overrun by niggers and shitskins

>> No.20653289

Our precious northwest package does not count for much since we have no really navy to enforce anything

>> No.20653296

why does quebec city look so comfy bros?

>> No.20653324

kek this
Trannies, immigrants, and poo in loo labour are going to be canada's biggest exports soon.

>> No.20653377

Your local white population will be able to grow faster or at a comparable rate to that at which the non-whites make use of loopholes, though. When the floodgates are open the rapidly diminishing white populace doesn't have a hope in hell.

>> No.20653415

You're either not from Canada or your a metropolitan city slicker. You ever been to the territories or northern prairie provinces? It's desolate wilderness. There's little to no wealth to be had up there. go look at Nunavut on google street view.

>> No.20653423

I tease Leafs frequently but honestly you are blessed with vast reserves of land, fresh lakes, and essential resources. I hope you all can save Canada.

>> No.20653477

I don't want more bugmen to come here. I wasn't even born here and I can't understand why people aren't more annoyed at all the shit that's going on

>> No.20653541

>politicians have the problem that white people generally don't buy enough stupid shit to satiate their endless demand for more tax money to collect
>introduce more taxes to white people "for equality"
>import 3rd worlders
>tax more money from white people "for equality"
>give it to 3rd worlders
>3rd worlders buy lots of stupid shit and reproduce while the whites who you're stealing money from die, unable to have children as a result of the taxes they pay
>collect taxes from the 3rd worlders' transactions, add tons of great shit to your property simply so that you can lord it over every peasant who produces the wealth that you tax
>get voted into office the next election by the 3rd worlders you imported, because they know you'll give them all sorts of free shit "for equality"
>whites rendered financially, morally, and societally bankrupt
>"for equality"
gee i wonder if this model is blatantly unsustainable and incredibly destructive to wealth
i absolutely hate the fuck out of our self-annihilatory communist government so goddamned much
crypto is quite literally going to save mankind from self-destructive whites and (self-destructive, all the same) zionists
when low-cost, easily operable personal drone aircrafts become a thing, it's just going to be another nail in the cement-clad coffin of global communism and hardcore jewry

>> No.20653642

You're a cuck if you can't handle a bit of snow and convert a plot of that wilderness into a settlement. Doesn't even need to be far north or cold - Alberta south and east of Calgary is huge and nothing but farms today.

>> No.20653682

leave Justin alone
he legalized it maaaan
you do not want to live in northern canada.
it is fuckin rough way of living. everyone up there has red faces from drinkin so much kek. have to cross the street when you see a pack of Indians. we were told not to walk to the liquor store alone from hotel. everyday at hotel i had to check my car to make sure no one broke into it

>> No.20654178

>rough way of living
Aww you poor baby, do you want mommy to make it easier for you?

>> No.20654612

the problem isn't the resources, its the dumbfucks in charge of manage it.

>> No.20654645

fuck dude every word like poetry

>> No.20654720

same lol.
I actually find the real "Canadians" give some of the least fucks of ANYONE.
which, to be fair, if they don't care, why should I? I'll just leave. This isn't my land.

>> No.20654833

you do not want to live in that 99% of the country, idiot
faggots like you with no relevant experience always say this dumb shit
go live there for a while, I did
it fucking BLOWS

>> No.20655414
File: 10 KB, 174x180, B3D89919-DD3E-4401-B1E4-D689DBF5B851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, delete dis dere eh?

>> No.20655524

Northwest passage is a meme, it’s hard to navigate even if all the ice melts.

>> No.20655707

im still waiting on the mexican canal along the border

>> No.20655721

I would never invest a penny in this country. Canada proved itself to be a country without rule of law many times under the Trudeau government. It's just too risky. Why would I invest in anything here when some natives can sit on the tracks and stop it from being shipped? If I wanted to invest in countries without laws I would invest in shitholes with much greater possibility for gains. It's easier to invest places where citizens have no rights than an apartheid where some are above the law.

>> No.20656247
File: 40 KB, 368x352, 1776 WORLD WIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our neighbor is about to be dummy thicc rich
Haha sweet congrats on becoming Americans, you stupid leafs. Be sure to study the Constitution. You're about to be our bitch. Now bend over.

>> No.20656308
File: 81 KB, 1024x656, us american goes on vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would give your shithole 5 more years demographically, congrats.

>> No.20656389
File: 27 KB, 640x362, _108342640_greenland_us_640_v3-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this pessimistic
Yes, and once we take Greenland from those dirty Danish, we're going to be the most super mega ultra country that God destined us to be.
We will rule this planet for all of eternity.
Sucks to suck.
This is America, bitch.

>> No.20656558
File: 301 KB, 1000x769, Palliser's_Triangle_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you mean "weak". drop the 4chan meme phrases. you called someone else cringey for addressing the diminishing middle class >>20653130 yet you go do shit like this?

>Alberta south and east of Calgary is huge and nothing but farms today
yes because that is arable land. how do you propose we turn the northern prairies and territories into arable land? geography simply doesnt allow it.
where are you from dude? gauranteed its a big city, if not somewhere in metropolitan ontario. you havent got a clue about western canada.