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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 1618x540, hiddengemLINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20639372 No.20639372 [Reply] [Original]

Attention Linkies!!!
Memes have got us this far, but its all about to be over soon. Counting in the supply held by the team, LINK is already the third largest crypto. Get out before the hot potato game starts.

>> No.20639473
File: 43 KB, 1159x610, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting data to the Ethereum chain is important, but not worth 1/3rd of ETHs marketcap. Especially for an ERC20.
Hype is at peak and not sustainable. Even reddit and twitter are all over this now.

>> No.20639602

LINK hype really is peaking. This can not be sustained for long. DeFi hype is suddenly in the same spot.
At the same time, ETH has just broken out and starting to get momentum. I think the money is going to slowly spill from LINK and DeFi tokens to ETH itself.

>> No.20640285

care to explain anything op?

>> No.20640357

Some stinkies are still thinking many people in crypto are unaware about LINK. Meanwhile link has 3rd marketcap and pulling out one of the highest volumes on exchanges.
Pic title is obviously sarcastic. LINK is faaaaaar from hidden. Its at peak crypto hype.

>> No.20640380

This. Not even fud but this is peak delusion prices, you guys should diversify.

>> No.20640397


>memes have got us this far

Post proof of selling your Link.

>> No.20640446

way too lazy to dig it up, it was a few months ago.

>> No.20640471 [DELETED] 

Steaking will reduce the circulating supply massively. Also just 380mm are released yet.

>> No.20640492

So you were wrong a few months ago?

>> No.20640514

link is worth more than all of crypto combined hence I will never sell.

>> No.20640553

People when ETH was at 1200:
>LMAO dis guy sold his ETH at 600, he'll be back when we hit 10k in 6 months

>> No.20640606

>sure I sold at about 50% of what I could've had today
>but trust me, I'm just here to kindly light the way for everyone else
>I'm totally not seething at my retarded mistake and desperate to get back in!

You help yourself a great deal by including non-circulating tokens in order to blow up the actual mcap by nearly a factor of 3, very honest and trustworthy

>> No.20640632


>> No.20640634

>sold link months ago
>guys pls sell ur links sirs I need to get back in


>> No.20640637

Sooner or later, these tokens are going to be slowly all market sold to "finance the project". They are not there just for nothing.

>> No.20640670

>Sooner or later, these tokens are going to be slowly all market sold to "finance the project".

In 20 years or so, this will be a deeply concerning problem, assuming that the LINK mcap stays flat.

>> No.20640714
File: 978 KB, 1240x697, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.20640790

Btw if you start tracing from these initial tokens, you'll see that more than the reported 350M is already in circulation and the team is slowly still selling on Binance


No one has cared to check up on it and just trusts CoinMarketCaps circulating supply number that it has entered 3 years ago.

>> No.20640882


Anon, are you aware of what contracts are, in the context or ERC20?

>> No.20640906
File: 460 KB, 750x1067, C4CEA5AF-4FEC-45CA-B902-4F0CFFF2466C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally, as you were writing this retarded post...

>> No.20640938

the blockchain doesnt lie, more LINK is circulating at this point already than 350M

>> No.20640982

>locked in a smart contract

I now see why you sold your linkies at $4

I'm deeply sorry for your situation, Anon

>> No.20640990

nukes probably

>> No.20641123

Not locked if it is moving around.
The first tx of (350M) was the ICO distribution, the second tx of (350M) isn't moving anymore and from the rest of the smaller (50M) transactions some are moving and some are not. Obviously not all of the 750M was locked. Again, the blockchain does not lie.

>> No.20641132
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1595542972724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this watch with my link gains, you jelly faggots?

>> No.20641228

You meant 650, not 750, right?
But I see the point tho, definitely more than 350 moving

>> No.20641271

yeah, 650 was supposed to be locked, not 750
and some of it has been moving for some time already, though not too much. Still the circulating supply is ~400M right now, not 350M. And the team is constantly selling more.

>> No.20641349

>what are bills
You have no idea how companies run kid

>> No.20641384


It is really going to hurt watching this go to $15, isn't it

>> No.20641405

lmao, if the team sold some of the "locked" tokens to pay bills, they are now in circulation then
and that was my point

>> No.20641417


>> No.20641442

Read the whitepaper and btw you had 3 years

>> No.20641491


oh shit, it's been a while

>> No.20641504

>Doesn't like Link, not interested
>Devotes all day, every day, trying to get others to sell their Link
Shakes head

>> No.20641531


I think either

>working for that fund that shorted link and got BTFO
>actually sold months ago like he says, and now, realizing the horrendous mistake his glass handed faggotry caused, is desperate to get back in

What he doesn't understand is LINK's cap is in the billions now. This may have been a good strategy 2 years ago but now it's bigger than /biz/.

>> No.20641542


>> No.20641594


>> No.20641670

good. now that its overtaken the scams, it can now work on decoupling from boomercoin and drag eth’s sad sack of shit with us.