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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2058813 No.2058813 [Reply] [Original]

Lock-up confirmed


Buy cheap while you still can

>> No.2058826

Fuck off shill

>> No.2058830

This is why I hate biz. This OP is giving real advice, not shilling some pajeet coin, but at this point everybody thinks everything is a scam so nobody can help any one anymore.

It's just a cluster fuck

>> No.2058831

buy my bags the post

>> No.2058843

"confirmed" he says. stop spreading misinformation, cocklock.

>> No.2058853
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Time to fly ripple

>> No.2058860

Holy fuck those spinners


>> No.2058863

Ripple is one of the most legit coins on the market today and is seriously undervalued when you think coins like DASH and Zcash are around $100.

Very good news for Ripple holders.

>> No.2058881

You should look at market cap not coin price. Coin price is relative to supply

>> No.2058893

>Information given by an actual Ripple employee

>> No.2058900

And addition to S. Korean exchange 5 days from now.

>> No.2058903


This. XRP is actually one of the only legit coins out there.

>> No.2058905

Fuck off with your scamcoin

>> No.2058911

Hundred of banks would disagree

>> No.2058920


This is why a lock is so important.

>> No.2058926

anyone else get the feeling there may actually be paid XRP shills on this board?

>> No.2058933

Dont buy this pajeet scamcoin. Devs cant even use toilets how can they make big crypto

>> No.2058934

This is only rumours, but yeah they're hinting a lock-up and it's pretty obvious that it will happen.
When do you think they'll announce it? I'm seeing several people mentioning June, but no official source on this.

>> No.2058937

Yes. Paid xrp and waves atm. Pushing their shit scamcoin. Biz has been infested with scammers

>> No.2058949

XRP has increased x40 in value over the last two months. Do you hate gains?

>> No.2058954

I understand that. it wasn't until this thread though that it struck me because the posts are starting to sound canned and too similar to each other.

>> No.2058964

Ripple has a top notch marketing department. They pumped the coins themselves and are in the process of selling a portion of the majority share they hold as an extra revenue stream. Its like buying a stock except you are afforded no protections whatsoever!

>> No.2058979

Idk about waves but people are realizing that XRP is probably THE most legit coin out there

>> No.2058983

literally only reason XRP didnt popon monday is cuz poloniex crashed. Currently XRP is my coin to watch in the next day or two

>> No.2058984

What's the point of posting legitimate findings here if everything you post is being questioned even if it comes from a reliable source like the actual owners of the damn coin.

>> No.2058987

>xrp is a centralized banker jewcoin!
>xrp is an unpredictable scamcoin!

Choose one faggot. Banks don't publicly give support for stuff they don't test out immensely and buy.

XRP dollar parity this year end. More when Japan begins to use it on real life transactions in April 2018. And all this not even considering a lockup.

>> No.2058989

how is a "coin" built for bank to bank transfers and not something meant for consumers the most legit coin out there?

>> No.2058990

Ripple is a registered LLC and wouldnt commit fraud. Wake up fudster

>> No.2058993

OP here btw

>> No.2058996

Because we can profit from it. Once they distribute enough and lock it down XRP gonna moon

>> No.2059005

This is a good example. Paid marketers rarely go into detailed dd when pushing something. They call ripple legit and don't explain why. Then it is "they signed contracts with 200 banks!" Without explaining those are SaaS contracts and XRP is, hasn't been, and most likely will not be used by banks to conduct FX.

Also any thread that has legitimate ripple critisism is slid.

>> No.2059011


Ripple is registered with the SEC. If they were to scam people at this point they can and would be sued into oblivion.

It's not going to happen.

>> No.2059015

Just saying it's a rumour because it hasn't been announced yet. Looking forward to it though, also SBI going live with their exchange in the summer.

>> No.2059019

Banks do not support XRP.

They have SaaS contracts with Ripple Labs, Inc. RL has been trying to get banks to use XRP since 2013 and they are having none of it.

>> No.2059028

you're right. Theres a really off feeling to this thread, but that could just be because i think about it now

>> No.2059029

That's the whole point, it isn't fraud legally because this industry is unregulated. Why not get autistic cryptotraders to give you free money?

>> No.2059046

SEC may care about RL's dealings with the FIs who are their main customers, they have no authority when it comes to XRP. It won't even appear to be a scam, it will just look like their expiriment didn't work. "Oh well, I guess XRP was no good. Good thing I took all your USD/btc in exchange for it!

>> No.2059049

>having none of it
>xrp goes from 1 cent to 17 cents in 2 months with a 100 billion market cap

You think /biz/ tier NEETs are buying all that xrp?

Accept it or not. Banks love it because it is designed to drastically reduce their costs. True they don't have to use xrp with the RCL network (could just use fiat) but savings are greater with XRP because it is the native token of that system. It's like buying high performance car and using diesel. Of course they would want to get the best out of the system so they will use xrp.

>> No.2059052
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Banks don't HAVE to use Ripple, but the blockchain is designed for it and utilizing it will save banks 60%. See pic related.

Show me a bank that doesn't want to keep more of it's money. I'll wait.

>> No.2059068

He said as Japanese Banks literally are starting to do this.

I'm not saying this coin is going to moon, but it definitely is a solid one to place a few sheckles into. Could go as high as a dollar with a couple years time.

>> No.2059069

Btw, this firm: >>2059052

has a market cap of $3 Billion. Stands to reason they just might know what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.2059075

Only the case if the currency pair is obscure and illiquid (like ghana:saudi or something)

>> No.2059077

Just let the FUD fags be poor

>> No.2059084

Ignore my newness to buzz, what is FUD?

>> No.2059087
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>Cheap coin to have a lot of
>Daily volume exceed ETH
>#2-3Market Cap
>Huge growth potential

Holding 1BTC worth of XRP will secure your seat in the spaceship.

>> No.2059088



>> No.2059092


It's sad though, isn't it? If they actually understood the market that Ripple was breaking into (international money transfers) they'd realize that Ripple as a whole is going make bitcoin look like a fucking penny stock. Whatevs. More zerps for me.

>> No.2059101

Just like Arthur Anderson knew what they were talking about?

If you would like I can sell you some tulip bulbs at a deep discount, I heard they are on the rise.

>> No.2059116

What does it mean? That theyre gonna reduce coin volume?

>> No.2059122

Thanks, familam. Let out that address and I'll send you some rip when I get home.

>> No.2059131

They are going to lock in the amount of coins in the market. So Banks know with certainty their money wont shift by a dump

>> No.2059130


Firstly, it is NOT confirmed. There has been strong rumor and subtle hints. I'm not here to bullshit anyone.

What it means, if it happens, the current supply becomes the ONLY supply for the foreseeable future - and that makes XRP intrinsically deflationary. It's quantity can only go down, which means it's price can only rise.

>> No.2059149


Much obliged, but keep your rips - we'll moon together ;)

>> No.2059190

basically if it happens, XRP price is going to go through the roof

hitting $1 would be a pretty small hoop if this happens

pretty big if still though

>> No.2059192
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Reading that thread is so weird.
I mean, maybe I'm just looking at things through my own jaded lens, but it seems like a mix of types in that thread, all interacting as if everyone was in their same "gruop".
First, genuinely gullible people, amicably discussing as if everyone around them wanted "the good of the coin" and wasn't there just for short term gains.
Then, the clearly pussyfooting ones. You can tell they're just there for the trading profit, and despite keeping an amicable façade you can tell they consider everyone around them a wolf waiting to fuck them over.
And then there's the ones that are going all out in useless pleads for manipulation, transparently going "I think it'd be a good idea to do this thing that'd benefit all people with the same type of investment as mine!"

I don't know.
It gives me a slight unease, it's like when in a horror movie they want to make you understand that the people on screen aren't human, so they behave in subtly wrong ways.

Even developer posts feel like they're being spoken by a deep sea angler trying to lure in prey.

>> No.2059196

That doesn't mean it's been confirmed. Not by a long shot.

>> No.2059204

I am glad someone else sees this. Honestly, good for anyone who made 40x and cashed out, you hit 21 this time. The mistake is thinking that you will get that lucky consistently.

>> No.2059220


So dont buy it. I personally dgaf if you have some or not.

>> No.2059230

I already have around €1k invested.
I'm not saying the coin is a scam, I'm just saying I found the communication in that thread to be unsettling.
At this point I'm just gambling on them really locking in the amount, their failure to do so would pretty much be proof that they're just looking to profit off the coin itself and give no fucks about the whole "inter-bank system"

>> No.2059236

there's a certain sect of people that are investing in XRP that do it because it allows them to fit this strange insider banker fantasy

>> No.2059482
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Pajeet's upset that their poocoin doesn't have any traction for the planned pump and dump..

>> No.2059605

This. Those wee little fuckers are gonna be soending like they had a hundred dollar bill in a house full of two dollar whores. Bank it.

>> No.2059615


You've described literally the entire crypto buying demographic.

>> No.2059687
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you've described also a lot of /biz/ threads (not only the ones about coins).
I honestly have two objectives, that all this greed pays me vacation time or if shit goes well a new apartment. I've yet to read someone with realistic goals. Everyone is talking about being millonaire and buying lambos or copy pasting some address begin for coins or desperate looking for reassurance since they went all in with all they have thinking they can make a living or be rich from one day to the next.
It's fucking weird, but for me it's entertaining as fuck for the time being and I made a lot more than I would have putting my money on a bank.

>> No.2059717
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How much do you guys see the price rising on this? How long should I hold this shit.

>> No.2059729

It will go about 4x from here by end of year. Hodl.

>> No.2059828

>buying a manipulated coin
lmao they'll just dump them when they need the price lower again

>> No.2059830

how to buy?

>> No.2059858

Buy BTC at Coinbase, send to Bittrex, buy XRP with your BTC.

Takes 1-2 weeks so do it now.

>> No.2060315



These are the funniest "arguments" from the Pajeetcoiners, considering BTC is manipulated by a handful of miners and early adopters.

XRP has regulatory oversight.

>> No.2060511

Elmer FUDs will never catch that wascally wabbit

>> No.2061132

If you want to jump on while it's still sub .2 then buy bitcoins through local bitcoins or a btc atm, send to poloniex and purchase Ripple. You are going to be paying above market price for the btc because it is not in their best intrest to sell right now since its moving up but you will have your hands on some cheap Ripple in a couple hours and won't risk loosing gains.

>> No.2061138
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Yeah they totally don't manipulate the price. HURR DURR

>> No.2061467

>Ripple as a whole is going make bitcoin look like a fucking penny stock

>> No.2061487

I was shilling for XRP but I did it for free and with good intentions.

Coins are getting destroyed in transactions and if the lock-up happens in a week or two as its being implied coupled with the inbound hype train...

It can only go up imo.

>> No.2061506

I literally just like money. Already made 10 grand on XRP, so I'm pretty happy with seeing where things go.
Before anybody says anything about XRP threads on /biz/ being shills, I'll remind you to look at the fucking trade volume. /biz/ has exactly no effect whatsoever on the overall price of XRP.

>> No.2061527

no OP ty, sane guys will listen

>> No.2062148

How do I best store my fidget-coins offline? Any reccomended wallets?