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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20527872 No.20527872 [Reply] [Original]

It seems we have a discrepancy. Nonbelievers shall face the Kleros Court. They shall be tried, and they shall be sentenced to death. Many a 4Moon for whom that shall bring judgement upon the rest.

>> No.20527916

Link and PNK are partners we like our fellow linkies

>> No.20527931

no one but maybe soulless chinkoids would use such a system you kike

>> No.20528729
File: 108 KB, 900x506, 1594215061805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20529004

>using coinbase

how fucking new are you?

Never gonna make it fag.

>> No.20529229

uh based??

>> No.20529398

nice just bought 100k

>> No.20529474

Linkies, Tezzies and Pinkies are all frens and gonna make it

>> No.20529525
File: 149 KB, 2688x948, BFF08CF7-179B-4100-A05B-1225A53EB2BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how fucking new are you?
>plebbit spacing cuckadian leaflet cocksucker
I use Coinbase Pro and Uniswap. Dumped 10kUSD into ETH @ $13 bought LINK @ 22¢ and PNK @ sub 1¢
I’ve already made it.
>Can’t stand being poked fun at
What such a fragile little faggot you are - must’ve lost your lunch money on it.

>> No.20529885

why is this comparable to ChainLink?

>> No.20530371

lol, yeh bro, I know this dudeweed guy and his wife is like a model and he lives in a mansion and lambos and shit, plot twist, I am that dudeweedguy hurrrr.

if you'd already made it you wouldnt be on /biz/.


nice larp though

>> No.20530672
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 3712A818-2FCB-4336-B319-83253417BFCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted another newfag. You would otherwise know that one does not simply leave this place. You’re here forever. I unironically owe it all to /biz/ anyway. And there’s always more money to be made. There’s always the next big pump. I like to be in on it. So, thanks.

>> No.20530878
File: 2.95 MB, 498x343, 9BE5E4C5-0957-4AC6-A154-6E6EFD1BB0FD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right, of course - you’re the same plebbit-spacing leaf faggot. Forgot who I was replying to. Bye-bye!

>> No.20531225

uh yes sir many a basted 4Moon for u sir

>> No.20532230

So uh, there's 1.5bil in disputed defi money
1bil pnk tokens
So that's $1.50 per pnk if -
They capture 100% of the market
The ratio of disputed $ is 1:1 with pnk usd price

All for a capped 30x in highly unlikely best case scenario.
Enjoy the lil pump there pinkies, us big bot tokens are looking at the bond and insurance markets

>> No.20532309

Lol, that is exactly why Klee is is domed to fail. No one wants their contracts to be judged by a bunch of bitchy SJWs.