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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 323 KB, 1118x734, 23452562465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20506638 No.20506638 [Reply] [Original]

and more than half of biz is fudding or ignoring it for actual shitcoins.
and I'm going to try and save your life.

It's the next Bitcoin because like Bitcoin, there has never been anything like it ever before. It's simply a technology that has never existed before. Not only that, but like Satoshi working on Bitcoin for years, Gilles Fedak has been working on the core tech of iExec since 2001.

The reason why Bitcoin was world-shattering is because it was the first time you could trustlessly trade decentralized digital currency over the internet and be your own bank.

The reason why iExec is world-shattering is because it is the first time you can trustlessly trade decentralized computing power or data over the internet, and be your own digital oil distributor.

With Bitcoin, initially you could take part in the network and reap the rewards to secure the network.

With iExec, you can take part as a worker(basically a miner) and reap the rewards to secure and increase the overall available compute power of the network.

>Do not let them shake you out.
You deserve this biz. Lots of laughs were had here. Lots of awesome information and conversations.

>> No.20506659

once SXP is done mooning, I will reinvest it into RLC

>> No.20506706

Everyone here deserves to make it except those who dont listen, and those who have weak hands.

>> No.20506719

Methanon, can I use your picture on my twitter account?

>> No.20506722

this is the chad play

>> No.20506730
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To add, the supply is the only real difference.

With bitcoin, you have to ultimately mine all of the coins.
With RLC, all tokens are mined, but the way they move is where the value will begin to explode.
People will hold it as an appreciating asset, use it in staking, buy it for computations, sell it for whatever reason, hoard it if you are a datacenter, sell data for it, or hoard it for any reason.

RLC doesn't need the mining mechanism due to the staking mechanism implemented into the workers.

The supplies are also one of the only differences.
RLC has 81 million circulating and 87M max
BTC, 21M.

That means the supplies both beg to get eaten up by future potential players, causing a massive price spike like BTC

>> No.20506830
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Sure go for it
You have like 12-24 hours probably

Now here's the question
>"wHy dOeS aNyOnE nEd iExEc?"
Because it offers limitless potential in the digital realm.
Not only could it kill off centralized cloud providers eventually if they do not adapt and integrate into the iExec network, but it could also save them billions of dollars in profit.

This profit motive will be something on the table very soon. When people realize they can set their PC's up to do work for a world supercomputer and make decent money doing so, the world supercomputer will be born.

This is literally 2010, brothers. We are in the beginning, Gilles.

>> No.20506888
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That's a really poor choice.
Why is my thread on page 5 already?
Is biz suppressing this crucial information?

>> No.20506925
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>> No.20507010
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>> No.20507013

Microsoft Ignite, September.

I’m telling you guys this now

>> No.20507030

How much should I buy anons

>> No.20507039

how come it's a poor choice? RLC is taking a breather until more teasers or announcements come out

>> No.20507043


>> No.20507063

excellent digits
i'm here friend

>> No.20507069
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>> No.20507087


Can computers/workers earn RLC right now?

Or when is that ability available?

>> No.20507095

Those are brown hands pajeet. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.20507102

>trustlessly trade decentralized computing power or data over the internet, and be your own digital oil distributor.
Do you realize how much of a hype retard you sound like?

>> No.20507122

Start dollar cost averaging with whatever you can afford

>> No.20507144
File: 353 KB, 1125x2436, 428ADE6A-155E-44E3-9A78-980C698A57F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More digging

>> No.20507164

thanks gilles

>> No.20507216
File: 307 KB, 500x384, 54de5681ec288345fbf63bc198da9393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

methanon is probably a wop, but at least he's not a pajeet.

>> No.20507254
File: 130 KB, 704x712, 1325415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and myhandpilled
Eventually ALL clouds, all giant tech corps, everyone even you will join the network.

I imagine this scenario. "Google Cloud: Now powered by the world."

Yep. That's how fucking real this is.

asm uch as possible
the breather is over, this is it, tomorrow or next dayt it moons

I WILL spam this every day.
if you are wondering wHy nOt AcCuMulAte
>because you had 3 years and im getting older

based <3
Yes but currently no demand.
Adoption phase is literally starting within 2 months. That means some demand may be coming. EVENTUALLY DEMAND WILL COME WITHOUT iExec even trying to get demand.

Every cloud dev will flock when they realize the potential and cost savings. It's like Alibaba of the cloud, or Cloud on Demand.(pay as you go)

Try again retard
idk what the fuck that says but checked and its probably something interesting

Tall, white, blonde and handsome.

>> No.20507294
File: 1.53 MB, 841x849, 4141515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has any questions or concerns please ask me.
Lets keep this thread going.

>> No.20507297
File: 483 KB, 800x600, methanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed blonde dago, iexec will rival ROME

>> No.20507363


If it has such a low cap, which makes RLC to moon as you niggers are hoping, then who in their right mind would use this shit when everyone would rather continue to hold on to their "barrels of oil?"

>> No.20507371
File: 4 KB, 94x128, 51345235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My neck unironically really hurts right now so this picture is perfect lol

Shall I talk about the adoption phase?

How its similar and different to Bitcoin?

>> No.20507414
File: 636 KB, 1125x1743, 37BDE686-A94C-4E99-8BFC-44456DD2F215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unmm holy shit...


Cira... 2014

>> No.20507422
File: 296 KB, 418x497, 1582426607192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm retarded, but I cannot for the life of me find RLC on binance.

>> No.20507436
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>> No.20507461

Only on real binance, not US binance

>> No.20507481

>what is De Beers

>> No.20507514
File: 36 KB, 687x500, 534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hen who in their right mind would use this shit when everyone would rather continue to hold on to their "barrels of oil?"

Mostly because then if they don't use it, they won't have access to the decentralized properties and unique technologies of iExec. That is not worth the value hold to many corporations and even smaller players.

Eventually, the value of RLC will stabilize. The potential volume that could be running through iExec is so massive that RLC may eventually become a stablecoin, just like BTC could. It's the big boat theory. The bigger the boat, the harder it is to move.
It's also a trade of value. Any prices can be set. All of the computations can have different costs. If you agree on that cost, you agree and no one is mad about it.

Initially the tradeoff of access to cheap computing will outweigh the potential cost of a price swing in RLC.

I expect RLC to start to become more stable around 500b marketcap. That's nothing in the grand scheme.

>> No.20507592

yes i agree op. chainstink is a copy past johnny carson. ixec all the way. rlc is the digital rc cola of crypto currency, 3$ eoy

>> No.20507622
File: 3.71 MB, 1862x1125, 7980098744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I expect RLC to start to become more stable around 500b marketcap. That's nothing in the grand scheme.

>> No.20507664

yes my friend. digital stable baby. digital rc cola of crypto currency very nice; 3.75! eoy!

>> No.20507696
File: 24 KB, 345x458, 1516696432026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thank you fren. I found it.

>> No.20507710

here (you) go.

is 300 RLC enough to semi-make it?

>> No.20507729
File: 68 KB, 627x560, methanon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20507732
File: 222 KB, 980x1360, METHANON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pumping
Someone is clearly watching. Hello friend.
Hopefully you don't kill the vibes.

Yep. The overall value of everything digital is probably well over 50T, at least in the future where everything is digital,.
Yep. Gilles has been working on this shit for a long, long time.
He is the godfather of the decentralized world computer marketplace.

>> No.20507745

YES MY FRIEND! How does 900$ sound? Village fed for a year

>> No.20507756

Shit man, that is not the image I meant to attach. I'm sure you're a fat dick kang.

>> No.20507797

its over giller

>> No.20507804

Price predictions for:

>> No.20507827
File: 598 KB, 1015x545, BTCofCloudComputing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We pumpin boys!

>> No.20507875

What's the make it stack

>> No.20507908

Make it stack is 8700
Suicide bag is 1K

>> No.20507913


>> No.20507954

How does (10)^(10^100) dollars sound?

>> No.20507967

Everyone google RLC and iexec make google searches go up

>> No.20508005


>> No.20508009

I Hold 1k RLC, whats a realistic price target for EOY and end of 2021?

>> No.20508010


>> No.20508015
File: 708 KB, 1000x1000, fuckjustin141414214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like to do predictions but eoy50-10
eoy2021- 1000-5000
eoy 2022-5000-11490

Anyways, now that you're all here, let me say this.

We CAN and SHOULD try to accelerate the adoption of iExec through redpilling on social media.

It just takes a simple sentence to cause a spark.
I would like to see your input on what you think that sentence should be, or how we should go about this.

Tweet elon?
Tweet coinbase CEOs?
Tweet every crypto related person?
Even if you just do 1 tweet a day, it could be worthwhile.

My suggestion
>"iExec is the Bitcoin of Cloud Computing. It is Digital Oil. Research it."

If we can cause massive interest, we can get it adopted by big players faster, and get demand up so we can run workers and make the world computer a reality faster.

I know it's annoying.
I'm also lazy as fuck, but I do at least 1 tweet a day.
But the question is
>Do you want to be rich a year earlier?

>> No.20508088

I like this. done.

>> No.20508105


>> No.20508131

I should have put @iExec.

Tag them on twitter when you say it. It makes it easier to see, and they can see the google shit and all the other amazing milestones

>> No.20508155

Can also target the winklevoss twins.
They have very low reply counts so it would be easy to get a response.

>> No.20508244

>trustlessly trade decentralized computing power or data over the internet, and be your own digital oil distributor.

You have to ask yourself, who the fuck cares that you can distribute "decentralized" computing power when you can easily set that up through AWS?

>> No.20508264

where can i buy?

>> No.20508326

If you don't understand iexec you literally deserve to be poor.

>> No.20508360
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>A centralized company can set up a decentralized compute operation
Can you explain to us, anon?

I don't think you understand that iExec is much more than just decentralized computing power.

I don't know if I even want to redpill you.

>> No.20508361

if us, buy eth and you can trade on nash

>> No.20508372

How do I buy on Binance if I'm in the USA. I have an old account

VPN? Which country do I use

>> No.20508383

Brazil is the safest choice

>> No.20508391
File: 19 KB, 184x184, bogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomp eet

>> No.20508424
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it's happening again bros

>> No.20508466
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I am sorry for causing mass market fomo.
It must be done.
You had 4 years, plus 15 more since GIlles started working on it.
It is the world computer.
It is the world marketplace for all things digital.
We will accelerate the adoption of this technology.
We can actually be the spark that changes the world as we know it.

>Pic related. It is the bible.

>> No.20508486
File: 878 KB, 1332x850, 21434535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66 is RLC get
Kek wills it.

>> No.20508571

You can attempt to red-pill me but I have pretty think skin after years and years of exposing your shitcoin scams. You simply cannot deny the fact that iExec is trying to "disrupt" an already robust market and you should know very well how startups that try to disrupt things go.

>> No.20508586

Salty boy, try being oil slick in stead. I feel slick and comfy as a sea lion

>> No.20508604

who the hell is making these shops

>> No.20508621

That's 5 minutes of work for an semi-talented shoop da whooper.

>> No.20508623
File: 81 KB, 688x640, 534524424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You simply cannot deny the fact that iExec is trying to "disrupt" an already robust market

You nailed it. iExec will disrupt every digital market on the planet and if they do not adapt to this new technology they will be priced out eventually.

It's not a startup. You need to DYOR on that one.

Does anyone have any questions? I'm here for a while.
Maybe I'll go on about adoption or something.
Btw, don't listen to the people that say
>"muh decentralized cloud is useless"
They don't understand and probably never will, and thus will stay poor.
Just like BTC doubters or ETH doubters

>> No.20508631

meth is a hellava drug, buy more rlc

>> No.20508738

Its fucking over Gilles!!!!!!

>> No.20508777

Is it easy to mine like Bitcoin was initially? If not, then I don't care.

>> No.20508785

yes sir very most excellent coin - imagine purchase the next bitcoin if you could go back in time
would you?
well now you are not needful to do this, you can do this today!
consider the riches given upon not only the v2, but the v3 and v4 also
v5 is just around the corner my friends, and rlc is OURCOIN

>> No.20509183
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1438, 1594983002708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about mining.
It's about overall security and value gained by that network of security.
You miss the entire point of everything.

>> No.20509340
File: 258 KB, 469x387, 1570466599426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hype and those aren't buzzwords. DYOR dipshit.
iExec is solving problems apparently your dumbass doesn't even know exists

>> No.20509432

Yeah they will fomo tomorrow as it pumps over 25k sats.

I am going to post this thread
until RLC is over 10$.

If you have any questions now is the time

>> No.20509441
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>> No.20509511

Don't tell me to DYOR: SELL ME THE COIN.
What the fuck does it do, what makes the tech so special? How much of it is actually done and what partnerships do the REALLY have?

There's always hype in these threads, never real discussion on the tech at hand and the ways it will be implemented.

>> No.20509548
File: 316 KB, 1179x995, 4535667566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 posts by this ID
rent free

>> No.20509556

DYOR you fucking dumbass

>> No.20509557
File: 143 KB, 1118x734, iexec-partners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the image for ya

>> No.20509583

>Don't tell me to DYOR: SELL ME THE COIN.
How about... fuck u

>> No.20509617
File: 740 KB, 1533x1327, 63546346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one is going to sell you our digital oil, we are never selling.

Hmmmm should I actually google what iExec is for this retarded faggot?

It's almost as if his dumb brain didnt read the OP

>> No.20509629

never gonna make it, keep flipping those burgers.

>> No.20510042

1000 RLC will be life changing

>> No.20510066
File: 206 KB, 688x640, futurechad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost no supply left on exchanges

Hmmm wonder what happens next
11490$ EOY

>> No.20510505

How do I invest in RLC? How do I cash out? I've always wanted to invest in crypto or literally anything else but have never been able to figure it out.

>> No.20510827

Still DCA'ing in, bought another 126 today. Sadly I have less than 30k

>> No.20511321

Binance with a VPN if youre american or use eth on kyberswap or uniswap

Its okay we are all making it

>> No.20511371
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>> No.20511488
File: 212 KB, 693x591, 245345G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek so fucking good

>> No.20512354


>> No.20512434 [DELETED] 

>yeah and so there was this guy named methanon who shilled RLC one day and I bought because the memes were pretty funny, it was like the coin for whites and there was even this nigger larping about waiting for a dump but we all knew it would moon to 100 atleast by the end of the year
>And it's 11490 now anon? that's crazy! I don't even care that you're racist, lets go back to your mansion and have some fun

>> No.20512489

>tells story to grandkids later

>So I was browsing a mongolian mare’s milk fermentation enthusiast forum and some guy named Methanon started screeching about digital oil in all caps... for some reason though, I felt the urge to read into it. I was drawn to the collective power of grid computing that will eventually power smart cities like Nova Reno today. So kids, thank the stars that the incessant ravings of an anonymous mare’s milk enthusiast created our wealth. Thank you Meth anon.

>> No.20512579

Sorry i only have link and xsn, what is this project?
Tell me anon beside to "get rich" why should i buy this ?

>> No.20512586
File: 19 KB, 1862x130, basedmeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant wait to post this in like 1 year

>> No.20512617

Only the finest of memes fellow executioner

>> No.20512618
File: 208 KB, 1334x750, 53453535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you can read the thread or any of the other 259423859 threads i made about it

>> No.20512770


>> No.20512836
File: 515 KB, 1224x755, rlc-abhiyaan02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you THE IDIOT?
are you THE POOR?
if you are NOT thinking this, then purchase the RLC crypto currency token today right now
this, this is the artificial intelligent that ELON MUSK himself fe

>> No.20512940
File: 2 KB, 68x66, 676767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek shut the fuck up pajeet buy rlc or die poor

>> No.20512954
File: 539 KB, 1024x576, 321cd2b11f3a06e1c3727635f283c866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've in for a while and I'm buying more in the a.m. as soon as the kikes get it transferred. I'm hoping for 1 last dip or to at least get in under $2

I also hold link and I predict they will both go on a strong bull run together, complimenting each other from mid Sept to EOY (won't be stopped by the market taking a shit either, they'll stay bullish)

Chads who hold both will be blessed beyond imagination. Screencap this.

>> No.20512974
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>> No.20513004
File: 59 KB, 576x768, WHATTHEACTUALFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based you will make it anon

>> No.20513375
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Bump so the eurofags can see the truth

>> No.20513485

Why did it moon it 2018?

>> No.20513947
File: 101 KB, 500x416, 1593108836294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea maybe it was v3 or intel or ibm partnership

whales promptly killed the hype
because they are accumulating

>> No.20514282

Will I make it to the moon with 10000 Digital oil?

>> No.20514359
File: 1.70 MB, 2240x2368, ga5h5ennm6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20514510

based degenerate crackhead

>> No.20514606


>> No.20514628

that is the most lazy fucking shoop i've seen in my life

>> No.20514652

I did it in paint 3d on like 5 minutes I don't have time for shit like that

>> No.20514653

literally everything mooned back then
that's not a reliable indicator of anything

>> No.20514662

lol i know and it shows

>> No.20514681

Hey you can take the idea and make it better if you want. Post memes here

>> No.20514779

I am a small studying fish in this game. I am all in RLC. I once owned multiple BTC @200$ which i used on DNM because I was a young retard. Never cried about it, but I have been searching for a new oppertunity ever since 2016. Bought LINK at 1.5$. Have various other shitcoin.

Sold everything to buy RLC except a small amount of LINK. Because of you guys I researched iExec technology and I judge that this is the future. I have never been more excited about a coin. I will all or nothing on RLC, because I would rather have as much digital oil as possible than diversify shitcoin that all pale in comparison to RLC. I'm going to the moon or to the robe with this coin.

Thank you /biz/ and thank you Methanon for your vigilent efford in shredding light on this technology. I will be telling my grandchildren about you on my yatch.

I see no reason why this should not increase significantly in value. I dont see any technology in crypto space with better potential, not even close.

I have one question for you IQ-gods. What prevents a chink copycat to make a similar but optimized solution once the world sees the true potential of decentralized cloud computing? I know iExec has many years of work behind it, but in theory it could still be copied by a sophisticated organization? This is my biggest fear.

I will be forever in your debt if this goes as planned RLChads.

>> No.20514920

I admire your devotion.

>> No.20514925

>I see no reason why this should not increase significantly in value. I dont see any technology in crypto space with better potential, not even close
Based and same, all in on it
About chink copycats, good fucking luck.
Code isn't open source and iExec is about 19 years ahead.
It's like Bitcoin, once the ball gets rolling, there's no stopping it, and like how there's a million Bitcoin shitcoins, no one cares because the network value is so large on bitcoin. Same will happen with iExec.

>> No.20514956

Binance listing... the most insane trading day for any coin listing I’ve seen.

>> No.20514969

based doesn't-take-it-personally-cause-i-was-just-shittalking-a-bit anon
if i could i would
memes make magic

>> No.20515014

Yeah it was insane I do wish I sold at that time to buy more but it is what it is
Yeah man memes do make magic I make shitty ones for the extra magic

Btw whales are manipulating still.
Also someone make memes for me to wake up to thanks

>> No.20515017

Thanks. You are probably right.
I just thought that a new technology with more total coins availiable would create a greater oppertunity for mass adoption. But I am admittedly not smart enough to understand the entire scope of this thing. I do find it worrysome that we are almost capped already, though.

Im all in nevertheless

>> No.20515044

It's better for us that it isn't higher.

Nonetheless crypto is nearly infinitely divisible. That's why it doesn't matter really.

>> No.20515108

This will have a natural cycle of people offering their computing power in exchange for RLC which they will sell in exchange for money, which people will buy so they can buy computing power with RLC.

>> No.20515117
File: 112 KB, 500x627, 47lwpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you all at 50ct

>> No.20515134

Can't forget staking, investors, companies wanting to hoard it for the future, data renting, etc. So much shit. It'll be worth a ton

>> No.20515135

yeah but have you checked out the team? pretty sure there's a CCP spy on it

>> No.20515151

Lol not likely fren.
Plus iExec gets all the partners

>> No.20515159
File: 60 KB, 450x328, wdf6y7tg98if432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain something to me? When it comes to the cloud, decentralization usually comes with a big performance/speed hit. Why is that not a problem for iExec?

>> No.20515182

Because it does all the computation off chain. It also has a sidechain. It's also p2p and in the future will have edge and fog capabilities.

>> No.20515341

>EU wakes up
Fuck you cunts

>> No.20515481

Shit like this makes me think it is a shit coin you are trying to shill. Let it dump so we can accumulate more, what's the problem? It's bound to be worth hundreds of dollars sooner or later.

>> No.20515795
File: 139 KB, 1600x900, blockchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about a big ass datacenter crunch compared to any decentralized network. The latency is a big difference. In the datacenter latency is only like 1 millisecond. If its a decentralized network you have dozens of routers between each node, each adding a few ms of lag. Multiplying that between hundreds of nodes means you need to introduce pauses or someway of synchronizing. It also involves concurrent programming which is very difficult (for multicore processing). Whether 32 cores on one CPU, or 32 nodes around the world - concurrent programming is difficult, and often does not scale well.

>> No.20516740

So this is for creating decentralized cloud computing, right? Where the avarage joe can have his pc participate in e.x a computing pool that does complex/time consuming shit for clients? Raises a lot of questions about data security when compared to the already established cloud computing firms. Unless i got it all wrong?

>> No.20516768

It’s a way for the computing consortium to share their resources

>> No.20516876

top kek

>> No.20516889

Aren't there a bunch of direct competitors doing the exact same thing like Golem?

>> No.20516938
File: 335 KB, 890x1381, SmartSelect_20200717-204100_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20517173

But Heroin is far more reliable and warm. Buy RLC

>> No.20517199

Prefer Dmt or mushrooms

>> No.20517303

I know its really gay, but can we make a discord allready?
We need to start coordinating and shill the fuck out of this

>> No.20517377
File: 34 KB, 600x600, CK4T7U0VAAA6jKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made one
It's called RLC fags
https://discord dot gg/9qzpvS
Let's see what we can do

>> No.20517845

damn i want to buy more

>> No.20517970

how much i need bros

>> No.20517988

my curry senSIRs are tingling

>> No.20518247

1k suicide stack
make it stack at least 8700

>> No.20518333

this is the cringest thread because it's clearly a bunch of pajeets posting at each other. I'm selling now thanks to all these attempts at faking correct english grammar.

>> No.20518449

> 870 suicide stack
> 8700 make make make maaaaaaake it stack
> 87000 who is jeff bezos? stack

>> No.20518681


>> No.20518726

>"wHy dOeS aNyOnE nEd iExEc?"
People who post like this with the alternating caps tend to be faggots. Everything you said is now discredited.

>> No.20518759

Sorry but I own LINK. I don't own shitcoins like iSHIT.

>> No.20518826


trips of truth. just let them pump it to $2 and i’ll be good.

>> No.20518853


>> No.20518948

Shill me on this, why should I sell my XSN for this shit?

>> No.20518970


>> No.20519011
File: 1.50 MB, 1680x1336, binance dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess what they say about Binance fearing stakenet is right

>pic related

>> No.20520170

what kind of /moon/ we looking at come v5 bros?

>> No.20520303


>> No.20520331

Don't know brah, tell me another token that enables this?