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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 608x164, ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2045266 No.2045266 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on?

I would understand it going up 5x due to the recent pump, but 30x, WHAT THE FUCK?!

I heard Macron uses cryptocurrency and he's a big Jew banker; is the going to tell all his hook nosed banker friends about Ripple?

>> No.2045268
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>> No.2045270
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Oh man it's just super awesome and everyone wants it all of a sudden without there being any real reason why. It's gonna pump forever. It can't dump. It's the new bitcoin. Buy buy buy

>> No.2045273

Its only pumped 4x so far though, was hovering around 3k sat before this pump.

>> No.2045278

>planned to buy XRP 2 days ago
>bank fucked up my payment
>would've made close to $20k in two days on it

>> No.2045283

damn man, just remember it can crash anyday now

05/08/2017 1:18 AM

>> No.2045287

Wthats the deal with rip[ple? whats its use and should i buy right now?

>> No.2045288

New currency of Japan, nips just love tech shit.

>> No.2045291


Once it dips back I'm still planning to buy it. It's value is inherent in bank adoption rates, and more banks will start using it in the coming months.

I think it will autocorrect down in the next few days, but ultimately rise over the coming months.

>> No.2045294


Interbank payment system. Already seen some use at actual IRL banks. More kike bankers bound to pick it up later because it reduces transaction costs for them. I would recommend getting some after the current spike stops.

>> No.2045300

It'll be used for faster and cheaper international bank-to-bank transaction settlement. You have to buy it on an exchange or any number of the suggested methods on the ripple website. Please don't ask /biz/ to hold your hand.

>> No.2045309

Yes! Buy now silly goy. This is the cheapest it will ever be. It will be at $1 next week!

>> No.2045316

Nocoiner jelly

>> No.2045320
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>feel when knew XRP was going to mooned soon, but still had 3k of BTC still pending
>feel missed the moon
>feel when ultimate cuck

Any other coin i can invest in biz?

>> No.2045326
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What site can I use to see the cost of each of the coins across various exchanges?

>> No.2045331

Not too late. XRP still got ways to go. NEM next.

>> No.2045343

jews and banks

>> No.2045363


>> No.2045367
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>> No.2045398
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Its ok. I think XRP market cap is at $1, and besides the bank deals, i dont really feel passionate about it anyways.

Im going on the STRATIS train now, because i truly believe in the tech.

>> No.2045406

>Nigger CEO

Good luck with that worldwide adoption homeboy.

>> No.2045411
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And good luck with having a multi trillion dollar market cap thats larger than google and apple combined

>> No.2045430
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>> No.2045445


And this is impossible why? You do realize international money transfers total about $5 trillion PER DAY, which is exactly the market that XRP is targeting.

>> No.2045475
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>And this is impossible why?
Because Stratis is going to btfo your booty and cuck your gf!

>> No.2045495

He seems like the kind of person that would like that.

>> No.2045507
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If you buy Ripple you are an actual retard. It's just a beefed up version of Microsoft Excel used strictly for bank to bank transfers. Have fun mucking about in a blockchain that is completely surveillanced. You are all retards. kys.

>> No.2045524

Jealous noripplefag detected.

>> No.2045537

Jeez I wonder what market is more important, faggot stoners that use Bitcoins to buy weed when it will be legal in a couple of years or the banks that hold most of the world's wealth.

>> No.2045543


Have fun dying from retardation

>> No.2045547

Don't worry desu, they will understand next time it crashes.

>> No.2045551
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Bitcoin is for plebs. Ethereum and Golem are god investments. Enjoy living in a trailer park

>> No.2045556
File: 504 KB, 900x1200, 1486691176746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, I wonder whats more important for banks: a stabilized currency that fixed at $1. OR, lets have the largest currency holders of the world trade with a shit coin that fluctuates between a 20% decrease and increase on a weekly basis, just so a bunch of neets on a chinese imageboard can move out of their parents basement. The ladder will definitely cause no problems!

You baka are not investing in a coin, you're literally buying bank shekles.

>> No.2045562

do you understand that owners of ripple control more than a half so they can control price?

>> No.2045567
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Exactly. The owners are going to make sure the price is stabilized to prevent us neets from making sick gains, and to make it more usuable by banks.

You are literally letting your gf fuck other guys, and then trying to excuse it by saying saying you're in a open relationship

>> No.2045571

It's not about privacy, dipshit. Nobody ever claimed it was decentralised or private in any way. It's just a cryptographically secure ledger platform which happens to use a blockchain. You have to be identified in some way by a trusted network entity if you're signing coins to any address. Frankly, this is a good thing. Banks like it that way, and they should.
>he doesn't understand KYC + AML
Time to stop posting until you smarten up.

>> No.2045577

I understand they control a majority of the coins, give me a quick rundown how for example this would enable them to hold the price down forever, and why it even matters them that one XRP is worth less rather than more

>> No.2045586


>happens to use a blockchain
>whoops, did that on accident
>who cares about privacy anyways?
>just give us all of your info, so we can track all of your transactions cuz KYC
>you are stupid if you think you can control your own wealth. only us THE BANKS can control your wealth

You are obviously the tippidy toppidy of cuckadoos.

>> No.2045589

This is what you need to know: more coins available = the price goes down. Think of it like this, gold is valuable, but if gold was as common as wood, would it still be worth as much?

There is 50 billion xrp in the world. If XRP were to ever be worth $50, that would make it the richest company in existence, and 10x Bitcoin's market cap.

The XRP ripple owns currently, just think of it like the ripples company networth. Like the top shareholders of a company.

>> No.2045593

Tell that to the 11,000 USD I just made in 5 days. Or are you fixated on potential profit with mom's basement tier, allowance/wendy's paycheck buys? I refuse to take advice of any kind from someone with a sizeable collection of children's cartoon images on their computer. I'm sure some of this is getting around your wall of autism.

>> No.2045597

They can make huge sell walls to cause the price to fall or buy their own sell orders to make it rise. They do this to take profit.

>> No.2045611

What price will they keep it? $1.00?

>> No.2045614
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Lets see, right here >>2045556 i stated XRP would hit $1. And what a surprise it went up.

Im still stick with my original position that its going to stagnate below $10.

>Bragging with the amount of money you earned and not percents
Youre still going to hit a wall at $1

Great, i only had $50 to spend on crypto >>2045320 and made a $100 of XRP

And in other news, if you had 500k to spend on Apple stock, and it went up a 2%, you would

learn2sixthgrademath, baka

>> No.2045618
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, 87894782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom line, there is no price they will keep it at. The problem is, fucking ripple made 50 billion coins. There is not even enough money in the entire world for an xrp to be worth a $100 one day.

Hence, why im moving towards stratis, which i think is a potential investment. XRP has no fun. Its never going to go pass $10, unless Ripple changes the structure completely.

>> No.2045623

I don't know why I'm bothering with this argument, but here goes.
Why would someone use a blockchain instead of a traditional database ledger? Hmmm..
>more secure
>extremely lightweight

About your privacy concerns.. Let me ask you a question..
Do you have a driver's license? Insurance?
You're in the system!
Do you have a bank account? A credit card?
You're in the system! You're part of KYC and AML. All of your transactions are tied to registered businesses.
Have you ever been in a walmart?
Your metadata is stored on walmart servers.. Including photos of your face with timestamps.. Who you were with, etc.

Get over yourself. Nice "cuck" btw you really put me in my place there.

>> No.2045630

I'm about to buy some. Good idea?
I'm a fucking poor cunt so shilling me isn't going to do anything to the coin. Give me the real news pls

>> No.2045634

I do agree that this won't be a trillion dollar company, but it still assumes XRP doesn't really spread.

Let's consider the SWIFT network, they're used by I think 11 000 banks and bring in about a billion a year in revenue, how much is the company worth i don't know not fucken trillions of course, but if ripple seized their business how many ripple would each bank need to hold to function properly? There is no trillion dollar bank, but there is more than a trillion US dollars spread amongst banks is what I'm trying to get at


>> No.2045637

No this isn't a fucking problem, why does an XRP need to be worth $100, if they had only made 500 million coins the price would be close to around $20 right now. You just buy 10 instead of one and the result as far as you're concerned is the same.

>> No.2045639

100 instead of one sorry. And I'll add all you're really saying is you want it cheaper, which you had the chance to do earlier this month when I fucking told you cunts to cover off with this.

>> No.2045641


I read ripple get destroyed each transaction.

>> No.2045642

it would explain the monster production, but what the fuck happens when they're all gone

>> No.2045644

answer my own question, see here

>> No.2045649

...They create more. That's not really out of the question you know.

>> No.2045655

This is why banks may adopt them one day.

>> No.2045658

No not out of the question, although it does state no new XRP can ever be created. I don't know if this means it's practically impossible or if they just reckon they won't do it

>> No.2045675

At a rate of 10 drops destroyed per transaction, it would take a long, long, LONG time. I'm holding 41110.50114276 XRP right now. That's over 4 TRILLION drops.

>> No.2045677
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>why would someone use a blockchain instead of a traditional bank ledger?
>names off a few things that make tracking your information hella easier
>tells me I need a bank/government blockchain to confirm my identity

To address your "government is the only thing that can create an identity" concerns

To address your banking concerns

Credit is for broke pussies, but to address your spending concerns

to address insurance concerns (that you probably have)

You are so insanely dependent on the help of government that it makes me think you are a muslim or a nigger. Quit bending over for the government, grow up, and become financially independent. Or kys, I really don't care

>> No.2045681

Correction. lose the last 2 decimals as we're working with 6 instead of 8.
That's 41 Billion drops.

>> No.2045684

Yes that's right, if we borrow SWIFTS numbers of 15 million transactions per day, we're looking at few hundred thousand XRP a year burned, and THAT is where the 30 billion coins becomes relevant, it's never going to put a dent in it. However that is the minimum burn rate and ONLY considers a flippening with SWIFT, so I hit a bit of a wall here trying to speculate on what the rate could actually look like.

>> No.2045686

Spoken like a jobless, un-showered loser.
Time to grow up. You're living in a fantasy land.

>> No.2045697
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>> No.2045698

Sorry for all the double posts goys I'm trying to give you as much as I can while the price is still holding. If you like BTC market cap as a bit of a guide then consider BTC does something like 250 000 transactions per day, 60x less than SWIFT ALONE. Now number of transactions doesn't define market cap, but it's worth considering for a bit of perspective on a SLICE of the market XRP is frothing to take.

>> No.2045701

I've been trying to find something wrong with this ripple platform.. But it seems like consensus has control over all of the important variables involved. They'll be chipping away at that stockpile for some time, even after the banks take hold of their XRP.

>> No.2045707

>set stop losses at 8500 before i go to sleep
>wake up, check, get happy cause its 11000
>turns out i went to bed 30 mins before the dip to 8400`s
>could have made 2500sats extra if i set the bar a little lower
Welp, still made 4x my original investment, a profit is still a profit

>> No.2045723

The sole reason I originally took it was because it gave me an angle on the banks, that was good enough for me to throw a small amount at it for cover, that was way back at 1 cent though so the situation has changed somewhat drastically much sooner than I'd really considered forcing me to give it a very fucking thorough look

>> No.2045810

You make a stop loss to buy before you sleep? How much lower to current market cost do you set it?

>> No.2045878

Guys please help me. I'm trying to buy XRP on bittrex, i made a deposit from my wallet to the bitcoin bittrex wallet about 20-30 minutes ago but i didn't get the money and i can't see the transaction on blockchain.info. I don't want to lose my bitcoin, what is wrong?

>> No.2045881

The question is

When is the time to short Ripple?

>> No.2045886

seems to take fucken ages to come in there

>> No.2045887

Wait 2-3 days, sometimes longer to receive/withdraw BTC.

>> No.2045889

dangerous fucking game, you've just witnessed how explosive it can be

>> No.2045891

Not till it hits .35

>> No.2046217

good looking buddy, thanks.

>> No.2046224

we are getting to new heights anon!
bought today at 0.00110

>> No.2046275

Should I buy now or wait for a dip

>> No.2046290

Handholding is what I'm looking for in /biz/
That's the only reason I come here.

>> No.2046295

i want to buy in aswell. hopefully there will be a dip soon

>> No.2046310

the only handholding youll get here is the kind of handholding that involves pulling cash out of your own ass and dumping it on fly by night shitcoins

>> No.2046327

I sold half my ripple right before this huge jump, feelsbadman.gif. made 2 cents profit on that half. The other half is doing much better lol

>> No.2046332

>price is manipulated
get rekt fags

>> No.2046350

pump over yet? It seems to settle a little for now

>> No.2046356

if i bought ripple how long does it take to recieve it?

>> No.2046360

Going back up I think.
Hope everyone bought. This is easily going to 20k.

>> No.2046390

ty my man, I give it 5 more minutes to see where the fuck its headed

>> No.2046399

60k by end of may

>> No.2046410

weekenders havent come in yet

>> No.2046426

too much of a newbie to know what implication that has, but I guess the trend is up again

>> No.2046436

Put stop loss if it falls under 8500 when the price was 9000 something, thought it would either go down cause it cant go up forever or would rise and wouldnt reach my stop loss line. Got a bit unlucky tho, and lost on some nice gains... Still got 4x profit so i dont care that much. Was actually thinking it would crash down to 4-6 thousand and i would buy in again but as you can see it didnt. Hoping for a nice dip now cause i can see the potential now

>> No.2046439

Normies with small principal see huge returns on a thing but cant buy the thing because they dont hold enough cold storage bitcoin so they do a bank transfer

Transfer takes 1-2 days then buy the thing

The thing shoots up tuesday/wednesday then everyone gets disappointed because returns/margins have shrunk dramatically

Then it slows down and it gets dumped

>> No.2046458
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cheers, mate!

>> No.2046461

You are literally misusing the word literally

>> No.2046468

good thing I bought 1btc of ripple at $0.05 hahaha

>> No.2046474

>Credit is for broke pussies
This always is a dead giveaway that someone's a poorfag who has no concept of leverage.

>> No.2046491

I just used changelly to transform btc to ripple. It says it's all gone through but in my ripple wallet I haven't received funds. I tested a transfer with a smaller amount before to test and it went through. Any info?

>> No.2046522
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holy shit, this is going well. My initial $50 gonna be $60 soon.

>> No.2046581

Would I be wise to put £150 in now or should I wait until it's settled a bit?

>> No.2046620

The question is, when it's time to sell? Is it gonna dip heavily in the next few days before recovering? Perhaps it would be better to sell before that and buy the dip again.

>> No.2046657

I got in alittle over a month ago at 3228 sats and got out today at 13400 sats. In my uneducated opinion; it's gonna dump hard and soon. I took my +500 percent pump and will wait for the big ol correction to get back in.

>> No.2046658

Get in now and hold for 24h min

>> No.2046706

So im a nucoiner does bittrex tell me how much % i've made since the buy?

>> No.2047049

>Polo lags like fuck every time there's any sizable action and people can't buy or sell

>> No.2047070

Lost a potential $500 profit from that yesterday.

>> No.2047087

People lost millions. I'm pretty sure they are getting 10x more traffic than they used to being one of the only markets to deal XRP and SRT which is getting a ton of action and now their servers can't handle it at all. Hilariously they haven't done anything to fix it with all the extra money their making.

>> No.2047101

The only real way to make serious money on ANY crypto is to buy it NOW and hold for a year or so. Everyone's talking about the imminent "dip" as if the 10% dip compared to yesterday's price will even matter in 12 months from now when the price will be up 10,000% from today. Panic selling/buying and day trading will only loose you money in the long run.

>> No.2047115

Macron has been photographed carrying a Ledger Nano S iirc

>> No.2047118

95% of the cryptos will be dead right after their first pump

>> No.2047135

*sceptical russian chicken meme.png*

>> No.2047169

>I have no idea what im saying :the post

>> No.2047188

>T. (about to be surprised) bagholder

>> No.2047210

>All the crying in the chatbox on polo because no one can buy XRP during a huge dump and then the servers going to shit
This is great entertainment actually.

>> No.2047230

its advantage is that its instant transaction.