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20446533 No.20446533 [Reply] [Original]

Over the course of the las 3-4 months I've noticed the company in charge of managing my 401K retirement plan has been slowly moving my portfolio into equities away from bonds 5% each time I check (every couple weeks). This strike you as normal behavior (they've never changed my allocation away from where I set it like this before in the 9ish years I've had it.); or is this some fuck the little guy tactic I don't understand?

>> No.20446903

Can someone stop shilling their bags for 2 seconds to help an anon out?

>> No.20447475

They are afraid people will pull their money out if they underperform, so they are mlving into equities to chase yield.
When the market crashes you'll lose more with their allocation, but theyd rather be wrong with the crowd than stick to sound management and watch their clients disappear.

>> No.20447505

Could it be that they're rebalancing as equities dropped?

>> No.20447522

withdraw money and manage your self. Or invest in gold/silver.

>> No.20447584

For instance assuming you wanted to have an allocation of 50% in equities, 50% in bonds. If your equities lost value and it became 40% equities, 60% bonds, would they re-balance by selling bonds for equities until you were back at 50% equities %50 bonds?

>> No.20447606

Bond yields are low, equities are providing better yields. A fixed bond rate will get destroyed by inflation, whereas stock is an inflationary hedge. If usd goes full yen, the value of a companies equities will go up in perportion.

>> No.20447634

What retirement company is it?

>> No.20447708
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I have a set of those

>> No.20447737

Makes sense and in the vein of what I was afraid of. Figure 100% bonds will be a safe harbor in case things get a bit fuckey.

Long term if there's anything left after repaying personal loans that have kept me afloat this long that is the plan - Do you think gold and especially silver has much upward movement left. I have my own opinions on pm's just curious what you think.

>> No.20447765


>> No.20447857

So you're thinking the allocation % is a reflection of cash value allocation rather than units of bonds/stocks? Possible but when we hit the 'dip' my allocation reflected the same %, it wasn't until afterward the ticker was moving by 5% and always 5% each time I'd check.

>> No.20447944

Sounds like you don't expect wave 2, unemployment, etc to cause another panic in the meantime? I fully expect to liquidate my holdings to cover debts, living expenses, and have cash on hand to take advantage of the SARS penalty forgiveness before the end of the year.

>> No.20447960

Take a look in one of the PMG (precious metals general) threads.

PMs have massive upside.

>> No.20448016

(OP) meant for >>20447606

>> No.20448110

Agreed, I've always got my ear out for private sales. When I'm not leveraged into debt that is.

>> No.20448157

Haha cool, OP is just pfa I found. Did you find the series well done?

>> No.20448609
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Why even put in 401k, why not put it in LINK ETH or BTC if you don't want crypto just traditional market like what the fuck

>> No.20448645
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All in on GDX, GDXJ

>> No.20448700

I hear ya, cash will be pretty much spoken for at this point. I only invested when bama' admin was kicking down a couple hundred bucks as an incentive for investment, didn't even get company match out of it.

>> No.20448737

Gold miners and juniors? unfortunately not an option through these guys or else I'd've done that back in March/April.

>> No.20448751
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I dunno, I can’t read.

>> No.20448761

Sounds like a quarterly rebalancing in a traditional 60/40 risk parity portfolio. How much control do you have? As bond yields have plummeted, that pushes bond prices up which means it will be rebalanced into equities.

>> No.20449100

My condolences

Beginning of the year I had it distributed at 80/20 (bonds/equities) crept from there like I'd mentioned - with everything going on I just put in to go 100% bonds in case the market gets spooked and takes another dive. Be pretty pissed if my holdings evaporated right before clearing out the account - just want to protect my holdings between now and then, if I make a couple bucks cool. Sound reasoning ya think?

>> No.20449148

Thanks, but yeah not bad, depressing parallels between Rome (east/west) and the British empire (UK/America).

>> No.20449322

If you've got nothing better to do any interestting examples specifically come to mind? On the bright side at least we have a pretty good indication of where we're going and how we got here vs thinking we're untouchable and having nothing to inform us otherwise.

>> No.20449552
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Applied for a covid-19 hardship withdrawal three months ago and it's still pending

Empower piece of shits

>> No.20449674

Fugg, no LARP?

>> No.20449749

well it wasn't for me. It was for my mom. It was a 401 from an old company she stopped working for over 10 years ago and we're not sure if that company still exists.

Kept calling Empower and they said they need permission from her former employer (that may not exist anymore). What the fuck

>> No.20449933

Hopefully my situation isn't as bad though I've been detached for 2+ years and at least a couple of the higher ups are the ones who got me fired... That adds a definite wrinkle, sure glad I started this thread. My interactions communicating with Empower haven't been exactly impressive - can't fucking win. thanks for the heads up anon and good luck getting em' moving on it.

>> No.20450017

Their call centers were actually alright and had technical knowledge. Just not happy with the stalling.

good luck

>> No.20450059

Why the fuck would you have your investments in bonds? They're likely doing you a favor.

>> No.20450079

Gotcha, I e-mailed them. Guess I'll call them if I need anything, thanks.

>> No.20450101

Investing in gold is retarded.

>> No.20450112

Because I'd rather make very little than lose a lot. What does your crystal ball tell you is going to happen between now and October?

>> No.20450134

are you about to retire? Why the fuck would you want bonds if you're not 5-10 years from retirement

>> No.20450144

'Investing' isn't the right word - "hedging"

>> No.20450184
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You are putting your money into a magic box Ponzi scheme what do you expect? Id get my money out before the boomers all try to at once.

>> No.20450215
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>> No.20450243

You could withdraw your investment and buy water bottles, and then sell them at a busy intersection and you'd make a load more than your bonds.
Bonds are boomer investments.
Find a fund that tracks the S&P and hold for long term.
Unless you're investing in the companies that mine precious metals, the only time gold MIGHT be worth anything is when SHTF and if thats the case, ammunition is worth more and is actually useful.

>> No.20450302

it doesn't have to be full shtf for it to be useful

>> No.20450314

Think that's bad? I'm stuck watching with bated breath what will happen to my greater investment in the state pension plan. Pretty much expect that to get absolutely dissolved before I ever have a chance to get at it.

>> No.20450377

Yes soverign debt will implode the bond market and anyone left holding bonds will be in the same boat (noose) as when gold was declared illegal to hold. Whomever is running your 401k is doing reasonably well.

>> No.20450431

Oh god gtfo the state pension plan if at all possible. This will implode for the same reason the bonds will.

Days of infinite borrowing are coming to a quick and sudden end as more and more of these pensions come due and people realize they can't afford them because they're -unfunded-

>> No.20450450

I'll probably be pretty flat when I finally (hopefully) get my 401K monies and pay back loans etc though I appreciate the suggestions. Plus I live way out innawoods so side work/eBay would probably be a better use of my time though I get what you're eluding to. Ammunition does sound like a pretty good idea to dca into...

>> No.20450511

Whats the interest rate on those loans?

>> No.20450515

Ammo is almost sold out ir is already sold out in most places

>> No.20450618
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Loads really, multiculturalism, migrants, degeneracy, corruption, and the statues... followed my massacres.

The world works at a much faster pace today, voids of power seem to start getting filled before they have even fully lost power themselves. That’s where things are different compared to how time fell. No idea what will happen but there are a lot of people fighting over a still live body of an empire that is not quite dead... it could get biblical... or we get a new Hitler.

>> No.20450650

Or Stalin ofc :)

>> No.20450743

Personally have a timeline of when you think the chickens may come home to roost? With the recent recovery it was still beating average expected inflation (3%) so I guess I'm not necessarily complaining about the company, just don't want to be left with dick in hand when the music stops and with the penalty forgiveness seems like an ample opportunity to GTFO. Yea I'll look into it, pensions are in their current form low hanging fruit to get liquidated imo. Thanks for the input.

>> No.20450802

de nada, but it's friend/family and they don't have the means to miss that kind of $ for too long so I can't just farm free interest indefinitely and I have to protect what I do have so I can be sure to make them whole.

>> No.20450813

This market is so crazy. All my predictions are either wrong or so-so. We will never know when the [Jazz music stops].

>> No.20450868

I don't doubt it, there's been a decently strong expectation of the boogaloo around here since the shit got started in March, probably selling @ a premium if I look around CL or a firearm friendly equivalent.

>> No.20450894

I'd consider the social capital you have with your friends/family to be worth more than the 5% rate of return on bonds. Cash those and make your family whole again.
To effectively invest, it's best to have no debt.

>> No.20450955

Glad to hear I'm not the only one, not that I have much insight to start with. But I just assume what I expect is the opposite of what is going to happen.

>> No.20451216

Kind of surreal knowing we're going to be living through even more massive historical events plus the technological advantage of watching the shit go down first hand from the comfort of my couch - gonna be some wild times and in fast forward like you mentioned. I'm disappointed though in the thought that the outcome will be some form of a polar opposite of what we have which will be just as shit in the long term. Guess that's just the way she goes when there are people involved - who knows (and this is just shooting the shit) maybe we'll get top down technocratic AI overlords but it won't be the matrix it will be a people zoo where everything functions peaceably; not quite sure how I'd feel about that.

I just can't even fathom how it would play out with a complete collapse of everything between the sheer number of people and average level of self sufficiency of near zero...

>> No.20451371

Wholesome suggestion anon I absolutely agree, this is the first time I've ever been in debt beside cc which is paid monthly and early. I've always leant (and been burnt 70% of the time) due to my own trusting nature and naivety. I'm glad I avoided debt all of these years, definitely not the best feeling.

>> No.20451379
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Low interest rate environments cause pension funds to go elsewhere for returns they need to be sustainable, since most people are expecting rates to be low for the foreseeable future funds could be rebalancing to accommodate for that. Every time there is a panic, central banks have demonstrated that they will step in and print money to provide liquidity, at which point equities will go up because both the value of the dollar goes down, and there is nowhere else for the money to go since the returns elsewhere are nonexistent. Meanwhile bonds, while having the perception of being safe, are basically as bad as holding cash because their yields are so low. They are basically expecting that even if a crash occurs, over time recovery will happen (in the equity markets at least) whereas cash will be debased and bonds either treading water around measured inflation levels. But what do I know, I'm just an anonymous retard posting on a business section of an Mongolian basket weaving image board

>> No.20451599

I appreciate your self awareness. XD In my position at least as you understand it are you saying you would just go balls to the wall on equities and let the chips fall so long as the fed continues to promise unlimited liquidity? I can definitely see where you're coming from; though the returns diminish each time they do this and I expect governing bodies and msm will be saying all is well weeks after the bottom falls out like anything else. As well as I don't know that I trust Powell to jump up on a soap box and telling everyone they're out of ammo - I'd bet the panic would be nuts.

>> No.20451810

Didnt know there were alot of similarities between the roman empire and the western world. Guess I'll have to pick up the series, I'm a nerd with history and love learning about it. Is there a certain author I should get it from, or are they all the same?
Do you anons think with how similar you are finding them, it paints a nice picture of the future of the US?

>> No.20452073

Just because the central banks will print doesn't mean all equities will rise, or that the ones that rise will be sustainable. This was shown in how the market 'recovered' since march, like tech has soared past aths and are now as overvalued as they were during the dot com bubble, while a bunch of other industries like o&g and airlines are still depressed. This isn't unique to 2020, its basically been done every time there has been a crisis over the past century. Since the dollar is the reserve currency they have a fairly long runway as to how much they can print since inflation is spread out. Pension funds are basically forced into this because safe investments don't give the yield they need anymore. So tl;dr is cash will be worth less, bonds will probably yield at or a little less than inflation, equities will grow with inflation but are much riskier.

>> No.20452199

Copy that, thanks for elaborating.

>> No.20452224

>I'm a nerd with history
>Are all authors the same or is there a difference?

I think it's time to

>> No.20452270

My own hot take? It's a fucking clown world right now and anything I were to offer as a prediction is going to be 99% the exact opposite of what goes down. Sounds like bookset anon is struggling to make sense of things; not to speak for them or anything.

>> No.20452510

Depending on who writes the book, even about history, can give the reader different ways of looking at things. Someone could write a book on the russian revolution and its impact on the creation of the NSDAP, while another could say that the revolution could of little to do with it. Authors write opinions.

>clown world
Its anyone's say at this point where itll go. But those who dont learn history are doomed to repeat it. Time will tell, I think we are getting close to a breaking point, not necessarily the downfall of the US, but socially. Although I'm sure people in the 60's were saying the same thing too.

>> No.20452602


Guess we'll just have to see how apathetic people are. In the age of information ignorance is a choice. I guess un-insignia feds are swooping people up in Portland now.

>> No.20452635

I'm halfway the 2nd book right now, it's slow going but cool.

>> No.20452766
File: 45 KB, 501x627, golden Mr. Skeletal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only kind of happening is a total SHTF TEOTAWAI WROL apocalypse with guzzaline warriors roaming the wastes.
>there are no historical occasions where the people getting their wealth out of a doomed currency made out like bandits
>central banks hold gold reserves simply because they think its pretty
>The US stole Saddam's gold, and Ghadaffi's gold, simply because its pretty.

Want to know how I know you're too young to post here?

>> No.20452845

>be stay at home mother for decade
> haven't worked a job that entire time
>"why can't I get unemployment benefits"
Seems pretty cut and dry

>> No.20452935

lol she still works elsewhere. Also not sure where you got the "unemployment benefits" from this is about 401k

>> No.20452967

Does anyone know the year/publisher of this set?

>> No.20453385

Better to grasp what you read than just blast through for the sake of saying you'd 'read' it!