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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20442973 No.20442973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hmmm, that certainly sounds like a black name but I guess we’ll never know!

>> No.20443036
File: 302 KB, 750x1253, B1325879-F635-4D51-8476-47E17E4C4792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they should hire me to work at the New York Times!

>> No.20443085

>tyrese devon

differently 100% a nig

>> No.20443112

>give young black man a chance in life by giving him a job
>he robs you of tens of thousands of dollars
>don’t call the cops, set up repayment plan
>get murdered

>> No.20443185

Give me dem eferiums

>> No.20443212

tyrese was a gud boi
stop bein so racist

>> No.20443313
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You can’t make this shit up

>> No.20443363

Black Lives Matter, baby!

>> No.20443402

Doesn’t Tyrese know that Home Depot has been CANCELLED because the CEO donated to Trump?
Real niggas be shopping at Lowe’s n shit now.

>> No.20443448


Do blacks have some kind of input requirement where they must choose a unique name?

>> No.20443469

if it was a white man, he would have eaten his face or something. cooked him and fed him to his wife or some shit like that

>> No.20443479

Yes, unironically.
What’s with girls in general having shit names these days? Met a bitch named Dustin yesterday.

>> No.20443541

cope negro

>> No.20443619

imagine paying to read the jew york times in 2020

>> No.20443626

white man would have apologised, sworn to never do it again, thank him for not calling the cops and pay back the debt. No killing needed.

also >>20443541 this.

>> No.20443630

This exact shit is reason number 6,000,001 that I'm racist, the first reason is reality itself.

>> No.20443677

I do not pay to read the New York Times. I check the front page occasionally and use reader view to read articles I’m interested in. Was gonna do an archive link but I’m still in bed on my phone.

>> No.20443845
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>> No.20444109

>use reader view to read articles
reader view is your friend.

>> No.20444301
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>> No.20444408

>Hating niggers

>> No.20444499
File: 272 KB, 1198x1233, B5AC4041-BFCB-4C10-BB9C-5C487F87B291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their parents want to insure that their child will have a hard time getting employment in the future.

>> No.20444565

LMAO 24 hours ago I thought this was some paid assassin doing some James Bond shit ... guess not

>> No.20444680

>just diversify your business bro.
>just hire a bunch of random niggers
>because its the right thing to do
>what are your racist?

>> No.20444756

>blue eyes
Fake nigger.

>> No.20444788


>> No.20444807

They wear contacts and wigs to appropriate our beauty.

>> No.20444897

Damn. You’re right. I automatically added the s. Just a habit since I grew up with both parents. Feels good though.

>> No.20444928

She got that “I can’t breath nose” doe

>> No.20445259

Even when talking about them, never relax.

>> No.20445989

Once again.
/pol/ is proven right.

Around blaccks NEVER EVER RELAX.

>> No.20446347

Immigrant 3rd world shenanigans not our business

>> No.20446378

Kek who’s proven right when u shoot up another school. Go back

>> No.20446845

Toll Paid

>> No.20446880
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>dude what's per capita lmao
based retard

>> No.20446906

When blacks are pushed to their breaking point and resort to violence, whites are blamed.
When whites are pushed to their breaking point and resort to violence, whites are blamed.

>> No.20446956

>white man would have apologised,
KEK fuck no. white men would have fucked his decapitated head so he can show it to his "bros". or kept one of his body parts at his home - it starts to rot but he still keeps it and the police find and the headline reads "man kept limb from gruesome killing for months" .
a white man would kill him and then go shoot a crowd if people bcuz his dick doesnt work

or some shit

>> No.20447003

Can't stand out with their personality, and their parents recognize that

>> No.20447007

All the pavement apes know is how to steal, how to shoot guns, and how to talk loudly.

>> No.20447118


You do realize this guy got into deep in Nigeria and couldn't come through. Of course, it is going to be a black man.

The way it was done was to send a message every single fucking one of their business partners and associates that if you fuck with them you and your family will die painfully, slow, and dismembered.

>> No.20447181

Doesn't matter what race it is, the killing was to send a message.

He started a business partnership in Nigeria and fucked them and he paid for it.

The same thing if he fucked over the cartel, the same thing if you fucked over any crime organization.

>> No.20447204

the majority of mass shootings are done by blacks

you're thinking of hispanics

>> No.20447239

No good deed

>> No.20447283


>> No.20447435

In college, i lived around the uni dorms. this one white guy was going around knocking on people's doors and windows and then leaving. well, i was drunk that night and he did that to me. he ended up coming into my apt for a bit. then he starts telling me how he fantasizes about killing his family then skinning them while masturbating to this thought. he had cold dead eyes. white people scare the shit out of me. atleast black people kill for money/drugs/gang shit - white people kill because they are trying to fill that deep hole in them where a soul used to be.

>> No.20447545

community college doesn't really count Jose

>> No.20447810

white people are actual barbarians. the only reason the killing has stopped now is because there is money to be made by exploiting people around the world. white people are sitting on stacks and stacks - more than any other time in history. But just look at their history - white people have killed more people than any other group of people (including mongols)... i mean you guys made killing and torture into a art form. Heck even on this website - people post the most disgustingly violent content just so they can get hard. KEK the evidence is everywhere
AND YET STILL white people think they are being oppressed by "tHe jJeWss" and the world is against them... and "muh white genocide" .. what does that tell you about white people? Even when they are on TOP OF THE FUCKING WORLD - they think they are at the bottom.
BROS your fucking WHITE - get the fuck out there and take advantage of that shit. Why the fuck you guys sit on 4chan seething about other races that have no bearing on YOU AS A WHITE MAN??????? You literally own the world yet your still cucks. and the cuck nature is what turns into school shootings or mosque shootings. and fucking eating people for the fun of it.

>> No.20447841

never relax around ________

>> No.20447849

black folks at it again.
should i pull up the crime rates?

>> No.20447889

>ked his decapitated head so he can show it to his "bros". or kept one of his body parts at his home - it starts to rot but he still keeps it and the police find and the headline reads "man kept limb from gruesome killing for months" .
so much cope brother.
just becasue whites, like everybody else used to enslave apes doesnt mean, you have to be angry about it

>> No.20447910

hahha im not even black. im from a small country you prob never even heard of. its fact brother. white people = scariest people on earth

>> No.20447953

>have killed more people than any other group of people (including mongols)... i mean you guys made killing and torture into a art form. Heck even on this website - people post the most disgustingly violent content just so they can get hard. KEK the evidence is everywhere
>AND YET STILL white people think they are being oppressed by "tHe jJeWss" and the world is against them... and "muh white genocide" .. what does that tell you about white people? Even when they are on TOP OF THE FUCKING WORLD - they think they are at the bottom.
>BROS your fucking WHITE - get the fuck out there and take advantage of that shit. Why the fuck you guys sit on 4chan seething about other races that have no bearing on YOU AS A WHITE MAN??????? You literally own the world yet your still cucks. and the cuck nature is what turns into school shootings or mosque shootings. and fucking eating people for the fun of it.
lol i am not even white, and your sir, having a major cope.
you talking language of your superior who bested you. your tech, your heritage comes from them.
and please, if you worried about violance, take a look at south and central america gruesome drug wars, and Africans genocidal tendencies in Africa.
hell, just go look at Africa history and how they enslaved each other for cash.
whites, SO FAR, are the most gentle souls i ever saw.

>> No.20447957

A foreigner killed by a nigger? Hopefully this will discourage future immigration.

>> No.20447971

and i am not white either.
sounds like you just got raped by superior genes, thats all.

>> No.20447996

Pic here

>> No.20448029
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>> No.20448051

lol the brainwashed population somehow turned it into a white supremacy shit.
ignoring the fact that he was an arab, original black slave owners, who use to chop their dicks of to prevent breeding.
arabs.....some of them are just retarded, like some actually think white supramcy is a thing, despite themselves being heavily invested in pan-Arabist (arabs superiority) ideology.
its pure delusions, i bet thats why he hired a black guy to begin with.

>> No.20448061
File: 48 KB, 542x436, 20200717_140209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay yo we bein hunted out here n shiiiiet

>> No.20448068

>you talking language of your superior who bested
english comes sanskrit... it has quite a number of sanskrit words .. and how many english words are in sanskrit? 0

but i have no delusion that im going to convince you or anything. you cant change someone who lives of rage and hate thru arguments.

>> No.20448328

>quite a number of sanskrit words .. and how many english words are in sanskrit? 0
oh so we working with a pajeet here.
and no, its no rage. i am from an extremly proud culture and people. i just feel emphaty when i see a proud culture gets attacked by bunch of savages. shits from india and paki inside britain.
arabs and blacks in europe
mexi shits and black savages in north america.
its like seeing a dragon getting cornered.
i am well versed in art of "hurting minorities financially" since they are impulsive, uneducated and dumb.
thanks for convincing me that i chose a right path

>> No.20448426

Should I pull up the pedo rates? No because that doesn’t change the fact that whites have by far been the biggest murderous killers in history

>> No.20448500

Killing non-humans is not murder.

>> No.20448508

pedo rates are everywhere, even in my great non-European nation.
but should i pull the crime rates or not?
and Africans and blacks are actually more genocidal than any other group.
its because of being impulsive. its genetic. cant do shit about it bro.

>> No.20448606

but melanin makes you nicer, doesn't it?

>> No.20448623

Imma chop this muthafucka up mayne