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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20438514 No.20438514 [Reply] [Original]

I can't do it anymore
I can't wagecuck
I have $25,000 in savings
How do I make it?
Is it a good time to start a business?

>> No.20438527

>inb4 Pajeets telling you to put it all on XSN

>> No.20438536

grow oyster mushrooms

>> No.20438543

Buy Nvax.

>> No.20438546

Nigga if you start a business you're gonna have to work 24/7 and it will be way more stressful, what is it that you don't like about wagecucking?

>> No.20438562

>How do I make it?

you already didn't retard. welcome to reality. There are a few gamboolin fag shit threads all around you. pick one and fuck off and kill yourself when you're living in a tent in the middle of the street because you're too retarded to understands the statistics of your situation.

>> No.20438563

OP, this.

>> No.20438569
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You'll need 100x to "make it".

>> No.20438571

Nope. Take a few days off, start a hobby, go on a walk. You'll be fine. Save that money.

>> No.20438580


Also literal worst time to start a business

>> No.20438587

I have my own business and if you hate wagecucking you will not succed

You will be working ur ass off even in times u wont get paid. U think u have no boss but if either you sell a product or provide a service, customers and clients will still boss you around and theres nothing you can do about it

I make about 5 times more someone else my age but have no social life at all. Also once you do it, theres no way back.

Embrace wagecucking anon, its not that bad.

>> No.20438608

Unless you're selling masks.

>> No.20438621

Or riot gear

>> No.20438633
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put it in XSN sir, it allowed my purchase of great 120 square foot apartment for my family

>> No.20438660

fuck dude you say that like it's easy but I've gotten three tubs to the fruiting stage and then they die before getting big enough to pick. lion's mane is easier at least in my climate

>> No.20438686

Keep grinding and Investing.
Personally I only have 2 yearly salaries invested, need a 20x that to live comfy.

>> No.20438710

what type of business are you running?

>> No.20438733


>> No.20438748

only 2 shillers in this thread. Same dubs.

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.20438766

open a store with watermelon and KFC alike food in the Hood. Maybe even do some NBA merch. Joggers will love it

>> No.20438778

Also i'd like to add that thinking you will be more motivated once all the money adds directly to YOUR pocket instead of your bosses pockets only works at the first few months. You get used to making money so quickly, I know it sounds cliche but its the truth. It wont fill that empty hole.

At the end of the day doing something that you enjoy or that is a challenge to you should be your main focus. Wether you start that on your own or do that for someone else comes down to character mostly. I am an arrogant fucker, i think im the best at what I do and I can sell that really well.

Also once you get employees it gets bit more comfy but stress shifts from your performance to their performance.

>> No.20438780

same colors too. the grace of India is upon us.

>> No.20438784

Now is a really hard time to start a business, but like Rothschild said (I think it was him, but it could have been Rockefeller), "the time to buy is when blood is in the streets". And man is there a lot of blood right now. Were seeing cracks and openings in every industry pretty much, and a lot of giants are poised to fall.

Tbh there's never really a good time to start, and if you try to find the "perfect" time, you just never will. Expect it to be really hard and arduous, but it definitely is possible. Although I'm not really a success yet, I started a business in April and I'm at about $10k revenue so far.
Barely any profit yet, but it's getting better and I kind of underestimated all the learning curves for everything outside of actually providing the products/services my company does. Web design, marketing, copywriting, customer service, fulfillment/distribution, etc is pretty time consuming and easy to miss the mark on. But ya, I'd recommend something small and relatively simple, with a proven business model, that you can use to start generating revenue right away. If you're trying to start a SaaS company or marketplace or something, expect a long journey to profitability

>> No.20438797

get better equipment / spores

>> No.20438860

Hrs bleedin out on the heckin spore syringes anon! He can’t keep buying 2 syringes for 29.99 plus shipping and handlerino! There’s mold in the tub, I repeat there’s mold in the tub!

>> No.20438861

Noob question but can’t you do the 4h-workweek-meme and hire a remote assistant for all the tedium?

>> No.20438866

Why is the advice always so fucking vague HOW THE FUCK DO I GET STARTED

>> No.20438891

I started as a freelance marketeer while I was still in school and now run a consultancy company in marketing/crm/purchasing on a strategic lvl, not so much operational anymore. I bluffed myself into everything and learned while working mostly. Ecommerce is something you can talk your way into quite easily because theres no subjects at school, atleast in my country, related to seo/sea/crmtools, on a operational lvl a monkey could do that work desu. Selling it like its rocket science is also very easy since boomers have no idea how it really works. Have to add that I didnt finish my studies because of that which is pretty stupid since i only had a year left and which is a pretty big risk and costs alot of money, oh well

>> No.20439117

Looks cozy

>> No.20439167

start a travel agency.

>> No.20439201

It depends on what you want to do... I made a Shopify store and found suppliers for products I wanted to sell. But it's hard to give anything but a vague answer when as something vague like "how do I start a business?"

>> No.20439601

How did you get products to sell??? Did you buy wood and nail together wooden horsies to sell?

>> No.20439632
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All in Digital Silver

>> No.20439648

Chuck in into LINK, easiest 100x you'll ever make