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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 170 KB, 2000x1200, Ferrari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20389452 No.20389452 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit! 4 hours to go and the Ferrari F12tdf is 98.12 % sold!


Why aren't you buying CUR at these dirt cheap prices /biz? Do you hate money? Are you low IQ?

10$ EOY is FUD.

>> No.20389805
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Lamboland here I come

>> No.20389867
File: 393 KB, 945x745, pepes_curio1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my CUR bag so phat, mmmmmmmmmm feels good

>> No.20389921
File: 18 KB, 362x348, IMG_20200715_044734_141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parabolic explosion incoming, and it's only 750k marketcap, unbelievable

>> No.20389982

Literally less than $800k marketcap, and a product that actually fucking works RIGHT FUCKING NOW with ZERO paid marketing and still the car sells.This is honestly the buy of a lifetime. $100 EOY, screencap this

>> No.20390100

stop changing IPS samefag

>> No.20390106
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 7844235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree. and already partnered with Chainlink and Huobi. connected with top tier devs. polkadot soon.

truly once in a lifetime opp if you have the guts to go deep here

>> No.20390171

yup. CURV is what's worth holding btw, CUR token doesn't really do anything as far as i know.
Buy CUR->Convert to CURV->git moneys

>> No.20390260

semi-disagree here. curv will be very sensitive to early bigbag whales at some point. if u got in at 1:1, well played. i aint getting in at current ratio tho

>> No.20390404
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>> No.20390518

seething fudster. curio will go ballistic, and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.20390569

true, but the actual value is in holding CURV, and once people realize that it will only go up. i'm 100% CURV and got in at 1.31

>> No.20390761

true, but in real life most people also prefer to have money(cur) rather than actual power(curv), although money is just a tool to obtain power. i agree with you, but it's not that easy practically regarding value, especially with dynamic factors like variance, impact of whales and such.
also the potential price for curv is capped because you cant ever swap it back for more than the max-supply of CUR, i guess?

>> No.20390866

you also have to be aware that, the higher the CUR price goes, the smaller the stack-size will be, so also the stack-sizes being swapped into Curv will be smaller. whereas early big guys can just dump their huge stacks back to CUR, crushing the bonding curve down

>> No.20391244

Yeah but whales can tank the price no matter if its CUR or CURV or any other currency. By voting with CURV you essentially get free money from the car tokens, so if you take a hit from the exchange rate you can in theory get your money back by just holding and voting

>> No.20391276
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>> No.20391421


Time to pop that champagne!!!!

>> No.20391623

CUR stack is the best stack. Comfy hold here. Muh dick.

>> No.20391776
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1594153029753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Curio

>> No.20391933


99.52% now

>> No.20391937
File: 75 KB, 853x1280, IMG_20200715_230541_895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20392013

100 % SOOOOOOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOOOOOONSHOT in 3...2...1!!!!!!!!

>> No.20392078
File: 108 KB, 750x725, IMG_20200715_231013_739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woop woop. let's go 5mil marketcap frens

>> No.20392100

Hooohree sheet won hundled placente won hundled placente

>> No.20392130
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>> No.20392311


>> No.20392334

Crypto backed by depreciating assets, hand picked in a centralized manner.

top kek

>> No.20392366
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>> No.20392408
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>> No.20392414
File: 255 KB, 847x651, truedat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you function with a negative IQ

>> No.20392566
File: 8 KB, 465x105, 6546d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hory shiet. This thing will fly so hard. pic related

>> No.20392635

does the platform have a monthly fee? So you use tokens to buy a piece of the car, they sell it, then you get a % back? That how it works?

>> No.20392822

Where can you see the current CUR <-> CURV ratio?

>> No.20392916

Yes essentially
Click exchange CURV and accept, connect metamask. Its at 1.29 currently

>> No.20392961

You can only see it when connecting your Metamask? No simpler overview somewhere without connecting a wallet?

>> No.20392988

Does the platform has a ref code? Willing to use a frens if they have any

>> No.20393055

nvm no US scum allowed yet

>> No.20393090

I'm holding lots of CUR and i'm still wondering exchaing it for CURV for the current exchange ration. It would be helpful that there is some kind of history of how the value CUR <-> CURV is trading. With holding CUR you're more flexible. The question is if CURV brings you more guaranteed gains.

>> No.20393165

keep in my mind, in this world there are no "guaranteed money makers" it's all speculative. I'll keep holding my 100% cur stack and won't risk it

>> No.20393380
File: 6 KB, 281x179, proxy-image(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% frens

>> No.20393453

Well.. I try to understand the Bond-Curve where the Curv smart-contract is based on. And it suggest that when the market does not change (ofcourse this is the speculation part) it will become more scarce overtime. Hence more people gambling that you will get more CUR in the future while holding CURV. But i don't 100% understand the bonding-Curve to get it rock solid for myself. https://yos.io/2018/11/10/bonding-curves/

>> No.20393517
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers fren

>> No.20393524

All the value is in CURV, desu

>> No.20393610

Thing is, you can only get so much CUR by swapping back from curv as the maximum supply of CUR allows. Hence the upside is capped

>> No.20393818

Indeed that's what worries me about CURV. It's limitless. This means that the more people become enthoutiastic about CUR, will transfer more into CURV, which will decrease the exchange ration of CURV. So CURV will increase when the project stays under the radar, but will decrease as soon as CUR will fly! On short term the project is still under the radar and could get you some gains on transfering CUR <-> CURV, but it feels tricky as soon as something major announcement gets released gaining some traction (Like the emminiment Huobi listing)

>> No.20393866

Ya got about 200 of the fuckers


CURV holds the value- free tokens of every fucking car that is listed. I'm glad anons are slow and didn't pile into this. Value of the token can fluctuate, but so what? You're earning a passive income.

How did it jump about 25% in a day?

Wrong and there is no chance the company is going to give anons free reign to squander millions on lambos with chainlink wraps. It will be a choice between a number of pre-chosen sensible investments.


There's what? Less than 200,000 CURV and 2 million CUR.

>> No.20393916

Yeah but even is the upside is capped and tied to the value of CUR, the only purpose of CUR as it stands is to convert into CURV, which gives you rewards etc. I certainly don't expect the exchange rate to drop now that the first voting is coming up

>> No.20393958

What you talking about? CURV is limitless and is purely based on the CUR <-> CURV exchange procedure, where CURVs are minted or destroyed.

>> No.20394235

That really depends of the amojunt of CUR is being exchanged into CURV. The more is being done, does not mean that the more CURV is worth, while CUR will always be limited to the max supply.

>> No.20394306

CUR is the King, CURV is the Queen.

CUR exists on its own while being traded on exchanges with limited supply of 2m coins.
CURV can only exist through CUR, thus is more dependent, but gives nice rewards (like the Queen who is nurturing).

I prefer the King

>> No.20394522

yes, but why would you rather own something that doesn't pay dividends?

>> No.20394603

I agree on that one, until i found out that the divident is only guaranteed while staying within the CURV bubble. You can only exchange it back to CUR and then you have to find out depending on the market if the divident is still a +. If CURV would be an exchange listed token it would be different.

>> No.20394624


Dividends come to a cost, opportunity cost for example in this case.

>> No.20395050

True but i still think at these rates you are better off converting to CURV. First voting is yet to happen and people have barely even figured out how to make the conversion. Only 53 CURV holders according to etherscan.

>> No.20395138

53 companies/individuals funded this $1mil ferarri?

>> No.20395234

Indeed as long as the CURV toking stays under the radar while CUR is becoming more populair, definately CURV has a high potential, but be sure to trade back to CUR when the amoutn of holders increase alot, as it's not a long term hold when the project gains a lot of traction. But looking as it's almost only known on /biz, exchanging to CURV is a risk that might work out well currently.

>> No.20395263

No, CURV has nothing to do with the Ferrari.
Ferrari has an own security token "CT1", which will get listed on MERJ soon

>> No.20395293

No, thats the amount of addresses that hold CURV. There hasnt been a voting with CURV yet.

And i mean, with a measly $1000 dollar investment in CURV i currently have almost 1% of the total voting power. Its not going to stay at that rate kek

>> No.20395332

You don't need the token to invest in the ferrari. You can invest with CC / Bank transfer, whatever.

>> No.20395523

Yeah but doesn't it mean, the more people exchange CUR into CURV, means more CURV are being minted which means your voting power will decrease percentage wise. Ofcourse also it will be more expensive to get CURV.

>> No.20395646

Yeah but the only way my voting power can decrease is if more CUR is exchanged for CURV, hence making my stack of CURV being worth more CUR