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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20377589 No.20377589 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20377608

Just shorted. No way it's going past 9.

>> No.20377616

93 link fishy. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.20377623
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>> No.20377628
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>> No.20377695

god damn, we are at a point where this is not a shitpost. HNNNNNGGGGGGG FUCK IT $10 EOD

>> No.20377706

How does $93 million sound??

>> No.20377828

10 dollar waiting room wya

>> No.20377865

how does 9 million sound?

>> No.20377868

Kek, This shit always cracks me up

>> No.20377881

Already making more gains then 90% of the market

>> No.20378177

Im at a humble 89 myself, but payday isnt until Friday damn it

>> No.20378246

Why is it getting so expensive just for one cup of coffee?

>> No.20378327

I've been in the waiting room since $.17. 10k space marine reporting.

>> No.20378584


>> No.20378640
File: 309 KB, 600x600, 1544983107321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 Linklet here am I gonna make it?

>> No.20378670

we are going more than 9 today. Just look at the massive volume

>> No.20378705

$10 EOD

>> No.20378715

How does 250k-500k sound?

>> No.20378738

ive said it now:
$100 by november-december ?

>> No.20378751

>havent checked out crypto prices all year
>my shitter 420 linkies stack is now worth 5k

lmao everytime link goes higher i hate myself for not having bought more
i couldve made it...

>> No.20378781

Buy more

>> No.20378782

thats only $500k if u hodl until 2024 or 2027

>> No.20378822


>> No.20378846

You'll be able to put down a nice downpayment on a mcmansion in a midwestern city

>> No.20378848

thanks anons, I was thinking of selling to pay for my airline pilot training but I'll never sell now

>> No.20378851

Feels fucking weird seeing people talking about two digit link stacks. I imagine this is like how it was for OG bitcoiners, or at least the ones who didnt sell them off for pizza and weed

>> No.20378905

I definitely thought people were shitposting when they made 7/8 dollar waiting rooms so soon after we broke $6. These are strange times we live in.

>> No.20378907
File: 2.15 MB, 700x699, 73FABB05-7248-4C82-9BAA-C861E0FA7590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If dubs 10 dollers eod.

Sergey is satoshi

>> No.20378911


Bro if you have a college degree let the fucking navy pay for your airline training. If you don't, go to ROTC and do it THAT WAY.

>> No.20378952

Oh it was horrible watching bitcoin moon to 1100 after spending 10btc on weed.

>> No.20378957

Guys I have 1k link, and a safety net of $5000 in the bank. Should I buy $4000 worth of link, or would that be too dangerous? Would that leave me too exposed?

>> No.20378970
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77.777 when?

>> No.20379008
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Positive thoughts anons

>> No.20379033

military and civil aviation licences aren't interchangable where I'm from, it's only easier for multi engine pilots

>> No.20379104


>> No.20379122

Boys I'm gonna sell at $9/$10
I've made 50% profit in 1 week as a college student and I'm happy
Sorry I couldn't hold longer lads :(

>> No.20379186

Smart boy

>> No.20379246

only 8k and i’m in shambles

>> No.20379271

youre an idiot, thanks for the free money

>> No.20379276
File: 47 KB, 810x810, Akko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, Linkies!

>> No.20379355

Any investment you should assume losing everything is on the table.

>> No.20379358

Black Magician here. I'm currently sending all sorts of negative, powerful spells and incantations towards the energy body of ChainLink. You can expect a massive crash down to $3.25 when the darkness begins to become all pervaded in the LinkSphere

>> No.20379376

Thank you Akko!

>> No.20379377

>Sorry I couldn't hold longer lads
We're not your (male) gf
Enjoy eternal regrets

>> No.20379394
File: 113 KB, 633x724, 96E528B6-E5FC-4F55-B4FD-972298ED3143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how to feel as a 11K Linklet.... oh well i’m just gonna have to keep holding.

>> No.20379440

Take back your initial investment once we hit 9, hodl the rest

>> No.20379459

Possessed schizophrenic here
You should be more concerned about your ability to fulfil the desires of the demons surrounding you righ tnow

>> No.20379505

Your stack is worth nearly 100k, you're gonna make it

t. 4.5k linklet

>> No.20379560
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joggers have no power here

>> No.20379563


>> No.20379566

$5 in 2021

>> No.20379591

It will never go to 77,77 $
It will jump directly to 777,77 $

>> No.20379597

Yes yes 11k LINK is linklet status as 10k is a suicide stack
A make it stack of LINK is now worth $860k

>> No.20379616

It failed its 9 breakout you tards

I’m swinging fuck it let’s go let’s make this 6k link 7.5 EOD

>> No.20379627

>Boys I'm gonna sell at $9/$10
>I've made 50% profit in 1 week as a college student and I'm happy
yikes, never look at the price again or you will actually kill yourself

>> No.20379688

This lol. My first link buy was a few bucks for 70 LINK after seeing some toilet memes.

>> No.20379725

get the fuck of my board you normie fag

>> No.20380112

Also college student here

You are retarded and don’t deserve your degree

>> No.20380292
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Sorry guys, I converted my 15+ alts into Links at ATH.
Prepare for the dump

>> No.20380366

Fud unironically

>> No.20380378
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 0C526D88-F826-48B8-AE36-4116EF5A5752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I too am hoping to fund my aviation aspirations with link. I just want to fly my airplane without draining my account. The one I own costs about 20k a year to own all in.
Get enough for about 100k cause thats what it’ll take for your license into an airliner.

>> No.20380444

noooo anon will sell his 12 link what will we do

>> No.20381040

If it passes $9 it will go straight to $10 and beyond.

>> No.20381110

can't wait to see what happens after $10

>> No.20381121
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>strange times

STRANGE TIMES?! Bitch, we were in strange times waiting for all you retards and normies to catch on to what Link is when it crabbed along for 3 years. It should have been double digits for a long time now.

>> No.20381205

Jew here. A golem is on it's way.

>> No.20381409

it's going to correct to 79000 sats today, then ?????, put in buy orders there or lower and wait

>> No.20381521

My only regret is that I didn’t buy more

>> No.20381786

its not gonna stop is it? man, i just want a decent dip so i can stack more

>> No.20381842

how much will chainlink go up at it's peak today? ID=answer

>> No.20381873

Ending digits is link price eod

>> No.20381983

>tfw going to have to settle for a >150ft yacht
feels bad man

>> No.20382164
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sucks man

>> No.20382237

Tfw when 1k link been here since ico. Fuck me

>> No.20382353


>> No.20382417
File: 5 KB, 250x175, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will literally only be able to afford 1 hotel floor and 300 hookers

>> No.20382426

either $8.73 or $18.73

>> No.20382520

Exactly. People are delusional thinking a scam erc token going to 1K. Can't even pass $100 or even $10.

>> No.20382589

how does a girl dressed in a maid outfit sound?

>> No.20382619

everyone says that, when the price breaks 10 you'll stick around like the junkie you are

>> No.20382659

Shorting make prices go higher you idiot. Have you ever heard of "short squeeze"?

>> No.20382709
File: 13 KB, 300x241, peps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here

I dont understand the crypto thing, you get a wallet buy crypto with usd then when you cash out by buying BTC to usd? sorry for retrad

>> No.20382723


>> No.20382836

Good luck on your training, I’m on lot getting my private but work in avionics so I got sponsored, but am the on my the one to take it up in 12 years. People don’t appreciate what they have

>> No.20382850
File: 167 KB, 771x626, bootybuttcheeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point your peepers here to peep this.

>> No.20382944

Do you think you will make it? What number are you holding out for?

>> No.20383151


>> No.20383181

Wow am I having a stroke? Sorry for that incomprehensible post

>> No.20383210
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100$ DEC 2020

>> No.20383249
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>Domp it

>> No.20383542

you buy the linkie you get the pinkie

>> No.20383634
File: 123 KB, 1193x1079, laffs at your smol penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this faggot

>> No.20383636

>I've made 50% profit
Some of us are sitting on 2000% profit. And we're still not fucking selling

>> No.20383673

AS you should. Don't ever fall for the hodl meme

>> No.20383744
File: 48 KB, 513x510, OwO whats this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought in at $2 because of fat sergey memes and 42's schizoposting

>> No.20383790

Here you have the difference between someone who needs money to live and someone who is just buying an idea because they can

>> No.20383849

I went all in with my measly 1.5btc stack yesterday. Feels good to be rid of that burden.

>> No.20383901

i dont think corporations are going to want to reveal their weaknesses in pipeline

>> No.20384233

That's what you said about $2 and then about $4...

>> No.20384637

>Can't pass 10$
See you in 3 weeks.
>Can't pass $100
See you next year.

>> No.20384828


>> No.20384897

I remember people laughing when linkies said any price under 10 bucks was a steal.

>> No.20384976


>> No.20385014

Checked and kekd

>> No.20385045

People always say this but there's probably going to be hard resistance at $10.