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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20380213 No.20380213 [Reply] [Original]

How are my fellow linklets doing? I only have 5k link I managed to accumulate from last year. This fucking sucks balls guys.

>> No.20380353

i sold my 5k at 3.89 last year and now i'm all in rlc ready for the moon
t. 44k RLChad

>> No.20380399

Why are you feeling bad? You have over $40k USD and by the end of the year you'll have $5M USD. That's pretty cool.

>> No.20380404
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You are a staff sergeant marine, quit your whining. It is your duty to stay steadfast and present a strong image for the enlisted ranks.

>> No.20380423

Thats over 40k most people here have 10k at most in crypto

>> No.20380436

>only 5000

>> No.20380458

i had 10k but had to sell all at 22 fucking cents i want to kill myself. thankfully I kept 1k link but still want to die

>> No.20380470

I have 300 link that I brought at 25 cents just because I had the extra eth sitting on binance at the time

>> No.20380475
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I only have 105.45 link
Fuck this
Still hodling forever though, ignore all fud

>> No.20380487

I'd kill for even half that to add to my stack. Only a corporal here. If you feel bad imagine how I feel. I bought in 2018 and then didn't touch crypto until Coinbase started sending me notifications that link was up 1000%

>> No.20380492

Dont act so surprised like it wasnt gonna happen

>> No.20380500

163 link here but I am in a third world shithole so this is making me feel better. I want to have less worry in life and money has always hurt. less now though. thanks friends.

>> No.20380557

Same. Only 5250 linkies. Should’ve trusted Sergey more and converted my BTC into Link

>> No.20380561
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Tfw when only 3500

>> No.20380698

1.2K Linklet here... I'm enjoying it desu. Back in Nov17 a friend of mine sent me 1LTC to play with (I'd expressed interest in crypto and he owed me money from a night out, decided to take payment in LTC for the fun of it)

That was worth about... £50 say at the time and through fucking about here and there, I'm now sitting with £8.5k/£9k having never really put a penny into crypto.

Good fun lads. Good fun.

>> No.20380711

848 here

Im just happy I have any LINK at all and even my small stack is no longer affordable for the vast majority of people
Just enjoy the ride fellas.

>> No.20381552
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I got 90 something, better than none I guess

>> No.20381668

I have 150 link. One five zero. The shotgun I keep in my room is starting to accumulate gunk on the tip of the barrel from my lips being wrapped around it so often.

>> No.20381700

I'm at 82 and happy to have any at all
Where my sub 100 stacks at?

>> No.20381705

3600 here. I wanted an even 4k but by the time I got paid it shot over $8.

>> No.20381750

15 sausage LINKS here. Bought this morning.

>> No.20381825

60 Linkies right now, gonna buy in hard if it dips to $6 or so

>> No.20381882

Have 2.4k link. Came here from /pol/ april last year, knew about link when it was about 65cents, bought at $3. Put yourself in my situation: you come here, a little shitcoin priced at 60 cents is shilled through the roof, it's freakin crypto and biz doesn't have the best track record to put it lightly. Why the hell would i buy link? Got convinced after a few months. Couldashouldawoulda, just glad i bought a fairly decent amount when it was sorta cheap compared to now i guess

>> No.20381911

poorfag here,

I can dump $2k, that I was going to spend one something but it fell through. Should I just buy a little and sit on it?

>> No.20381968

How is it possible to not have a minimum stack of 10k linkies when you browse this website?

>> No.20381975
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I'm thinking 8.5 it's hitting atm is as low as its getting

>> No.20382017

Spend too much time on /pol/

>> No.20382114


>> No.20382138

/pol/ and browsing /biz/ when it's too late. My stack would probably be at 10-15k if i browsed biz a year earlier

>> No.20382182
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>i h-have 100 LINK am I gonna make it??

No, no you're not. You may get enough to buy a brand new car and that's about it

>> No.20382220

You can now invest like 50k into the next promising project.

>> No.20382232

came over from pol this weekend and 90 was all I could afford atm, gonna buy more as I get more money in

>> No.20382234

Fucking same. I just 2 months ago spent $1.5k on VR and pc upgrades. What a fucking waste. I could have a significantly larger stack had I just looked at /biz/ more often

>> No.20382276
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You were not born to make it, you were born to be a LINK mercenary funded by the OG LINK marines

>> No.20382278

Good luck cashing out.

>> No.20382288
File: 276 KB, 991x1525, 316EE28F-0159-4F6D-A916-C7FEA3FF2CC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black man will lead

>> No.20382301

This basically. We're better off than most, and we'll still have a decent chunk of cash at the end of this.

t. 625 LINK linklet

>> No.20382396
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>tfw 6 LINK poorfag

>> No.20382429

keep buying king, you still have time

>> No.20382478

>sausage LINKS
jesus christ you have to go back

>> No.20382545

Don't expect to "make it" just want to pay for welding school my self. I'm happy with you guys making it big. I'd prefer 4chan millionaires to wall street millionaires.