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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20359652 No.20359652 [Reply] [Original]

Whats it like to be someone who had a large LINK stack and sold early?

I imagine some of you are in a dark place, please share your stories

>> No.20359686

Ask all the people who sold PNK in a few months.

>> No.20359724

Why do you fags keep invading LINK threads?
Stay in your containment threads, pajeet fuck.

>> No.20359736

Lol I misread that and thought it said "hold" not "sold". In which case I don't have a story.

>> No.20359764

I sold for fund. I’ll buy my 130k back soon

>> No.20359788

once 25k... now 2k...

>> No.20359794

you won't be able to afford it

>> No.20359811

You fucked up

>> No.20359814

how? Needed the cash for an emergency?

>> No.20359850

Never bought link but always wanted to. Even added to some of your troll threds on occasion.
Feels like absolute shit. I could have been flithy rich and Im Fomoing pretty bad rn :'''(

>> No.20359874

eat shit faggot

>> No.20359899

I spent 4k at 4 dollar. Sold it all after that stupid dip and spent 4k again at 7. Deleted coinbase from my phone and now plan to look at it only my desktop and once a week. I have 500 link now.

>> No.20359903

“trading” -.-

>> No.20359933

I had 200k once, only 65k now after chasing tons of shitcoins to little avail

Mixed feelings, I'm still going to make it ten times over but I would have been able to have dynasty-tier wealth if I'd just sat on my hands for three years.

>> No.20359957
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>> No.20359972

I had 58k and now I have zero.

It's fine cause other projects are mooning more than LINK but the LINK cult is too deluded to even notice. See LEND for example.

>> No.20359976

Sold 10k at 60c as well as all my other smaller positions
I'm a bit bummed out, but i've made peace with it. All in ETH now so i don't waste all my time playing shitcoin roulette

>> No.20360001

What's a large link stack?

>> No.20360017

Imagine you are about a year from retirement. You put your money into your 401k, you did all the good goy things, and then 2008 happens and you know it'll take a decade before you can even think about retiring now. Every year takes away another year of your life. Every year another year donated to the corporate machines that demand every ounce of your soul.
That's how it feels, I imagine. Knowing you could be sitting at home right now, enjoying a cup of whatever you want, at the pace you want. Except that's a dream interrupted by an alarmclock, time to go slave away, wagie.

>> No.20360054

Well, I exited the crypto markets just in right time during Q4 2017 bubble burst. I thought to myself that I leave 10,000 LINK and just let it sit there, just for the memes. I didn't and just checked that it's 7,2 euros now. It's fine, I already made my money.

>> No.20360057

If i didnt sell my link stack to help my family i would have 300k today. It would be alot of money for me. Lifes been hell since 11 so its nothing new really. Just hoping my next investments will save me. Happy for you guys though.

>> No.20360093

>help family
>life punishes you for it
God has a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.20360158

No good deed goes unpunished. Think about all those people who fought for civil rights, only to be mugged by wild animals the moment they turn their back.
Life is shit. Make money.

>> No.20360211

i unironically lost half a million usd in link on the black thursday Corona crash.

leverage is not a meme. the only way i cope(d) is by telling myself it truly was a black swan event.

(what's worse is I'm clawing it back by leveraging more link rn...and it's working so far)

AMA i guess

>> No.20360262

i bought link at a dollar and sold at a dollar a few days later, nothing new I also bought bitcoin at $300 and used it to buy weed on the dw

>> No.20360287
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I don't blame myself for selling the entire economy should of come to a halt with worldwide lockdowns how the fuck anythings mooning i don't know.


>> No.20360297

Jesus, talk about self sabotage.

>> No.20360309

I know someone personally that I told about link. He bought 18k links at under $2 and all of a sudden sold 75% of his stack at 4.70 thinking it's at near all time high and 2nd lockdown is near.

He got cocky on the gains and stopped listening to my advice and this was the result.

>> No.20360332

You woulda passed 1 mil by now

>> No.20360334

It sucks but since I still have 400ish k I still have more money than all of you

>> No.20360362


>> No.20360363

had 40k stinkies.
sold it for shitcoins back in 2018.
i have a 10k suicide stack so i'm fine i guess

>> No.20360385

How much you are in debt now bro?

>> No.20360413

you fucking idiot. the next black swan is going to wreck you again

>> No.20360420

Lol think about all those people fought in civil war only for nation to be degenerate

>> No.20360454


The biggest larp here. 130k link is over a million usd. Funds daily volume is around 50k per day. Not a hope lol

>> No.20360514

same, except i blew 30k on lavish vacations n shiet. oh well. 10k is still pretty cool

>> No.20360529

>Sold 33% of my stack
>Price went up 20%
>Buy back
>Swear I'll never swing again
This was back in 2018 and I've been sober ever since. That $1000 mistake almost cost me millions.

>> No.20360560


fuck you buddy

>> No.20360600

None of you will probably believe me, but that's alright. I bitch about it almost every night on steam to my mates. I was online on some stupid bb.com forum the day that BTC came out, I spend £500 that day. BTC was honestly, not more than £10. I still have the laptop I bought it on, it's corrupt and I haven't ever tried to get it fixed. God knows the wallet I got for it, I think, maybe it was Electrum.

Then, having came here for memes, I got eth around $30. I used to work on a ship, so I couldn't buy when I was at sea, but I used 90% of my salary for it. Sold all my eth for quite a good profit at $1000. (£700 ish iirc)

then, I put everything in link when the first couple of threads came out, can't remember when. Probably2017/18? Long time ago. At one point, I had over 400k link. I spent Almost all of my salary every month on it, convincing myself that I wasn't going to miss this one, and that I would hold forever. I sold most of it down to 20k in November last year when it crabbed around 4 cause I wanted to buy a house for my folks/gran. You have no idea how much it pains me knowing that I could potentially have had fucking billions. and just now, millions.

But I had to at that time. I'm not in the acceptance stage fully yet. But I'm sure with enough crystals and Jesus I'll get there. At least, at the very very least, my family has a house paid off and I am secure. But goddamn, knowing I could get generational wealth is kinda sucky.

>> No.20360652

My peak was 34k, so I wouldn't be retired now. I feel pretty numb at this point. I didn't actually want to sell. I had to sell late last year when it had dipped low. I was pretty dark for quite a while. I still have 2.4k and I'm ok now. Some days I still think about how close I'd be right now, but then I just remember that fate would've found a way to fuck me in some other potentially more cruel way.

>> No.20360701

Sold 20K at $1 and blew it fml

>> No.20360702

>None of you will probably believe me, but that's alright. I bitch about it almost every night on steam to my mates. I was online on some stupid bb.com forum the day that BTC came out, I spend £500 that day. BTC was honestly, not more than £10. I still have the laptop I bought it on, it's corrupt and I haven't ever tried to get it fixed. God knows the wallet I got for it, I think, maybe it was Electrum.
Why don't you have data recovery experts attempt to fix it? supervised of course

>> No.20360742
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Poorfag here. Had a suicide stack of 666 for shits and gigs at ~1.20. sold at 4.5. to buy a new outboard with profits. Not too upset because $25 is a meme. Bagholders will unload on normies around $10 thinking that it's going to the moon. Gonna get the word out that link is a white supremacist coin and MSM is gonna run with it. No microsoft, no google, no amazon, no swift. Nobody will want to partner with nazis in this political climate. Sorry fags

>> No.20360769

Sold 500k at 60 cents. Kept a small amount. Feels bad man.

>> No.20360774

Honestly, just never tried. i was never in such a financial state that i had to try that. but, it was/is one hell of a lesson to me that you need to keep your keys/code. even if they did manage to fix the hd. it wouldn't matter, because that was more than 10 years ago and i was probably using some stupid fucking passoword back then

>> No.20360784


He sold more than the bare minimum needed to prep.

I kick myself for selling 10%. Imagine fully cashing out lmfao.

>> No.20360799

had 100k, lost 30k swinging swore to never swing then sold corona crash all of it and bought back very late that I only have 10k now

>> No.20360800

I'll recover it for a 10% finder's fee.

>> No.20360839

>it’s everyone’s fault but mine
you’ll stay poor

>> No.20360880

none thank god, using link as collateral for leveraged positions

yeah brobably, let's hope not

>> No.20360888

Sour grapes.
in order to make it with ANY investment you have to HODL and forget about it for years. YEARS.
>but why not trade too?
You will make a mistake or sell too early.
HODL. Fuckstick.
ref: me. rich from stocks and crypto

>> No.20360904
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>Honestly, just never tried. i was never in such a financial state that i had to try that. but, it was/is one hell of a lesson to me that you need to keep your keys/code. even if they did manage to fix the hd. it wouldn't matter, because that was more than 10 years ago and i was probably using some stupid fucking passoword back then
You're crazy man go into chrome/firefox advanced settings/passwords reveal all the other old passwords you had for sites around that time write them all out.
Are you sure it's even your hard drive if it's your motherboard it's easy as fuck to recover just place the drive in a dock and browse the files.
I used to browse misc too was a great place until faggot mods ruined it.

>> No.20360909

That’s good bro.
I bet you already passed a mil with your current stack anyway

>> No.20360923

Jesus anon. That loss boggles the mind.

>> No.20360930

sad part is you COULD still make it but you will fuck it up and sell early again

>> No.20360940

Trips of bitter truth hear.
Bitter, bitter ass truth. Paper hands will never win.

>> No.20360958

anything over 1k is a nice suicide stack .. 10k is make it stack

>> No.20360975

Lol i don't think firefox/chrome was around then. honestly can't remember. it's a mac pro and the hdd doesn't boot up.

yeah man, old misc was great. just think, i was one of the og's in the originial business threads there lol. don't even lift nowadays, just focus on getting family straight.. they're getting old

>> No.20360985

Where’s the Faggot anon that sold at the bottom of the corona meme? Saying it’s all over cuz 90 year olds were dying.

>> No.20361000

What part of "I had to sell" did you miss you illiterate fuck? I didn't lose it trading, and I didn't ask for your stupid advice or pity. OP asked a question, so I shared.

>> No.20361014

put 20k usd worth of link and 20k usd worth of ETH to the statera balancer pool that got hacked.

>> No.20361039

Had 80 k sold for btc. Bought around 20 k worth of cocaine over a few months on empire. Lost the rest in crash and swinging.

>> No.20361043

And the value would be like 120-150k right now.

>> No.20361124
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>All in ETH now
hey smooth brain, let me help you out a little bit. LINK is $8. ETH is 240$. That's a 30x difference. What's more likely, LINK $240 or ETH $7200? This is your last chance, choose wisely.

>> No.20361216

thanks fren, almost there....that 500k loss was half the stack :'(

>> No.20361263

I leveraged your victim/loser mindset story to spread knowledge for the greater good.
Reading between the lines, you invested what you couldn't afford to lose.
Another easy one.
Good luck out there.

>> No.20361855

LINK is so important to the financial elite that they don't care if racists get rich from it. Besides you act like /biz/ are the only ones who hold LINK. Sergey has nothing to do with /biz/.

Consider getting into cycling bro. That's what I did. It's much more fun than lifting while still allowing me to stay /fit/ and set/accomplish goals for myself.

>> No.20362073

Very nice cope, we're still steadily progressing up coinmarketcap

>> No.20362089

I had 40k at one point I sold it when it hit 1.2 to buy a new vehicle. Then with the remaining i our that into Tesla at $250, I sold Tesla at $325 when Elon smashed the window in the cyber truck. I moved that into silver/gold I got 1000oz silver . I’m basically done Speculating past the silver stuff, as it’s not for me and will now play the long term boomer gains game in index funds. Maybe silver goes above $100.

>> No.20362212
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i'm sorry fren, one day you'll make it. life is short, some link holders probably died in the last 3 years, some will die crashing their new lambos, thats just how it is and atleast you tried to helpe your family which is worth more than whatever amount of money

>> No.20362232

Similar boat. 400k to 40k from shitcoins. Good times.

>> No.20362325

LINK is directly correlated to ETH price, so that guy will be fine

>> No.20362488

Once again you're wrong. I could afford to lose it before circumstances changed. Keep larping from your mom's basement jackass.

>> No.20362508

Had 20k link, bought in at 0.2-0.3$ sold at 3$…

>> No.20362521

Based and kek

>> No.20362578
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When that happened I just bought more link and reduced my average.

>> No.20362684

I had 25,000 links and sold it for deepbrain chain and then it tanked. I wanted to double up and buy more links.

Literally was going to take out money and buy back my position but my mother in law told me to stop gambling as I had a new kid on the way.

I guess, fist nigger fucked me over pretty hard. Lesson learnt is you can never trust a chink such a deepbrain chain.

I guess alternative, my parents turned $1 million into ten million, closed deal last yr.

>> No.20362771

>Literally was going to take out money and buy back my position but my mother in law told me to stop gambling as I had a new kid on the way.
Lmao imagine listening to women and faltering.