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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20289078 No.20289078 [Reply] [Original]

How many chainlink do you need to hold to retire by 2025

>> No.20289093


>> No.20289112


>> No.20289125


>> No.20289128


>> No.20289136

i dont know, but by 2026 you need like 13 LINK

>> No.20289143

200.000 Chainlink

>> No.20289152

The javascript has been hacked and now all LINK nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.

But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes, Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline

LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.

The price will TANK to at least 100 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.

Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network. This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet. Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.

>> No.20289161

1 LINK will be enough to sustain a small African country for a year

>> No.20289177

Unironically 1.

>> No.20289179

source of this?

>> No.20289180

Realistically? 50k

>> No.20289182

Maybe not even that much

>> No.20289201

They're keeping it under wraps but you can see what's really going on if you look at the most recent updates on the github.

>> No.20289239

oh buddy..

>> No.20289245

I am a programmer and I know a FOR loop when I see one.

Abandon ship, I took out mine

>> No.20289263

thanks just sold my stack of this scam

>> No.20289264

This. Just swing it.

>> No.20289282
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you cant see it???

>> No.20289291

which commits?

>> No.20289297

programmer here. thanks for pointing out the for loop. its legit. just dumped all my LP and LINK

>> No.20289303

2025? Only 10

>> No.20289314

For{x <= 1000, print LinkToken}

Literally a line of code from the white paper. Can't believe anyone is buying this scam

>> No.20289318


>> No.20289329

All these no-link sadfags. Can't even prove your buillshit.

>> No.20289332

pretty good FUD.


>> No.20289372

Based. How many LINKS are you holding? How long will you hold for?

>> No.20289412

Mate, I owned 23k LINK, just sold them all(go check the binance order book, you should see my sell peak)

The evidence is all here https://smartcontract.com/for-while-principle as >>20289314 points out. If you are getting 404'd they probably deleted it already as they dont want people catching on.

So long LINK, thanks for the memes and money I guess

>> No.20289453

wow i just checked this out on github and then dumped my stack
im disappointed that its not the 4th industrial revolution but ill take the $300k i just got from being in since 2017
thank god for 4chan letting me get out before the crash

>> No.20289454

Not selling lmao

>> No.20289468

yeah, the ponzi is over but at least we managed to make some good money on it

>> No.20289496

Just 1

>> No.20289591


>> No.20289820
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Tasty 2020 FUD.

>> No.20289851

10, if you're planning on retiring with $10 to your name.

>> No.20289861


>> No.20289898

So what's the target, swingies?

>> No.20289906


>> No.20289912


>> No.20289942

I'm just trying to help fren, I already sold.

>> No.20290001


New fud. This will scare the newfags into selling.

>> No.20290033
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>> No.20290089

Literally shaking right now
As a senior developer I know that even junior devs have been trained to avoid FOR loops at all costs. This is literally a money printing exit scam for the creators of this coin.

>> No.20290101


>> No.20290118

not selling.

>> No.20290150

Someone post the $81,000 time traveler picture

>> No.20290169

When link rises to BTC current marketcap, price per unit is 300.

Just imagine a coin with insanely low supply reaching 170B marketcap. For example, XBC would be over 1 million dollars per coin LOL

Hory sheet. You guys love maths or what?

>> No.20290170

continuing current trajectory something like 500

>> No.20290491
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>> No.20290576


>> No.20290592

About tree fiddy

>> No.20290651

you mean the shitty inspect element that didnt remove the dead shitcoins?

>> No.20290663

Yes that's the one

>> No.20290668

This FUD has been around for a couple years lol.

>> No.20290679


>> No.20290731


>> No.20290809

Me rikey maths. I give you guys even moar! So ETH has over 111 Million in circ and rose up to over 1000 per unit during the 17 bull! So stinky linky has like 5x that same amount to even with ETH ATH were talkin over 200 buckaroos for 1 freakin LINK! And we know link is the next evolution, better than ETH!

>> No.20290964
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can you imagine a time where when people say they have 100 link they will be considered LARPs?

>> No.20291022

I dream of it every night. I dream of the day I will walk into work, secretly a millionaire, and the same people who talked about bitcoin when it was in 5 figure territory are going to say shit like
>"Hey, did you hear about this chainlink?"
>"I bought 1.5 chainlink today."
>"Is it really going to keep going up?"
Then I will quietly sell and once tax season is over and all my funds are settled, quit and never work again.

>> No.20291464
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Is this realistic though? I have 50 link, and plan on getting more on the next dip. When will my 50 link be valued at 1 million dollars?

>> No.20291475


>> No.20291494

At 50 link no it's not realistic.
Heck even my pisspoor stack of 4000 isn't exactly realistic but at least I admit it's a dream not my sole financial strategy.

>> No.20291539

Pajeet copypasta. Same shitskin that made this thread >>20289853
Don't fall for its scummy lies. This pest will scam you in a heartbeat given the chance.

>> No.20291701

>Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process.

I saw this on the github list of updates. I actualy sold more than half of my stack and will dump it into ampl instead.
If Sergey can gets his shit togother I am selling all of it.

>> No.20291893
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>> No.20292620

4000 would be valued at 4 million dollars