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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20282001 No.20282001 [Reply] [Original]

I helped my brother pay for his wedding 3 years ago when I was in a better financial situation. I was just hospitalized for 2 weeks and it's really put me in a pickle. I asked him if I could borrow some money and he sounded disgusted and said "why don't you sell some of your crypto money?" And I was like man I did already. But it's not even about the money at this point. I just feel like shit.

Pic related it's the only thing I hold other than 40 link

>> No.20282082

Just don't pay the medical bills

>> No.20282084

If you have 40 link just sell them for $81,000 apiece EOY and you're finr

>> No.20282215

How bad is it though? Won't that tank my jew number?
I wish this was true man. I need anything bro

>> No.20282263

Collections won't do anything for several months if you just block their calls and ignore as long as possible. Then you might have to settle later on worst case.

>> No.20282293

Would they take me to court over 11k? Wouldn't that add on even more expenses ? I feel like I'm just fucked

>> No.20282306

If you drag it on until settlement then you negotiate what you can afford to pay and cut the expenses down

>> No.20282316

Thank you so much man. I really really appreciate it.

>> No.20282347

Yeah man no problem. Don't sweat it.

>> No.20282357

This isn't going to ruin my life forever is it? I genuinely think it's so humiliating to have this kind of debt piled on top of an already rough health situation.

>> No.20282376

Dude if you live in America 11k in medical bills is nothing. Land of the free home of the debt.

>> No.20282379

Nigga I never paid my medical bills. Nothing ever happened to me. Millions of niggers and illegal have bigger bills than you. You think they go after everyone?
Lmao healthcare is an overpriced scam. I went to the ER for observation once for 2 hours. And I got charged 4k dollars.

>> No.20282380

just move out of the shithole country you're living in

>> No.20282397

America is a shithole man. And thanks guys. You made me feel a lot better tonight. I really hope that link does well in the future cause I'd love to have some kind of financial freedom again.

>> No.20282424

Good luck man and hope your health improves soon

>> No.20282427
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Imagine being a burger in burgerland

>> No.20282440

Best wishes to you fren.
Don't imagine it. It fuckn sucks