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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2026493 No.2026493 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw bitcoin is at $1525.

>> No.2026502
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>tfw sold 20 at $450

>> No.2026503

>tfw bought 2 at $512

>> No.2026511
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Why is it 1590 on coinbase?
Is it getting gox'd?

>> No.2026516

>tfw sold out at $1001
I thought it would crash immediately.

>> No.2026519

That's what I'm worried about now.

>> No.2026522

It's called the spread.

Buying back in at $1300-$1500 using my ETH gainz.

Still not quite 20BTC, like 7BTC.

>> No.2026527
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It will go straight to $1800. Then 2k. Then 10k before Dec. Screencap this.

>> No.2026533

100 billion market cap by December.. I don't think that is very realistic desu.

>> No.2026535

Thats a pretty big spread though.

>> No.2026537

200 billion*

>> No.2026546

>tfw had 100 BTC, sold at $600
>tfw had 300 ETH, sold at $10

some of us are poor and needed money

>> No.2026571

That's a lot of profit taking. What did you cash it out for? A Lexus?

Do you still own any crypto?

>> No.2026578

Fuck all you guys, this is my story.
>Be 22 and poor.
>Hear about this exciting thing could bitcoin, costs jsut $20 a coin. You could use it to buy drugs!
>You buy it through this old magic the gathering site called MT Gox.
>Send Mt Gox $100
>Put $50 on Bitcoin, jsut keep the other $50 in MT gox cos price might go down.
>Have 2.5 bit coins
>Send 2 to your wallet thingy.
>forget about it.
>years pass

>Silk Road is in the news!
>He tried to kill a guy
>Fuck what's bitcoin worth?
>Wait a minute where's my wallet?
>HDD failure 18 months prior, it's fucking gone
>Ahh fuckit

>more time passes
>Mt Gox is in the news. Something about fraud?
>Fuck I should logon to my account there.
>Find old notebook with password written down in pencil
>I need some fucking dongle thingy?
>Ok order one?
>What they're in Japan?
>Dongle finally arrives.
>Phew, I'll get onto that
>The next day they are declared bankrupt and shut down.
>More time passes
>Get mysterious japanese letter in the mail
>Eh, guess it's some MT Gox shit, Oh well.
>more time passes
>Stumble across the Japan letter,
>Notice serrated edge on it that I didn't see before.
>Tear open
>English translation inside
>I might still be able to get my money!
>Follow instructions.
>Missed last day of claimants by 7 days.

This shit just isn't for me. I made a a couple of hundred bucks on ETH over the last 6 months but I sold out and it doubled in vlaue the next day. Fuck this.

Oh yeah I'm like 30 now.

>> No.2026591

Really because its gone up more than one billion in the past day, and a couple hundred days to go until december...

>> No.2026592

stop throwing fucking money away

>> No.2026593

If you got some stocks or fiat laying around just get back in. Fiat is dying and my old gold stack literally lost value since I bought them 3 years ago.

I just went and sold 5oz of gold for 6000, and I bought them for 6150. I lost $150 in two years.

Utterly wortless trash, had I use that money to buy BTC 3 years ago, I would be damn near a millionare now.

Fuck PM, they are manipulated heavily with paper contracts by (((them))) and no one know when (((they))) will let up.

>> No.2026594

And ETH went up about a billion today.. That logic doesn't add up.

>> No.2026596

I sold 50 for 15$ back in the time

>> No.2026597

For you

>> No.2026601

Fiat is not dying don't be a retard

>> No.2026602

Next major drop I will. I want either to drop at least 25% from where they are today so I don't feel like I'm walking into a trap.
I'm also hesitant because currently my employment is a bit precarious (low pay and casual contract) so I'm not in the mood to take big risks when I'm only jsut paying the bills with my cashflow.

I do have about $2000 in cash and $11k in stocks.

>> No.2026619

Dying in a sense that it continues to lose value. Couple that with inflation and cost of living increases?

Worthless toilet papers, ever since it's lost gold backing by the jews.

>> No.2026622

>11k stocks
Id suggest to put all in BTC, ETH and LTC

>> No.2026623

this famalam
do it immediately

>> No.2026629

Ok. It'll take a couple of days to clear out of Acorns.

>> No.2026642
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Mah nigga

>> No.2026661

tfw btc, eth and pivx

i feel a bit like a meme but i think it'll be ok in the end

>> No.2026742

Gold is only a good buy if you're a pawn shop owner who doesn't mind ripping people off, or a mail in service, or if you're selling paranoia. In a disaster scenario, bullets, guns, medicine, & food are worth way more than gold. If you are in SHTF, no one needs gold.

>> No.2026754
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I own eth and pivx too

Little bit of xem and golem

We will make it anon-kun

>> No.2026756
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>tfw a btc could change my shitty life
>tfw never had the chance to buy them when they were 1$ <

>> No.2026786

I wish bitcoin had went from 0.001 to 1000$ since 2009 or at least 2010.
Maybe I could have saved the entertainment industry to suck less and be less infested with talentless hacks and hipster sjw idiots with bad taste.

But 2014 is already 4 years into the decade.

I heard of bitcoin like I heard of Kickstarter and Pewdiepie, but no Paypal, not 18 years old, no camera and good microphone and good PC.
So I thought that BTC won't be available for me either. I didn't know that I could mine 300 btc a day with just my shitty intel duo core

>> No.2026827

I feel your pain, could have change my life considering the fact that even 100$ means a lot in my country.

>> No.2026898

t. $253 minimun wage

>> No.2026901

Where do you live? That's what I earn per month in my part time job.

>> No.2026907

what the FUCK i earn that much a day and i have a 'shitty' job in finland

>> No.2026909


These faggots are using you to fuel the false economy of these "coins"

>You buy in, you can make 10000%!!

You buy in you buy into a scam
Your only chance to make a profit is to convince even stupider newfags to buy in over you.


Post in all coin threads

>> No.2026914

/biz/ has zero impact
there are far too many big players in on this
even if everyone on 4chan either spent their savings on ETH or cashed out everything, the price would still keep climbing

>> No.2026916

My country is a shithole.. Living mostly on ramen but I hope it'll get better after college.

>> No.2026921

what country my man?
i almost feel sorry for you. gimme yo address and i might drop you some BTC

>> No.2026926 [DELETED] 

Romania, if you want to throw me a bone I'd be more than grateful. 16GuxQtuLRkT4Xo6QE4PdjHqfuU76vqXRq

>> No.2026932

>Big players

Bigger scamers than you?

KYS coiner shill

>> No.2026961

Brazil, the minimun wage here is $253 (8hours work per day)

>> No.2026977

But that is what i earn per month.
The minimun wage here is about 900 BRL ($253)

>> No.2026989

It's hard anon, I understand you completely.

>> No.2026999
File: 1.98 MB, 1051x9709, ItHasntEvenBegunYet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again.

>> No.2027000

nice ID tho

>> No.2027015

It is the best ID for my country hahaha

>> No.2027024
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I am thinking. It's not going up a billion dollars a day. Kek

>> No.2027035

actually the market capitalization of crypto just increased by 2 billion in a day.

>> No.2027036
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That is why i must create a 1 Trillion company.
I might be a monkey, but this monkey has great dreams, and dreams are what moves the world.

>> No.2027039


>> No.2027076

That's $600,000 in btc. I felt pain from reading your post

>> No.2027079

You still made some nice gains from it, it could have been 0. Enjoy it.

>> No.2027082


>> No.2027097

You're a fucking retard m8 fuck off

>> No.2027119

How do you figure? 100 btc would be worth approx $150k today, 300 eth would be worth approx $24k.

That's $175k. Not a small amount of money, but certainly not almost a million.

>> No.2027144

Oh I'm retarded, thought I read "600 Btc"

>> No.2027483

Can someone explain to me how it grew so much?
It was 500-600 last year

>> No.2027621

I like your mentality. You call yourself a monkey but you have the attitude that most men lack.

>> No.2027632

Sold at 550

Woe is me

>> No.2027761

> that minimum wage
>that id

>> No.2027798

I hope you are ready to say that again in 10 years when you could have in your wallet.

>> No.2027824
File: 1.00 MB, 245x205, iwant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this is always in hindsight.
>Should've bought Apple when it just came on the market.
But nooo, that won't become someting, it's sure to fail they said.
>Should've robbed that asshole from his 100k when I had the chance.
No, no don't do it, he's your friend! (haven't spoken to him in over a decade, guy doesn't give a shit about me)
> Should've taken that promotion when i had the chance.
Nah i can do better at that other job ( loses job within a year because the manager's cousin needed a damn job.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It's useless to ponder on these things, except to try and learn a bit from your faulty thoughts.

In the end these memecoins are a gamble, although watching the graphs lately I am slowly pondering on just trying to 'fuck' with it for 1k. There is a method to this madness...or so it seems.

If you lose it, screw it. If you gain, keep on trucking till that bubble bursts.

>> No.2029244

>Should've robbed that asshole from his 100k when I had the chance
Way to go nigger.

>> No.2029260
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NEETs will become moguls just like Rockefeller

>> No.2029351

tfw used BTC to buy drugs in college when they were only 15 bucks a pop

I never expected them to reach 1k or else I would have stocked up then.

>> No.2029405
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tfw bought $500 worth of btc before the boom.
trade a little, eventually i have 30BTC.
Price keeps going up.
Oh shit, its now worth $1200 a pop!
I could soon afford a house for this!
Mtgox happens, crash, panic, sloppy trading, end up with 4BTC left.
Buy heroin for it all, now no btc.
Now watch price reach new all time high every day.

>> No.2029498
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Like yo mom's butt checks.

>> No.2029543
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>tfw first heard about bitcoin when it was $.02 per coin, thought about buying like $20 worth in case it hit a crazy value (like a whole $1/coin) but decided I didn't want to give financial information to any exchanges, not worth the risk

>tempted again when they were $5/coin, but figured it was already at a crazy unreasonable high, I had missed the boat, etc.

>tempted again at $100/coin, but decided to wait until the price dropped back down a bit, instead it jumped to $1000

>started buying a bunch of alt coins thinking there was no way I'd miss the next train, lost my ass

>finally ended up buying a single bitcoin at $450, has tripled in price

>bought 40 ethereum at $10 each, still sitting on those

It's crazy, I've made a couple thousand dollars this week from doing nothing, I should be ecstatic, but instead all I can think about is the millions of dollars I could have had if I didn't second guess myself years ago.

>> No.2029548


You whore. There will be another train that will present itself just as BTC did. Just don't be a faggot when it happens.

>> No.2029552

I second guess my shit all day.

I could've made sooo much more this last month if I didn't have weak hands.

>> No.2029556
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>tfw you cashed out a significant amount of bitcoin for gold bullion at 1610

>> No.2029591
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This is true but I understand there is to be concern about how to identify the son of God when he arrives.

Like, we don't have an old testament prophecy to determine the rightful successor to King BTC.

Or do we?

t. BTC, ETH, PIVX, GNT, BAY, etc.

>> No.2029600

GNT got boooooosted
I don't see it mooning any further for a while.

>> No.2029620


I've been holding thousands since it was about 8k sats. I'm feeling very good about GNT.

>> No.2029631

what site?

>> No.2029926
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Just thought of a bright side for all the people here hating themselves for missing the boat.

I know of one guy who was easily a bitcoin millionaire, he was telling people about them when they were worth well under a dollar, and he was collecting them like crazy selling people in-game items for bitcoin back when they were like $5 each (he ran an emulated EQ server)

Anyway, while we are all sitting here living as poor folks who missed a golden opportunity, he actually seized the opportunity...but then died before it exploded. So y'know, missing the boat sucks, but hopping on the boat then dying before it reaches its destination would be worse, right?

>> No.2029934

Alright bubbles popped back to $0 don't get caught holding the bag

>> No.2029936

Damn, how'd he die? Did his family get anything from his buttcoins?

>> No.2030199
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>implying bitcoin is about to die

>> No.2030211

It could be worse...
>2013 BTC is around £77
A guy I knew got fronted £3000 to transfer into BTC, to use on darknet.
>The vendor burned him, never sent the shit.
>BTC stolen, and still owed his front.
I dunno what happend to him

>> No.2030307

$2114AUD, I want to buy, I wish I bought last year. Have I missed the boat forever? I could've really used a 230% gain this year.

>> No.2030309


>> No.2030322


>buy 1 million dogecoin in 2013 in case it moons (dogecoins were like ur shitty beancoins but far more widespread and hyped)
>doge crashes
>fuck it ill just let em sit on the exchange
>3 years later
>crypto going to the moon
>welp time to finally cash out my dumb meme coins
>exchange shut down, they ran off with everyones coins

oh well.

>> No.2030346

>i'm on biz for the memes and frog pictures
>not in it to use money to make more money
Stay poor.

>> No.2030388

>Should've robbed that asshole from his 100k when I had the chance.


>> No.2030398


u gotta say fuck it to being above average. either become a king or accept ur fate as a permapeasant

>> No.2031497

I made like 2 million doge's using free credit from Azure, sold near the peak and then day traded all of it into oblivion
Good times
I think I still have some of it on Bter, but I lost the 2FA and I haven't sent them my ID

>> No.2031545

I'm sorry for you, but you should always withdraw your coins immediatly to your wallet.

>> No.2031619

IIRC I first heard about bitcoin circa 2011 sometime. Googled a little info & found some website selling hobbyist electrical components, like a $.05 cent transistor or some shit for a btc or 2.

Even as an IT guy I remember thinking: "This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. Magic internet money and a bunch of uber nerds trading useless junk with it..."

Closed the browser and never thought of btc again til I heard about it on the news sometime in 2013 or 14.

MFW I could have pissed $100 at btc just for shiggies and be a fucking multimillionaire right now.

>> No.2031629
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I bought an ounce of mexican brick weed off the road back in 2012 for like 20 BTC and now look where we are.

Was some shit weed too damn.

>> No.2032850
File: 12 KB, 240x180, 240px-PHOTOS_IGOR_GRICHKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a time traveler who got killed by the time police for illegal transline profit-based transactions. Nothing to see here

>> No.2032859

Provident Metals probably

>> No.2032941

Heard about bitcoin when it was about $1-5.
> Nice ideea, but big finance will never let it become a thing.
> I should get some to buy weed anyway. Or try that mining thing, free weed.
> Nah, too complicated.

>> No.2032953
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It was at 1600 but crashed. Coiners BTFO.

>holding stupid crypto monopoly money that crashes all the time

>> No.2032967
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still better than 10K BTC PIZZA

>> No.2032998
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>BTC up $200 in a week

>> No.2033218

I was being ironic you brainlet.