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20254756 No.20254756 [Reply] [Original]

So I just saw something about a V2? Somebody said swap my V1 for V2? How do I go about that?

>> No.20254778

You just get fucked in your pajeet ass

>> No.20255045

Why is no one talking about this? Are there that many people that missed this 10x+ from a few weeks ago?

Also why is v2 20c cheaper. Honestly I just bought this at a whim, not a second of research. Is this it? Sell my v1?

>> No.20255240

you can swap v1 for 30% more v2 for the next few hours, people are arbitraging it. Over the next week or so it will moon as rewards get fades out

>> No.20255363

How? Where do I do this?

>> No.20255451


I have metamask on firefox why can't I access the web 3 switch site.

>> No.20255701

worked for me idk

>> No.20255767

Do I do this on their website? Or Uniswap?

>> No.20255805

all info here

Token swap here:

>> No.20255830

Thank you!!!

>> No.20255996

hoax swap.
you'd better off just sell

>> No.20256127


Violentmonkey was conflicting.

>> No.20256602

good old fashion monkey fight

>> No.20256757

Thanks a lot, fren. I just switched and got the 30% bonus.

/biz might be full of monkeys, but it's great to see there are people like you around.
Thanks again.

>> No.20256778

Use chrome

>> No.20256800

Yeah I love dudes like him. This board is generally pretty helpful, shitposting faggots aside.

On a side note, I’m considering buying a bunch of V1 and swapping it for V2. Seems logical V2 will moon for awhile.

>> No.20257564

DO NOT SWAP. The v2 is going to dump hard tonight. Hold V1 for a few days until it comes back up!

>> No.20257687

Too late. I already did it.

>> No.20257793

too late anon, most of the circulating supply was already swapped at 30%. only 600k left to swap last time I checked. people that buy buidl were too smart not to take advantage of the swap bonus

>> No.20257906

this. if you already swapped it's best to sell now. this will dump hard, probably tonight but Sunday by the latest.

>> No.20258045

Why is it going to dump? Everybody keeps saying that but with no reasoning as to why.

>> No.20258092
File: 78 KB, 608x604, 1514330376901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because if you don't swap then you get less coins, which means the supply is lower, which means their buidl v2's are worth more. the meme "always do the opposite of what /biz/ tell you" is actually right 90% of the time

>> No.20258108

I really don’t get why you don’t think it is logical to switch to V2 long term. The team is dropping support for V1. So why would I keep holding V1?

>> No.20258148
File: 31 KB, 633x758, 3C1A8F0B-47A4-4933-A196-EBE9B6E5A054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I’m just being really fucking braindead right now because I genuinely don’t understand.

>> No.20258172

Italian vapourware

>> No.20258182

>"always do the opposite of what /biz/ tell you" is actually right 90% of the time
That's the exact advice he should take for your post. It's actually disgusting how hard you are trying to false flag and convince this guy to keep the bags while you dump on him. At some point, enough is enough.

>> No.20258252
File: 90 KB, 700x372, 1 iHm-SQiZ3E1lVyCa-A6YIw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone telling you not to swap is trying to scam you
people that wait to swap get less coins
just look at this chart
now ask yourself why people who just made a 30% bonus would rather you get less than they do... greedy fucks aren't happy with a coin that will 200x so they need to try and scam people out of a few buidlees by swapping late... and for what? a few % less supply? literally who will care when we are rolling in lambos

>> No.20258451

It seems to make zero sense to me so either I’m fucking retarded or what they are saying makes zero sense.

>> No.20258508

you know how supply and demand works, right? there are two sets of coins now, v1 and v2. v1 is going to be useless very soon, so there will be no demand. there WILL be demand for v2, which is being developed. so, the more people that hold v1 rather than swapping, the less supply of v2 there will be (i.e. less people get that sweet bonus). now, for the faggots on this board who swapped today for that sweet sweet bonus, they have every intention to get you to hold, because that reduces the supply of v2 and therefore makes them more money. if you want less v2 you can wait but honestly the only sensible thing to do is swap asap and hold your v2 for at least a week or two.

>> No.20258530

Either sell v1 or hodl v2. v1 gets no support from devs after august 1st.

>> No.20258659

old biddle mooning

>> No.20258894

Thanks anons, I was busy af this week and missed this announcement. I might need to trim the number of coins and tokens I hold bc I can't keep track of all of these kinds of developments on them all. Why wouldn't they just do an air drop for holders who can't pay close attention all of the time? ffs...

>> No.20258925

I know that feeling. with the governance change there will never be a token swap for buidl again which is nice

>> No.20259024

Ya I read that. It's definitely a good thing for this project. Seems like people get tunnel vision from living and breathing their professional lives 24/7 and forget most other people have a totally different experience in life from them. I know it's not exclusive to crypto devs but they often seem to fit that mold. Maybe setting up a notification for posts by all of the devs would help.

>> No.20259034


This isnt a hodl shitcoin.

Either you pay attention to the R&D for the general purpose protocol or you gtfo

>> No.20259069

sell v1 now and buy v2 at .45 once it dumps

>> No.20259301

so unprofessional to do this with 3 days warning. Holy shit I would be so mad if I was away or somehting

>> No.20259322

the swap lasts 45 days

>> No.20259467

You don't get the 30% bonus idiot. It's literally like the devs took away 30% of your buidl if you happened to be on vacation this week. Why the rush? Why not give 2 weeks notice AT LEAST. This is looking more and more like a scam every week

>> No.20259498

this, so many red flags.

>> No.20259548

do you know what the word "bonus" means? 30% is steep and I don't like these sorts of swaps if they aren't 100% needed, but having to swap coins 1:1 because you didn't look at your holdings for a week isn't a scam

>> No.20259955

If you're in the big players like BTC, ETH, LINK then buying and letting it sit makes sense.

But these are literally sub 5M marketcap coins in development...if you're this far into the crypto sphere you have to keep up with it

And like the other anon said: they're giving you a long window for a 1:1 swap

>> No.20260225

Most of the whales seem to have done the swap but theres still a lot of holders who haven't moved over yet. I think there is about 10 hours left to collect the full 30%.

>> No.20260792

wrong. most have switched and are dumping

>> No.20261069

v1 still has 409 holders

>> No.20261413
File: 62 KB, 483x486, DFOtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 8 hrs left to swap for a 30% bonus; this is a reward for active community members. This is not an investment vehicle being sold to speculators, it is a R&D project that is being experimenting with and adapted on as it develops.

This is the very nature of DFOs, they are "flexible" and designed to be upgradeable. To make every function of the DFO a microservice, including the token, a swap had to be done to decouple the dfo core from the token. Now every piece of the DFO is a modular SC-lego and every DFO can be independently upgraded and changed piecemeal while maintaining the governance tokens full functionality.

This is not a scam, it is a brilliant fucking project and if you are just learning about it or getting in to it right now, this is your lucky god damn day. You will never get this Buidl bonus again, this is a rare chance to join the gang with a very lucrative incentive.

>Countdown timer for 30% swap incentive (will revert to 20% for two days, then reduce again):


Read the explainer site: DFOhub.com
The weekly updates on medium will get you up to speed. Join the unofficial telegram and ask questions if you want to learn more/join the gang.

> Telegram: @BUIDL_Chat

It's a good day to BUIDL