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File: 691 KB, 1920x1080, It...is....real........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20210555 No.20210555 [Reply] [Original]


Yeah, boys. You wont get that footage in the Mainstream or Right-Wing or Alternative or ANY kind of media.
The last shot is form our Sun btw. Look at the objects beside. The "big" one is the brown dwarf and it pulls several planets with it. Call me SHIZO or whatever FUD you can pull out of your ass. The footage is real. They released Corona to pull the peoples eyes from the sky. The strange things happening with the magnetic field and extreme strange weather patterns. Its the brown dwarf thats fucking up our planet. And it comes closer every day. Good luck to us all....

>> No.20210743

Too be clear. The brown dwarf is in front of the sun and way closer to us. So it already affects our planet. Bad thing is that fucking piece of shit is coming in our direction...

>> No.20210899

I discovered this in 2011 leading up to the 2012 end of the world hype. This "star" or entity arrives and causes a global flood every 12,500~ years

>> No.20210920
File: 2.68 MB, 498x469, nervous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh kek wills

>> No.20211020


I don't know how you got out, but back to /x/ with you. Go on, get!

>> No.20211047


>> No.20211074

Is this why my schizo has been making me see Noah's Ark references everywhere?

>> No.20211090

Didn't read, not selling.

>> No.20211124
File: 76 KB, 750x755, 1589369673145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-hey man, you can tell us its all just a troll now.
fear of this cold, meaningless existence in space being easily wiped out in seconds is how I learned that existential dread is a real phenomena.

All while I was so close to making it.

>> No.20211142

Just get right with God and you'll still make it, anon.

>> No.20211167

I'm too vile, if hell is real I can't avoid it at this point. Cursing God was once a hobby for me.

>> No.20211201

God is love, he will always reward faith with forgiveness.

>> No.20211495

Yes, weather has been fucking WACKO. literally snowstorms in China, hailstorms in NYC, flooding, locusts, elephants dying en masse.


>> No.20211512

Don't care. How do I profit from this brown midget?

>> No.20211599

fuck lads. the world might be ending, but i love that i can see things like this from you guys before it all goes

>> No.20211621


>> No.20211929

>singularity happens
>24 hours later, total annihilation
>still not selling

>> No.20211982

>midget nigger ends humanity once and for all
we got too cocky bros

>> No.20211995


>> No.20212066

Corona also was used to keep people inside when atlas2020 was coming at us. It's weird how that comet flew for so long and didn't break up until it was close enough for us to film it.

>> No.20212075

Of course a brown entity would end humanity for fuck's sake.
Non-whites were a mistake.

>> No.20212091
File: 274 KB, 400x400, fribby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought he was a midget
I knew he was black, though

>> No.20212630


>Brown entity

Damn I tried to flush it down the toilet but it flew up in the sky

Sorry earth

>> No.20213400

Interesting. Tell us more

>> No.20213671

And let me guess, this flood is gonna happen this year right? Fucking shizos

>> No.20213846

I'm not super religious or anything, but the Bible literally states that God sent part of himself down from heaven to redeem all of humanity for their sins.
its never too late.

>> No.20213877
File: 39 KB, 252x343, 05C5E452-8393-4EBF-982D-750110DC38A8-2726-00000286E3FF4032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too vile
not true bro

>> No.20214007
File: 117 KB, 600x480, glp effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course a 480p YT video is the only footage anybody has conjured up so far.

>> No.20214019

Based and /biz/ed