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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.33 MB, 1700x1700, MRDN_BEATLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20210265 No.20210265 [Reply] [Original]

The AMA with the team went fantastic anons! new website is ready to launch. all the code for the Meridian vault is written on GitHub. you didn’t sell the bottom, did you?

>Where can i see the AMA?
telegram / meridiannetwork/16631
or discord

>Where can i see the newest article?

>Where can i see the litepaper?

>Medium article about litepaper

>Daily dev update
Minor adjustments, launch planning.



>Where do I see the price?

>TG Channels

>> No.20210267


A hybrid reward system incorporating a future DAO & Dapps
We’re an experimental hybrid staking & deflationary concept built to reward long term holders and dis-incentivise selling

>Extra incentives to hold
Stakers receive a 1% daily LOCK dividends. When others unstake, 5% of the penalty fee gets re-distributed to holders 10%. Burned when users unstake their LOCK.

>Increased scarcity through hyper-deflation
10% burned with each transaction. The inflation from staking is balanced out by a burn from the reserve pool.

>Future utility for holders
Major share of total supply locked for future DAO/Dapps implementation through community voting.

>Hybrid Reward Model
Stake your LOCK for interest & receive more LOCK when others unstake

>Flexible Staking Structure
Staking interest & burn rate will fluctuate each month to ensure demand for staking

>Deflationary Supply
10% of tokens burned with each transaction between wallets

>Future DAO/Dapps
Holders will be able to vote for reward schemes, incentives and future Dapps

>> No.20210282


>> No.20210322

a team that underpromises and over-delivers. The team had even said in their AMA that they plan to ramp up marketing really soon. this rocket is gonna fly. We haven't seen nothing yet. Get on now or stay poor

>> No.20210323
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We're gonna make it

>> No.20210324


>> No.20210341

Top tier audit firm coming up as well. Remember when STONK announced their Hacken audit? YUPPPP

>> No.20210353

Thanks for the info. Looking promising!

>> No.20210366



>> No.20210392

Where would you think MRDN will get listed next ? in the AMA they say they need 3 exchanges to classify for CMC and were looking into it

>> No.20210394

I smell 1$ this week

>> No.20210475
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Here's some more hype material anons:


They will make agreements with third party audit firms, lock the liquidity with a smart contract which will increase the trust hugely.

Highlights from AMA:

>Q: Can you open up little bit about your marketing plan for next couple months? How do you do it? (Using influencers, social media marketing, Google ads etc
>A: Yes, we’ll be doubling down on the social channels especially on twitter where the crypto community is most active. We’ll be producing infographics and other viral content for our community to be able to retweet and spread the word out. Re-targeting is definitely an option for us with Instagram, Facebook and Google. Influencers are being considered but we would like to choose the right influencer(s) to support our project. We want to avoid any possibility for pump & dumps. Our marketing efforts will be more focused on the product itself and the benefits to holders. This is all we can reveal at this point.

>Q: Hey guys will you be adding it to CoinMarketCap anytime soon? This will make it look more trustworthy and we can also start trending on there gaining more attention and users in return. Appreciate it, all the best!
>A: Of course! With CMC, we need 3 exchanges to qualify and so once we get one more exchange, we’ll definitely apply for CMC.

>Q: Who will be in charge of the auditing of the code?
>A: We’re now in final discussions with several top tier auditing firms. Once a deal is finalised, we will announce it as well as the outcome.

>Q: Will there be a referral system?
>A: It is one of the features currently under discussion for our DAO balancer pool.

>Q: Will you develop your own pool?
>A: The plan is to build a Balancer pool with tokens the team chooses, a DAO powered pool will be launched using votes from the community to choose pool tokens. More information will be available after staking is concluded.

>> No.20210514

We are climbing again guys. It's literally dump then ATH then dump and ATH again. We do this cycle every fucking time

>> No.20210553
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ok biz here is the real Meridian pill. Mark Landers is a UK agent funded by Vladimir Putin. Their goal is to liberate all the true neets through a psychological calling that only the true goyim neet could fully understand on a deep subconscious level. A project "for the people" before they step into the spotlight. The founders have many connections to the early Ethereum team & we know that one of their devs went to a top tier school in Ukraine, with a masters in economics. It would only make sense that they would be involved with defi. This might be a stretch, but I think the underlying goal is to liberate the neet to some sort of post-human colony, expose the big lie, & retake Antartica where the life energy coil is. (If you aren't familiar with the electromagnetic coil, then research Andrew Bird & Tesla's early writings).

>> No.20210564

Got in at .10. 20. 37 and now .29. It is never too late. Once this gets to 15 bucks I am quitting my job and moving to a lake house. Well maybe not quitting my job because this WFH shit is a piece of pie.

>> No.20210574

Realistically one of the mid tier exchanges, everything in due time but so much upside from here

>> No.20210588

Filling my fucking sacks now!!!!

>> No.20210622
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>> No.20210623

They only need 1 more. Already on Uniswap and Hotbit. They will lock the liquidity with LOCK token I think CMC will accept it.

>> No.20210810

Maybe IDEX? And then also announce that IDEX will support the token swap.

>> No.20210853 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20210858

Gonna be keeping an eye on this one. The AMA seemed pretty well done and gave some reassurance on what comes next

>> No.20210928
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>> No.20210942

Probably don't want to wait too long, just fyi. Price only went down because some whale(s) stupidly decided to dump now. When this thing takes off it goes up A LOT. I think we did over 20 cents in 24 hours two days ago. People on the sidelines are going to get priced out very quickly next time this pumps.

>> No.20210981

I'm fundamentally comfy

>> No.20211108
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>> No.20211263

Nigga, you need to git up, git out and git mrdn
Don't let the days of your life pass by
You need to git up, git out and git mrdn
Don't spend all your time tryin to get high
You need git up, git out and git mrdn
How will you make it if you never even try
You need to git up, git out and git mrdn
Cuz you and I got to do for you and I

>> No.20211706
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>> No.20211712
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about to hit a new ATH holy shit this is comfy

>> No.20211733
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lol we sent at the same time

>> No.20211753

The memes are replicating too fast

>> No.20211876
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>> No.20211887
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pls pump

this dumped way more than normal today

>> No.20212011

pussy, this is crypto

>> No.20212229

this will easily be $1 when meridian vault and lock swaps comes out. only 1.5m mc - best uniswap gem

>> No.20212261

this meme is fantastic, love demon days

>> No.20212312

When's that future seer?

>> No.20212479

Next two weeks

>> No.20212492

Two weeks and Imma be filthy rich

>> No.20212497

5 days and we’re at 1$

>> No.20212646

You do realize that if STA could get to .15 cents, then there is no way in hell that this can't get to $10. A year from now just watch. You anons will be either bathing in gold tub or still shitting in the same bathroom you are in now. The choice is yours but I made my bets.

>> No.20213094
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I'm never selling until we reach double digits. See you all in paradise.

>> No.20213134


>> No.20213280


>> No.20213404

Is 1500 enough, don’t wanna liquidate my other positions to add more

>> No.20213452

to make it? probably not
what else are you holding fren?

>> No.20213463

I'm in the same boat, hopefully it's a good enough start

>> No.20213513

Mostly AAVE, ADA and BNT

>> No.20213629

hm yeah, those seem like nice bags. I like AAVE & ADA. maybe BNT? I don't know much about BNT so definitely don't let me persuade you. MRDN will probably go to at least $1 soon, so it could 5-10x your position on one of those.

>> No.20213657

Depends on how much you're holding in your other positions, but honestly most projects aren't having the kind of growth this is right now. Obviously we had the correction, but that should be expected with anything that pumps. Main point is that this/LOCK is going to explode soon, so you have to decide the risk/reward, but I made mine and am already up thousands.

>> No.20213740
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Pretty pumped for what's to come. This is on my long hold list.

>> No.20214074

the team said they're in it for the long haul, godspeed

>> No.20214161

we are gonna make it !

>> No.20214184

the support around here is fuckin unbelievable. my body is ready for MRDN. we're going to the fucking moon. last chance to load your bags

>> No.20214297
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>> No.20214347

A week or less before we have to switch over to LOCK memes

>> No.20214375
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>> No.20214772

MRDN m00000000000000000000000000000000000000000n

>> No.20214897

Feels good to finally feel like I found something that isn't gonna screw me over, here's to us going to the top!

>> No.20214987

it'll be interesting to see what memes form from lock some of these mrdn memes crack me up.

indeed anon, rugged too many times? are you holding any other bags?

>> No.20215080

Looks like we reached a nice support level after the rallies from the past few days.

Were just getting ready to fly again.

>> No.20215136

for sure, i think .27-.30 seems like a good support zone. imo, friday will be bullish

>> No.20215254
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50c on Fri

>> No.20215315

fud af

$2 Friday evening by 8pm EST or I'll kill myself.

>> No.20215768

Comfy on this

AMA was triggered, updates flow, community is strong...

Never to late to get into this gem

>> No.20215950

MRDN super comfy rn