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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2020684 No.2020684 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential finance and business related books to read /biz/?

>> No.2020697

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill IS the only book you will ever need not related to your career

>> No.2020736

Pick one first. They are not the same thing.

Do you want to do Finance or Business?

The only one I can think of that crosses over is Principles by Ray Dalio, he's one of the world's most successful Hedge Fund Managers

>> No.2020747
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Is pic related any good or are all of them just memes?

>> No.2020748
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>> No.2020756

Depends what you want to learn anon?
Seems okay, I haven't read 90% of the stuff on there though, especially the self help shit like Dale Carnige which I'm convinced is written for Autismos. I'd recommend reading Robert Cialdini's work over Carnige.

>> No.2020758
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>> No.2020761

Wait, I meant to say I'd avoid the self help shit, not especially I haven't read it.
Brain fart.

>> No.2020764

Sell me on them, what will I learn if I read 'em?

>> No.2020769

You'll learn how people are fucking idiots. They think they can predict randomness and uncertainty.

Very short book with a philosophical narrative about speculation. Will take 10 mins to read. And it's free online.

>> No.2020779

Thanks anon, Taleb's work has intrigued me for a long time.

And thanks for the link will read it after dinner.

>> No.2020795

Taleb's work is the best. Doesn't give any specific strategies, but gives examples of incorrect thinking and how you'll eventually get fucked for placing too much weight on statistical data.

>> No.2020937


what kind of weird black finance site is this

>> No.2020982

Thanks for answer, guess I'll browse them and skip self help books

>> No.2020994

rich dad poor dad if only bc it drops red pills left and right

>> No.2021092

No worries.

Actually I have a question about this, ages ago I read a interview with him where he says something like
>if the price of oil goes down, do I buy into oil futures? No. I buy the option on oil futures

Or something to that effect, I'll try and find the exact quote if it helps, but it just confused the fuck out of me. Because if I buy an option, then I have to pay for the option on top of the price of the future, right? Why don't I just buy it now?

I realize he's all about the time value of money, but I don't get it.

>> No.2021155
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my essential 6

>> No.2021166

Masters of Doom is 10/10

>> No.2021417

What the fuck is a Dostoevsky novel doing on that list?

>> No.2022536

Thank you

>> No.2022661

Trading and Exchanges if you actually want to learn how to trade. Should be a mandatory read for all traders IMO.

>> No.2022665
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>business related books

Here are a few of my favorite business books