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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20195350 No.20195350 [Reply] [Original]

I want to give you my 2 lovelaces. Please mind there is a lot of disinformation on /biz/ and a lot of the FUD comes from people with incentives to steer opinions of ADA away from it. Don't ever let anyone tell you the project is a vaporware, a scam, just a wallet or that ADA will lose because it has no first mover advantage.

>> No.20195380

The background of the Cardano project started with their own scientific, peer reviewed research. This has resulted in 60+ original research papers which define algorithms to operate exactly as they are intended and do it in a safe and secure manner. More can be found here: https://iohk.io/en/research/library/

The design of the whole ecosystem was fully formally specified at first https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_specification.. In short, this means the team designed the working fully upfront and noted the system as plain algebra. This was then implemented using Haskell.

Haskell is a functional programming language, which makes it more rigorous and less prone for hacking. As a functional programming language it *encourages* safer code due to the interaction between it's type system combined with the perks of it being a functional programming language.

These kind of languages are normally used in systems which cannot fail (nuclear powerplant, airospace engineering, financial operators on Wall St. etc.). Apart from exactly doing what programmers want it to do, it's extremely light and concise. The current node consists of just 30,000 lines of code, which would compare to 2 million lines of C+. See it more as one giant equation, than a "language" interpreted by a computer and hence prone for hacking.

But: in the end the programmers make the code safety of course. This makes Haskell a two edged sword, as the code encourages safety and the type of programmers writing the Haskell code are generally people from the aforementioned industries and more than often have a MSc/PhD in computer science.

>> No.20195405

IOG (iohk.io) uses a very thoughtful and high standard methodology driven by academic rigor that is unique to this industry to build Cardano which will very likely give the best results in the industry. They used a first principles approach and broke down the complicated problem (what a 3rd gen cryptocurrency/blockchain would be) into basic elements and then reassembled them and build from the ground up while learning from mostly Bitcoin and Ethereum and improving on them. They did all the research to solve certain problems (like making PoS as secure as Bitcoin) and wrote academic papers that went through academic peer review. And then they used formal methods (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_methods)) and Haskell to develop the product. They made it all opensource so everyone can check their work, use it and develop it further which only makes Cardano better and also had 3rd party audits done. This all to reach a high standard that they (we) think is needed for a cryptocurrency that stores billions of wealth and no other crypto is adhering to these high standards.

>> No.20195432
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Cardano fudders are all unironically sub 60 IQ brainlets that think the Earth is flat.

Just remember everytime you are talking with a Cardano fudder you are also talking to a flat earther.

>> No.20195440
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as long as pump i am happy, pump no dump. big green dildos, i love big green dildos.
cardano and litecoin will work together.

>> No.20195444

>Shelley - Staking

Then the PoS protocol: Ouroboros. This is provably just as secure as bitcoin, whilst consuming just 10 kW/h of power, instead of the whole consumption of Switzerland/Ecuador. Please mind this consumption of BTC will only increase with increased network load, and hence is not sustainable. But that is subject matter for another discussion. For users PoS brings a lot of benefits, as they earn between 6-10% profit (paid in ADA, so any future price rises are on top). Ouroboros supports about 1000 TPS. In the future, network capacity will be increased using a layer 2 solution, just like the lightning network: Hydra. In theory each stake pool (node) could operate it's Hydra head and you could have 1000 stake pools, making a theoretical 1,000,000 TPS. The use of a layer 2 solution has advantages over sharding (as proposed by ETH 2.0), because it is currently unclear to what extend sharding provides Byzantine resistance.

All rewards are paid by the algorithm, without pool operator interference. You also don't need to lock anything, and are free to spend any delegated ADA. You will only not receive any rewards on the spent ADA. Staking starts July 29 and has no minimal ADA requirement (0.8 for delegation fees).

>> No.20195456

nice blog faggot

>> No.20195476

can we get this post peer reviewed by academics please

>> No.20195491
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>Goguen - Smart contracts & native assets

After full decentralisation with Shelley, Goguen is next. Goguen is characterized by the use of Plutus. Plutus is a Haskell based smart contract language designed specifically for Cardano. ETH requires to design a token in Solidity, and deploy it using Javascript. This is overly complicated and creates a lot of potential liabilities (as demonstrated by the enormous amount of hacks/exploits). Everything is done using Plutus on Cardano, which makes rigorous and light smart contracts. One can also use Marlowe, a Cardano specific smart contract platform.

Native assets (such as ERC20) are also designed differently. Ethereum uses it's own network to pay for network fees of ERC20 tokens. The revolution proposed by Cardano is to pay the fees using the native asset. This is a lot less complicated, and prevents token designers to think about tokenomics. Please note: by staking ADA, one would also receive these native assets as rewards! By using the contracts and tokens, the value of the ADA increases. Not only by sheer Tx-fees, but also the value of the platform itself.

Input Output Global and Waves have pledged 20 million USD to bring developers into the system. Proposals, though, need to be voted on by the community.

Native assets will be launched within 120 days, and smart contracts within 150 days. Please see this post for the more elaborate planning: https://forum.cardano.org/t/goguen-roll-out-plan/35348

>> No.20195516

>Voltaire - On chain governance
For a system to be fully decentralised, decision making by the community needs to be enabled. Voltaire enable ADA holders to cast their votes proportionally to the amount they are holding. The voting testnet is going live in July. After that people will be able to submit ballots with Cardano Improvements Proposals (CIP). The community will then vote on CIPs and decide for the project where to go next.

>ADA and DEFI in Africa
ADA mainly focusses on bringing the 1 billion unbanked into the financial systems. About 80% of Africa is under 30 years of age. Apart from the huge economic potential, these youngsters are acquainted with electronic systems and will easily convert to mobile based blockchain.

This 7 min youtube video explains the application of DEFI in Africa and its huge potential really well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MJIrOs5Ij8

By providing a digital identity on a government based level will enable the people to access financial products. Imagine being an Ethiopian coffee farmer in need of fertilizer. I think Charles mentioned is a 20% fee on these micro loans, and 95% payback ratio. Imagine bundling these into tranches, and selling them to Goldman Sachs etc. Everything is then settled by the ledger. You reckon Goldman would like these products?

You can visit this website if you want a demo of Atala Prism, the ID provider: https://www.atalaprism.io/

>> No.20195518

green dildos make me cum

>> No.20195545

General website: https://cardano.org/

Technical documentation: https://docs.cardano.org/

Marlowe Playground: https://alpha.marlowe.iohkdev.io/

Cardano roadmap, and updates: https://roadmap.cardano.org/en/status-updates/

Cardano technical updates (daily/ weekly commits): cardanoupdates.com

Full recap of the Cardano Summit: Shelley edition: https://www.ubivent.com/register/cardanovirtualsummit (This features 90+ lectures on all ADA related busines, touching on general topics, science, the community and business. Apart from the technical talk, and voting implementations it included extremely intersting debates of CEO Coinbase & Binance UK on where the cryptocurrency space should go and the role of exchanges and a huge brain breaker by Stephen Wolfram.)

>Regarding the point on first mover's argument.
I can try, but will never tell it as as eloquently as Charles: please watch this 12 min fragment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbwpr5TXXzE

>> No.20195570

charles so eloquent such leader, make big green dildos, sucky sucky frens

>> No.20195588

Can you do a blog post on the lack of network effects and how nobody but shitty old New Balance and Beefchain (kek) expressed even the slightest interest in this project. Oh yeah, don’t you have the Government of Ethiopia too? Que the “muh smart contracts aren’t even live bro” rant.

>> No.20195597


>> No.20195635
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>> No.20195845
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For anyone viewing this thread. Cardano is trash. Nobody gives a shit about a half dozen research papers and some africans that cant maintain a well. Reddit retard bagholders trying to cope their backbreaking ada bags.

Look at eth partners and you'll see the future. If you're looking at eth killers in 2020 you're missing the golden goose that is the next big thing: decentralized data and machine learning blackchain

>> No.20195877
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Cardano is cope.

>> No.20195909
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Cardano is chasing last decade's lightning.

>> No.20195924
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I found the faggot who thinks the earth is flat.

>> No.20195943

Honestly until Cardano is number 4 or 3 these fags aint gonna respect it.

>> No.20195968

I'd give it about 2 - 3 weeks

>> No.20196031

>IOHK joins Hyperledger


>> No.20196116

This is sheer cope by that fat fuck Charles lmao. Even the interviewer is laughing at his arrogance. Have Microsoft and Ernst Young actively building on ETH and encouraging other enterprises to build on it while you are pumped about Beefchain and the country of Africa kek. It should be painfully clear that ETH is the chosen public settlement layer. EU is using it, Visa using it, Microsoft/EY using it, IBM, Intel, TaoBao, SF Express all using it. The list is endless at this point. But by all means, continue to believe Beefchain and Ethiopia will save you. Top kek

>> No.20196223

"Sheer cope"

It's a one hour video dipshit. You responded in less than four minutes, From your feedback it's clear that you only watched the first minute intro before coming to a conclusion that's already predetermined and subjective.

You are a fucking moron who probably bought the top at $1 and sold the bottom at $0.02

>> No.20196363

>you dont back my horse so you must be a retard at trading my horse

>> No.20196368

>EU is using it, Visa using it, Microsoft/EY using it, IBM, Intel, TaoBao, SF Express all using it
You mean experimenting

Beefchain is, to my knowledge, the only blockchain project supported by the USDA.

>Africa and Ethiopia

>> No.20196455

>thinking niggers are going to pump cardano

>> No.20196750


Emilios Avgouleas holds the International Banking Law and Finance Chair at the University of Edinburgh, and is the founding director of the Edinburgh LLM in International Banking Law and Finance. Emilios is currently a visiting research professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong (HKU), and a senior fellow and visiting professor at the LUISS School of European Political Economy, Rome. Between 2008 and 2017 he served, at different times, as a distinguished visiting professor, visiting professor, visiting professorial fellow and senior research scholar at Yale Law School, Harvard Law School, National University of Singapore, Hong Kong University, Duke Law School, CUPL (China-Europe School of Law), and the Athens University of Economics and Business. Emilios is a leading international expert on public policy and financial reform, banking theory, banking and capital markets regulation, law and finance, and global economic governance. His current technology-related research focuses on derivatives and securities markets’ infrastructure. With Professor A. Kiayias he develops models for the use of blockchain technology to lower transaction costs, enhance investor control over their investments, and optimize risk management in financial markets, as well as examining the impact of such innovations on financial market governance and systemic risk distribution.

>> No.20197262
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>Everything on oracle pools

>> No.20197297


>> No.20197372

definitely not experimenting. they are using it you cardano-cuck retard. just google the EEA

>> No.20197395

Its a scam and vaporware. Does not even have smart contracts after all this years. Kek. Proof of stake is obviously garbage

>> No.20197465
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and here's where you get your asshole ripped right out by none other than charles hilself. kek

>> No.20197539
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>half dozen research papers
it's somewhere between 60-80 actually
>nobody cares
and yet the ouroboros paper has been cited over 800 times and stanford has produced nakpmoto proof of stake as an attempt to extend and improve upon ouroboros
>complains about leddit
uses leddit spacing

>> No.20197544

you guys sound like a brainwashed cult obsessed with your leader. enjoy the gains but for fucks sake, cardano is not even close to ethereum right now. just come back to reality

>> No.20197611
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>>complains about leddit
>uses leddit spacing

>> No.20197618

I dont usually shill or fud because im not shitcoin peddler like anons here (chad bitmex trader since 2017) but this anon is kinda right.
I have 0 stake in eth or cardano but can use my head and how the fuck they win this battle when every day new eth adoption going on around us?
OP Im not sure scientific, peer reviewed research got palce in software industry, specially crypto, yes cardano code is clean and some of names working for cardano are top tire but this is suposed to be messy, organic and community driven what exacly eth is, thats how they wasted 3 years on dead end plazma only to stumble on awsome zk rollup/sync (wich cardano can hardly use due UTX/UTXo bitcoin like model and not accounting model etc)
Also this>>20195545
>>Regarding the point on first mover's argument.
>I can try, but will never tell it as as eloquently as Charles: please watch this 12 min fragment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbwpr5TXXzE [Embed]
This is just lol and makes 0 sense noone is competing with hw companyes this is about value layer of internet
Havin sad this im long cardano till end of the year, I know you wont listen but just dont be one left holding bags in few years dude

>> No.20197632
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>butthurt of the most intense sort

>> No.20197674

Also this AMA videos you all post are fucking omega crynge hopium coolaid lol

>> No.20197714


You can't even speak English. How can you contribute anything to a debate if nobody can understand what you are saying.

>> No.20197749

VeChain, Cardano and Arweave going to Coinbase listing in this order. Cap this.

>> No.20197768


plain english enough?

>> No.20197824
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and as they experience the shittiness, expense, sluggishbess and lack of security inherent to the ethereum blockchain, they will decide that they couldn't possibly look elsewhere for superior solutions. mmmkay

>> No.20197828
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>> No.20197860

Sorry pal.
Still couldn't understand you.
Could you say it again this time in english.

>> No.20197861

Personally don't care what maggot-ridden boomer companies work with eth, if you have ever worked within one of those global, prestigious whale corpses you lose all respect.

Haskell is the true language. Every "Coder" without a (good) STEM degree hates it, every smart guy worships it. The world would be so much better and advanced if we could just drop old, ineffient , shitty tech, and ofc the stakeholders of the past will be slow to do that. Does not matter, am still accumulating. But look to the past decades and tell me that never happens.

>> No.20197878

>he didn't see the presentation on plutus and marlowe at the cardano summit
>he doesn't know
you can use plutus and marlowe right now anon. they will be rolling that into mainnet in the next 120 days. what will your cope barrative be then?

>> No.20197895

they already have zk-rollups and implementing sharding

>> No.20197897
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You guys know this isn't a free market, best man wins kind of environment right?

>> No.20197906

>he has no argument

>> No.20197911

You can't even run an website where you trade imaginary cats on Ethereum without clogging the network.

>> No.20197915

easily $3 next bullrun

>> No.20197924

ADA gonna pop