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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20192870 No.20192870 [Reply] [Original]

>police finally caught on
>they are interrogating people from my neighborhood
ffuck bros what the fuck do i do?
will it attract attention to me if i move?

>> No.20193066

What did you do??

>> No.20193141
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what did you do

>> No.20193282
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BRUH give us the DEETz

>> No.20193313
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i started growing weed like you retards told me

>> No.20193334

everyone knows it you whos been shitting in the streets. they are just gathering witnesses and dna evidence aka "brown bagging it". youre fucked

>> No.20193348

You brainlet fuckwit. Growing weed is hardly a serious crime you fucking looser.

>> No.20193404

hahahahahahahahaha i bet you faggot forgot to filter the smell.

>> No.20193415

we didn't tell you to grow weed you idiot we told you to be an indoor rancher

>> No.20193444

Burn everything

>> No.20193447

If they're interviewing your neighbors, they already know it was you. They just want witnesses and a timeframe.

>> No.20193488

Agreed. My advice, quietly leave tonight at like 2 AM, never return home again. Start a new life as a ladyboy named Sandra.

>> No.20193493

It might. What's important is that you will not under any circumstances speak to the police without a lawyer. Understand that.

>> No.20193535

Unrelated. It's something else we don't go door to door for weed. We use helicopter s with heat sensors. They would just break down your door.

>> No.20193558

Just refuse to comment on anything.

If you don't give them any info they can't do shit.

>> No.20193589

lol just flush or burn your plants. ez pz no stress

>> No.20193667

Met Police in London kicked my door in during 2013, 15 officers, CID, and a two big vans outside. It was a huge raid and they caught me with like 20 ounces. At the police station I admitted to everything, said it was only for personal use and received a police caution. British police are a fucking joke

>> No.20193860

kekd chekd and OP is rekt

>> No.20193944

Imagine getting arrested for gardening

>> No.20193976

hahahhahhahahah the smell n smoke tho

>> No.20194070

lmao, you for real buoy? No criminal record? Just bureaucratic punishment?

>> No.20194100

Are you diejobu

>> No.20194176

exactly this

which is why lots of dealers grow it underneath a swimming pool, the water shields it from sensors

>> No.20194229

yeah it appears on my criminal record. But it's classified as a caution. Not serious at all. Not only that the rehabilitation of offenders act means that the crime is classified as a spent conviction meaning employers cannot discriminate against me because of that charge. They have to treat me the same way as somebody with a clean record.

>> No.20194236


This advice is blatantly false.

T. Been arrested for felony possession + intent to distribute + maintaining a dwelling

>> No.20194285
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Move your stuff asap. Hopefully you have a contact that can take it off your hands. If they actually have a warrant they will likely do an early hours raid without warning.

When you do get arrest DO NOT SAY ANYTHING.

Watch this if you haven't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE

If you are in the UK your right to silence isn't the same. If you have to account for evidence, give only a response in writing on advice from legal counsel.

Buy some Chainlink before you go to jail.

>> No.20194300
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Lmao drugs man!

>> No.20194311

Dude, you're fucked. Your whole life is going to be fucked now. Why the fuck did you do this?

>> No.20194356

yes, burning his crop of weed is sure to attract no attention

>> No.20194375

Growing is the same as possession.

>> No.20194426 [DELETED] 

green text police stories?

>> No.20194464

You are paranoid. Just dont fuck up the electricity bill. And dont tell anyone. Easy as that.

>> No.20194466

We're farming shrimp not weed, faggot.

>> No.20194470

green text police stories?

>> No.20195042

Hope you don't live in a 3rd world shithole, like America. You they have the highest prison population.

You'll be fine if you're in the 1st world

>> No.20195135

It's worse, manufacturing with intent to distribute is always a felony and in many states carries minimum sentences of 5+ years

>> No.20195225

np, just burn it all up in your backyard. If they ask you what you're burning, you just tell them it's leafs bro

>> No.20195282

Why do you faggots always pretend that shit like prostitution and weed is legal everywhere outside the US? These things are almost universally illegal except of some EU countries and Asian 3rd world shitholes who try to export these things in form of e.g. sex tourism. You'd really come to believe prostitution and weed is legal everywhere outside the USA. Do you actually believe this or have you been this brainwashed?

>> No.20195304
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>> No.20195307

This is an indoor rancher board. Cows, chicken fish and shrimp only.

>> No.20195387

It's the US thst spread the illegality of it worldwide though. It shouldnt be illegal. And these countries serve alcohol...

>> No.20195473

Shut the fuck up faggot, 420 blaze it from Amsterdam. Fuck a hooker in the ass, rail some coke of her ass and smoke a legal joint it might calm you down a bit

>> No.20195501

we told you to raise shrimp and buy chainlink how did you fuck up this bad

>> No.20195523

>Why do you faggots always pretend that shit like prostitution and weed is legal everywhere outside the US?
I never said that.
I didn't finish the rest of your post, it's obvious you're an arrogant American.
You've shown how dumb you are by bring up prostitution.
Try leaving your state, it will help you figuring out how the world works

>> No.20195626

Should've just stuck to one plant for personal use, not grow the Amazon retard.

>> No.20195630

Bury it

>> No.20195696



>> No.20195719

Depends on the state
some states will still throw the book at you

>> No.20195742

Prostitution is mostly legal in Europe. Or illegal but no one cares to prosecute

>> No.20195758

Maybe you should stop jerking off to little kids in the playground behind the jungle gym you perv

>> No.20195810

Just sit down at your desk and act normally you have nothing to worry about.
Why did /biz/ tell you to start growing weed?

>> No.20195878

this is a primarily american board, and normalfags are obsessed with both weed and pretending they're oppressed

>> No.20195923
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Dont worry. Prostate stimulation is not gay. But doing it with shitty plastic dildos is not that great. What you want is the real thing. Basically me and my friend take turns stimulating each others' prostate with our dicks, while watching (straight) porn. It's really no different from buddyfapping, where you jack off each other while watching porn. That feels much better too since it's a stranger's hand.
Anyway, we both like girls and we have a girlfriend so we're 100% straight, but each Sunday we go to a Hotel to jack off to some lesbo porn or something and then hammer each others' prostates until we cum like 10 times each. We both tried pegging with our girlfriends, but I can't even get hard like that, the plastic is just not the same.

>> No.20195940

Get that shit out of your house. Now. They’re in the process of gathering PC for a search warrant

>> No.20195962

but do they? how would you know? should get that thing sealed regardless until it's completely legal

>> No.20196103

you better hurry up and smoke it all.

>> No.20196148

>brb filtering power usage

>> No.20196158

How far away from harvesting are you?

>> No.20196232


The obvious answer is to have an old computer sitting in your living room hooked up to a power timer. When the police come knocking and talking about a "weird" power pattern you point over to your computer and say you mine some shitcoin during certain times of the day.

>> No.20196237

Just sell opiates. I make 150-200k a year give or take, and barely have to leave the house, only see like 6 different people too.

>> No.20196253

>get arrested and thrown in the pokey before golden bullrun
>link goes to 2k
>cant sell
>goes back down to 4 dollars

>> No.20196320

burn it all, retard. You want to do this is soembody else's vacant land, those hiden by walls.

>> No.20196331

Funny,I JUST ran into my old mate who is in between 2 year terms for dealing fenatyl.

>> No.20196366

Well obviously don't get caught. If you only see the same people consistently you'll be fine. Hardest part is establishing a few solid regulars, I got lucky as I picked up my parents customers. Also don't be on them, if you're managing your own habit you're going to get careless and make stupid decisions to support that.

>> No.20196377

Post proof

>> No.20196394

idk good luck op, remember the burden of proof is on them, dont say a word. this shit shouldnt even be illegal anyway. my opinion is even if you dont smoke pot, youre a faggot if you think any plant should be illegal.

>> No.20196432

tfw we are in fact undercover fbi agents and you just confessed, nothin personnel kid

>> No.20196439

agreed. same with any chemical.

>> No.20196569

Play the black card and if they arrest you say you can’t breath. If they arrest you and if it is serious your should shut the fuck up and look over the 5th amendment. If they try to say whatever links you to the case just deny deny deny, that simple. Unless witnesses are testifying against you kek

>> No.20197025

Smoke it all as fast as you can.

>> No.20197242

this exact thought process stopped me from committing a crime today.

>> No.20197420

Nah probably been dumping nutes down the drain. That'll get ya

>> No.20197510
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Digits confirm

>> No.20197956


You're a retard. What the OP is doing is entirely illegal in Amsterdam. In fact while it is legal in some US states, it is illegal in the whole of the Netherlands.

>> No.20198269

Lol where the fuck do you live that growing weed is illegal?

>> No.20198411

Kek my sides. I fucking miss that show so much bros.