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20181792 No.20181792 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to get your first post-college job?

>> No.20181862

Interviewed on a Thursday, started the next Monday. Shit pay but it was related to my degree: STEM is only partially a meme

>> No.20181899

3 months

>> No.20181921

>going to college

>> No.20181943

Hd a job when I graduated, then got fired 9 months later. That was 3 years ago to the month now and I'm still looking for a new position.

>> No.20181986
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I didn't finish college, just started working after my semester due to a friend. Job kind of sucks, it's IT for local government, I make 40k a year pre tax.
Wondering if I should have just finished school. Trying to get my CCNA and Net+.
Its all so tiresome bros...

>> No.20182025

very active within my department’s professional organization. i secured paid internships each summer up until my senior year related to my field, and received a job offer post-grad after that year’s fall career fair my uni held.

it was work but i stayed on top of shit constantly. the goal of a post-grad career was always in front of me. stay on top of your shit and college isn’t a meme.

>> No.20182083


I do IT for local government, too. You don't like your job? I get great benefits, 40 paid days off per year, and make about the same (40k). I love it, but will probably try to move onto something bigger and better next year.

>> No.20182138

Same, 3 months for me of sending about 3 resumes/day. Had interviews with about 5 different companies before getting an offer, accepted the first one I was given.

>> No.20182183

I had a job waiting for me as soon as I got licensed.

>> No.20182204

3 weeks after graduation, mechanical engineering degree

>> No.20182233

fired for what?

>> No.20182595

degree in engineering. had a job locked in months before graduation. had four positions in 19 months. switched companies making 100k a year out of school. go to school for stem or stay poor. oh and buy link. peepee. poopoo.

>> No.20182684

about a month, mech eng, I hated the job but it required my degree and I was being forced into soul crushing manual labor otherwise

>> No.20182704

Senior year went to career fair and get a job interview. Thanks STEM. From there it's been doing a balance of the bare minimum while at times doing heavy lifting. From there slowly sending out resumes to reach positions until one hits and move to the next company.

>> No.20182727

Jesus fucking Christ I should kill myself, there's a million of me

>> No.20182830

It took me 3 years. Realized my degree was worthless without the internships I was supposed to take and had no connections so couldn't find anything related to my program. So I self taught myself web and mobile dev and finally found a junior programming role after 3 solid years of learning online, building apps for my portfolio, etc.

>> No.20182853

Rack up experience and certs. Do some projects and you can make bank in IT. School sucks

>> No.20182891

Was an intern during final semester (BSME), got hired full time pretty much the week after I graduated. It sucks fucking shit and I’ve been stuck here ever since (almost 2 years). Salaries for my major are fucking trash unless you go to oil and gas, I should have done computer science. Software buddies work from home for 4hrs a day and make double what I make.

>> No.20182952

3 years no joke in 2013. I was fired after 3 months though.

>> No.20183028

kek I make 155k with a GED and a few military-related certifications
oh and I collect 1k a month disability too for 'ptsd'
suck it nerds

>> No.20183077

And you’re proud of yourself because of this?

>> No.20183093

I had to sell door to door for three years before I got a comfy job

>> No.20183158

What do you do army boy?

>> No.20183201
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I took a semester off college to do a 7 month paid co-op with them (engineering) and was given a job offer in my junior year of college, which I took. 85k starting salary right outta college. My advice? Firm handshake

>> No.20183211


>> No.20183318


>> No.20183774

had mine lined up before graduating, still have a few weeks at home before starting, did a recruiting interview event for mechE on my campus a few months ago and got the job that way. I tend to do better in interviews when I don't practice or think about it beforehand, just be honest and speak your mind about the job (actually told them about failures I experienced during school and how I was overcoming them at that point) and ask questions about the interviewers and their experiences, how they like or don't like the job, how the local area is, etc. for the "what are your strengths" question I say I'm good at finding out what I need when I don't know the answer myself (ie who to ask when you're stuck, which resources/manuals to look through). works for me since it sounds a lot more genuine this way than practicing generic responses. however like a lot of anons in the thread, it took about 3-4 months of doing interviews (one in which I had to drive out of state to go to the site and do an orientation essentially competing against other college seniors, never heard back until I called and asked HR about it), got 3 offers and did 5 interviews total, applied to about 10 places.
there is some truth to the firm handshake meme, and what I mean by it is simply introducing yourself to recruiters or other people within the company and ask them about the job. even linkedin can work when you message alumni from your own school and ask them about their experiences, they can lead to other connections down the road

>> No.20184043

same boat, I fucking rage every day that my shitty fucking piece of shit highschool didn't have the funding to teach us even a little bit of computer science, fuck my dumbass town

>> No.20184181

I made it myself by doing webdev shit with wordpress, dropshipping counterfeit shit on ebay (back before all these faggots are going on about it.)

2008 was a great year.

>> No.20184235
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I graduated a year ago, I did small jobs and grinded up 10k LINK. I then quit my job because I felt I had enough LINK that I should be able to Make it without some fucking nigger telling me what to do every day and having to get out of my bed. I will never work for another individual and instead what I will do is just run my own business that is basically just funneling my chainlink Passive income into myself.

>> No.20184871

post college job? people actually go to college? i'm a professional EPIC accumulator sir.

>> No.20184900

First legit job in the industry? About 9 months. And only because my friend from college practically told the company he was at to hire me for an open position.

>> No.20185126

That's what I went to school for only to find out that I hate it.

>> No.20185132

Got internship in a foreign country straight after graduation. I literally finished my final exam and packed my stuff and headed for the airport that day. Cut my internship short after I got a full-time offer in ANOTHER based country. Put all my money into LEND and 3 years after my graduation I retired.

>> No.20185151

What would you do if say link crashed to $2 tomorrow.