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20135141 No.20135141 [Reply] [Original]

Just received my first LINK dividends having bought into LP yesterday.

Feels comfy knowing the dividends will take off over time and I will have access to premium nodes with limited LINK supply. Staking returns will likely be 10-50x what the likes of coinbase offer, if coinbase even do offer staking.

>> No.20135143

Cool now fuck off newfag

>> No.20135153

So you received 0.001 LINK?
Congrats anon

>> No.20135174

LP has virtually no skin in the game, and their amazing staking system was set up by one guy... I think somehow coinbase will be able to compete if it ever becomes necessary.

>> No.20135179
File: 21 KB, 886x400, Skärmavbild 2020-07-06 kl. 09.05.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is pretty based anon, just think about how few we are and how limited the supply actually is...

>> No.20135185

0.4 LINK

And it gets paid biweekly.

And we're just getting started. You just know that Linkpools revenue is only going to be on the way up as chainlink achieves adoption, not to mention their ethereum staking.

>> No.20135200

The LinkPool shill threads over the past couple of days have been pretty irritating. And I say this as one of the 186.

>> No.20135210

So how much LP did you buy? 1 LP? Lmao you could have had 2500 links for that you fucking idiot

>> No.20135227

>I think somehow coinbase will be able to compete if it ever becomes necessary

Thinking coinbase staking rewards will be anywhere near LP shows a fundamental misunderstanding of chainlink economics.

Let's just say for a moment that coinbase manages to copy LP and have similar nodes with a similar amount of revenue.

How many people will be looking to stake on coinbase? Most likely tens of thousands. And what cut will coinbase take from the staking rewards? Likely a very large cut. 50-75% I'm guessing. People who stake on coinbase will be doing so because they have no other option, and if coinbase does end up running nodes you can bet that they will be taking most of the gains for themselves. It doesn't matter if people complain, supply will simply exceed demand by a large margin no matter how much coinbase take.

Compare that to Linkpool where they have said about 75% of staking rewards will go to chainlink stakers. The remainder will go to Linkpool, which if you own LP tokens you will also get a cut of.

So we're talking about 10s of thousands receiving about 25% on coinbase vs 600 receiving 75% on LP... which means Linkpool staking will likely rewards 10-50x what coinbase does, if not more.

And this is all under the assumption that coinbase can just copy Linkpool and match their success, even though Linkpool are the largest chainlink node operator and have been in the game since 2017.

>> No.20135239

>No skin in the game
If there's ever any downtime, LP will pay the penalties, the stakers stack will be guaranteed 100%. I think that qualifies as skin in the game.

>Set up by one guy
Yes, and then extensively audited by multiple audit companies.
Coinbase will cand can compete but that does not mean LP is not the best link staking pool out there. Coinbase will attract the convenient dotards that don't know shit about crypto.

>> No.20135243

I'd rather have 15k LINK that I can stake in the best nodes around rather than having 17k LINK that I can't stake, or can only stake in lower quality, oversubscribed nodes.

I wouldn't be surprised if the LINK dividends + extra staking profits from holding LP eventually pay for the LINK I have sacrificed to buy LP.

>> No.20135265

if you're interested who is following who, coinbase literally copied jonnys design for their staking dapp

pretty sure LP will do just fine

>> No.20135312

Five words.


Are you finally starting to understand, NoLinkers?

>> No.20135358

Thinking of buying LP instead of link from now on, already got 16k link. Good idea?

>> No.20135364
File: 203 KB, 1080x1872, Screenshot_20200706_092906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also i just checked and you didnt buy 1 lp yesterday you fucking poorfag. You bought 0.04 LP and probably got like 0.007 link as dividends lmao

>> No.20135401

I would say building up to 1 LP would be a good idea from here. It'll let you start staking from day one which will let you passively increase your LINK stack. Bear in mind the 350m for node incentives. LP will probably be getting a large cut of that. It has the downside of diluting current LINK holders in order to benefit the eco system, but if you hold LP then you can avoid being diluted by being the one benefiting from those 350m.

>> No.20135406

Lol you know the same person can execute multiple orders, right? Calm down, kid

>> No.20135428

I thought yesterday was the 6th kek

>> No.20135605

You know you all sound like foreign call centre twats.

>> No.20135686

LP only has reputation with chainlink obsessives, they have lots to gain and barely anything to lose. Coinbase has a lot to lose. That is REAL skin in the game.

>> No.20135758

Still didn't answer how much LP you have. None of you fuckers ever give a number. Can anybody give me some goddamn numbers? How much LINK do you get, today, from owning a certain amount of LP? I'm unironically tempted to buy but the fact that nobody provides this makes the whole thing seem shady as fuck.

>> No.20135771

Anybody think they'll make LP a tradable ERC-20 at some point in the future?

>> No.20135776

I got 0.04LP and got around 0.01 LINK bi-weekly

>> No.20135791

I have 1 LP and it's ranged between 0.3 and 0.5 LINK per distribution.

>> No.20135798

Also. Check this contract which send link to all LP holders. Then copy the holder's address and view on stakeing.linkpool.io (they support view-only mode)

>> No.20135804


>> No.20135824

And there's 8 distributions per month?
So 4 Link per month. 48 per year. For a share that costs around 1800 Link. 2.6% a year. Wow. doesn't seem overpriced at all.

Top kek.

>> No.20135871

It's 2 a month, so far more overpriced currently, yes

>> No.20135885

No it's 2 distributions per month. You're a retard if you think the current price is based on the current distribution earnings.

>> No.20135889

I own 13k link and 0.52 LP, should I buy more LP?

>> No.20135904

Doesn't bi-weekly mean once every two weeks, so 2 distributions per month, which means an even worse divident percentage?

>> No.20135919

1LP to stake 10k link

>> No.20135930

Yes, LP has the potential to earn hundreds of millions in the future. But if I was a fudder I would say no and that you should even sell your 0.52. I will never understand people asking these questions. What the fuck kind of answer do you think you will get?

>> No.20135959
File: 180 KB, 1080x680, Screenshot_20200706_103817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too stupid to understand sentiment mining
Official info is pic related. So 10k per LP during the FIRST year. So probably more than 10k per LP after.

>> No.20136000

To add to this, 10 million link staked on linkpool would add up to 1% of total supply of link. I think linkpool will capture 2% of the market easily over the years, that would mean 20k link per LP

>> No.20136033

>Sentiment mining
Yeah sure good luck when there's no one that answers your fucking question. shut up

>> No.20136084

That is not overpriced.

>> No.20136173

I'll give credit where credit is due, thanks for the answers. I have an ETH or two to throw away anyways, so I might as well buy a fraction. If it turns out to be shit then oh well, I've still got plenty of LINK to make it with.

>> No.20136245

Good luck anon

>> No.20136408


>> No.20136520

I own 50k LINK and I would never consider using LP.

Running your own node isn't that hard, why would I make the horserimmer rich?

>> No.20136536

Where will you get the data to sell? What data are you gonna sell? Why should people choose your node over the countless other neet nodes?

>> No.20136633

You really think so? I think the LP threads consistently have the best discussion about staking mechanics and rewards. Just ignore the shilling part.

>> No.20137064

>a 9 million USD marketcap is overpriced
Your unit bias is showing anon. There is only ~1000 LP in circulation and most ICO buyers are not selling since they didn't know LP could be sold in the future. They bought for the passive revenue of NaaS and LP staking pools

>> No.20137452

Why risk which pool will win all the contracts when you can just buy more Link and let it sort it self out. Either way you will win. Staking rewards are a meme. You almost always get more appreciation in the actual coin itself.

>> No.20137538

>lets you stake in the best nodes
>is an appreciating token in itself
>gives you a cut of the entire LP revenue

It's not unreasonable to assume the value of LP will go up together with Link (as as so far been the case). LP just gives you additional benefits on top of that.

So to turn you question around; why risk NOT being able to stake in the most high-quality nodes around?

>> No.20137604

>It's not unreasonable to assume the value of LP will go up together with Link
Yeah I could see LP going up with Link, but its so expensive for just 1 LP token. Why spend that much while Link is still under $10. Your return is far better buying Link itself. Plus Link is the actual token being used for staking, more of that means you can earn more rewards staking. LP only works with LP. If need be I can just stake my link at another pool. You are centralizing your risk onto one pooling network. Way too early to do that.

>> No.20137831

>Your return is far better buying Link itself

This was my reasoning in 2018 as well. I changed my mind back when Linkpool was integrated in to the ecosystem by the CL team itself. That's when it went from being an ambitious project in to a "sure thing". It rises and falls with Link.

I wish you luck finding a pool that can compete with LP returns. No way to tell if there will be one. For me, knowing I can stake with LP from day one has brought me peace of mind.

>> No.20137884

>It rises and falls with Link.
What was the roi on Link vs LP since 2018?

>> No.20138005
File: 469 KB, 2048x937, Screenshot_20200706-215501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkpool ico was 1.4 LP per ETH
They're both pretty close in roi

>> No.20138059

>its so expensive for just 1LP token
this is the same braindead argument that the "Oh 1 bitcoin is so expensive! I'll just buy 10000 trx" people use. There are a total of FOUR THOUSAND LP tokens. THats including everything that LP owns. Obviously theyre worth a lot because the supply is super fucking small.

>> No.20138078

This also debunks the "Ico LP buyers are dumping on others" myth. We all know LP has always been compared to Link value. LP ico buyers sold Link in 2018 to get LP.

As the returns are pretty close to each other, no one is dumping on anyone. LP buyers have made a profit, but not compared to holding Link.

>> No.20138134
File: 160 KB, 948x1120, 20200706_220825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell your cunt

>> No.20138262

Its really easy. There are 4000 shares in total and the bi-weekly distribution has been around 1400 Link, which are equally distributed.
Note that this is just coming from one node that LP is running. In the future they will have hundreds of nodes staking tens of millions of Link.
On top of staking hundreds of thousands of ETH and those rewards will get distributed among shareholders aswell.
1 LP is unironically a make it stack.

>> No.20138313
File: 167 KB, 997x364, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro I made over 400 LINK in DIVS just from LINK3D in the past few days and this is just the beginning! LINKPOOL divs are babycakes compared to getting in early on LINK3D


>> No.20138340

>LP is so expensive I rather buy some single digit sat token
For the love of god could people please stop looking at nominal prices?
You probably also think that XRP is cheap below $0.20, disregarding its $8 billion market cap.
There are only 4000 LP shares so of course one LP is expensive, but the market cap is less than 1% of Chainlink's cap.

>> No.20138352

Fuck off with your scam.

>> No.20138548

I hold a few LP from the presale, the returns compared to what I invested are good when compared to most traditional dividends.
However the returns are currently a drop in the bucket compared to my link balance. I'm holding out for network expansion and staking to see how things change. I do know the team is immensely busy (and hiring), but the question is what are they busy on?
They are building additional revenue generating services, we know the chainlink team has multiple big partnership announcements tucked away but we need to see use trickle though the node.

The team also has a few people now, but the important thing is they've been building this service for a few years. Building capability and brand. Other companies can throw resources to mimic but they will be playing catchup.

>> No.20138754
File: 198 KB, 2264x860, 1593785245757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not even a dev bro. Prove its a scam? I ahve made extra link from it regularly ! much better returns than normie tier linkpool faggots

>> No.20138770

so you spent 9k to get $2.35

>> No.20138938
File: 768 KB, 1108x623, 16064 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made way more than that with significantly less in Link3D! Stay mad betas!

Getting in now is to ensure you will be a whale.

Its not to late.

>> No.20139625
File: 46 KB, 709x720, 1578362525176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part? The Linkpool dividends are payed out from the Chainlink team's incentive pool, so you're getting a bit of the supply that was not a part of the initial LINK sale.

>> No.20139643

No ones buying your scam you small dick street shitter

>> No.20139735

>Where will you get the data to sell? What data are you gonna sell? Why should people choose your node over the countless other neet nodes?

As someone who thought the same thing about scoffing over LP for running my own node, you're at a massive disadvantage as you're basically a NEET competing with other companies. These questions are important ones to think. Mainnet is loaded with nodes that have zero jobs. You gotta be in the know with connections and you really gotta know your stuff and have things setup iron tight if you want jobs.

Though things should be different when all the tools come into play when they release staking as then there is incentive and little risk involved in choosing unknown nodes. Perhaps we should be practicing now.

>> No.20139815

>This also debunks the "Ico LP buyers are dumping on others" myth
Top 10 ICO buyer here and I'M NOT FUCKING SELLING