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20132890 No.20132890 [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst job you've ever had?

>> No.20132977

I worked for a landscaping company. Had to work like a nigger and water pants and move trees around all day. Then I just started hiding in the back away from the customers. Some nigger baboon monkey lady harassed me one time because she got pissed off that I didn’t know where the lion garden statues were. Only good part was being outside. I got paid slave wages

>> No.20133246

I've worked in a rug manufacturing warehouse and that was absolute shit wrapping them in plastic then taping the ends all day. I also have worked in a chicken processing plant. Jobs like this were the only thing motivating me through school.

>> No.20133292

my first job- paperboy

have to buy your newspapers, take a loss if they get destroyed by rain or snow or animals, sell door-to-door subscriptions, go door-to-door to collect money, get up at 4:30 AM to wrap papers, and ride a bike around half the town delivering hundreds of papers as fast as possible before school starts. All for a bout $114 per month. Which my parents told me they were saving for when I moved out but actually spent on ice cream and hi-fi equipment.

it was ridiculously lame. I'm a bit sad newspapers aren't a thing anymore so you guys will never know how bad it really is.

>> No.20133310

I don’t believe you

>> No.20133356

ive had several shit jobs

worked for a College Hunks Hauling Junk for $10/hr moving heavy ass furniture up and down stairs for 10+ hours a day and cleaning up massive piles of garbage

worked as a manager in a restaurant, most stressful job ive ever had

but the worst was when I worked as the assistant manager at fucking Five Below. holy fucking SHIT that job sucked fucking ass simply because of my coworkers and the people who came in the store

>> No.20133391
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Are these two girls?
Is that blonde "thing" a boy or a girl?
Is the girl with the ring a man?

I'm confused.

To reply to your thread, I never worked a single day in my life.

>> No.20133428

They have opposite benis/holes. Bets on divorce or suicide happening first?

>> No.20133449

whats your reasoning for caring so much?

>> No.20133452

Went to university in London (I'm American). Lived in Grove Park which is zone 4 iirc, I was working at this pub in St. Paul's but wanted to work a little closer to home since the commute was like an hour so I tried working at this gastropub down the street from my house.

Interview went good, place seemed relatively chill, not very busy and staff seemed alright, manager was decent. Did a trial shift and everything went well, started my first real shift and immediately the manager (male) started being a giant cunt for no reason to me, super passive aggressive even though I was doing fairly well. Assistant manager was a woman who within 5 minutes of meeting me accused me of lying to her over an extremely trivial thing, I literally couldn't believe what she was saying (accused me of lying about where in the pub I had last seen the manager). Think she was literally insane. After about 2 hours the manager said something slick to me and I couldn't help the look on my face of WTF, about 30 sec later told him it would be my last shift but I could stay for the rest of the night since they were short-handed, he said they didn't need me so I left. It doesn't sound that bad written out but I've never quit a job that fast, hard to describe how shitty the atmosphere was.

>> No.20133495

I've worked all kinds of shit jobs but nothing comes close to how soul crushing a call center job is. You can't zone out, people are angry and don't speak English at you all day. You're every second and word is tracked by advanced software that slows down your computer to an infuriating level, your coworkers are loud, stupid and claim to hate their job but have been there years and have no escape plan. The bosses make the same amount of money as you but the only people who last long enough in those places to get promoted are assholes who think they run the place. I lasted 9 months while trying to find a better job after I graduated. U would have killed myself if I didn't.

>> No.20133539
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Sold weed in college it was pretty dope. Made a lot of friends, fucked a lot of average looking chicks, probably would’ve fucked the hot ones of it was coke. Did fuck one super fine dime right before I graduated that was unexpected and fucking awesome.

The shit job was after graduating and working for my folks but bretty ez just boring af.

>> No.20133570

I've had em all, bad pay, horrible physical labor and working conditions etc.

I nominate two to the list. One was a sales job that turned out to be straight cold calling, did pretty well but after 6 months of 12 hour days with constant rejection I just gave up. My day was literally 90 minute drive in Chicago traffic, 12 hours of absolute hell, 90 minute commute back, drink as many beers as I could before I fell asleep. + Phone calls at night because it was logistics.

2nd was a .gov job, should have been fairly easy but I had the most nigger woman boss in the world. Literally always on my ass, all the time and took everything incredibly personally. I was doing purchasing and there was no information on how to do my job / just a giant clusterfuck. Last 2 months weren't bad though, everyone was on vacation so I showed up late, left early and basically did fuck all for two months. I completely screwed her over in the end and giving the two weeks notice felt so amazing. "What do you mean our entire funding is going to get reabsorbed because we didn't spend it and now we don't have supplies, what did you do all summer I." Ma'am, wish I had an answer but I'm putting in my two weeks have fun

>> No.20133588

tech support, retail, food service, manual labor. All were pretty shit.

>> No.20133613

I did a paper route too, except I didn't have to pay for any of the papers and they were dropped off at my house every morning at 6AM shrink wrapped in plastic. took me 30 minutes to an hour each day, and I made AUD$40 per week. not bad, I saved up for a bass guitar and amp with it

>> No.20133624

Working a convenience store run by an indian manchild. Had to toss drunk niggers daily and the smoke from the unregulated kitchen burned my eyes

>> No.20133631

KP for 9 years before I walked nearly fucking killed myself doing that job and now I'm unemployed .... yey.....

>> No.20133658

The one pretending to be a boy is a girl, the one pretending to be a girl is a boy.

>> No.20133682

And for some reason this is a huge deal for some people lmao.

>> No.20133694

Worked in the Pottery Barn stock room for minimum wage in high school, most brain rotting experience of my life.

>> No.20133713
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Worked as an enlisted electrician onboard a U.S submarine. 100+ hour work weeks for 6 years making barely above poverty pay, working for nigger tier middle managers who couldn't make it on the outside so they advanced through attrition.They did pay for my lasik and are currently paying for my college but 0/10 would never do again.

>> No.20133737

It is not barely above poverty wages when you have no major expenses.

>> No.20133738

Worked at College Hunks too
The place was so fucking mismanaged and I was working for two old fags who boned each other. Made me captain after my first month there, pretty much because I was the only person who wasn’t retarded or black. The work is pretty brutal but I always felt accomplishment at the end of the day and loved the workout. The worst part was working with dopes, almost no one actually in college.

>> No.20133755

Fuck that. What’s your major?

>> No.20133754

hoo boy submariners are a special breed

>> No.20133773
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NEET is god tier

>> No.20133793

It’s actually hard to get welfare unless you’re disabled.

>> No.20133818

>picking strawberries in a field
did this when I was like 14 y-o but only lasted a week. basically they would pay you for how many buckets of strawberries you could fill up in a day, I averaged $10-14 per day while the seasoned pickers would do like $30-40. Just boring work under the sun

>assembly line worker at fridge factory
fridge slowly rolls through at your station, spend 30 seconds on it adding a couple of parts/screws, 5-10 seconds downtime. another oven rolls through. Rince and repeat for 8 hours. Just a mindlessly boring repeatitive job in a factory with zero windows or sunlight that a monkey could/should do

>doing surveys at a call center
you basically sit at your desk and cold-call random people to do surveys on boring topics. Most people just hang up on you and the few people that actually agree to do the surveys are old retired boomers that are simply happy to talk to a human being. You are evaluated on how many surveys you are able to complete in a day. Since then, whenever I get call to do a survey I do it because I know how much the job sucks

>garbage man
Did this for about 10 months until I hurt my back and had to quit. If you're a city employee it's not too bad since you'll likely be in a union, have a decent wage and overall you will work at a chill laid-back pace, but personally I worked with a private company that's paid by the city for the amount of tons of garbage that gets picked up, which means we have to operate as fast as possible.
That basically means jogging behind the garbage truck for most of the day while tossing,/throwing shit like a madman. I remember out of the 10 people that got hired with me, only 2 of us made it past a week because you need to be in great physical condition rightaway otherwise it simply won't work. As for the veteran garbage men that had been there for years, all of them had fucked up shoulders/back from the countless tons of shit they pick up and toss in the truck.

>> No.20133853

>2nd was a .gov job, should have been fairly easy but I had the most nigger woman boss in the world. Literally always on my ass, all the time and took everything incredibly personally. I was doing purchasing and there was no information on how to do my job / just a giant clusterfuck. Last 2 months weren't bad though, everyone was on vacation so I showed up late, left early and basically did fuck all for two months. I completely screwed her over in the end and giving the two weeks notice felt so amazing. "What do you mean our entire funding is going to get reabsorbed because we didn't spend it and now we don't have supplies, what did you do all summer I." Ma'am, wish I had an answer but I'm putting in my two weeks have fun
Lmao had a goverment job too. Latina boss who was oversensitive and gave mixed signals. On one end she acted lile she had the hotd for me on the other shed do a complete 180 and be a huge bitch. Quit without a 2 weeks notice after purposefully doing little work for like 4 weeks. Got 1 other government job after it, hated it, and quit shortly after rather than putting up with it like I did with the first one. Both felt like police states. Where the heck do i get an actual comfy government job!?

>> No.20133862

all of them.

>> No.20133877

>almost no one actually in college
kek yep.

"so are any of you actually in college"
- every client ever

>> No.20133885
File: 211 KB, 1129x2015, 91C5C14A-12C0-4117-81D4-81AE3833A6FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bro, I got 2.5 years left on the sub I’m gonna kms. I’m an electronics technician nuke. Literally 30k/year until E5 ( quotas are fucked this year, but that will boost it to ~50k) for 80-100 hour work weeks. Every 3rd day I stay on the boat for 24 hours + work a normal work week. Monthly exams, constant knowledge interviews with captain, XO, ENG, maintenance and 100000 quals, just so we can bomb countries until they allow gay marriage. Lmao gonna sad out the millisecond RLC hits $10.

>> No.20133899

Ten years ago I would have thought this was satire.

>> No.20133930

>Where the heck do i get an actual comfy government job!?

>> No.20133950

KFC was pretty shit, I made the mistake of being good at closing shift which meant that was all I ever got put on. They spread out the good people so you have to carry retards every night instead of working with your bros and smashing it out. They never fire anybody either so people would just not turn up to shifts and fuck you over with no consequences.

>> No.20133960

wait are you in a submarine right now?

>> No.20133971

Its fucked up. Its literally satanism, our handlers are trying to invert everything. Why do these people feel the need to marry? Why cant they just invent their own thing? Its fucking disgusting.

>> No.20134015

The British are shitty people. Trust me I know I am one.

>> No.20134027

Can relate.
I left university after 3 months and started working regular shitty jobs. After working at 2 meat processing plants for 6 months there was more than enough motivation to go to university again and to graduate no matter what. I graduated with honors in CS and already working in software for 3 years now.
Working shitty jobs can be the best thing ever if you are the kind of person that gets motivated from hard times.

>> No.20134041
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No we’re in port so electric boat can collect shekels and “deliver” on their government contract. I’m enjoying a decadent 2 day weekend for the national holiday and because my duty rotation allows it.

>> No.20134052

>the moment rlc hits 10$
So never?

>> No.20134055
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Electrical engineering, it's hella comphy going to college and getting paid as much as when I was in. Turns out you can pull unemployment while getting the GI Bill.

>> No.20134065
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Yea dude, at least your an et so you don't have to fuck with motor/generators. If I ever see carbon dust again I'll brain myself.

>> No.20134117
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3 section duty is the most soul crushing experience on the planet. The upside is it's all gravy once you get out, just don't re-enlist, it's that fucking easy. Fuck chiefs, fuck officers, and fuck the navy

>> No.20134123

Nuke, so smart but not smart enough to ignore the recruiter and go CTN. Sorry anon, at least your outside prospects will be good.

>> No.20134167

That's what I've heard, some of the higher GS jobs like IT seem decent or the WG doing a trade type work both seem pretty good too.

But most of the military folk I know who go contracting one way or another end up having a way better job.

>> No.20134180

don't nukes get $100k re up bonuses?

>> No.20134184

Honestly this. Trannies are demons.

>> No.20134198

QC at a salad dressing factory

>> No.20134199

I served in the Marines for a while, didn't really care for it. Now I'm a government contractor (trades). I employ a handful of people and do very little work for a very decent salary.

Government employees tend to make more than I do, but they also work way more hours and put up with way more shit.

>> No.20134239

Sure do but at what cost, nukes get worked to death. One of the worst work life balances and highest suicide rates in the military.

They also make 100k+ on the outside and have way better and easier jobs. I don't understand why one would sign that contract unless they got a felony or something that barred them from working on the outside.

>> No.20134250
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Yea, but the Navy doesn't give anything for free. The job sucked so hard that I turned that I turned it down. It's like groundhogs day, except every day you wake up with a sandpaper road cone lodged deeply in your ass.

>> No.20134261

you wrote all that just so you can say nigger? no wonder you work like a slave

>> No.20134385

Easily my job I had as a service advisor for a Chevy dealership. Customers at Chevy/Cadillac are some of the worst and entitled pieces of shit ever. Not to mention my management. I got bitched at by my service director in front of a customer once for not getting his email so that he could get a survey. I worked 6:45 am-7:00 pm every day. I had 0 control over when my customers cars would finish and the techs were lazy as shit. The only way you could be a “good” advisor was if you were in the good ole boys club with management and they could force techs to take your work and finish it as fast as possible. I was actually suicidal working there, and I’ve never been that way. I took a job soon after that at a Toyota dealership and it was a complete 180 night and day difference. Management didn’t suck ass, customers were way better, similar schedule but at the very least I was friends with everyone and made good money. I’ve been laid off about 4 months now due to covid, but I’m looking forward to going back. Working at Chevy opened my eyes. Simply for my experience there I’ll never buy another Chevy product

>> No.20134401

go back to reddick you dumb nigger.

>> No.20134403

a lot of the comfy-ness is just because contractors work under a different set of laws than employees.

for example it's generally illegal for a client to dictate my work schedule or tell me how many hours I need to be present to do a job. If they do either of those things I can claim to be their employee and they have to provide half my FICA and all of my workman's comp as well as a gov salary on federal jobs.

there's a lot of similar regulations that are required to keep contractors separate from their clients and the government is a stickler on laws. They can't tell me how to dress, what time to show up for work, what I should look like, who I can hire, etc. They can provide limits within a range, but legally they can't dictate much about how and when I do my job.

so there's a significant distance kept between the worker and the client. Firing or overseeing a contractor is also a whole legal process that is much more difficult than with an employee. Even a federal employee in the union is easier to fire than me, and they're about impossible to get rid of.

so the nature of the role makes the job much more chill just because of legal requirements. Clients have to keep significant distance from the operations of contractors. There are of course trade-offs. You have to be good at what you do to keep getting contracts, but the bar is amazingly low. Also work is only guaranteed for the term of the contract so job security isn't really a thing unless you're employed by a contractor that regularly gets jobs. But then you're back to being an employee and suffering all the crap that goes with that minus the sweet sweet federal pay and benefits.

>> No.20134419


>> No.20134421
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Working in a call center selling bullshit magazine subscriptions or charity shit.

Having to bull old ladies out of their retirement money is one of the most soul draining things I've ever done.

>> No.20134456

They need to be thrown off of a rooftop

>> No.20134736

Front office admin work at a college. People are so fucking entitled holy shit.

>> No.20134782

>having a job
>going to reddit

>> No.20135834

That is normal here

>> No.20136015

I sold car wax at gas stations to retard niggers in the hood. Got fired for failing to show up to work at 5 am with no notice cuz I didn’t give a fuck.

>> No.20136044

I am a professional LOKI staker sir, so, the job is good. It'll BE good, forever. Imagine being a wagie.

>> No.20136915

Operating these horrible wood burning generators for a company that was an investor scam. So much varying degrees of tar and hazardous waste. I was not upset when they terminated my whole department

>> No.20136937

>Prioritizing diamond over gold band
